MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 164 Real world (3)

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Chen also thinks that it is certainly no problem to take public service advertisements to do something good. The problem is that there is no way for same-sex subjects.

The subject matter is limited, generally it will not pass the review, not on the TV, but on the Internet, it will be even more terrible, it is absolutely impossible to avoid being spread to the situation being discussed.

Dad dances in the small square every day, where the soul of the gossip is gathered.

If there is something like this, "who my niece told me, whoever's son and the man's slap advertisement, but also popularize what is the same ||sex||love knowledge, really shameless." public opinion.

That's a big deal.

Dad will grasp his own demeanor. First, ask the aunt to ask about the situation. After confirming the true and false, he will climb, and he will climb to the school and give him alive.

Thinking of this, Chen felt that his neck was a little cold. He reached out and touched his head and walked outside without looking back.

The glasses man is not busy with the opening, "Classmate, you are also one of the groups."

Chen’s footsteps were a meal.

Four-eyed handsome guy, you have a good eyesight, send you a monkey, go play with God.

"Since it is one of them, I think you should also have experience." The glasses man's finger clicks on the desktop. "Now, our group is being ruined||dirty, chaotic, disgusting, the outsiders think we are all It’s life is not serious and there is AIDS.”

He shrugged. "This is too ignorant, isn't it?"

Us? Chen took the two words and squatted on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed his stomach and didn't want to talk to this person. The other person suddenly popped up and mentioned the advertisement. He didn't slow down. I don't want to expose myself to the mentally retarded side and the middle trap because of what is said.

Glasses men and teenagers are indifferent, they lean back and put their legs together. "You don't want to dispel the relatives and friends of the same || sex||love discrimination?"

He sighed. "I found that my sexual orientation is different from other small partners. You must be scared."

Chen turned a blind eye, it was really enough, and the sense of substitution was quite strong.

"Every day I carefully hide, like someone who doesn't dare to show it, afraid to be discovered by people around me, being laughed at, being rejected, even being insulted and fighting."

The glasses man paused, and the lens was drawn through a fine light, the ability to preach.

"People are just afraid of the unknown. Once those people have a better understanding of this group, it feels like this, no big deal, it will not be so contradictory, and perhaps acceptable."

Did not interrupt in the middle, Chen listened patiently, "I will not agree with my family."

"You should have grown up and you can be your own."

It seems that the teenager would have said that the glasses were male and quick. "You can go to the audition. It is still unknown whether you can be settled. In any case, it is good for you to enrich your life experience."

He looked at the young and slender teenagers in front of him. The children were more than one hundred and eighty, the youthful sunshine was bloodless, and there was a bit of naughtyness. Under the close look, there were some melancholy in the black and white eyes. Advertising is simply tailored for each other.

"However, under your conditions, as long as there are no big mistakes, the candidate for the male lead will be you."

"Sorry, I can't promise."

Chen took two more steps and turned his head and grinned. "Mr. Hu, I personally suggest that you are outside, don't stack your legs, it seems that your legs are shorter."

Glasses man, "..."

He wants to talk, the phone in his pocket is stunned||Move, the person is his own hair, "Hey, Fu Xing, what are you calling me at this time?"

That is the voice of Lin Fuxing’s rest after the robbery. "Lie brother bought a puppy yesterday. I have a diarrhea this morning. He has a phone call. I got up from the bed, and I ran over without washing my face. Guess what's going on? The little dog has no problem, it is scary."

"Don't say a dog, it's an individual. If you stare at it, you will be scared."

Hu Wei couldn't understand. "I look at the photos. Isn't that just a dog? In the countryside, it's more, change it to me, don't want it."

"Who knows, Li Ge has cleanliness, and there is no one who loves and cares for kittens and puppies." Lin Fuxing exhaled a breath. "Fortunately, the little dog later refused to eat, otherwise my pet hospital Can close the door."

Hu Wei said, "You take care."

"I hope that it is fun to buy a puppy now. I have to play for two days. If that is the case, then I will be tempted by the pet hospital sooner or later."

Lin Fuxing suddenly mentioned a matter, "Old Hu, I remember you said before, you know a friend abroad, the other side has a good achievement in psychology, now you still contact?"

Hu Wei’s face changed slightly, and it was no different from ordinary people during the day. When it was night, it would enter a state of madness, anger and bloodthirsty, and it needed a calming agent to calm down. Nothing happened the next day. The repetition of the day, only he and Fu Xing know, and will never leak out.

Strict and irritable, even when he and Fu Xing, get along with each other, they will be vigilant and careful.

“My friend sent me an email last month saying that I would marry this year, so don’t let her take risks.”

Hu is half joking and said, "For so many years, you and I still don't know where Li Ge's counter-scale is. If my friend returns to China to see a doctor, what happens in the process is unpleasant, just happened to meet Li Ge's Against the scales, let her happy event become a funeral, then my sin will be big."

Wen Yan, Lin Fuxing's mind unconsciously emerged a **** scene, that is many years ago, he and Hu Wei, Li Yan three or a teenager, all the rich family wearing, was smuggled by the gangsters.

At that time, Lin Fuxing's thin arms and thin legs, encountered that kind of scene, did not dare to resist, he took the initiative of the body || Kim was actively handed out, for fear of being beaten, Hu is stronger than him, waved a few times The fists and feet were beaten.

The gangs are stern and uncooperative, and they go up and threaten persecution.

I don't know which gangster inadvertently said anything, or what I did, and when I came across a stern scale, he suddenly went crazy and took away the steel pipe in one of the mixed hands and vigorously waved it.

The blood of those people is beaten||Meat||Mold||, paste, and the steel pipe is turned away. It is a blood-stained face. The eyes of the animal are bloodthirsty, and the lips are still hooked. He is Laughing, extremely infiltrating.

After a cold war, Lin Fuxing’s voice was stuck in the scorpion, and he couldn’t find a timely words at a time.

Up to now, he still can't figure it out. The gangster of that year encountered a stern scale.

Some people say that Li Yan is involved ||Black, some people say that he is a serious businessman, some people say that he is in politics || There is a terrible force in the world, and some people say that he is all three, which side is large, to see his mood.

Lin Fuxing’s temple jumped, thinking of a sister who didn’t know how to live, and wanted to become Mrs. Li, looking for death.

After a brief silence, Hu Wei has already opened the subject. "I just met a rare seedling that was rare. Everything was very good. He was more suitable for Wei Nanan than to shoot the advertisement."

Lin Fuxing knows that the hair is not going to continue, so he is not looking for it. "Is it? When is the audition, bring it to me."

Hu Wei said, "I didn't agree."

Lin Fuxing is surprised. "Is there still someone who doesn't buy your Hu Jin card?"

Although he is a Shaodong family of **** company, he has no interest in entertainment. His lifelong volunteering is to be a pet doctor. This year, he started to open a hospital at home. The company’s business is trustworthy and his ability is very good. rest assured.

"The child is still studying, and the awareness of self-protection is very strong." Hu Wei said, "It's a pity, let's take a look."

Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei ended the conversation, came out of the bathroom, and made a face-to-face with the little yellow dog in the corridor. He immediately showed a friendly smile and raised his hand. "Hey, little guy, hello."

The little yellow dog stepped back a few steps and ran away.

Lin Fuxing's face pumping, the woman is better than the puppy, if he laughs in front of the woman, the other party is soft in his arms.

The living room was bright, and the man was sitting on the sofa, frowning and looking at the little yellow dog shrunk in the corner. He didn't know what he was thinking.

When Lin Fuxing came over, he saw such a scene. He looked at the little yellow dog shivering, and then looked at the expressionless man. How to look surprised.

The house is too big, and the housekeepers are all ghosts, and they are extremely gloomy.

Lin Fuxing was not the first time to come, but he couldn't adapt to this kind of atmosphere. He coughed twice and asked the clear scorpion. "Lie Ge, have you given the dog a name?"

Did not answer, sternly said, "It is very afraid of me."

Lin Fuxing said, is this not obvious? Ghosts are afraid of you, he said, "Normal, dogs are almost like people. In an unfamiliar environment, it will inevitably be nervous, cramped, and familiar."

Strictly put down the long legs of the overlap, he stood up from the sofa and walked to the little yellow dog.

The little yellow dog's tail clip||In the | fart|| stocks, the legs and feet are shaking, the body is also, the shaking is not the same, the mouth also makes a small whimper.

Lin Fuxing can't stand it. "Lie Ge, this puppy has just been full moon, and the courage is very small, and I can't help but scare."

Without words, he bent down his back and reached for a small yellow dog.

Feeling dangerous, the little yellow dog out of the instinct, Zhang mouth bite up, and then was opened, its shape is very small, and was directly swept to the wall.

Lin Fuxing helped the amount, "Lie Ge, I can ask, why do you want to buy a dog?" It seems that I really don't like small pets at all.

The sharp eyebrows were twisted, and the narrow eyes narrowed through the depths.

Yesterday, the car passed a pet shop, and the back seat was so strict that he saw a man holding a puppy. At that moment, the inexplicable impulse dominated his brain, prompting him to get off the bus and go to the store.

There are a lot of puppies, and the eyes of the little yellow dog are inadvertently swept, and their eyes are condensed.

He was sitting in the car, and Yu Guang had been parked on the little yellow dog. He was disgusted, contradictory, and more confused.

Lin Fuxing waited, and did not wait for a response. He scratched his eyebrows. "Lie Ge, I can take the dog to the hospital and have a place to resettle."

Strictly sideways.

The back of the ridge oozes a hint of coolness. Lin Fuxing’s throat rolls and laughs. “So small puppy, sensitive||sense|crunchy|weak, it takes time to accompany it. It’s very troublesome to raise. I mean, raise it. I will bring it to you again."

Strictly straight up, look at the scared || Forbidden little yellow dog, his pupils are shrinking, fleeting, "Let's put it."

In a short time, the next person did not know where to float, and cleaned the pale yellow water on the floor, and drifted away quietly.

Lin Fuxing can't help but start speculation. Is it difficult to get involved in this old age? So calculated, the small dog is actually a substitute dog, a woman has a similar one, and strict is a dog.

No, he has been rigorously aware of it for many years. Don’t say that he has seen it. He has never heard of the other person’s emotional history. Therefore, like the outsiders, he thinks that it is strict and sinister||disorderly, or what psychological shadow has been received. I can't have a normal man's life, so I have a pure heart.

When the hospital came to the phone, Lin Fuxing didn't have much to wait. He changed shoes at the entrance, and the ghost made him look back and captured the scene that made him horrified.

The stern eyes locked the little yellow dog, and there was a gentle touch there.

too terrifying.

Lin Fuxing drove away, he grabbed a cigarette, the role of the pet is difficult to estimate, can treat loneliness, can also cancel the negative emotions in the human heart, if the puppy can become a special existence in the strictness, just fine .

As long as there is an exception, it will gradually become like a person, rather than a perfect line | | corpse | | go | | meat, bloody, daunting mad.

A thunderstorm has smashed the hot air on the ground, and some of the hot air has been taken away. People are rushing to take the time to catch their breath.

Chen and a few people went back to school. When they first entered the school gate, they caught up with the heavy rain. They ran in the rain and rushed into the dormitory building. The pants were wet.

The dormitory is on the seventh floor, there is no elevator, it depends on two legs up and down.

Pang Yilong licked off the wet | | through the t-shirt twisted into a twist, dripping, leaving a string of water on the stairs, he shirtless, twisted t-shirt, muscle | | meat lines clearly.

Love sports, good shape, just take off.

Zheng Shuai Wang Yao Chen and three people are all in one country. They belong to the type that can lie down, never sit, can sit, never stand, muscle||Meat, there is, there is no suitable for taking off .

From time to time, other boys in the class rubbed their shoulders and called down to the floor.

The corridor is very stuffy and wet. There is a moldy smell, mixed with the smell of garbage. There are garbage bags stacked on each floor. At first glance, life is empty and lonely, waiting for the administrator's "friendly greetings."

The four returned to the dormitory and took a bath.

Chen has left a piece of inner || pants, he squats in a chair to open a computer, intends to search for that company, "Chang Qin, I want to drink water."

Unconsciously, a word came out, and Chen’s eyes were pumped, lest he was heard. He immediately changed his mouth and said very loudly, “Pharaoh, help me pour water.”

Wang Yao admired the swimming ring on his stomach in front of the mirror. He was feeling another layer and couldn't walk away. "Old Pang, pour a glass of water into the grapefruit."

Pang Yilong’s smashing clothes in the east of the West, all in the plastic bucket, ready to go to the washing machine to solve it once, "Master, get a glass of water for the grapefruit."

The voice of Zheng Shuai came out in the bathroom. "I ||He||Mom||In the shower, is the bath water?"


Pang Yilong dropped his life, took half a cup of hot water on the water dispenser, and then took half a cup of cold water, and gave it to Chen. "What are you looking at?"

Chen is sliding the mouse and saying who is actually the artist of **** company, so good.

Pang Yilong squatted in Chen’s chair and looked at his neck from behind. “It’s pretty, like the dance you like, it’s also the company that signed it.”

He asked strangely, "Pomelo, how come you suddenly became interested in entertainment companies?"

Chen did not hide it. He said, "At Starbucks, I didn't leave for a short time. I met the agent of **** company and wanted me to participate in an audition for advertising."

Pang Yilong, "What about?"

Chen grinned. "It's a **** theme."

Wang Yao, who looks in the mirror, interjected, "Gay theme? Old | Leather | | Life? Red | | Army?"

Chen and Pang Yilong, "..."

Wang Yao did not understand this comrade and other comrades, and he was excited to say, "A lot of stars are taking the road to step on a street to make a soy sauce. They are targeted by the smugglers and agents, and they take an advertisement to enter the performing arts. Circles, even if they can't be big and big, become a king of heaven, can also be an entertainer, appear on TV."

The more he said, the more energetic, "Pomelo, listen to the brother, you can sing, you will dance, certainly no problem, famous early."

Chen had a headache. When he didn't take a shower, he put on a suit and went out. Pang Yilong followed him. The two did not go far. They went to the rooftop, and the place was big and quiet.

Pang Yilong said, "The subject matter is quite special, it is very acceptable, and there are many disgusts."

"I know."

Chen added, "I didn't want to pick up, I have already refused."

Pang Yilong stared at Chen and looked. "I am very curious. The agent thinks that you are in line with the **** group. I am looking for you to advertise. I don't think you have gay."

That's your eyes, really, I am gay, and Chen said, "Because I am handsome."

"Can you be handsome?" Pang Yilong said shamelessly, "Why don't you find me?"

As a result, the next day he joked out, he was blocked by a broker who claimed to be Hu’s surname on the tree-lined path.

Four-eyed man's line of sight swept down, Pang Yilong smashed the goosebump on his arm and said madly, "I can't do it, I will withdraw first."

He ran away without loyalty, leaving Chen and Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao.

Hu is a pity, the hard-eyed boy is quite in line with another protagonist, but the other party is a straight one. If you look at the dress, you will know that your family is rich, not short of money, and your character is fierce. It is difficult to tame, or forget it.

"Classmates, we met again."

Chen turned around and left.

Hu chased the hippie smile. "I came to your school to try my luck. I didn't expect to see you again. It's really a good thing..."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao, who are in the same place, are arrogant.

"What kind of advertisement is that with glasses, what do you say to Lao Pang? Why don't I know?"

"It should be the one that the grapefruit said yesterday, the same as || Zhizhi, I guess what is the anti-|| war|sense||Huai, you know."

"Hey, hahahahahaha--" Zheng Shuai laughed and laughed. He laughed and sighed. "Pharaoh, don't stay in the travel industry, go to the essay, you have the potential to make people laugh." ""

Some classmates look at each other, Wang Yao kicks the crazy buddy, "I am not sick."

"You wait a minute."

Zheng Shuai continued to laugh. He smiled enough. He said with a tear, "Oh, almost twenty years old, I have never heard such a funny joke."

"The so-called **** theme is the same || sex||love, gay, understand? Comrade Lao Wang."

Wang Yao’s blushing purple, “...fuck!”

On the other side, Chen went to the playground again, and the tail behind him did not fall off. Although he was not an irritable person, he also had a temper. If he played, it would be boring.

"Mr. Hu, what I said, I have already said it."

"I know."

Hu Wei’s footsteps kept on.

Chen turned and said, "You understand a fart."

Hu is not only not mindful, but also very excited. "Well, this is the state. When you audition, remember this feeling, definitely no problem."

Chen did not want to say, Mom||Forcing|, come on, drag this mental illness away!

"Classmate, first of all, I apologize to you and check your information without your consent."

Hu Wei pushed the glasses up. "You are a repeat student. Before the first year of the college entrance examination, I signed up for the **** Film Academy. Because of the excellent appearance, I passed the initial test very smoothly, but during the retest, because of a cry. I was brushed down and I didn't even see the threshold of the three trials."

He went on to say, "You are voluntarily signing up. What does this mean?"

Chen and Hehe, it shows that I have a pit in my head.

Hu Wei’s eyes glimpsed. “It shows that your heart is unknowingly, you have already planted a seed. You like acting, you want to be a star, you are willing, and you are eager to enter the field of entertainment.”

Chen laughed again. "Mr. Hu, are you three years ago, will you be the same as you are now?"

Hu was asked by the teenager, not the same. Everyone will be different at a certain stage. He is silent for a moment. "I don’t care. I run this trick, it’s for you, classmates, young, don’t try new. Things, at my age, will regret it."

The chicken soup of the soul has been on the pot and began to smash.

Hu Wei said a lot, nothing more than how many opportunities he missed when he was young, so he can only work for people now. He also said that there is a salary during school, and the family can also reduce the burden. As for public opinion, I don’t know how many. Artists will have to buy money to have it.

Listening and listening, Chen suddenly saw a glimpse. If he took the advertisement, the degree of discussion and the heat would be directly proportional. After all, black and red were always inseparable.

The man may be able to see him.

Even if you forget it, you should feel familiar?

Hu Wei found that the temperament of the boy had changed. It seemed to be immersed in some kind of emotion. He did not bother, and he waited for a reply.

A good seed is worth his time and thoughts.

Hu Wei has a good grasp of 80%, the juvenile will promise, after nearly ten minutes, his conjecture is confirmed.

Two days later, Chen went to the place where Hu Wei said. He stood under the company building, wearing white t-shirt jeans and basketball shoes. It was very refreshing. The hair in front of the forehead was soaked in sweat, the hot air blows, the heat is hot. Scented eyes.

Hu led Chen to the studio and said to a young man, "Take him to change clothes first."

The young man responded and brought Chen into the dressing room No. 3.

Chen is still worried about what to wear tightly || stretched small pants, hooked a lace, get a hollow, what did not think is the school uniform, but not their school's kind of hanging silk sportswear, is dark blue Suit with white shirt.

Hu Wei was chatting with the director. When he saw the boy coming out, his eyes lit up and he was very satisfied.

The next step is the audition.

The director selected one of the shots. The scene was in the dormitory. It was similar to the dormitory of an ordinary university. According to the script, Chen had to perform the cabinet, and the side abandoned by the whole world was complicated.

Hu Wei and the director, the producer sits in front of the monitor and looks at the teenager in the machine.

At this moment, facing a number of cameras, Chen is very egg||#, pain, fuck, how do I perform the heart behind the cabinet? I will not be jealous.

Hu Wei took the right hand and grabbed the back of his left hand. At the beginning, Chen, don’t be in a daze.

After a few tens of seconds, the boy moved, he raised a hand, unbuttoned the uniform of the school uniform, took off and put it on the back of the chair, then solved the shirt cufflinks, rolled up a piece, went to take Washbasin and towel, wash your face in the pool.

The teenager lowered his head and bent back a little, and the young and flexible arc was as obvious as a green bamboo.

The next moment, the sound of the slamming sound alarmed Hu Wei and others in front of the machine.

They went to see at the same time, and saw that the washbasin was thrown out and shook a few times in the pool. The juvenile's two hands grasped the countertop, the five fingers tightened, and the bones were raised. He snorted and suppressed.

The lens zoomed in and gave the teenager a close-up of the side face. He could see the fanned nose, the tight lips, the red eyes, and a tear from the tears. Despair, pain, and anger intertwined. The childish face on the child, a little spread, silent.

The director communicated with the producers and reached a consensus, "just for him."

Hearing a "card", Chen wiped his face and put his head under the faucet. After rushing for a while, the cold water was awake. His heart didn't know what it was. The fourth child, you saw no, I have acting now. .

Hey, don't want to, the old man is bad, he doesn't want to meet with the other person again, because at that time, it means that his man is going to have an accident.

Hu was on the front and threw a towel to Chen. "Scratch your face and follow me to the director and producer."

Chen took the towel off his head and wiped his face indiscriminately. Young, skin||The skin is good, the makeup is not used.

I have seen the directors, and Chen has been licking the baby all the time. He has questions and answers. He is still on the point. He has been pressing the mental retardation and has not released the other party. Otherwise, he will be able to scare these big men.

After the audition was successful, Chen was told to come over next Wednesday and officially entered the group, which was very smooth.

Hu Wei said that he would like to celebrate with Chen, and Chen refused. When he auditioned, the emotion was too invested. He needed to go back and watch an action movie to empty himself.

Chen went back to school and was caught by Pang Yilong. When they knew that they had been arrested, they were arrested.

Four people solved a few pounds of crayfish, a dozen beers, because young and frivolous, so crazy, fearless.

Chen drank too much. He squatted on the table and played beer bottles, muttering something in his mouth.

Zheng Shuai played a wine cellar. "Pomelo, can't you do it? If you can't, let the old king back you."

Wang Yao’s state is a little stronger than Chen’s. He can go, not stable. He dare not recite it. He is afraid to fall off the big incisor with Chen. God knows how much he is obsessed with his big front teeth. It’s the front teeth.

"Let, let the old Pang come."

Wang Yao has a big tongue, and his eyes suddenly slammed. "Cushing, handsome, you are fast, stop the grapefruit, he has to pee!"

Zheng Shuai heard the sound, this can't be seen, the buddy has already smashed his pants down a few points, the mermaid line is exposed, causing the girls to scream, this rogue, really.

Pang Yilong went to the toilet. When he came back, he saw the three brothers on the table tangled up. One was pulling the belt, and he was going to pee in public. The other two were screaming not to let him come. The three men shouted and watched the fun around. And, Cheng Cheng is stupid.

"See what?"

With a bang, Pang Yilong took one hand and pulled Zheng Shuai away from Wang Yao. He took away the drunken Chen and helped him to go to the door. "Mom, I lost my family, the old man, hurry up, don't Sharpened!"

There is no wind tonight, hot and stuffy.

Four teenagers lay on the grass by the lake, three of them quietly releasing alcohol in the night sky, and the other mouth never stopped, and they kept singing "Nuclear".

Zheng Shuai, "Why do you like grapefruit so much like "nunchaku"?"

Wang Yao, "I want to know too."

Pang Yilong, "Ibid."

The three listened to the buddies in the hip-hop, and to tell the truth, the skull is really a little painful. They heard the sophomore from the freshman year, and the big three big four in the back must be inevitable. The magic sound is in the ear, it is difficult to eliminate.

The song disappeared and became the whining of the teenager. "The fourth child, why haven’t my man yet..."

Pang Yilong’s recent, I heard it all at once. He inexplicably turned his head and pushed the people around him. “Pomelo, what do you say? Who is the fourth person, who is your man?”

This shouting smashed the attention of Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao.

How did the three ask, the teenager did not give an answer, specifically, it didn’t take care of it at all, and it played a role from beginning to end. Others couldn’t stop it, and they didn’t get involved.

Chen slept until noon the next day. He squinted at the ceiling, his mind was empty, like when he was swept by a storm, feeling that he had forgotten something, but he couldn’t remember it, only remembered a pair of phoenix eyes. A face with a long, sinister face, who is it? Can not remember.

Have you seen it on TV? Or have you seen it in school.

Chen turned over and his face was facing down. His nose was his own sweaty smell, mixed with the smell of bamboo mats, and there were still a few arenas to fight. The three or three pairs had to fight, and they didn’t go up, trouble.

This is just a slap in the evening on Saturday and Saturday, and I will spend some time with other people.

Chen thought so again, and inexplicably dispelled the idea, and came up with a thought that would continue to die overnight.

He smacked his mouth, not to mention it. I used to stay in the Internet cafe for a few days in the last time. It didn’t matter, it’s still not alive.

The knock on the door suddenly came, pulling a string in Chen’s mind, he said, "Who?"

The doorway is a boarding tube.

Chen slammed his voice and jumped out of bed, hurriedly slammed the balcony into the cupboard and went to the electric pot on the Tibetan table.

The tube came in and looked at it, and found nothing to violate||

Chen Youyi’s vest, scared a lot of cold sweat, their dormitory is hot enough to buy dozens of semester, the pot also bought no less than five, vowed not to be caught again this year.

As a result, I did not carefully close before going out to class, not long-term memory.

Chen went to wash his face, and after getting drunk, it would be very difficult.

To what extent, it is almost a breath of air, all feel sick, not nausea, but also limb weakness, dizziness.

Chen was lying on the upper berth. He remembered it. In the morning, he had an English class. He returned to the name and hoped that Sambo would help him to pass.

The key turned, the door of the dormitory opened, and Wang Yao came back alone, and brought back a bad news. "When the morning name was given, the coach gave you the top, but Huahua teacher later called you to answer the question."

Chen Zai, "..."

"What about Lao Pang and the old man?"

"Get up and eat." Wang Yao put the packaged food on Chen's table. "The old Pang wants to have a meeting, and the old club's society has something to do."

Chen grabbed the guardrail along the bed and said, "What do I want to buckle the meat?"

Wang Yao retched. "Don't mention it. When I was waiting at the window, I saw the meat of the other people's vegetables. There was a huge fly, feeding, grapefruit, where did you spit? The toilet is inside!"

Chen spit at the door. When he spit out, he went to clean it. When he rested, the water didn't want to drink, and he lay down on the bed.

In the evening, Chen was a little better, and called Dad.

Chen Weidong said on the phone. "Remember to take medicine on time and put your mood in place."

Hanging up the phone, Chen took a few moments to know what medicine Dad said was medicine. He had depression, but why? What is the reason?

Less than 20 years old, I have Alzheimer's disease?

Chen grabbed his hair and figured it out. If you can't think of it, you don't want it. Let's take it slowly. This is just like looking for something. He often looks for something. When he becomes a dog, he finds something in his hand. .

On Wednesday, Chen looked at the class schedule, but fortunately, he could skip classes.

They greeted Pang Yilong, and Chen went to find Hu Wei. This is really true. He is a bit nervous. After all, there are more people and more dramas.

Another candidate for the protagonist has already been set. He is a member of an idol group. He took the advertisement and was simply fooled by his own agent. He felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The funds given by the investors are all used in that idol. There is no way to have a fan effect.

Hu Wei took Chen again. "This is Xiao Chen."

Jiang Shaonan was brushing his mobile phone. He didn't give it to his eyes. He just made a sound from his nose. It was a response, screaming.

Chen is also good at flattering, but also very dog-legged, but the person who is in front of him is about the same size as him. He doesn't want to care about it. He looks at the other side quietly.

After playing for a while, Jiang Shaonan stretched out his eyes and turned his eyes. He saw a teenager not far away. He was a shadow control, and the back of the teenager could evoke the blood in his body.

Silent smile, Jiang Shaonan found a new toy, he went to the juvenile side, "You are gay?"

Chen is not reasonable.

Jiang Shaonan’s eyes showed that the assistant had moved the chair in the past and gave him a good time. He sat down and let the assistant go far. The young boy asked, “is it born?”

Chen is still unreasonable.

Jiang Shaonan outlet gas in his ear. "For the first time, do you want to teach you some experience? After a while, my brother is in a good mood and may give you a signature."

Chen pushed the person's head away and automatically ignored the signature. "Southern, I am not gay."

Go away after you finish.

Jiang Shaonan’s tongue is against the teeth, not gay? Who are you kidding? He smelled it by his nose.

In the lounge, Chen listened to Hu Wei’s words, his eyes were going to eat people, “sleeping, and kissing||play? The purpose of advertising is not to popularize same-sex knowledge, to engage in such a big, who accepted it. what?"

Hu Wei said, "It’s just added, it’s not necessarily used."

Chen and he yelled at him. "What did you shoot?"

Hu is very calm, but he is not shooting anyway. "Investors must look at the results."

Chen and his buttocks sat on the stool. He shook his legs and looked at him without a discussion. "I don't shoot."

Hu has seen this kind of situation, and he can handle it with ease. "You have to get used to it. There will be a lot of things in the future. If you mix in the entertainment industry, no one can avoid it."

Chen squinted. "When did I say that I was going to enter the art circle?"

Hu is comforting the cat who jumped his feet. "Don't be nervous. The lens is behind. You took the other shots first. When it was that day, maybe the investors had new ideas and felt that the kiss|| Drop it."

Chen has nothing to say, and it is not easy to dare to act.

Hu Wei said in the tone of his big brother, "You have to get used to it soon."

He held his arm. "I think that if you step into this circle, you will not go out again. I think people are accurate."

Just a fart, Chen and Yan.

The first shot was Jiang Shaonan and Chen, who looked at each other and smiled. Once they passed, the shed had eyelids and they said they had a good understanding.

Hu selected a photo and sent it to Lin Fuxing. He also called to remind the other party to see him. He wanted to suggest.

Lin Fuxing looked at the pictures on the screen. The two teenagers were about the same height, a gentle, a handsome, both of them exude a youthful atmosphere, let people see, will go to the feelings, young is really good, can be brave, fearless, Crazy, crying and laughing.

"Who is he?"

The sound behind it suddenly came, and Lin Fuxing found that he was coming over. He said, "Which question do you ask?"

One hand reached over and took the cell phone in Lin Fuxing's hand.

Staring at the photo, the line of sight fell on the handsome boy. When his eyes swept to the tears of the boy's eyes, the breath was obviously different. "This, where is he now?"

Lin Fuxing took a look. "The kid is Chen You, a sophomore, and he is in the studio."

Strictly turned and left, the footsteps are very big, and the back is a bit anxious.

Lin Fuxing pumped his mouth and looked at it. Since the appearance of the little yellow dog, he has even more doubts about his mind, and he has the illusion that his IQ has dropped.

There is a lot of noise in the studio.

Hu Wei received a phone call from Lin Fuxing in advance, and he arrested Chen and waited at the door. He also told him that he would come two people later, who are they, and what their name is.

Chen is absent-minded. Well, the whole brain is the dog|| fart|kiss||play, and Jiang Shaonan looks at his eyes, explaining four words - I want to engage you.

There are two steps to walk from far and near.

Chen’s arm was stunned by Hu. When he was excited, he looked up and saw two men in the hallway. One dressed casually, handsome and graceful, and the other dressed in a black shirt, black trousers and all hair. After combing to the back of the brain, a pair of phoenix eyes are sharp and stunned, making people dare not look at it.

Hu Wei greeted him, shouted Li Ge, and then let the young man call people.

Chen and his eyes wide open, only a pair of phoenix eyes of a strange man in his vision, the cockroach on his face, very nice, his head hurts a bit, blurted out, "Is I ever seen you?"

The atmosphere is subtle, like a Hu Wei's face, how can he not know, juvenile likes to stern this mourning||心||病||

Lin Fuxing laughed, "Children, the way you talked is really old-fashioned, you are brother..."

His words stopped short and he couldn't laugh. He was in sync with Hu, and he was shocked by his mouth and his chin had to fall.

Under the gaze of the two eyes, Li Yan stalked and approached, holding the boy's face with one hand and lifting a few points. His jaw line was tight, his face had no expression, and his eyes didn't know anything.

The distance is shortened, pulled closer, and the 暧||

There are whispers in the corridors, and when they recognize who the man is, they all agree.

This scene is really strange.

Lin Fuxing asked Hu Wei, Hu Wei shook his head and said that he was also confused.

Strict anomalies are related to this boy. As for the reasons, they don’t know.

Chen’s face was pinched and deformed. His mouth made a sound and was blurred. “What are you doing?”

Li Yan is still in that position, even the face has not changed a bit, as if it has become a sculpture, and it seems to be in a certain unspeakable situation, can not come out.

Chen’s face hurts. He shook his head and did not get rid of the man’s restraint. He reached out and grabbed the hand on his face.

The next moment, he was pushed away.

Unprepared, Chen went backwards, and the back of the head was about to hit the wall, but before the pain occurred, the waist was caught by a big hand.

Read The God of Sky & Earth
XianxiaMartial ArtsHaremAdventure
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

a few seconds ago

Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read My Space-Time System