MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 167 The real world (6)

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Chen is stupid, "Mr. Li, where are you moving?"

Strictly said, "I am over there."

Chen continued to be stupid, "Why should I move to your side?"

Strictly said, "You fall in love with me at first sight."

So? Is there any connection? Chen is still confused.

I touched the boy's lips violently, and the thumb was gently rubbed from left to right. "Moving and living is giving you the opportunity to understand me."

Chen snorted again. "... Why don't you say that you want to know me?"

Strictly said, "Yes, I want to know you."

Chen was still in the open mouth.

Severe eyelids drooping, falling on a small tongue of the teenager|| Above the head, the color powder, with a little water, like him, is not aggressive, but people want to do something, such as Is to put him | kiss | | to the mouth are all together | | no | | close, saliva hit | | wet mouth angle.

All of Chen’s senses are attracted by the finger on his mouth. I want to taste what it tastes. His tongue stretches out and tastes it. It is the taste that excites his soul.

There is a little wetness on the abdomen, and it instantly breaks into the brain, and the severe breathing is stagnation. One hand clasps the young boy's chin, leans closer, and repeats the lessons of the naughty teenager.

After more than half an hour, Chen was in the seat and gasped.

Although he did not kiss anyone other than this person, but he has seen a lot of couples playing ||啵, very harmonious, and playing ||啵 rhythm is more frequent, short time, and soon ends, fundamentally It’s not what he experienced, he’s going to die.

Just now he almost suffocated. If there is a misfortune, there will be a news tomorrow. A college student will die because of playing ||

At the end of the news, there may be a meaningful content, and the majority of couples and friends are reminded that for the safety of the other half, in the process of playing ||啵, do not use deep throat.

Strictly made a very dangerous behavior, while driving hard, driving, "So, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, the car will stop under the floor of your community, don't bring things, you will come."

Chen took a breath and said, "No!"

The sharp eyebrows wrinkled.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly changed from 暧||昧 to oppression, and the speed was fast, catching up with the tornado.

Chen grinned and explained to the man, "My dad won't agree."

Strictly calm and calm, "I will tell him."

Chen was shocked and sat up straight. "Don't, Mr. Li, my dad doesn't know my sexual orientation. I also count on me to fall in love with girls."

There is no mood swing in the harsh voice. "Is it still wanting you to marry and have children after graduation?"

Chen did not say anything.

This is a common phenomenon in ordinary families. When parents think so, it is also a normal idea. I hope that the children will grow up safely and smoothly, and they will have a stable job, and they will have a stable job. I don't expect my children to do things.

Strictly open again, "You don't plan to talk to your dad in a short time?"

Chen still didn't say anything, his face was hot, it was a kind of embarrassment that was poked.

No one is jealous of him. He bends himself. The bend is very inexplicable. He is very perverted. He searched on the Internet and opened a small trumpet to stay in some posts. He did not find a friend who has similar interests with him. Still alone.

He also had no other thoughts about the male compatriots around him. He felt that he would not like anyone. It seems that the only fun is to visit the flower and bird market, and threatened to see a thousand birds before graduation.

These thoughts were all before the man named Li Yan.

After encountering it, Chen was guilty. He saw several examples in his post. He was succumbed to the reality by the worldly pressure and succumbed to reality. He came to a conclusion that the success of the cabinet is the key, he thinks The reason is that in the next few years, I will not do the same thing. I will set the work first, and then instill in my father the knowledge of the same-sex group, and then look at the situation.

A sudden brake, Chen was shocked.

Strictly loose the tie and take it off the collar.

Chen’s tongue is knotted. “Mr. Li, you are doing it, what are you doing?”

Strictly sideways, the two hands of the juvenile are clamped, and the tie is wrapped around. When he does this movement, he is not too slow or elegant, elegant and calm, like a foodie preparing for the next meal.

Knowing what a man is going to do, Chen has turned his eyes, and you have to do it all the time. There is no need to tie it to me. I will not run at all, really.

A few minutes later, Chen was beaten by himself and his face was beaten.|Swelled, he wanted to jump off and run away, Mom||Forcing, it hurts too much, the man is eating him.

The so-called eating, not to engage, is to eat.

Chen went out of the door and did not worry carefully. He wore a white vest and loose gray shorts that his father bought for him. He had a pair of ten-pound flip-flops on his feet, and then he fell off the seat.

The man is marking the blood, his feet, legs, hands, arms, chest back, neck, ears, face are not spared.

The night obscures people's vision and interferes with people's thinking. The vehicles passing by will not curious about the car parked on the side of the road. No one would think that the door is separated by the door. ||淫淫|| |靡|To the ultimate **** smell.

The restraint of the hands was lifted, and Chen’s vest shorts were returned to the back. His legs were resting on the chair, and the people were shrinking. The whole body was patched and discarded.

The suffocating sigh of the eyebrows faded, the atmosphere of the whole body was no longer dark and killing, and there was a juvenile taste in the lips. With a touch of sweetness, he blinked. "You will be in the second half of the third year. Summer vacation is an opportunity to come out and exercise. Tell your dad that he will agree."

Chen shook his mark on his instep. He was not stupid. The man said that it was an attitude. He had to move to live. No matter what excuses, he said, "Mr. Li, you have to pack|| I?"

Severely frowning, very dissatisfied with the juvenile's words, "not a package || raise, is a relationship."

Brushing the head, Chen and Yan looked at the man, socializing? This is... want to fall in love with him? He asked without thinking, "Mr. Li, how old are you?"

Realizing that he asked, Chen was a bloody, embarrassed, too embarrassing.

He smoked himself in his heart, such a good atmosphere, it is confession, you, you are stupid | | Force, ask what age, do not know the age of an uncle, is it a very rude thing? Real scenery.

Strictly fasten the seat belt to the teenager, "bigger than you."

Chen sucked his nose and smelled the smell of the man. "How much?"

The sharp eyebrows are light, "How much do you want me to be?"

"Age is not a problem, I just ask casually." Chen scratched his face. "You don't have my daddy?"

After Yu Guangkai went to the man's sinking face, he immediately laughed and laughed. It was very dog-legged. "I definitely haven't, I am joking. Mr. Li looks like you are a few years older than me, no more than twenty-five. Believe me."

The teenager laughed, his eyebrows fluttered, people saw it, he was infected, and his lips curled unconsciously.

Silence was half-sounding, and the young man’s broken hair was firmly grasped. The lips moved on his neck, and his voice was low and dumb. He said slowly, “It’s good to know you soon.”

Chen’s heart is jumping, he is stupid, “I am.”

The next moment was brought into the arms by the man, the waist was shackled, and the horror of the big force, Le’s sighing and screaming, and the first love was a maddening change. The state, he’s screaming, crying I have to accompany it.

The meal didn't eat, and Li Yan took Chen and turned around in the suburbs. When the gun was over, he went to the city, exposed his arms and legs. Chen, who was marked with a sign, could not go to ordinary public places, and he followed him to a special style restaurant. The lights are dim, each table is separated, and the mystery is done.

Chen is worried about coming here to eat. When he comes back to the toilet, he can still find his own seat, especially those with poor eyesight. When he is dining, he will fork his fork into his nostrils.

After he sat down, according to the waiter, he put a pair of special glasses placed on the table, and the vision turned blue. Only then did he know that he was a countryman, but he had not done anything.

Strictly seeing the teenager is full of novelty about everything around him, "Like here?"

Chen did not cover up, and he generously admitted, "I have never been to such a restaurant, very interesting."

He was excited to study glasses, and he couldn’t care for the food on the plate. "What is the name of this restaurant? Next time I bring them to the old Pang."

Strictly said, "You have a good relationship."

Chen said yes, "The last college, stayed in it for three years, and the time passed quickly. There are not many things that I really learned. The most important thing is the small group in the dormitory. There is nothing fun about it. ”

Strictly put down the wine glass, put your hands on the table, and cross your fingers, "Talk about your business."

Chen also said while eating, from the beginning of his freshman year, the contradiction between him and the three treasures of the dormitory, mutual dissatisfaction, secretly made the blind, to later become a piece, said to be a brother of a lifetime, blessed with the same difficulty .

Li Yan has been silent, listening to the teenager described two years of college life, the words are inseparable from youth and youth, and arrogant.

After eating rice, Chen greeted him with sternness. Unlike ordinary love, they didn’t stick||糊||糊||, hug, hug, hold another hug, hard to divide, One got off the bus and said that I was going up, and the other drove off.


Chen is also a slap in the mouth. Older people have no way to compare with the young man. What is the strictness of the stern? thirty? He put his hand in his pocket and thought about the answer from Hu Wei next time.

At this point, Dad still danced outside, and Chen went straight to the bathroom and smashed the clothes to check.

In the bathroom, the young ghosts and wags are heard, the volume is very high, and the birds on the coffee table are screaming.

From the bathroom, Chen took half a watermelon from the refrigerator, took a spoon and ate two, and sent a text message to Zheng Shuai, asking him to work outside, what is the salary.

Zheng Shuai quickly returned the text message: 1500 to 2000.

Chen: So low?

Zheng Shuai: Yes, when we were internship, there were not so many.

Chen dropped the phone aside and silently ate the watermelon for a while. He went back to the room to find the long-sleeved clothes and put on the toilet water.

Less than ten o'clock, Chen Weidong returned from the dance, and went to his son's room as usual. He smelled a pungent smell, "And again, you broke the toilet water?"

"No." Chen Youzhen slammed his mobile phone on the bed. "I went shopping outside and was smashed by a mosquito."

Chen Weidong just saw his son's ears, neck, and pieces of red marks, all catching the bleeding. "Why are you wearing long sleeves? Hot, itchy, take off your clothes."

Chen is still squatting, taking off a bird, there is no perfect skin on his arms and legs | | Skin, I am afraid of the big night, scare your old man, "sleep off, you are, I am embarrassed."

Chen Weidong, "..."

Summer is the season of mosquitoes and madness. He has a deep understanding. He can dance with a || bite||some places, can't be avoided.

"Dad, I found a job." Chen poked out a game and said in the background music, "I called a friend at night and went to work tomorrow."

Chen Weidong organized the desk's movements to stop, "What work?"

Chen added, "Whatever you do, do everything."

Chen Weidong’s brow was screwed up, saying that as a man, he had to mature. He also said that he had to practice in the third year. Finally, he moved out of the family rules after starting a family, and said that falling in love cannot fall. This is a matter of necessity.

Chen Youxin said, I just went to this important thing.

Asked what time to go tomorrow, not in this city, Chen Weidong said, "Pills are eaten on time, can not eat today, do not eat tomorrow, you just go, do not conflict with colleagues, modest, do not scream, down to earth If you are wronged, you will come back and Dad will raise you."

In the end, I still worry about my son's depression, fear of being bullied, and I am afraid that my son will aggravate the condition because of who and what.

Chen Youh, I haven’t come out yet, I already have sin in my heart||What to do with evil feelings, it’s really difficult to lie, success is unsuccessful, it’s not good, he is holding his eyebrows and catching his hair, Mom is not there, otherwise Can also give guidance to my father.

Wait a minute, wait for him to graduate.

The next day, Chen took a suitcase and set off. He went to Li Yan and started his first love, cohabiting for the first time.

He doesn't need to cook rice to buy food, nor does he need to mop the laundry. Just tease the little yellow dog and tease the owner of the little yellow dog. It is easy and not easy.

Because the owner of the little yellow dog has a high weight, the daytime grace is forbidden || Desire, the night is a metamorphosis.

To what extent is metamorphosis, as long as Chen walks out of the room, he will be mad and angry, drag him back to his neck and ask him why he should run.

Chen wants to cry without tears, saying that he did not run, that is, go downstairs to get some food.

I couldn't hear it, and muttered in my mouth that I would lock you up when I ran again. The movements on my hands didn't stop, and I tied Chen to the bed, completely banned.

At this point, I will laugh and laugh very happy.

Chen’s hands and feet are too big to be || Engaged, whenever a white light appears, he has a feeling of dreams, then he will struggle with his hands and want to embrace the man lying on his chest.

Although the process of the artillery was relatively bloody, it still got an inexplicable sense of satisfaction. However, he repeatedly asked Chen, who is Chang Qin, and Chen is oppressive. He has never heard of the name. Who knows who it is.

Chen said that he did not know, and he was killed.

After a week, Chen was used to doing things after he had finished the matter. He lived in his own home. He stayed for one night, and left until dawn. When he left, he would show his reluctance, just like selling matches. Child, the thirst for light.

When Hu Wei and Lin Fuxing came over, they rushed to the rainy day and wet.

As soon as they entered the hall, they saw the teenager playing with a small yellow dog on the sofa. The teenager’s t-shirt rolled up a few points, revealing a white waist, with a few deep marks on it. Occupation.

"Wang Wang."

The little yellow dog emerged from Chen and her arms. It was not two months old. She issued a warning and pretended to be scared.

Lin Fuxing put the umbrella outside the door and teased and smiled. "Small things, what are you doing? I haven't seen them for a few days. I don't even know each other. I was the medicine I gave you the needle last time."

Hu Wei said in the back, "I bought the dog food."

The two of them used the rest day to run around. One thing was really good. Secondly, they also took a look at how to get along with the juveniles. The ghosts knew how scared they were when they learned about their cohabitation.

Lin Fuxing talked with Li Yan on the floor. Hu Wei was looking for Chen in the hall and said that there was a script that was suitable for him and asked if he would pick it up.

Chen put the little yellow dog on his lap and touched the hair a bit, like a lady. "What script?"

Hu was prepared, and took the script from the briefcase. "It is an online drama."

He put his gesture out, this drama started, "Look slowly, if you feel very fun, call me, let's talk about the next thing."

Chen said it.

After a few seconds of silence, Hu Wei said, "Chen, Li Ge, he is now..."

Chen Zai, "Well?"

Hu shook his head. "Nothing."

Chen continued to touch Mao. "Mr. Li has not used tranquilizers and drugs in the night, can sleep, and can scream. There is no problem at present." It is necessary to engage him, not to enter his home, not to fall asleep.

Hu Wei’s eyes squinted and silently expressed the lying trough.

When Lin Fuxing went downstairs, Hu Wei shared the news with him and wanted to lie down in the trough.

They looked at the strictness, and then looked at Chen again, quietly lying in the trough, no more to stay, and urgently need to be quiet.

Chen couldn't understand the two people's eyes when they left, and looked at the Buddha's Guanyin, who was rescued and rescued. "What happened to them?"

Tightly shut the door, "The rain is in my head."

Chen Zai, "..."

He moved away and let the man sit up, and the little yellow dog suddenly stunned and shook his dog's hair.

Strictly observed, stacking long legs and flipping magazines.

Chen had a chat with a man who didn't take a ride. He knew that the little yellow dog hadn't taken the name yet. He didn't want to think about it. He took a sentence from his mouth. "How about the blessing?"

"Three or three can also be, there are four or four."

He is awkward, four or four... How is this number so strange?

Looking at the magazine sternly, "difficult."

Is it ugly? Very nice, Chen asked, "Which?"

Strictly said, "Numbers."

Chen snorted and did not compare with men. "Let's bless you."

He licked the head of the little yellow dog and said with a smile, "Is it a blessing, do you like this name?"

The little yellow dog crouched down and licked the boy's arm, and the tail swayed.

Chen was a little bit itchy, "It likes me."

Slightly and faintly said, "Not surprising, its owner also likes you."

Suddenly speaking love, Chen did not respond, he coughed, a touch of red sneaked up on his cheeks, I am embarrassed, and took the blessing to the man's lap, "I went to the bathroom."

The little yellow dog shivered and wanted to jump and not dare.

Li Yanquan can't see. "You can like him, but you can't leave a trace on him." Otherwise, I won't leave you."

Like human beings, animals are afraid of powerful existence, panic, and the little yellow dog stands on the dangerous human leg, shaking more and more, shaking and shaking, and pulling.

Chen of the bathroom heard the barking of the dog, and he ran out of his pants and ran out. He saw the man with a blue face. He just had to open his mouth and found two small black things on the sofa.

The culprit was hiding under the sofa, and the pancakes were squatting, motionless and scared.

"Blessing, you are a little constipated, my brother took it to get some medicine."

Chen quickly picked up the little yellow dog and smeared his soles. He was afraid that the man would kick him out with the dog.

From that day on, the little yellow dog can only move in his own nest and outside the house. He can't enter the hall. Poor, his brother wants to blow the pillow and wind it back. He doesn't know how to blow it.

Chen tried several times, not being arrested, or being pressed, not able to blow.

He has to worry about his blessings. He has to talk to his father. He talks on the phone every day. It’s nothing more than what to eat in the morning, what to eat at lunch, how to work overtime, how is the relationship with his colleagues, and whether there is medicine? .

Chen couldn’t even think about it. When he was seen by his father, he would die, and he was estimated to be miserable.

Let's talk about it that day, the boat will be straight to the bridge, and the Lord will bless him.

Chen likes to live with Li Yan. It is really like. The first thing to wake up in the morning is to take the other person out of his home. The last thing before going to bed is to do things, and then exhausted. sleep.

Day by day, he is becoming more and more afraid of sternness. Sometimes he dares to be lawless and licks his nose. When the other day is in the daytime, he is a normal lover. He is responsive, petting him, and he will not say it at night.

The housekeepers here are all gone, communicating with the communicator.

Chen can't figure out what to do in the end. He doesn't have to go to work every day. There is no pile of documents to be processed in the study, and there is no need to travel, so that he can live in such a big house, as if the money is from the wind.

Looking for a cloudy day, not too hot, Chen turned around around the house, unconsciously turned into the maple forest, lost, the phone did not bring, fell into a pit, the situation is very bad.

The pit is relatively large and deep. When Chen fell down, he relied on agile reaction. He grabbed a vine and borrowed it to make it fall. He didn’t fall directly into it, otherwise the leg would definitely twist.

Wiping his face, Chen shouted his throat and yelled, "Help!"

After he called for a while, there was a shadow that was covered from the sky and it was strict.

Out of the pit, Chen took off the rotten leaves on his body, and he had a lingering heart. "Mr. Li, how can there be such a big hole in the woods?"

Strictly walked and said, "buried body||body."

Chen’s face jerked stiffly.

I saw the boy stopped in the same place. If he didn't leave, he reached out and said, "Cute yours."

Chen Zai, "..."

He squinted back, the maple forest was very quiet, there was a faint wind blowing, fucking, goose bumps all up.

Didn't dare to wait, Chen was screaming and stern, and his footsteps were fast, and he would not run again in the future.

After going back, Chen went to the bathroom to take a bath. He leaned on the edge of the bathtub and stumbled. He suddenly opened his eyes. If he was lying down, he seemed to have something to step on in the pit. Hard and hard. , will not be bones?

People, imagination is infinite, they can scare themselves to death.

Chen couldn’t keep going, and he hurriedly put on his clothes. No one in the room, the hall was dead, and there were no dogs.

He rubbed his arm, his scalp was numb, and he was about to call one of the three treasures in the dormitory. He heard the sound outside the door. "Why don't you wear shoes?"

The yelling of the conditional reflex, Chen went back and saw the man standing at the door, his eyes were dark and his hands were covered with blood. He squatted back a few steps and his back slammed into the wall. " ..."

Strictly said, "I am killing fish in the back."

Chen snorted again, fucking, killing fish, killing fish, doing the same thing as killing people?

He went to put on his shoes and followed the man to the back. He found a bucket of fish on the ground. The pool was big, there was a pile of fish's internal organs, and a **** knife.

Strictly continue to kill the fish, the mood seems to be good, 掏内||dirty, the lips are hooked.

Chen is watching on the side, so many fish, is it to be sent?

He thinks too much, it is fish at noon, the next day, the third day, the fourth day is, eating and vomiting.

On the other hand, men kill so much, they don’t eat too much, too much.

A few days later, Pang Yilong sent a photo to the group. He was a photo of a beautiful woman. He said that beauty is a singer and also said what song the other party sang, with the focus on the other party's e.

Chen’s chin padded his pillow and said in a voice, “How do you know that it is e? What is the amount?”

Pang Yilong said that the amount of mouth is used.

"You are a skill in this skill."

After talking about it, Chen reached out and touched it. After catching it for a long time, he didn’t catch it. He remembered that this was not in his room. The bed would not be free to put snacks. Hey, this is not good, I want to eat snacks. Will not work.

Pang Yilong returned, saying that it was a family biography. Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao were sore and dead in the group, envy and hate, e ah, that is e, my God!

Chen is not envious, he has a chest | | muscle can touch.

On the morning of the weekend, Chen did not immediately take Li Yan out of his house and let the other person stay at home. "Pang Yilong's birthday, we said a few to go to his house to give him a birthday."

Strictly touched the hair of the teenager, the slender fingers swam in, and the fingertips wiped his warm scalp.

Chen also invited men to stay in his house for a while. "The 20th birthday is very important."

Strict fingers tightened, the teenager was pulled into his arms, kissed his neck, the lips did not leave, but jumped along that || The pulse of the movement slow||磨||蹭.

Chen shrank again. "Don't bite it, it will be seen by others."

He just finished speaking and his neck was bitten.

After finishing the matter, he sternly quit, and turned over to lie on the side, taking the teenager in his arms. "Is the gift bought?"

Chen chased his quilt and smacked his mouth. Anyway, he had to change it. "Not yet, I discussed it with Zheng Shuai Wang Yao and went to the mall to buy him."

严严|摩||挲|With the juvenile round||Run|shoulders, open for a long time, low voice, a bit hoarse, "I let the driver send you in the afternoon."

Chen also cheered in his heart. He thought that he had to waste some effort. He didn't expect it to be so easy. After all, the change in the night was too terrible, and possessiveness was already strong.

Get out of bed and take out a card to Chen, "The password is your birthday."

Looking at the card, Chen did not pick up, I am not still being packaged || Don't be like this, I panic.

The sharp brow wrinkled, already unhappy, "take it."

Chen slowly took it to his hand and asked casually, "How much is there in the card?"

Strictly said, I don't know, "You brush it casually."

Chen’s face is convulsed, and when can he have this pride...

In the afternoon, Chen and Zheng Shuai Wang Yao met, three people running on the upper and lower floors of the mall, Pang Yilong's family has money, nothing is missing, birthday gifts are not good to buy.

It’s cheaper, it’s expensive, it’s expensive, they’re swollen and fat, and the other person thinks it’s unnecessary.

Chen bought a plane model for Pang Yilong, a few thousand. When the card was swiped, the clerk saw the card, his eyes changed, his attitude changed, and he gave him away.

This card represents power. Chen knows that fortunately, Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao are picking gifts elsewhere. They have not seen this scene. Otherwise, he is not easy to explain. It is difficult to get rid of the past. He went to the first floor and took out the money. Check the balance on the card.

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao walked down the escalator. "Pomelo, what are you grinding? Go."

Chen was interrupted again, and went back to the number zero. When he finished counting all of them, he suddenly felt that the pocket was not a thin card, but a warehouse cash.

When he heard the voice of Zheng Shuai, Chen returned to God and kept up with them if nothing happened.

The three people went to Pang Yilong’s house. They were a villa with gardens, swimming pools, fountains, and many people coming from. There were Pang’s business partners, relatives, and Pang Yilong’s new girlfriend also came, wearing a black bag hip skirt, very sexual ||Sense.

Chen added, "How do I look at f?"

Zheng Shuai’s eyes did not sweep up and down, and he stopped in the middle. “The face is buried and can be suffocated.”

Wang Yao swallowed, "I want to be suffocated."

Pang Yilong came over and took a picture of Wang Yao’s head. "German, wipe off the hazel on his mouth."

He took the wine from Chen’s hand and reminded Wang Yao and Zheng Shuai to look at them. “Pomelo, the dessert chef I invited here is just coming back from abroad. There are a few desserts. Very good, you have to try it."

Chen was pushed to eat dessert. "Don't you?"

Pang Yilong said, "Do it."

Chen’s eyes were removed from the beauty. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. For a short few seconds, I feel that the other person is staring at him. “You brought her home, your dad didn’t pose?”

"To my 20th birthday today, my old man will give me a face." Pang Yilong shrugged. "I have an agreement with him. After I was 20, I went to the company to do things. He would not care about my private life."

"Go, eat dessert here, don't run."

Chen was placed in a secluded corner, facing a row of desserts. He picked up a piece of cake and ate the strawberries. After a while, Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao also came. The two did not wait long, and suddenly they left. Wearing a pair of pants, the action is very consistent.

Zheng Shuai found Pang Yilong, his face was weird. "Old Pang, there are strawberries on the neck of the grapefruit."

Pang Yilong raised his eyebrows. "What do you want? Strawberry? Look at it."

Zheng Shuai said, "Really, I saw the old king and four eyes."

Wang Yao nodded. "The t-shirt of the leader of the grapefruit is not seen when you look down. When you bow your head, it is very clear."

Pang Yilong indulged, "Did you ask?"

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao both shook their heads and found out that they came to Pang Yilong.

Pang Yilong took them to Chen and there, and they looked at the collar very directly. There were strawberries, and there was more than one. "Pomelo, you are too loyal, and you don't talk to the brothers."

Chen was too late to be guarded. He was seen right. He could only use the two words of omnipotence. "Oh."

Pang Yilong three, "..." Hehe a ghost, so I want to get away with it?

Chen You||舔||The cream at the corner of the mouth, the egg hurts, and the man is blamed. He said that he can't bite his neck, he will be found when he goes out, or he will bite, and his mouth will be over, so the world can know.

He turned his head and said that he had just talked.

Zheng Shuai asked, "When will I bring it out, I will introduce it to my brother."

Wang Yao said, "Old Pang changed a few girlfriends a year, not every change, they brought out to eat with us, you learn something."

Chen is perfunctory, "Next time."

He didn't dare to make up his mind. When he brought the man to Sambo, he would have a scene. It should be said that Sambo knows that he is a same || sex||love||

Maybe he will be alienated from him.

Pang Yilong’s eyes were poisonous. When he saw Chen’s perfunctory, he didn’t ask, “Don’t be too fond of it. Seeing that she bites you, it’s bleeding. Change me, I’m going to shoot it in the morning.”

Wang Yao said, "Is it a man to beat a girl's face?"

Pang Yilong sneered, "I said that I have a face? At first glance, you are a poor pity who has only seen pigs running and has not eaten pork. On the girl's body, there are more places to play. It is grapefruit."

Chen Youxin said, I don't know Ah, I only know that there are more places for men to play.

Did not eat a bite of pork, Wang Yao wronged, looking for Zheng Shuai to lean against a shoulder.

Zheng Shuai dismissed, "You let me go over my shoulder."

Wang Yao, "..."

Pang Yilong went to bring his new girlfriend and introduced it to Chen and they, "Let's dance, four years older than me."

Chen took the lead, followed by Zheng Shuai Wang Yao, who reported their names and looked up. They found that this beautiful woman was the girlfriend of Pang Yilong’s relationship, and her face and body were the best.

She danced with short hair, which is more suitable for her face. Her eyes are big, bright and bright, her character is hearty, her smile is bright, and she is soon familiar with Chen.

Not long after, Pang Pao called Pang Yilong to receive a company CEO, and he wanted to let him enter the family business early and be able to take over smoothly, so this birthday party is also a simple meeting in the business field.

After Pang Yilong left, Zheng Shuai went out to answer the phone, Wang Yao went to the toilet, and Chen was still eating dessert. No one was there. Although he didn’t speak, he was singing.

Chen asked in surprise. "Do you like "nunchaku" too?"

Ren danced and said, "Yeah, that is my favorite song."

Chen also found a like-minded partner, and the scorpion opened up. He talked a lot about it. The original dance also likes to cook, loves dance, and has some research on break dance.

If it wasn't for Dad's phone call, Chen would talk to him again. It was amazing. Once he felt a little bored, the other party would show a point that made him interested, so he chatted and he didn't even want to Signs of stopping.

They are very close to each other, and Chen has a strange feeling. Any of his interests, dance, is like a friend who is tailor-made for him.

Let the dancers blink. "Idols have a concert next month. Have you bought a ticket?"

Chen said that he still hasn't, and he will rush to collect the mobile phone without waiting for the other party to say something. "I have to go, help me to talk to Lao Pang."

"Forget it, let me talk about it."

Chen went to find Pang Yilong, and when he saw the other side being surrounded, he raised his hand and waved, and greeted him with a mouthful. He said in the group and told Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao.

The birthday party ended at 7 o'clock in the evening, the guests gradually left, the people were busy cleaning, and the back garden of the villa had a slight faint sound.

Pang Yilong follows the woman's back and looks like casual. "Why, are you very interested in my buddy?"

"What do you say? I like you like this." Ren danced and smiled. "At this time, you mentioned what others are doing, how boring it is. I booked a room at the hotel tonight. We have time later, sister. Let you have a long experience."

Pang Yilong made a laugh from his throat. "Okay."

When the dance turned, the white hands hooked Pang Yilong’s neck and pulled him toward himself, and the red lips were printed.

At the same time, Chen was busy in the kitchen at home. Dad said that he would eat the sweet and sour pork ribs he made, and the fish head tofu soup. He came back in a hurry and gave a text message to him.

"Dad, salt is gone, do you buy it?"

Didn't respond outside, Chen pulled the glass door open and looked up. He saw a pair of feet on the floor tile of the balcony, and the spatula in his hand fell off.

After staying in the place for less than a minute, Chen ran to the balcony and shouted and shouted, "Dad? You wake up."

Chen Weidong has no consciousness.

Chen’s eyes were red, and he called it several times and he didn’t wake up. He didn’t dare to move his father’s body casually. He went to play 120. The ambulance was not too slow.

The doctor did a simple check on Chen Weidong and gave it to the stretcher.

Chen Youzhen followed in the car, his hand was shaking, his mother suddenly fell ill, endured the pain, and then the scene of his death came to mind, he only played a number for a while, the voice was shaking. "Mr. Li, my dad fell."

The one at the end said sternly, "I will pass right away."

Chen held the phone and tears fell. He wiped his eyes with his arms. Nothing happened. Dad just fell and cried. It’s okay, nothing will happen. It will definitely be fine.

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

a few seconds ago

Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert