MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 192 Fanwai’s fourth

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After Siss entered, he saw that his family was surrounded by a black dog of unknown breed.

The black dog's face is very beautiful. The eyeball is amber. The body is smaller than the big white dog. The hair is longer and the black is shiny.

Sisi looked to the living room, and the layout of her apartment was the same but with a different feeling.

His vision is covered with a strong black tone, such as a large coffin-pressed person can't breathe.

The neighbors went downstairs to throw garbage and did not close the door?

Si Siyu walked over and played without a light weight, "Go back with me."

The big white dog has been single for many years, and it is so easy to have a good one. It will be easy to leave it and lick the black dog. It is very cheerful.


As a hard-nosed single dog, Sissy still can't understand, isn't there a similar kind? I was seduce a bit, what good is it?

He threatened "Big white, if you don't go back with me, don't go back."

In the eyes of the big white dog, only the **** is completely not the owner of the bird.

Sissi has a headache.

He moved his gaze to another dog. "Big black, what soup did you give to the white?"

The black dog squats like a little wife, letting the **** dog lick.

Si Siyu said nothing, just pick up the dog's rope on the ground and pull the white to the door.

The white dog's claws grabbed into the gap of the floor and refused to leave. It was screaming and grievous, and it was pitiful and pitiful. It was like crying, very unprofessional, and completely without the usual noble and glamorous.

The black dog bowed his head and licked his nose with the big white dog. The scene was a bit more beautiful.

Sissy’s face is dark, how do you feel that you are a vicious mother-in-law who is a good fight?

This is just a matter of understanding, it is difficult to give up?

On the left, the sound of the door opening, the eyes of Sister’s eyes, the neighbors at home?

He turned his head and just bumped into the neighbors and came out of the room.

Looking at each other, the two men took a face.

Sissy’s face is slightly twisted, buddy, at home, how come out?

The man was dressed in a home uniform, and there were a few unfinished reds on his hand. It seemed that the part was injured and blood was stained.

"You are right at the door."

Sisley’s eyebrows were picked. After seeing one side that day, they had never seen it. The new neighbor’s familiar tone was really letting him say nothing.

Somehow, Sissy suddenly thought of Chen. If the other party is in his position, it will definitely be hahaha, very enthusiastic.

The thoughts quickly returned, and Sissy converges to look at the way. "Yes, I live in the opposite door."

The man stretched out the clean hand, "white quote."

Sisi looked at the past strangely, the white name is rare. In the sky blue star is a symbol of the famous aristocrat, he can not help but more eyes, the neighbor is a white family?

If it is, then he hopes that this surname will be moved to this community, and he is still at the door, just a coincidence.

Seeing the neighbor's gaze, Sisi grabbed the hand and introduced his name.

Bai leads, "Mr. Si's name is good."

Sissi returned, "to each other."

Bai cited beckoning at the black dog, "Alice, come over."

The black dog that was originally squatting stood up from the floor.

This is the discovery that the black dog is a little taller than his white, but it is thin, so he looks at a small circle.

Hey, isn't this the female high man short?

With the experience of Sisi’s many years of watching the host’s rolling in the field of love, this is definitely not happy.

There are several hosts who all look down on their shorter, weaker goals, and the life in the room is not so harmonious. No one has reached the end.

The big white dog didn't have that consciousness, followed the black dog to the white lead.

Sissy shook his head, the person in love was a fool, and the dog in love was a stupid dog.

He explained the situation in front of him. After all, it was very impolite to rush into other people's homes.

"Mr. Bai, when I go out to walk the dog, the door of your house is not closed, and I hear love."

Stuart paused, "Alice's cry, he ran in."

Bai cited, "No problem."

He said, "Alice likes the white that Mr. Si raised, and has the opportunity to come back later."

Sissy faintly smelled a dead air from the man, his eyes were slightly stunned, not much to wait, forcing him to leave.

From that day on, the white dog suffered from lovesickness.

Sister sneered, "You are stunned again, I will take you to painless sterilization."

The body of the big white dog trembled and was honest.

Sisters drank red wine. "There is a problem with the door. You have a long heart, don't follow a mental retardation."

Big white shit, it seems to be saying that it doesn't matter to it.

Sisi smiled. "What kind of dog is raised by the owner? There is a secret in the white, and it is hidden. Alice will not be a little white flower."

His face changed slightly. He also said that Dabai is a mental retardation. Isn’t it a turning corner to say that he is also?

"Go, take you to a haircut."

Sisi went to get the rope. "If your host didn't talk about the object, I heard a rumor, lost love, cut the hair and start again."

The big white dog is listless.

Stuart took it out and saw that the opposite door was closed. He couldn’t help but feel relieved. Recently he was afraid of meeting neighbors.

Always feel gloomy.

Out of the community, Sissy’s footsteps are lazy. “Well, don’t be pity, love can’t touch.”

Big white dog is not reasonable.

Si Siyu lived alone. When he was holding a dog to relieve his nausea, he raised his feelings and raised his feelings. He was a little embarrassed today, and he was very serious. He brainwashed the white dog and put it on love. Distracted attitude to the other party.

The big white dog pulled his head all the time and was not interested in anything. It changed shape, still no spirit, and poor appetite.

Si Sizhen thought, if Chen is just fine, there is a way to make fun of it.

He has seen each other tease little yellow dogs, small golden snakes, and a lot of patterns.

There are black and white dogs on the street, where they follow the owner and the pace is lazy.

Sissy said, "Big white, that's pretty good."

Big white dog can't look up.

Sisi smacked the mouth of the mouth, it seems that this is the poison of Alice in the white.

In the past, the door was empty. He felt that there was a neighbor who should be good. Now, there is no better.

Dog owners and dogs are not simple.

Si Siyu’s footsteps stopped, Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

The man from the corner wore a black coat and still wears a top hat. His face is extremely deep and elegant. He walks on the street with long legs and is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Without the black dog, Sissy breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he was really worried about the impulsive things.

Bai led to ask, "Mr. Si, come out and buy something?"

Sissy said, "Let's go."

White to take a look at the white dog, "Winter shearing?"

Sissy picked up his lips and made up his mind. "Working on its ability to resist freezing."

Bai Yin said with a sigh, "Mr. Si is very thoughtful."

Sisi is modest, "okay."

He went back to the apartment. Bai Yin was with him. The two were not familiar, but they chatted inexplicably. They talked about dogs, communities, fruits and vegetables, and when the snow would be like this year's New Year's Eve.

Sisi thought, he may be really boring, colleagues have, do not know who it is, can't get along with ordinary occupations.

Wu Wuwu and his companions lived on other planets, and there were few opportunities to meet each other.

Thinking about something in my heart, Sisi did not pay attention and ran into the wall.

White led his hand, "Be careful."

Stuart didn't like to be close to anyone. This kind of contact has made him repellent, and he is not happy. He broke away, not cold or hot. "Thank you."

Bai Xin smiled a little, very gentle.

Sisley found that the neighbor's teeth were white and neat.

The neglected big white dog called twice, looking for a sense of existence. When entering the corridor, it was called even more powerful, and soon I got Alice’s response.

Sissy ignored it and entered the door by password.

He didn't notice that the people behind stared at his back, thoughtfully.

On the 16th, Star Alliance hosted a banquet in 11 and welcomed the home of Tianlan Xingbai to come here as a guest.

The scene was grand and the momentum was huge, and all the visitors were asked to present an invitation letter.

Sissy’s family was prominent, and he was an official in his generation. When he arrived here, he was broken.

Although he has become famous for being ignorant of people who are not known, there are alliances of adversaries in the major forums of the Central Network. It is still necessary to open a personal domain and call up invitations.

After the strictly observing officers examined the fingerprint information on the invitation letter, they made a "please" gesture.

Stuart quits the personal domain, the dust that does not exist on the bomb, and lifts the foot into the hall.

When the father who entered the room saw his son, he greeted several of his colleagues and did not gossip.

"Don't you let you wear military uniforms? How do you wear pajamas?"

Sissy, ""

He has a forehead. "Dad, I am the latest."

The father said with a face, "You are a soldier, to participate in such a big occasion, do not wear military uniforms like."

Si Si raised his eyebrows, his father did not mention, he forgot that he was a soldier. "Is this not a welcome party? Is there a requirement for wearing?"

Father said, "The White House owner is the new ruler of Sky Blue Star. Star Alliance attaches great importance to his arrival."

Siss snorted, what does this have to do with him.

Father’s face is serious. “Your mother is ready, let me bring you a set.”

Sissy was annoyed by his father and went to change his dark blue uniform.

Father nodded with satisfaction, "nice."

The next moment, he said the real reason for his son to change his uniform. "There will be many women with excellent conditions at this banquet. You will seize the opportunity."

Sissy, ""

He pulled the military uniform neckline, not as good as the white hair at home.

Alice in the neighbor's house called very few days, and the white disease was serious. Sissy was extremely suspicious, and Alice gave a curse to the white.

I heard that a breed of dog can emit an odor that can make a companion indulge in a short time.

Alice is very likely to be.

Two people came in at the entrance, the height was equal, and they looked outstanding. Even in a bunch of handsome guys, they were still very conspicuous.

Seeing the two people, Sissy’s eyes were slightly stunned.

He screamed at the corner of his mouth, Chen, you are the guy who is wrong.

The mouth said that feelings are waste, but go to the virtual world to pick people back.

Probably Sissy’s eyes were too obvious, and Chen was aware that he looked at the past.

Sisi did not turn his head, and Chen’s gaze was on the opposite side. He went to see the man next to the other side. After a moment, he took back his sight and turned around to look elsewhere.

Chen is also moving his brow, and the military uniform is very suitable for Sisi.

He took a step toward the position where Sisi was standing. "I am going to say hello to the acquaintance."

Strictly and steadily blocking Chen’s line of sight, “No need.”

Chen and Emei, "You let the opening, blocking me."

Strictly said, "Let's go out and breathe."

Chen’s face was pumping. “You go through it, I am going to find the fourth.”

They just entered the market, what kind of gas?

The stern face sank, pulling Chen and going to a remote corner.

Chen added, "How did you promise me before coming out?"

Strictly ignored.

Chen took up the wine glass. "I passed the assessment and I have the strength of the fourth."

Severely frowning, "Are you not giving him a bonus?"

Chen added, "One yard is one yard."

The sharp lips are sharp, the arc is sharp, and his voice is low. "At that time, I would care about his excessive attention to you."

Chen and Yan’s man glanced, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

The fierce facial expression is fierce. "Who do you want to talk to? Sissy?"

Chen added, "Don’t be jealous."

Strict, ""

Chen gave the wine to the man. "The wine is good, try it."

Strictly sigh, "Well."

Chen added, "I checked from the main program network. The white family owner came for private affairs and will not leave at the end of this year."

Severely rubbing your eyelids, "You have so much energy, and you have time to check out irrelevant people."

Chen Zai, "" Come again, whoever vinegar eats, he remembers that he did not set it up, it is the self-awareness of this person.

Sisi, who spoke to a beautiful woman, was always paying attention to Chen. He caught a ring on the other's hand, and it was so strict.

Stuart couldn't believe it, and the two men blatantly announced their relationship to the outside world.


Seeing Chen and Li Yan, Sisi stunned, as if he saw the virtual world of Chen, familiar, and strange.

This is Chen's choice.

"Mr. Si, can you accompany me to sit there?"

Stuart looked at the woman in front of him, his face was big and his body was tall, he didn’t have any interest, he said without any grace.

, "No."

The woman’s face is exquisitely embarrassed, and she smiles. “Mr. Si is not willing to do it.”

Si Sizhen thought that this was the case. I didn't expect the other party to be there. I changed the topic and continued. It has been restored as usual and the mentality is very good.

He drank the last bite of the wine and turned his head.

The woman was unwilling to bite her lip, and the companions showed her contemptuous expression. She also said that she could go to the communication mark of the heir to the family, but the result was left.

"he is a."

The woman has a long hair and a smile, "I am sure."

When other people are making excuses for their own failures, they are both yin and yang, funny, and there is gas in the young master.

Sissy felt that she was free.

He circled around, hiding behind the pillars and eavesdropping on Chen’s dialogue with Li Yan, and was forced to put a dog food.

Severely discovered Sissy, the lips were hooked, and Chen was handcuffed, bringing people into his arms and getting close to him.

Sisi saw more men and women kissed, men and women kissed, and women and daughters kissed each other. Those who looked at the mission world from a similar perspective of God were not the same as those who felt there.

He could hear Chen’s disorganized breathing, soft and weak, and was controlled by the strictest and strict, and there was no possibility of escape.

Just listening to the sound, Sissi is hard.

He sneaked into the bathroom, and when he came out, he quickly went to the bathroom. When he came out, he still looked like a ghost.

I didn’t respond to the beauty, but the response was so big.

Si Siyi pressed the temple, it seems that he is not only boring, but also empty, to find something to do.

The father suddenly came over quickly. "Son, your mom just contacted me and said that it has been determined that there is a one-person data that is 100% compatible with you."

That is to say, they are destined to be the best partner of each other.

When I heard this result, I was shocked by the Secretary, and the future of the daughter-in-law was extremely deep with his son. It was arranged by God.

I don’t know who the future daughter-in-law is.

Wen Yan, Sissy’s face suddenly changed. “Dad, should you pass my consent before throwing my data into the spouse’s domain?”

Father said, "We asked, you can say."

The anger on Sissy’s face was stagnation, “When?”

Father said a few months ago.

Sissy recalled that at that time he was taking Chen and the other was still a mentally retarded person. It seems that mental retardation is really contagious.

He took a deep breath, "Who is it?"

The father said that it is not clear at the moment. "According to your mother's description, the pairing result appeared a week ago, and the other party has not given a response. It is probably a concern, investigating our company and you."

Sissy's facial convulsions, what a ghost, the man is difficult to make a secret review of him?

His heart is unhappy, what is 100%, the machine has failed, and since the establishment of the spouse network, I have never heard of such a high degree of fit.

"Unilaterally canceled."

The priest was about to talk, and there was a commotion at the entrance. The protagonist tonight arrived.

Sissy saw the coming in, his pupils tightened, wasn't that a neighbor?

Fuck, it won't

"Dad, is that the white house owner?"

Father nodded and said that he had received the notice from the main program a few minutes ago.

Stuart reached out to pinch the nose, and the ruler of Sky Blue Star was his neighbor. This did not make him feel happy, but it was weird.

There are many places to live in.

The white guide swept the hall, his eyes locked in one direction and walked over there.

He is extravagant, and every move involves the attention of everyone present.

When the neighbors came to see him, Sissy immediately stepped back a few steps, and he didn't want to be the focus of attention.

The author has something to say: I wrote asleep last night and fell asleep.

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