MTL - Qingge-Chapter 10 .Lady! !!

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"Brother, do you look good?"

Qing Ge just finished eating a piece of walnut, licked his mouth, and nodded and smiled, "Xiao Chen is dressed well."

In the afternoon, Qing Ge found out that as the gold master (?) Who controls the financial power of the family, he has one more responsibility, which is to buy clothes for the two brothers.

Because Duan Jingjing is used to it, usually he and his younger brother directly buy the size for the assistant, and he does n’t often go out for shopping. In Shen Ningyu's words, he is a whole man. Now he has a good helper (?), Buy The work of clothes naturally fell into Qingge's hands.

Alas, being a gold master is also very painful.

Because there is late self-study in the evening, Duan Chenchen went to school after eating and bathing. Near the end of the period, the school inspection is much stricter, and he will write a review late.

Two people who stayed at home, one stayed in the study room to do the work, and one stayed in the room typing in a crackling manner. It was the business to save a lot of papers. Didn't you see the little angels in the comment area howling?

During the period, Qingge also registered an account and took its two million to buy the two most memorable stocks. By the middle of next month, these two stocks will skyrocket, and the small vault will be full by then.

After saving the 20,000-word manuscript, Qing Ge just hung out of his account and was hugged from behind. It was his familiar body temperature, and he relied on it with confidence.

"Don't look at the computer for too long, it's not good for the eyes." Duan Junjing lowered his head and exchanged a kiss with him. Last night, he couldn't wait to think about this person's body.

"Are you going to the company tomorrow?" Qing Ge asked teasingly and softened. He really likes to do that with Jing Ge, but he's afraid of getting a sore back tomorrow. It's really tangled.

"Well, you have to deal with something, okay with me, you haven't been to the husband's company, huh?" Duan Yijing said this for the first time. He used to be careful to hold people in fear of scaring him away. But when we got along one day today, he saw the nature of the child. As long as it was something he did seriously, he would not perfunctory it, but he did it very seriously. He knew it from the time he arranged the things at home.

Sure enough, Qing Ge's focus is not on her husband at all, he has already acquiesced, it is a title anyway, and he is proud!

"I'm afraid I won't be able to get up tomorrow." Qing Ge's pajamas have been untied, the whole person was confined in the arms of her lover, her white body was slightly red, and the collarbone had yesterday's kiss marks. Looking at both abstinence and Hook people. Seeing Jing Ge's gaze, he shook his head a little bit shyly. It was so explicit that Jing Ge seemed to be taking him to his stomach.

"It's okay, can you come up again? I put the pass on the bedside and hold it. You can go directly to my president's office. No one dares to stop you." Duan Junjing leaned down to bite his earlobe, this He wants to hold it in his palms, and to bully him badly, to listen to his cry, which turns gently under him.

Earlobe is the sensitive point of Qingge. He flinched for a while, his head was blank, he whispered, his voice was a bit unstable, his breathing was heavy, and he no longer pushed back. His legs actively wrapped around his lover's waist, lowly. He said, "Take it lightly." Last night he was tired and fell asleep.

After getting permission, Duan Yunjing ate another delicious supper heartily, but taking into account the body of the little lover, he only needed him once, and then hugged him to take a shower and lie back on the bed, and gently stroked his back.

Obviously such a stubborn and proud person, but willing to lie under him and be emotionally confused, willing to do everything for him at home, willing to acquiesce in his title, and even love Huan obey himself completely, do not say rejection , Does not exclude others in the eyes of the disadvantaged side, he will only make a gentle sound, and whispered to make himself lighter.

His little lover is pampering himself in his own unique way, how can he not touch you, how can he love you more, love you all, love you more than my life.

"Jing, help me to press, it's a bit tired." Qingge muttered, both of them were undressed, and their skin was so close, Qingge's head rested on Duan Junjing's sturdy chest. cake."

Qing Ge does not exclude the love of Jing Ge, and he is also very comfortable being served, but he used it too much last night, otherwise he can do it again and see his sincere eyes.

"Well, I'll make it for you tomorrow, what else do you want to eat? Drink porridge or something else?" Duan Yijing put his hand on the small lover's thin waist and massaged gently, opened his bangs, and said pettifully.

"Well, can you order?" Qing Ge smiled slyly.

"Yes, say whatever you want, I will do it, I will learn to do it." Duan Junjing smiled softly, tightened his hands tightly, wrapped the sheets, and pecked his full lips. A sip, "I don't want you to be polite with me."

"I want to drink red bean and black rice porridge." Qing Ge's ears are getting red, it's too embarrassing. If he still has physical strength, he must stick to Jing Ge.

"Okay." Duan Junjing laughed with a lip and hugged him sideways. "Have a rest, dear, good night."

"My dear, good night." Qing Ge shrunk in his arms, warm temperature came over him, and he secretly added, "It's comfortable, don't be too restrained."

Qing Ge closed her eyes quickly after speaking, why was she so ashamed? Huh!

Duan Yijing reacted to the meaning of the little lover, and his smile gradually deepened, and he blew in his ears unwillingly: "I also like it very much.

For a long while, no one spoke, just when Duan Jingjing thought that the little lover had fallen asleep, a low "um" came over, and the smile on his face could no longer be controlled, so much love, how could a baby be so stingy people?

In the early morning of the next day, when Duan Jingjing woke up, Qing Ge was still asleep, and he slept soundly with pillows on his arms. His face was crushed red. He stole a fragrant and could not bear to wake him up, lightly Waking up.

In the kitchen, skillful techniques, a pot of fragrant red bean and black rice porridge, a dish of mouth-watering crystal red bean cake, a pot of white fungus lotus seeds, and a fruit salad incidentally.

Thinking of his younger brother in school, Duan Yijing washed and chopped up some of his younger brother's favorite ingredients, so Xiaochen would fry for a few minutes before eating.

They are not incapable of hiring a nanny, but they feel it is unnecessary. They have become a habit of cooking. The house is also their brother cleaning up at weekends. They do not feel that it is worthless. Nothing to care about.

In addition, the brothers and sisters are usually very good at eating and wearing. They are just different from other rich people. They enjoy the fun of doing things themselves.

When Qingge got up, it was already more than nine o'clock. Jing Ge and his company went to work at 8:30. Jing Ge should have gone to the company.

The body was not uncomfortable. Qingge finished washing. When I went downstairs, the breakfast table was set up for breakfast. The pot was filled with hot red beans and black rice porridge. The crystal red date cake was covered with a transparent cover. tight.

Qing Ge choked breakfast, while eating a loving breakfast, while turning on the computer, first went to see the two stocks yesterday and confirmed that they were in good shape. Then he was relieved and saved today's manuscript on Jinjiang and responded. Some more active readers went to change clothes in preparation for the company.

Because of going to Jinge ’s company, Qing Ge picked a casual dress, a long-sleeved shirt on the upper body, and black-gray jeans on the lower body. He picked up the pass at the bedside and saw that there was a post-it note, which made him put it in the kitchen. Tremella lotus seeds and fruit salad were also brought. Jing Ge was afraid that he would be bored in the company, and changed his method to cheer him up.

Qing Ge saw the post-it note to understand the meaning of lover, smiled happily, went to the kitchen and brought the insulation box, layered the fruit salad and Tremella lotus seed, and then went out with it.

The apartment apartment key, door card, everything, Duan Yejing prepared the little lover for yesterday, he just needs to go out to hit a car, and then to Liujing.

Today the sun is very good, Qing Ge carried the insulation box, paid the fare, and walked into the gate of Liujing.

There are many people in the lobby on the first floor. Appointed customers, company employees, and Qing Ge just came in, and they saw a lot of eyes falling on him. They were a little depressed, and they didn't punch their eyes. Why did so many people notice? Those people just didn't expect to see such a clean child, yes, that's clean, this is the temperament that Qing Ge always emits from his body.

The lady at the front desk was screaming, so beautiful and beautiful, she smiled sincerely and very warmly. "Hello, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?"

Qing Ge smiled and showed her the pass, and her voice was very clear: "I'm looking for your president, how do I get there?"

It turned out to be a black pass card. There are only two such card companies, that is, in the hands of President Duan and President Shen. Not everyone in the office on the top floor has the right to go up. The lady at the front desk pinched her gossip and pointed him to that. Dedicated elevator on the side: "There is a dedicated elevator over there. The president is on the 32nd floor. You can just go there."

Qing Ge thanked politely and left with the insulation box.

The top floor is not all the president's office, there are some employees, but the card on the young singer can directly open the president's office, and even the safe inside. It can be seen how much Duan Lijing cares about his little lover.

Qing Ge is here for the first time, so many people are curiously looking at this beautiful teenager and watching him holding a thermos box. Is it his brother who delivers the meal? But it's not time for dinner yet.

Qing Ge ignored those curious or scrutiny eyes, he went directly to the president's office, swiped in, and left a dull employee.

Did that boy go in? Go in? That's the president's office. Except Assistant Chen and President Shen, there is no office that is not allowed to enter!

It happened that Assistant Chen came upstairs and saw their expressions stunned. Somewhat strangely, he only went out for a few minutes. Nothing happened, and he asked unknownly: "What's wrong?"

A female employee whispered, "A pretty young man went into the president's office, but he swiped in!"

Very beautiful teenager? Chen Han looked up, remembering the young man who went to the president's house yesterday, and he was very beautiful. He said, "Oh, that is our boss, you have a better attitude towards him. Maybe the president will raise his salary when he is happy." In the behavior, I silently ordered a wax for myself. It is estimated that this dog food can be eaten for a long time. It is estimated that no one knows that their president is a strict wife or a wife-type, and he is in the kitchen.

So a group of employees were raided to Waijo Rinen again, the boss? !! Their president has been clean for so long, but how many people are golden bachelors, and they are of good character and ability, and now they have boss ladies? !! Still such a beautiful teenager! 2k novel reading network

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