MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 140 Hello Director (14)

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After Bai Xu’s phone call, the hospital came in, or the dean himself, who did not elaborate on the phone, let the book rush to the hospital.

Put on the coat, put the phone in your pocket, and put the neckline in the mirror. "You are at home."

Chen yelled at him. "Don't, I want to go with you."

The book was buckled on the coat button, and the side bowed his head and glanced at him. "Oh, obedient."

Chen continued to squat and did not let go. "Doctor Jiang is your person. You have a lot of opportunities to contact. You have to do HIV antibody testing. I have to do it."

The action of the button buckle is slightly stunned. "Don't worry."

Chen made a fuss and took his arm and said, "I don't care, I have to go to the hospital."

The sigh of helplessness, "You."

He is a person who pays attention to details. He will be meticulous in dressing. Even if this is the case, he is still slow and slow, walking his own rhythm, without chaos, like a big-handed, high-powered leader.

After smoothing the outermost coat cuffs, the script says, "Go, but you have to follow me all the way, don't run around."

Chen is speechless, too overbearing. He is also a doctor. He’s a little bit at home. If he goes out and squats, it’s not so good. “I don’t run around, I went to the department to ask Dr. Zhou to ask. Happening."

Yan Shufu’s lips were bent. “I want to know the situation and follow me. I can understand the fastest progress here.”

He was black, and his face was clear and his eyes were cold and unusual.

Chen’s eyes glow, “handsome.”

The throat of the script scrolls and laughs. "How handsome?"

Chen took his face and said seriously, "I look, your nose is the nose, the eyes are the eyes, the mouth is the mouth, the handsome is screaming, handsome, my mouth is flu, really, don't believe you. Touching, I have a slap in my mouth."


There was no formality, and the script raised his hand. The index finger bounced on his forehead not too lightly. "Go and change clothes and go out."

Chen and Ma Li's aunty skirt, untied the belt behind the waist, to solve the neck, the people on the side helped him get it, and planted a small piece of strawberry in his back neck.

I still don't know if I can fill a large basket of strawberries in the coming year, but Chen knows that his own land can't be seen.

Not long after, a black car opened a large iron gate, and the two left the house and went to the hospital.

Chen sat in the passenger seat and drank yoghurt and red dates. He didn't like the taste. But because it was bought by this person, he would drink it. After drinking a few boxes, he found it was good, occasionally slow. The taste is necessary.

Otherwise, you will never know how many flavors of a box of yogurt, which one is sweeter and which one is thicker.

After drinking the yogurt, Chen looked around, threw the empty box into a bag, got off the car and threw it. He turned his head and looked at the driver next to him.

This person's expression is more, will not stop him from singing, eating and doing things, the character seems to have changed, and it seems to have not changed.

Chen is also pouting, the same person, care about so much, what is meaningless.

He leaned back and took the back of his head and squatted on the seat. Still couldn't think of the first few tasks mentioned in the book, the system was really dead. He told the soul not to come back.


Chen put his hand into the jacket pocket and touched it. He touched the piece of chewing gum and peeled off the paper outside. He stuffed it into the mouth of the script. When he finished, he peeled off a piece of chew and chewed it. Let’s do it first, put it today. Too good, tomorrow's business, wait until tomorrow.

The system is slow and slow, and it should come alive.

As for the memory, Chen blinked again. He must remember that he was mentally retarded. He became a stranger who would do something strange. He would suddenly cry and laugh suddenly. It would be really miserable.

The car turned and stopped at the red street lamp. The book sprinkled the gum on the paper and threw it into the bag. "Chen, give me a lighter."

Chen asked where he was going to take it, and did not give the silver lighter a hand. "Is it bad to drive?"

The book of cigarettes has already been licked, and he talked about it. "There are a few mouthfuls."

Chen and his brow, "How many?"

The forehead of the script is pumping, "Thirty?"

Chen also smoked. "What you just said is a few, not dozens. Director, this is two concepts. Please correct your thoughts."

The book was a headache. When he spoke, the smoke on his mouth shook and he couldn’t smile. "Wife, don't do this."

Chen and Yan, "What do you call me?"

Looking at the road, the book is not squinting, just a touch of red quietly creeping up his ears. "Wife, if you prefer a lady, a lady, a wife, I have no problem."

Chen turned his head to the window, drew a circle on the window, and drew a circle. "We are not married yet, don't bark."

This is shy.

The book hits the steering wheel and enters Nanshi Street. "That's not easy. Find a day when you have time. Fly to a country that allows same-sex registration to get married. We have done things."

When Chen’s action on the circle was stopped, he turned his head and turned, “Are you telling the truth, or is it fake?”

The script picks the lips, and the side face is handsome and charming. "The nine earrings that I bought for you last time, you pick a pair, I will take you to the ear hole, and buy the ring by the way."

Chen’s brain was a bit messy, and he couldn’t turn around. “You wait, we’re here one by one.”

"What are the two ear holes? Are you going to let me go to the hospital to go to work in the hospital and see the doctor? Are you afraid that the patient will see the ear studs on my ears and question my medical level?"

Although he is not a doctor, but since he has carried the memory of the original master, he still wears a white coat, and the human-like dog-like mix of doctors in the industry is a white angel, and he has to abide by the rules.

The book said, "Not necessarily the ear."

Chen’s heart is not only living in a small change||state, but also a pure little boy. The two are neighbors, but they are not pleasing to each other, and they are very disdainful. At this moment, the pure little boy is shining. "That still Where can it be?"

阎There is no change in color. "Do you think that there is a pair of ears in your body besides your ears?"

Have it? In addition to the ears, there are other places? No, right? All of Chen’s brain cells were dispatched, and he suddenly stunned from the seat.


Chen’s head hit the roof of the car. His painful eyes shed tears and pointed a man who was very shameless. “Fuck, if you dare to move my two ruby ​​ideas, I will disband you!”

What kind of ghost is ruby?

Rao is a curse, and he can't help but shake his shoulders. This person can always say some fresh words. He can't keep up with him. "You have worn nine."

Chen is holding his chest again. "I don't remember."

The rest of the book was swept over and found that the young man’s face was not good. He didn’t say it for the time being. He was afraid that he would be unhappy. He changed something. “Can the wedding ring be bought?”

Chen added, "You can buy, but I don't have money."

"..." said the book, "You are true and sincere."

Chen squinted, "Come on me?"

The book endured a smile, "Well, praise you."

After quietly in the car for a while, Chen changed his comfortable posture, straightened his legs and searched for information about AIDS.

The incubation period of AIDS is very long. The specific time varies from person to person. In a few years, the longest period can reach ten or twenty years. There is no abnormality in the incubation period, and there is no concern at all. Some colds and fevers will never associate. Go there.

When it is discovered, it is time to get sick.

Chen went back to the webpage. There was a post in a post that said that it was a case of high-risk behavior, such as being a qj, or a person who didn’t know one||night||love, and no measures were taken. I will go to the CDC for inspection at a time.

Nowadays, the number of people who are afraid of AIDS is huge, and some people’s panic about AIDS has reached a point where it is a disease.

Like just going to normal blood donation, going to the hospital for an examination to carry out blood draw, I will worry about the needle||The head is not clean, I have been entangled in a short time, affecting life, and some boyfriends who have been in contact with themselves have accidentally engaged. That’s over, I’ll be thinking about it all day long, and I’m afraid I’ve got AIDS.

Even if the result is negative, it will not dispel that fear.

Chen was stunned and looked at it. He changed several search terms to search. AIDS is terrible and not terrible. Everyone’s own situation is different. Some people have AIDS, receive treatment in time, and the material conditions are very good. Ok, then you can take the latest medicines in the first place and definitely survive for a long time.

Some people find that they have gotten it, and they spend it in fear and uneasiness.

Chen looked at his eyes and hurt. He threw his mobile phone on his leg and silently prayed in his heart. He did more good deeds and the Lord would bless.

There are still two streets away from the hospital. Chen asked the edict, "Have you done a bad thing?"

The book opened the car, "I have done it."

Chen and Wen Yan put their bodies to the side. "What bad thing? Stealing the chicken and touching the dog, or stealing the candy at the same table, pulling the girl's little nephew?"

The hospital building was already visible, the book was parked, and the red light was on. He clipped the burning smoke to his fingers and lowered the window to play a ash on the outside. "Kill a lot of people."

Chen’s face changed instantly, and he grabbed the arm of the script. “What are you talking about?”

The script used the other hand to touch the face of the youth. "I am joking."

Chen and Yan are staring at him. "It's not funny at all!"

The hand that was holding the cigarette was caught by Chen. He lifted it and didn't succeed. He simply lowered his head and put it in his mouth. "There are people who have their lives, don't think of those who can't see, huh?"

Chen took the cigarette from the mouth of the book and smashed the bag. "How many mouths? It’s not a word, are you a man?"

The chest of the script shook. "I am not a man, are you not sure?"

Chen Zai, "..."

OK, you are big, you are amazing.

The car drove into the hospital, and the book took Chen and went to the office of the dean. After a simple exchange, I went to the meeting. The directors of each department were there. Chen was in it. It was very awkward, but there was no way. People were the family members of the director. Director Zhang wants to bring, and no one wants to find anything.

Moreover, the hospital is now a mess.

As long as they are admitted to the hospital, the doctors and nurses will treat the patients according to the process.

The director present has been working in the hospital for many years. Almost all of them have had surgery for AIDS patients. Among them, the most contact with the sputum is different from the outside people. They have a scientific and reasonable understanding of AIDS and know how to be close to the patient. Protect your health with a force.

Even in the course of surgery, the blood of AIDS patients will get on the surgical gown, they will not panic, because everyone is very rational, the blood will not penetrate the skin | | skin infiltration, in the AIDS patients Before surgery, it is also a must-have to check if there is any broken skin on your body.

It is also strange to say that this group of AIDS patients, unlike other patient groups, is very dependent on the emotions of doctors and nurses, and the treatment process is very cooperative.

Doctors like to communicate with people with AIDS, and the doctor-patient relationship is very harmonious.

However, the situation of colleagues carrying HIV is the first time facing.

The dean sat on it and waited for the master to finish it. He looked at the seat of the book, "You talk."

The book said, "The doctor-patient relationship is the most difficult."

Others nod, but not every year, this year has also made a big one.

A director said, "According to statistics, from the doctor Jiang to the hospital so far, she has handled and participated in a total of 72 operations. Today, when things go out, there are fifteen family members who come to the hospital to make trouble. Still on the road."

Everyone, including the dean, is frowning.

Jiang Meiren is a singer, and it is absolutely impossible for him to stay out of things.

Everyone else is very sympathetic.

The scriptures hang down the eyelids, and a pair of calm mountains with a constant color in the front are seemingly indifferent and indifferent.

The director of the male section looked at the person underneath himself. The other person pretended to be invisible. He smoked his face. When a son married, he forgot the sad feeling of her family.

Chen sat on the side and acted as a small pendant carried by the book. He did not make any noise, and even the gasping was very light. At this time, he did not want to find any sense of existence.

I don’t know how Jiang Meiren is. I shouldn’t have known that I have AIDS. Her husband is a bit worried, but it’s not so bad. I’m joking about the lives of patients and colleagues. ||Recover this society.

Chen is used to speculating others in good faith.

Chen was still guessing Dr. Jiang from the moment before, and the conference room began to discuss.

"HIV has a long incubation period. Dr. Jiang has just been discovered. If it is not a coincidence, she may not know it for a short time."

The director of the Mediterranean outside the brain said, "Her inspection report is here."

When you say it, throw a report on the table to the middle position and let everyone see. "Mr. Jiang’s family has not been contacted. No one in her circle of friends carries this disease.||Poison, how is it infected? Still know nothing."

"This is not important. What is important now is the public opinion of the outside world. Even my Weibo can't see it. The hospital forum will not even say it."

The Mediterranean is calm, "Hey, I personally recommend that you go to the inspection right away."

He said this, other people want to mention, just not open.

The book is headed, "I will."

"Ming Jiang has already gone back. Her mood is very unstable. Staying in the hospital will only bring more psychological pressure to her."

The dean knocked on the table. "You will have a small meeting in each department to inform you, especially the extra-cardiac and emergency departments. The check-up should not be taken lightly, but don't be self-defeating. Don't be worse than people outside the hospital."

"These days will be busy, and everyone is working hard."

At the end of the meeting, the dean left the script, and Chen Xiao’s pendant was also natural.

The dean looked at Chen and said, "Let's check it out together."

He whispered to the script, "Let's take a look at Dr. Jiang's residence. After she knew her situation, she was greatly stimulated. When she left the hospital, her head was injured and there was no dressing."

Aside Chen looked at the wall and looked at the ground.

Speaking a few words with the dean, the book with Chen went to check.

In the hallway, Chen asked the edict, "Don't send Dr. Jiang to the emergency department, didn't you touch it?"

The script says no.

Chen glared at his arm and let him go slower. "When did you have a surgery, did she have a hand on her hand?"

The book said, "I will wear gloves."

Chen thinks about it too. "She likes you. I usually have a lot of attention to you. I want to approach you, but she doesn't know that she has AIDS, so she will definitely not have scruples. Then she will not be with you... ..."

The latter words were blocked by the man's breath.

Many hospitals are supervised||controlled, and the script only touched Chen’s lips and retreated. “Hey.”

Chen Zai, "..."

Just finished the inspection, the results have not come out, I heard a big quarrel from the downstairs.

After the police arrived at the scene, the patients and their families were not suppressed, but they were even more troubled. The fear of AIDS defeated other emotions. The hospital had to hand over the **** beauty to the hospital and give them a statement. All expenses are not counted, and corresponding compensation is required.

Can't say, can only rely on the police |

Chen wanted to take the elevator to the second floor. He was not allowed to take the book. He took him to the fifth floor and went to his office. The door was closed and he was not allowed to talk to the outside.

"Right, do you still remember that I told you a patient?"

Chen took another sip of water. "The patient told me about his friend."

The book calls out the relevant memory. "I remember, I told you, maybe the friend in the other party is himself."

The hairs of Chen’s body are all erected. “You wait, let me justify.”

He rubbed his arm and subconsciously hugged himself. When he thought he had a man to hold, he went to hold a man. "Assuming you said it is true, the patient is an AIDS patient. He accidentally infected through blood transfusion, and gave him The emergency doctor who transfused blood is very hateful."

Having said that, Chen paused and brought out the horrible atmosphere. "Is it going to have a relationship with Dr. Jiang? I heard that she was in the emergency room before she came to the hospital. She is still detected. AIDS."

"Look, life is not a TV series. Where are the coincidences, not all of them, or the two sides carefully arranged?"

The book frowns and asks another thing. "Don't you have any contact with the patient?"

Chen is guilty, "I touched it."

The squatting lines of the shackles are chilly and the atmosphere is also lingering.

Swallowing, Chen and the weak explanation, "Men's department is different from the heart, and dealing with those things every day, I am no exception."

Asked, "Happy?"

Chen blurted out, "Happy."

He wants to die all the heart, fuck, mentally retarded Chen, you have to hang yourself sooner or later.

The air pressure in the office is so low that at a critical juncture, Chen uses super weapons and hooks the neck of the script to play ||啵.

On the other hand, on a certain floor of the high-end residential area, a certain room was in a mess, half a glass was dropped on the sofa, the table and chairs were smashed, the glass coffee table was broken, the bright red rose was smashed, and the delicate vase was broken. Blocks, cockroaches are everywhere.

Jiang Meiren hugged her knees on the ground, her hair was scattered, her eyes were empty, the index finger of her left hand did not know what was scratched, and the blood dribbled and condensed into a small pool of blood red water at the foot.

In December, the wind was very cold. When I came in from the balcony, it was ruthless and strong. No matter what the occasion, it was unreasonable.

The smell of blood was swept away by the wind, and scattered around. Some of the brains in Jiang’s mind trembled fiercely. She grabbed the screaming and screaming, "Ah-"

The line of sight was attracted by the blood on the ground, and Jiang Meiren stared at it with a horror look that saw the ghost.

Until the eyes were sour, the tears burst out, and they passed over their faces, leaving a warm water || marks, which were blown cold by the wind, and iced.

Jiang Meiren looked at the wound of the index finger and looked at the blood. She laughed happily, laughed fiercely, helpless, panic.

God, why are you doing this to me?

The cell phone on the ground rang. It was the parent of Jiang Meiren. She didn't pick it up. She just sat in the same place, crying and laughing, like a madman.

Jiang Meiren covered her face with her hand. Who is it, who passed the virus to her? Although she has handed over several boyfriends these years, she has already checked, and there are no problems for those people.

She suddenly opened her hand and her face was whiter. It was him, it must be that person!

In the evening, the sound of the doorbell alerted Jiang Meiren. She had been sitting on the ground and heard the ringing. The whole person was stabbed and had a big reaction.

Is it a stack of books? He worried about me, so came to see me, Jiang Meiren grabbed the edge of the sofa and slowly stood up and swayed to open the door.

People outside the door are not books.

When Jiang Meiren stayed for a moment, he rushed to beat, tore, and screamed incoherently. "Is it right? You have AIDS, but it has been transmitted to me, is it you?"

The man caught the two hands of Jiang Meiren, stepped wide and kicked the door with his foot. "It's me."

He has greatly acknowledged that it is clear that there is enough time to think on the way.

Perhaps I didn't expect the other party to admit without hesitation. Even an excuse didn't look for it. Jiang Meiren stiffened for a short time and screamed madly. "Why are you going to harm me?"

The man reversed her hand and approached her a few minutes away. 昧||昧, the next second will make some impulses. "You have to ask yourself, Dr. Jiang, you are really a noble person."

"In the summer of seven years ago, in the emergency room of the xxxxx hospital, you gave a boy a blood transfusion. Did you think of it?"

Ginger beauty, "You... you are... that is..."

"It seems that you are thinking about it."

The man's pale mouth slanted to the sides, revealing a smile that could be said to be pleasant. "It's so good, you think of it."

The curvature of his mouth is still there, but it makes people feel gloomy. "As you think, I am the unlucky person who was infected into the blood of HIV."

Ginger beauty is all over the body, and the scenes of seven years ago are reappearing in front of her eyes. She keeps shaking, deliberately escaping, taking medicine, selective amnesia, and the past is finally broken open. It is blood.

"That is an accident, what does it have to do with me?"

The man held her in one hand and pinched her chin in one hand. "So, is this matter from beginning to end, is it related to me? Why should I bear the cold eyes and disgust of others?"

"Do you know? After I was found to have AIDS, I was fired from school. My brothers and sisters didn't dare to approach me. They cried and took things to me, let me roll, and even my parents began to alienate. I am alert to me. Gradually, I have no courage and opportunity to step into the house."

"Now I have an AIDS|| poison, there is nothing else, ah no, I still have you." The man smiled very happy, "Doctor Jiang, you will accompany me, right?"

Jiang Meiren struggled vigorously, but like a clown, she was so mean and mad, "It was your life that was bad... Yes, you are not good!"

"This is true,".

The man sighed and shook his head. "Doctor Jiang, you have this ending today, and your life is not good."

Jiang Meiren’s emotions are out of control, “I want to kill you—”

The man smiled. "Don't be excited, you just got diagnosed. I don't know what kind of things we have to face. I have time to tell you slowly. I believe that with the talent of Dr. Jiang, I will definitely live well. You Say yes?"

Jiang Meiren didn't call it, just licking it with a hateful look.

"You are so beautiful."

What flashed in the fundus, the man turned her back and forced it from behind, and for the first time in a few years did not take security measures.

The living room is no longer a single **** smell, but also a kind of other smell. The man is looking down at the woman who is still moving on the ground. "I heard a word, if you do a good job, you will have a blessing. It seems that you Did not do it."

He said with pity, "I used three boxes of t on you, you are still feeling || Dye, and sure enough, your life is not good, no different from me."

"I said the wrong thing, the difference is still there. When my life is destroyed by you, it is the time when the wonderful things of life are just beginning, so you are still a little better than me."

The moment the door was closed, the cry of the woman’s collapse in the living room, the man walked out of the community, and he walked along the road on the left, aimless and tireless.

There are two girls passing by, blushing away, who can think of it, the person who looks like a clear man has already rotted and stinks...

After more than an hour, the car of the book stopped at the bottom of the community, and Chen went up with him. The doorbell did not respond for a while.

"Mr. Jiang is not there."

Chen added, "Let's go back and call the hospital later."

The book was humming and left with him.

Because of this incident, Chen was uneasy, and he injured his hand when he chopped vegetables. "Oh, I am bleeding, and you have a wound in the second drawer of the living room TV cabinet!"

The door of the study didn't open immediately, but after a little while, the script came out and took the wound to go to Chen and put the finger on it. "How can I be so careless?"

Chen added, "Going away."

He licked half a potato on the chopping board. "The rest of you cut."

The edict does not say anything, just roll up the cuffs and cut.

Chen picked up the book and cut it, and put it with himself. The front one is described by a piece, and the latter is described by one.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

The script does not mean that "it can be cooked."

Chen held his arm and leaned to one side. "That's also, that dinner, you come."

The cough coughs, "The kitchen is your place, how dare I move, or come."

Chen rolled his eyes again and said, "Go out and go."

He came up with the head of the family, "Hey, Director, you have to do the gardening of the balcony, I have given it to you, let them live this winter."


When the book was pulled out of the kitchen and the glass door was pulled, when the back was turned over, the brows were converging and converging, and it was fleeting. The hand with the scalpel went to the drums and flowers.

Before going to bed, Chen remembered one thing and quickly dropped his mobile phone to swear. "You show me the results."

The result of his inspection was given by the other party, but the other party did not see it. At that time, his mind was chaotic, the hospital was noisy, and he caught up with Zhou’s doctor to call himself. When he finished the call, he forgot.

The book flipped through the magazine and "has been thrown away."

Chen went to the bottom and asked, "Where is it?"

The book opened a page and said, "In the trash."

Chen took his face again and glanced at the magazine. He was jewellery on the top. He glanced at him with amazement and twisted back in time before he was distracted. "What is your inspection result?"

The script spit out two words from the mouth, "negative."

Chen looked at him again, "Really?"

The book said, "Yeah."

Chen took off the magazine in his hand, "Look at me!"

The book looked down at him, his eyes were deep and gentle, and there was light there, as if he had entered a starry sky.

Chen was blushing and still hot. "Why are you going to throw it away?"

The script shouted people in their arms, and the voice was low and deep. "It’s no use to watch it, don’t throw it, and keep it."

Chen was on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and muttering in his mouth. "The words are so, but I don't see it, I don't feel relieved."

The book smiled and said, "There is nothing to worry about, you are stupid, still thinking, and your brain is even worse."

Chen left from his chest and lay down in the bed, angry.

The book was frowning, the lamp was lying next to the youth, the chin was against his shoulder, and an arm was placed on his waist, hugged from behind.

The bedroom was in silence.

Chen squatted on his legs, moved around, and finally turned over and slept in the opposite side of the book. He is now used to sleeping.

More than a long time, a voice rang in the darkness, "I said, I will walk with you."

In the middle of the night, when the book came up to the toilet, when he returned to the bedroom, he swept his eye on the bedside table with two woodcarvings on it, namely Xiao Xiaoshu and Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s neck is wearing a pink Teddy chain, and is also set with a diamond, bright, like a small sun.

The script went over and took Xiao Chen back in his hand and touched his head. "It's so cute."

The night was cold, the temperature in the room was very low, and most of the quilts on the bed fell on the floor. The young man lay flat and the pink pajamas rolled up to reveal a beautiful and thin waist. He didn’t know that he had this kind of touch. Multi-hook||人.

The book shook his head and went to pull the quilt over the young man. He sat on the bed and stared at the youth through the moonlight.

Chen unconsciously waved his arm and touched it.

When you see the book, you will immediately lie in that position and let the youth feel at ease.

At five o'clock in the morning, a phone call came over, and the elder book got up and dressed. He put his hands on his feet and awoke the people on the bed.

Chen yawned again. "Why are you going? Is there surgery?"

The book is short, "You go to sleep."

Chen blinked his eyes and dismissed the upper and lower eyelids. This is a hard time for you. "You are not here, I can't sleep."

The book was buckled on the belt. In the past, Chen’s forehead kissed him and put the big teddy bear at the end of the bed in his arms. “Hold it, hold me.”

Chen Zai, "..."

It’s not so good. The teddy bear is so soft, there is no temperature, there is no eight-pack abs, there is no good-looking mermaid line, and the waist is not big.

The book is going outside the door. "There is food in the refrigerator. If you don't want to eat, you can cook a noodle. I am gone."

Chen looked at the man's back and felt that he was very tall and tall. "Hey, you are coming back."

The book stopped, and the original road turned back. He hugged his head and put his lips on his forehead. He said in a muffled voice, "Don't hire me, the wound is waiting, I must go to the hospital right away."

Chen and his brain make up a person who is on the verge of death. What is his stickiness||糊糊||糊|| The mind is gone, urging, "Go fast."

When the book was changed in the porch, I heard the sound in the bedroom. "Slow down on the road!"

There was a warmth in his eyes. "Good."

The doctor can’t really say that there is no fixed rest time, especially for surgeons.

Chen sighed and greeted the system. As usual, he greeted the system. The other party still refused to respond and continued to die. "I told you, whether it is a person or a machine, you must face reality."

"It is useless to hide from me. You owe me a few explanations. I don't just remember it in my heart. I also remember it on the book. If I were you, it would be a slap in the face, not dragging, not interesting. You said no. ?"

"Tell the matter, you promise that I will not lie to me, I will forgive you, really, you believe me, I am not a vengeful person."

After a bunch of smashing, Chen said that he could only wait for the system to stand up again and accept the black hole of the hole || The tragedy of the hole.

After a day, the hospital could not return to the normal scene, the hospitalization, the medical troubles, the media, and the squatting, the doctors and nurses were tired of coping, and the entire hospital was filled with a tense and depressed atmosphere.

Chen and Dr. Zhou telephoned and knew that the script was still in the operating room. It took a few hours to get it. He went to the supermarket to buy things and thought about going to the hospital after a while. He just dropped a pack of toilet paper into the cart. There was a voice behind him, "Doctor."

After the sound, it was a series of footsteps, stopping next to Chen. He twisted his neck to see, and when he saw the coming, he recognized it all at once.

Although Chen has to look at many patients every day, there are problems in all aspects, but he has an impression on this. First, the other person’s face is whiter than ordinary people, like a piece of jade, and the other is that the other party has a story.

"It is you."

An unexpected expression appeared on the man's face. "Does the doctor still remember me?"

Chen nodded. "I remember."

The man smiled. "That is my honor."

Chen also politely smiled. He felt that there was a kind of breath on this person's body, just like... the moist smell in the corner where the sun was not seen all the year round, wrapped in mildew.

"Are you good now?"

The man said with gratitude, "It’s already good. Thanks to the doctor for giving me the medicine, it works."

Chen and oh, "That's it. You usually pay more attention to hygiene. Don't be too casual in eating. Don't eat spicy, cold and irritating things. Have a good mood, be cheerful and optimistic, and be good for everything."

The man was silent for half a time, just like that time, facing Chen Youyi. "If all the doctors can be responsible for you, then that's fine."

Chen was boasted again and he was a little embarrassed.

Is he responsible? Haven't thought about this problem.

When I first came to this world, Chen thought about grasping this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to satisfy the small changes in his heart. The state is not so exciting after seeing more. There is a kind of flower that is not a flower, and the cloud is not a cloud. , watching birds is not a bird's feeling.

The main thing is that his book is the best, and no one else can match it.

Someone came over, and Chen pulled the cart aside to make room for the other party. He said to the man, "I just did what I should do. I believe that many doctors are doing a lot better than me."

"hope so."

The man smiled and said, "Doctor, do you have time, I want to invite you to have a cup of coffee."

Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
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ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life
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