MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 181 The real world (20)

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There was nothing but nothingness in Chen’s mind. He turned on the switch in his mind. He took the uncontrollable step and went forward. He couldn’t stop.

Until the appearance of a sudden door, a screen-like sign hung on the door, with a few words on it - the main system office, the word is the kind of pen, and the strokes are very sharp, as if by hand. Will be swiped, giving people a very solemn feeling, but also extremely dangerous.

Didn't lift his foot in, Chen looked around, no one, no house, no other furnishings, he made a swallowing action, what happened?

I cried in the fierce arms of the moment, and this moment appeared in an inexplicable place.

Different dimension?

Chen recalled the contents of the mechanical sound. Every word he listened to was very clear. He understood the meaning, but he didn’t understand it at all. The system staff named 333, isn’t that the fourth-year colleague? After completing the assessment and being promoted to the main system, it is to be promoted and made a fortune.

But what does this have to do with him?

I remembered that there was a work card. Chen looked down and looked at it. He didn’t know when to hang a document on his chest. He opened his eyes and took the documents for a long time. The things above were not fancy, and there were two pure black ones. Capital letters, cy, the lower left corner is a black seal.

Cy, this will not be the abbreviation of Chen and the two words?

Suddenly there was a voice in the ear, like the doll that I bought when I was a child. The tone that I made when I pinched it, Chen was shocked. He looked around, but he didn’t have any fart.

Is not this nonsensical? You, he||Mom|Do not show up, talk lightly, will Laozi be scared of urine? Chen wants to break his throat.

What about the stuff? seal? Chen quickly went to the documents, and the ghostly squatting on the black seal above, can this thing still speak? Electronic? high tech? Who is going to hit me with a slap?

He spoke out from his mouth without thinking. "You said that you are a seal, but the seal is black."

Chen Zai, "..."

Chen can understand the latter part of the sentence. As for the first half of the sentence, what is the ghost? !

He took advantage of the documents, and he couldn’t find a flower for a long time. What should he do? I didn’t ask anyone personally. The only thing that can talk is a little smart thing. A master is obviously a problem.

I didn’t know how long it was standing outside the door. Chen really had no choice but to go to the door.

He was shocked by the sights in front of him. Is this really an office, not a park?

The clouds floated in a corner, the lake was clear, and the lotus leaves were covered with pieces. As the wind swayed gently, the bright red lotus flower stood still. The wooden bridge was at the foot of Chen and extended to the gazebo in the lake. Come and swim, play and play in the lake, there is a melodious guqin sound coming from afar.

The little things on the documents are constantly wow.

Chen also wants to wow.

Chen’s hands and feet are stiff and quiet. He needs it now. “Don’t call my master again. We are not familiar with each other. I don’t like people who are familiar with themselves.”

Chen almost plunged into the lake. He looked back, the door was still there, standing alone, quite strange.

A gust of wind blew, and Chen’s body had a layer of goose bumps. The coolness was very real. He pouted and walked onto the wooden bridge and walked step by step to the pavilion.

There is a lot of space in the pavilion, there is a white screen, a chair, but there is nothing else, but it is like a place to work.

Chen sat down on the chair. From his point of view, he could take all the beautiful scenery on the lake into his eyes. He could move his nose and smell the faint lotus fragrance.

This kind of office, there is only in the dream.

A line of words suddenly appears on the white screen: After the identity is confirmed, is the data recalled?


Although Chen still couldn't figure out what the situation was, he subconsciously felt that data recall was a bad choice.

The writing on the screen disappears and appears again, accompanied by a humming sound: the prompt, the data will be automatically recalled after ten minutes, do not leave the dl area.

Chen is crazy, where is the dl area?

Chen vomited blood. He stood up anxiously from the chair and wanted to run out of the pavilion. Mom||Forcing, I don’t know what to do, he can’t move, and a finger can’t.

Chen’s blood rushed to the top of his head, and when he was at a loss, the white screen shot a light curtain and covered him.

At that moment, the wind in all directions stopped, the clouds solidified, the squid in the lake no longer swims, the lotus leaves are stiff, and the area is still.

More than a long time, Xu is three or five minutes, and it seems to be ten minutes. The light curtain fades, the clouds are misty, floating to the distance, the wind passes through the pavilion, dances around the lotus leaves, the carp jumps up, and the golden color is sprinkled on the lake. Water light.

Everything was restored to its original state, and the shortness of stillness did not seem to have happened.

Chen closed his eyes and opened it. It was like a black cloth on the floor. He didn’t have any emotions. He sat back in his chair and faintly said, "Little green, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen raised his hand and pressed it on the screen. A page appeared with a variety of icons arranged on it. He opened an icon and first changed the background of the bridge.

Looking at the dynamic picture of the blossoming chrysanthemum, Chen put his hands on the abdomen and crossed the fingers together. "How?"

Chen added, "I think so too."

When his words fell, he set it again. The chrysanthemum dynamic picture disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a gray sky. From time to time, a drop of rain fell, leaving a water mark on the screen, as if it was really raining.

The pavilion is silent.

Chen squinted and combed the whole process of assessment.

One day, he was working, and suddenly received a notice from the main program, asking him to accept the assessment of the main system, and said three major points of assessment content, love, friendship, family.

It is said that 000 and 111 have become legal couples. The original body of 222 is a human of a lower planet. During the host's host period, it has an emotional ambiguity with the mission target. In the end, in order to maintain balance, it has not been able to smoke.

Among the four people with similar qualifications, only his three feelings are not.

Therefore, the main program will select him to be the next main system. Of course, it must be after the passing of the assessment.

After receiving the notice, Chen took time off at home and made a detailed and complete plan for his assessment, which can be said to be seamless.

Family is Chen Weidong and his wife, friendship is Xia Hong, Xiao Wei, as for love, Chen uses a kind of intelligent virus he created himself, named km, which acts as a gatekeeper and acts as a firewall to poison poisoning. Protect his personal procedures.

Once there is a foreign passenger || invasion, km will take the initiative to attack, directly destroy it and gain energy.

Chen is very satisfied with km, constantly improving its function, creating a body for it, helping to look after his work during his work.

Even cooking his life.

Chen has a strong sense of self-protection. He knows that love is different from family and friendship. If he is afraid of any uncontrollable accidents, he will think of a perfect strategy and throw the trusted km into his plan and become a crucial one. ring.

And added some data such as cruelty, ruthlessness, indifference, bloodthirsty to km, and set obstacles for his task, and realized love.

After that, according to the assessment requirements, Chen made all the relevant data of his own adjustments. In fact, it is two very different personalities.

In the real world, he is known as a legend in the Central Network. The code of the program has never been broken. He is solitary and introverted. The city is deep and good at calculation. He is lively and cheerful, sunny, simple, kind, and intelligent in assessing the world. Low, sometimes like a mental retardation.

He does not cook and cook, hates singing and dancing, and thinks that it is a waste of time, boring, more disgusting of any snacks, and he loves these things in the world.

The biggest hobby is doing boring things.

All the assessment tasks were written by Chen, including the clearing of the first task, and instilling him with the second task. The world is a real world misconception. Supporting him with the data of Chen Weidong Finally, the family value will be met.

And 444 became a guardian, and it was also Chen's arrangement. Even the one that was sent to the last mission world to clear the km and fled, and the little **** that danced was also in his plan.

Everything went as usual, and the assessment passed smoothly. There was no miscalculation.

Chen and Emei, is that really the case...


During his mission, km is constantly undergoing transformation, and he has a sense of autonomy and is no longer bound and controlled by him.

After a while, Chen took down the work card and wanted to leave the virtual space.


Chen also touched the seal, "Tomorrow."

The next second, his figure disappeared.

Xihe District is home to a number of single-family villas, which are separated by a large space and have a large area of ​​green coverage. This area is rich and cannot be bought. The people who live in special jobs are different from ordinary people. Less contact, even never met.

There is a villa surrounded by trees, surrounded by quiet, no bird foraging.

A room on the north side of the building, the door opened, and Chen, who was wearing a home service, came out from the inside. His face was extremely pale, and his eyes had clear blue shadows. He stayed in the virtual space for a long time and completed the assessment. Mission, mental overdraft is serious, need to take a good rest for a while to slow down.

Entering the bedroom, Chen’s body leaned back and fell to sleep on the bed. He slept and slept for two days.

The main program has issued a notice to announce who the new master system is.

Every system staff member is a genius in some respects. They wear equipment in their respective residences, and work from the conscious data into the virtual space of the system network. They come out of the system network and return to the real world. No one knows. each other.

Because the signing of the life and death agreement, the staff is required to be absolutely confidential, and the contents of the work cannot be disclosed to avoid causing public curiosity, and even if it is a couple of people, it will not work.

Unless there is an intersection between employees, it is not only necessary to sign an agreement, but also to make a request to the boss.

The approval time is uncertain. Maybe it will be a few minutes, maybe two or three days. Maybe you have to wait until the monkey year and the moon.

Si Siyu lived in a community with Wu Wuwu. He saw one or two times when he walked the dog. Because a work accident met in a virtual space, he realized that everyone was in the same department and did the same job.

This time it was the first time for the two people to come out with each other. The mood was very depressed and very complicated.

Sister sipped her coffee. "I feel like I’m stupid during this time."

Wu Wuwu said, "I feel the same."

Next is a long, short, short silence.

Si Siyu and Wu Wuwu did not even think about it. This is an assessment from beginning to end. They are the accompanying examiners.

What kind of virus, what data, what high-level secret meeting, what employees are punished, all his||mother|| are all plays, others are the protagonists, they are supporting roles.

The routine was too deep and they were trapped.

Stuart put the cup on the table and his face was not so good.

On the day of his employment, he received all the contents of the employee handbook and knew that the main system would not be replaced unless there was a force majeure factor, such as death.

The former main system is probably dead, and there is a new replacement.

Si Siyu only heard that the main system had to undergo a special assessment before taking office. The ghost knew that it would make such a big move and let other people participate. The one is completely self-made.

Wu Wuwu said, "I want to open a point. Later, he is our boss, especially you, and he is pointing to him to give you a bonus."

The muscles on the face of Si Siyu||The meat is followed by a pumping. "You are a dozen soy sauces. I don’t have much screens for me. I haven’t entered the show. I’m being played by a group. Can you say that you want to open? ”

When he thinks about it, he thinks that he has inadvertently discovered that the real world is the secret of the first mission world. In order to remind Chen, not only the script name of "The Fifth World" but also the information is written. The lyrics of that song.

The courage is that the setting is good, and the assessment is for.

At the beginning of the death of the other party, he has been watching in secret, and his heart has been uncomfortable many times, and even the idea of ​​breaking the rules and taking the risk to help, really did.

No, headache, Si Siyi clenched his fist with one hand, against the forehead, and his face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

The one who entered the system network earlier than him, how long ago, did not know, seniority, has been living in the legend, the content he has heard enough to show that the other party is not gregarious, no friends, can not exist forever .

The Chen he knows is unrestrained, hey, haha, want to cry, cry, want to laugh and laugh, clearly is a mental retardation, and the legendary Gaoling flower is not similar, how can be the same person.

Si Siyu sighed, and if he had the chance to meet, he had to give Datun's tea, and he said hello, and the bonus was important and irreplaceable.

The head hurts even more.

Wu Wufu said coldly, "You shouldn't have that kind of thought for him?"

Sissi does not change color, "Which?"

Wu Wuwu bent his mouth and smiled and said, "You know what I mean."

Sissy also laughed. "I don't understand."

Wu Wuwu, "..."

He is the same as the 222 who is not masked. He is a creature of the lower planet. After completing the task, he took the job, changed his identity from the host, made the system, and did it for many years. He couldn’t talk much about love, but just got used to it. And, they all have the desire to guard the existence.

Si Siyu is different. He was a system worker at the beginning. He was born in a famous way. He was rich and wealthy. He did not have the ups and downs of his experience. He dismissed his feelings and thought it was irrelevant.

"If you have time, I can introduce you to you. There are many single women around me. The conditions are also good. Men also have them."

Sissy said, "I don't have time."

When Wu Wuwu’s words were just picked out, they were blocked and could not continue.

Sisi squeezed a few noses and looked at the street outside the window with light gray eyes. "You said, is it passing the assessment? That person will put all the friends and relatives of the virtual world, as well as lovers, these corresponding characters. Are all data cleared?"

Wu Wuwu is awkward, difficult. Only when he really invests in it will he complete the assessment. However, if he invests, it means that he has used his heart and cannot retreat.

He was not the same at that time.

I thought that when I finished all the tasks, I will forget the people and things in the mission world. I will live happily in the real world, marry and have children, and be safe and happy, but I will not do it at all.

I thought so in my heart, Wu Wuwu said another answer, "I don't know."

In front of a person who doesn't understand what love is, he still doesn't say much, and the other party can't listen.

Sisley’s brows were wrinkled and I didn’t know what I was thinking.

Wu Wuwu took the spoon and stirred the coffee. "Do not worry, how long it will take, if you don't have it tomorrow, you will not be entangled."

Sisley raised his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Wu Wuwu said, "You and my memory will be cleaned up, and some of the fragments that appeared during the assessment."

Sissy’s look changed and changed, “No?”

Wu Wuqi shrugged, no more explanation, his meaning is clear, it will be.

After separation, Sisi returned to his place of residence, went to work as usual, and got off work. After a few days, there was no movement.

He contacted the only colleague Wu Wuwu, "Don't clean up?"

Wu Wuwu said that according to his understanding, according to the regulations, it is necessary to do so. After all, it involves *, "that may not matter."

It’s not important to say that Stefan’s heart is not relieved.

After more than a month, Sisi came out to walk the dog and met a person on the river. Far away, he was familiar with the back, and when he walked over, the other party just turned around.

Looking at each other, one side is light gray eyes, one side is dark eyes, and the other is tears in the corners of the eyes.

It’s a real white dog, and the other side is a smart little yellow dog.

Just as Sisi’s irritability didn’t know what kind of mentality to face the newly appointed boss, the other party spoke first and sparsely. “Thank you.”

Understand what it means, and Sissy also returned a simple reply, "Polite."

They rub shoulders and go against their backs.

Sisi gnawed his teeth, and he turned and stalked up and slammed the man.

Not long after, the two sat in the restaurant.

The restaurant has rules, pets can not be brought in, in addition to smart models, so the Sishao family's white was taken to the temporary area by the waiter, and Chen Xiao's Xiao Huang was squatting at his feet.

Sisi’s support, impulsiveness is the devil, it is a thought of killing. He called people, calmed down, but did not know what to say.

Chen took the menu and ordered, "What do you want to eat?"

Sisi is absent-minded, "arbitrarily."

Chen is really very casual. When he finishes the food, he will open the terminal and check out. "I will treat you this time. Thank you for your help in my promotion."

Sissy touched the corner of his mouth and gave a meaningless smile.

There are not many guests in this restaurant, the dishes are very fast, and you can come in and eat.

Chen was eating the food on the plate. His movements were slow, his fingers were white with his knife and fork, and his face was sick, like his face and lips.

The kind of paleness set off his own cold, and refused to be a thousand miles.

Si Siyu looked at the pain in his eyes. When he saw the food that he had seen before, he went to the little guy who ate a big mouth to eat and eat. He forked a few steaks and left it boring.

"why me?"

Not waiting for Chen to answer, Si Siyu continued, "555 character is gentle, the host under the hand has always been patient guidance, 666 although iron-faced selfless, but he is the most principled one, never dig pit for the host The 777, the upper one, and the 777, is a teacher. It is a textbook-style teaching. Any one is more conducive to your task than me."

Chen has a faint eye, "You are above me."

Stuart frowned. "What is the reason?"

Chen swallowed the food in his mouth. "I am retired. It is you who sit in that position, so you need to be familiar with the assessment steps in advance."

Sisie laughed, not sure if he was disdainful of the position, or who was disgusted.

Chen added, "Pay attention to your attitude."

Si Siyu smiled and didn't smile. "I still like you with mental retardation."

Chen is still a cold and not hot gesture. "I don't want to hear it again from your mouth."

Sisi glared at the face, and the whiteness was blue. At first glance, the life was not normal, and there was no pity of personal control. It was still high and did not eat human fireworks. "I am not biased?"

Chen blinked again. "I heard that you like bonuses very much?"

Sissy, "..."

There was no appetite. He leaned back against the back of the chair and hugged his hands on his chest. "Can I ask you a question?"

Chen added, "Ask."

Sissy organized the language and asked half a question. "The strict existence is set by you. Then you are coming back. What is his ending? Do you really care about the virtual world?"

Chen added, "This is two issues."

"Given that you have not followed the rules, the chance to answer your question is void."

Si Siyi had a face, and Chen became his boss. He still wanted to fight each other.

Not long after the contact, Si Siyu found that he was wrong. Although one person has changed a lot, it is now difficult to ponder. It is no longer a mental retardation that can be easily abducted, but the essence is the same.

For example, owe it.

Si Siyu went to see it again. He found that this was not the case. This person was interested in changing all aspects of his own during the assessment. The final world did not change with the first world.

The explanation is extremely satisfied with his face, which is very similar to the virtual Chen.

Chen suddenly picked up his eyelids and his eyes were unfathomable.

Sissy's inexplicable back is cool, and there is a illusion that the internal organs are being scanned, as if the things in his heart have been turned over, spread out on the table, and opened by the other party.

Chen asked, "Is there a pick-up manual?"

Sisi is not clear, "I threw it early, and then said, who has nothing to do with that stuff, isn't it?"

Chen added, "Unfortunately, I brought it."

Sissy, "..."

He coughed, his face was slightly hot, and he was a little embarrassed. He hoped that the other party would not remember the hatred. The bonus was really important to him.

Chen added, "I avenge."

I was guessed on the spot, and Sissy’s eyes were pumping, so I didn’t have to talk.

Speaking of it, when he was working, he often called the other person with mental retardation, idiots, and prayers. Will not save the data one by one?

Chen also handed out the manual, "Manual Article 56. During the period of serving the system, it is forbidden to have feelings for any host. Office love is also not allowed. Once found, it will be expelled immediately and will not enter the central network for life."

Sissy said, "Well, what happened to 000 and 111? It’s all married."

Chen’s answer is very realistic. “Look at people.”

Sisley was unable to refute.

"They are elders, have privileges, you don't." Chen said very straightly, "So you can't like me."

Between that, the airflow on the table condensed.

"I like you?"

Sisi whispered twice, heard how many jokes, and forgot to converge in front of the boss. "You must have a limit to your narcissism."

Chen said not fast or slow, "I checked, in the process of my assessment, you contact me in the later period, heartbeat, breathing, body temperature, frequency of swallowing, brain waves, these data fluctuations are not normal, how many The number of times to reach love."

Sissy’s face was a burst of blue.

He can still have nothing to do with Wu Wuwu in front of Wu Wushou | | loaded, calm and unchanging, replaced by this person, two or three sentences make him fidgety, no longer calm.

Chen put down the knife and fork and wiped his mouth with a paper towel. "Emotions are waste. You should stick to this point of view. Don't lose because of smallness."

Wen Yan, Si Siyu suddenly looked up, his eyes became strange, "This is also your own thoughts?"

Chen reminded, "You have missed the opportunity to ask questions."

Silence for a long time, Sisi smiled, the three-dimensional facial features looked very deep and charming. "Although you are my boss now, however, I have no right to interfere in my private affairs."

Chen’s brows move, and there is no **** lip to open a curve. “What is it like? Like it, what can it bring to life, what does it change? Does it outweigh the disadvantages, or does it do more harm than good?”

Sissy found that the other party was not waiting for his own answer, as if he was talking to himself, he did not make a sound, just staring at the past.

People are still the little ones, one is a gray rainy day, and the other is a high sun.

Sisi can't help thinking that one day in the future, when he will take over the post, in order to complete the three major indicators, he will set up any assessment tasks for himself...

The sudden start of the meal, as well as the end.

Chen took a communication and left, not forgetting to bring his smart little yellow dog.

Stuart sat in a chair and walked across the street to see the youth walking down the street. She was thin and tall, and her figure was thin. There were men and women passing by him. No one thought that his brain contained the operational data of the world.

In the next few days, Si Siyu strolled up the river and never saw Chen again. The white hair of his family was blown by the cold wind | | chaos, the nose was dragged out.

"Big white, he won't know that I will come, so I don't show up?"

The white dog is in the wind, and there are tears in his eyes. He does not feel that his own owner is pitiful. He is blown by the wind.

Stuart took the big white dog back and walked and looked around. He suddenly smiled. "Tell you, poor is not me, but someone else."

The people and things in the virtual world are a bunch of data. If you want to disappear, you will delete the corresponding data, regret it, and then restore it. You can also return the data progress bar. The hand of the operation is with the hand of God. Not much difference.

The rights of these people are very large and small. The kind of things that change the data, not to mention intentionality, or mistakes, can't be.

The new person should be able to do it, the position is high, and the authority is bigger than them.

Sisi has a single-handed pocket. The timeline of the virtual world is different from the real world. The ten days here are ten minutes. When Chen returns, he is still watching, knowing what the other body is. status.

That is very strict...

Sisi smiled, Chen, what would you do?

Chen’s life is day after day, monotonous and boring. He used to be used to it because he has no father and no mother, only one person, used to, not used to it, always feel that the house is too deserted.

Therefore, Chen went to the central network of the housing design company about the designer, the house was re-modified, on a request, not empty.

The designer quickly gave the plan and was rejected by Chen. It was still not possible.

After five or six consecutive changes, the designer's mouth was blistering. He packed up the plan on the table. This customer is a rich owner. He can live here, his identity is not ordinary, and he is still a fool. | Officer||, he did not dare to offend.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any thoughts? You can say it, I will record it, go back and discuss it with my team."

When the designer finished, he did not hear the response, he looked up and swallowed.

The young man was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He leaned against the sofa and turned the magazine on the sofa. He was lazy and casual. He did not wear socks on his feet. He put it on the sofa, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The light of the lamp was pale, and it was cast from the head of the young man, and his black hair was illuminated with a warm glow. A little light fell on his face. The body was thin and warm, a little cold.

The designer finally understood what the youth’s request was for.

He thought that the house is so big, the lighting is good, the scenery is beautiful, and the location is what most people can't dream of. When they live alone, it is impossible to live in a warm and lively atmosphere.

After waiting for a while, I still can't wait for the reply. The designer said, "Mr. Chen, then I will..."

His voice was interrupted by the sound of the magazine falling on the coffee table.

"Slightly wait."

Chen got up again and left with bare feet. When he came back, he had a piece of paper in his hand. "According to this."

The designer took the paper and found it to be a design. It was very simple. Some areas just painted a circle and replaced it with a name. However, it was much better than a no-brainer.

"Mr. Chen, we will give you a complete design plan as soon as possible, without disturbing you."

Chen continued to lie back on the sofa. He put his hand on his back and put his foot on the wooden floor. He lifted it in the air and stood on the other side of the sofa. He lifted his legs.

"This position is really much more comfortable."

Chen muttered to himself, he took the magazine and put it on his face, blocking the glare from the top of his head.

In the dark, the consciousness will be easy to blur, and Chen gradually fell asleep. He usually does not work, there is no fun, almost all sleep, from dark to dawn, from dawn to dark, every time I sleep for a long time.

This time Chen did not sleep for a long time and woke up because of a dream.

He sat up, staring at a void, a little confused, and fleeting.

In the evening, Chen entered the virtual space. The office is no longer a lake pavilion with elegant ancient charm, but a labyrinth-like building. The darkness and darkness will have a certain impact on the visual.

The office is set with four pillars, each with a lantern, which is especially awkward, like the imperial city buried under the ground for hundreds of years, full of gloomy feelings.

Chen closed his eyes and started working.

Shortly after he took office, he was familiar with all the jurisdictions of the main system, and he had to sort out the trivial matters that the predecessors did not complete.

Suddenly, the predecessor went, and some things stopped halfway, and it was too late to finish.

Chen held his head and there were nearly twenty systems under his hand. The details of each person are here. He can look at it at will, and it doesn't mean anything.

"is it?"

Chen wants to drink something. He taps the keyboard to write the data. On the table, there is a cup of fragrant milk tea, which is full of enthusiasm and scent.

Chen took a bite from the tea, and sweetly raised his eyebrows, deleted the data, recovered it in a few seconds, and then drank.

Chen grinned again. "Drink a few more mouths, not so hard to drink."

Chen also directly banned his seal.

First, the fragrant milk tea, followed by cola, chicken wings, copper sizzling, ham, chicken feet, stinky tofu, strange things appearing in the office, the little green is not surprised, start to talk to its owner, ask to eat It is sweet and spicy, so good.

Sometimes, Little Green can't help but mention the world of assessment. Of course, the result is still banned.

Chen’s working hours are uncertain. He is busy entering the virtual space. He is not busy when he is in the real world. He is very busy when he is busy. Most of the time he is free. His work is much easier than before.

You don't need to have a host of strange characters, just those systems, and the main program.

When he was idle, Chen felt bored, but he had no friends, went out a trip, and soon returned. The shackles on the street made him irritated, repulsive, and contradictory.

One afternoon, Chen fell asleep in bed, woke up under the bed, his pants were wet, and he was lying on the floor, his face was quite a bit dumbfounded, very helpless.

Unfortunately, the staff of the former main system died, and the other party was very mysterious when he was alive. Chen did not see it. Otherwise, he would ask questions and how to deal with the aftereffects of the assessment.

Put on a clean clothes, Chen went to the studio, entered the virtual space, did not go to the office, the direction is the main program domain.

The guard’s staff asked for proof.

Chen lifted the sign on his neck, and the attitude of the staff changed. He immediately took him in the back and took him in.

The main program network does not have a table, a chair, a brick, a tile, or even a piece of dust, and some are countless light spots, each light point is a virtual world, the naked eye can not count, unless you look at the statistics.

Chen also operated according to the fingerprint, all the light spots began to flash, and there was a light spot in the large piece on the right side, floating quietly.

Suddenly, the spot covered the surrounding light spot and was instantly magnified. It was originally just a point. Now it becomes a virtual world, and everything is clear.

At this point, the main program issues a prompt: it is created by you, it is up to you to decide whether to delete or retain.

Chen did not say anything. He saw that the world was at night, the bedroom was lit with lights, and the bed was covered with gray-blue quilts. There was a big teddy bear on the bed and a few pink dolls on the side.

The door of the bathroom opened, the tall man came out, and a young black man lay in his arms. He closed his eyes and his arms fell down like asleep.

The man freed his hand to open the quilt and gently put the young man up. He sat in front of the bed and gently stroked it||touching the face of the youth, hoarse voice, "wife..."

Chen’s eyes flashed, he looked at the man’s pro||Kissing the hair of the youth, the eyebrows, when the man’s lips fell on the shackles of the young man’s eyes, his same position seemed to feel a softness||soft.

The next moment, Chen's gaze caught a tear, dripping from the man's eyes, squatting on the face of the young man, he unconsciously touched his face, and there was wetness in his hand.

It was he who cried.

Singing a sigh, Chen closed his eyes and closed, "I choose to keep."

The main program warns: It has an autonomy and is an independent individual. When you created it, you entered your consciousness mark. It can now cause fatal damage to you. You can no longer control it. Are you sure to keep it?

Chen added, "OK."

"Go pick up the individual."

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

30 minutes ago

Chapter 98

30 minutes ago
Read Godzilla In Konoha
ActionAdventureMartial ArtsSupernatural
Read Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure
Read Damn Necromancer

Chapter 192

30 minutes ago

Chapter 191

a day ago
Read My Space-Time System