MTL - Qiang Jin Jiu-Chapter 255 Aoyama

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Lidu is full of greenery, and potted plants are placed on both sides of the open space of Mingli Hall. The eunuchs, holding pots full of ice cubes, rested at the four corners of the hall to dispel the heat. The courtiers waiting to be summoned under the eaves were sweating hot, but they couldn't be ridiculous, but forced to let the sweat wet their robes.

The bamboo curtain of Minglitang was lifted up, Fengquan came out with a duster, bowed to the courtiers, and said softly, "The heat is unbearable, and the adults have worked hard, and His Highness specifically ordered the slaves to prepare mung bean soup."

The eunuchs served the soup swiftly and prepared the paper towels and flowers in advance. Fengquan saluted again and retreated to Mingli Hall.

"The temple is humbled," said the local official drinking soup, "I'm really grateful."

The spoon scooped the porcelain bowl, and Duguan said to the river Jiangshan on the side: "Can Wan Xiao live in the post?"

Jiang's Qingshan drank the soup, nodding slightly. He did not agree with the rumored thunder, and behaved warmly, as if he was perfunctory about things, not so concerned. After half an hour, the **** made a roll call, Jiang \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 'a the event that he is going to do anything about it, but Jiang elders is throwing his robes and kneeling in the hall.

"Cenjue Xi Buzheng envoy Jiang \\ Aoyama see His Royal Highness."

Li Jianting said, "Wan Xiao, please, this hot day has kept you standing outside for a long time. I and Yuan Fuzheng talked about Juexi government affairs, and you see that there is no rain in Yongcheng for more than a month, and the local granary is in short supply. , Want to borrow food from Huaizhou? "

"The grain collected by the imperial court last year was borne by Juexi, and the granaries in the 13 cities have bottomed out," Jiang said. "I don't think we will encounter a drought."

Kong Jian told Li Jianting on the side: "Yongcheng is also a granary in the southwest. If the drought is severe, I am afraid that borrowing food from Wanxiao will not be able to support it, but we still have to rely on the court to reduce the food supply."

Li Jianting's forehead, Huayan Hongyan, she groaned for a moment and said, "Xian Denian, you have offended the local businessmen for the disaster relief, and made it difficult for them to get stuck in the door. This year, it is difficult to negotiate with Huaizhou to borrow food. Yong The disaster in the city is not a trivial matter, but do n’t worry. Yuan Fu and I will give you a charter as soon as possible. Grain must be adjusted. ”

Jiang \\ Qingshan Rudu both used to dodge the words. The former Emperor Tianchen and Xiande did not have such a straightforward attitude. When they heard Li Jianting say this now, they could n’t help but get up and worshiped, saying: "The minister knows The court will take into account the Qidong war this year. The military ration is the most important. Juexi is willing to use silk to pay the debt and exchange food with Huaizhou. "

When talking about this, Kong Ye was a little bit irritated: "The official ration of official food can be implemented after His Royal Highness approves it. Why should Tao Huai, the prefecture of Huaizhou, resist the purpose?" He can give this food aid. "

"The edict has been issued a few days ago," said Li Jianting. "Fengquan, go outside and ask if Tao Huai, the prefecture of Huaizhou, is there. If you do, ask the court to understand."

Before Fengquan stepped out of the door, Fuman went to the door and said, "His Royal Highness, the letter from the station said that Tao Huai, the prefecture of Huaizhou, ran away with an old man!"

Li Jianting said for a moment: "Where did you go? The court called him over for negotiation. What did he run?"

Fu Man gently stomped his feet and said, "Shen Zechuan went to Zhongbo!"

There was an immediate argument in the hall.

Chen Zhen frowned and said, "It's common to borrow food. What does he run? There must be a reason!"

"I don't know, Your Highness," Fu Man hurriedly said, "The official who called to open the granary in Huaizhou and found that there was very little grain left, which was not enough to provide food. Tao Yan and Shen Zechuan rushed to sell the grain to him When I heard that Juxi was about to borrow food, I was scared and ran away that night! "

There was an uproar in the hall, and Cen Yu stood up and said, "This ... there is no such thing as the local royal history!"

Huaizhou has no food, and Hezhou is empty. The eight major cities cannot be counted on. What should Yong City do? Juexi had to tighten her belt from the teeth to save it!

The atmosphere in the hall plummeted, and the ice cubes at the four corners were soaked with cold air, which caused heartache after Kong Jing was cold. After covering his mouth and nose with a cough, he stood up and saluted Li Jianting after he was calmed down, saying, "Relief is a top priority and there must be no delay. Du Guanyue can reduce it at his own discretion, and start with the minister, and not starve the people!"

The courtiers from the outside looked at each other, followed by kneeling, echoing: "The minister is willing and willing to make His Highness perfect."

The cicadas among the trees were stuck by the eunuch, and Li Jianting stood up, in the short silence, and said with emotion: "Such kings, how can I stop them? Since it is for the people of Yongcheng, the palace should also reduce the cost appropriately. . Wan Xiao, you come to ask for food, and you will arrange for relief. "

Jiang \\\ 's Qingshan Mantou thank you.


In the evening, the flower cage was voile, and the courtyard was covered with chopsticks. Only the dumb waited on the side.

Xue Xiuzuo, dressed in regular clothes, poured tea to Jiang's Castle Peak and said, "I've been wronged in my house."

Jiang \ 's Qingshan took the tea and sighed: "Since I entered the capital, there are so many entertainment events. No mountain or sea taste is as good as the coarse tea and light rice here."

"Poor life," Xue Xiuzhuo laid down the teapot, and ridiculed rarely. "Which official of Fengjiang is like you? There is no decent carriage to go out."

"I'm really poor, you're falsely poor," Jiang's Qingshan Road, "but the two of us smell like each other, we are all sour!"

The two laughed at the tea.

"I think Chu Jun is clever, and he is very decent. He is very clear-handed, and has a fair manner," Jiang \\\\ Qingshan picked up chopsticks and ate green onions and mixed tofu. . "

"She's young and bumpy, naturally different from ordinary girls." Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Jiang's dinner in Qingshan, "I see your letter from the beginning of the year, Liu Niang is pregnant?"

Jiang's Qingshan slowed down the swallowing, looked at Xue Xiuzuo, smiled, and said, "It's the same."

Xue Xiuzhuo did not continue to ask.

Jiang's Qingshan has a wife but no children. His wife is a Liu family in Baima Prefecture. He is not a big rich family. He has a good relationship with Jiang's Qingshan, but the two have no children. Liu Niang's health was bad. The first child was pregnant in Xiande for four years. At that time, Jiang's mountains ran around to borrow food. Businessmen came to the door to scare Liu Niang. After the abortion, it was difficult to conceive.

"Why are you so frustrated?" Jiang \\ Aoyama put chopsticks, "If I'm destined to be childless, don't force it." He said, looking at the flowers on the side, paused for a moment, "Is the mother Pressing hard, it is inevitable that Liu Niang ... alas. "

Jiang's mother begged Sun to treat her daughter-in-law very harshly.

"My mother is old and has a stronger nature. Liu Niang's ministry has been aggrieved. I have been busy with government affairs all these years, and I neglected my family. I lived up to her original oath." Jiang Qingshan was sad when she mentioned the family affairs. At the beginning of the year, I took over a distant relative, niece, and said that it was temporary. I haven't left yet. I went back several times to see Liu Niang standing under the eaves, and my mother wanted to match me with that woman ... "

"You are reluctant to say no," Xue Xiuzhuo gave him tea, "so as not to make the old lady feel feasible and hurt Liu Niang's heart."

Jiang's Castle blocked Xue Xiuzhuo and said, "Change the bar."

"I'm going to do business tomorrow morning." Xue Xiuzhuo said looking at Muer, and signaled Muer to get the wine.

"You live alone in this house, empty," Jiang said, Qingshan raised his arm and waved, "it's time to find someone."

"Han Xun was removed, Tian Tian didn't check it out," Xue Xiuzhuo took the wine and poured it only for him. "Marriage is just to leave her alone in this empty house and delay others' youth. Why create this evil?"

"Official affairs can never be completed," Jiang said. "Do you just get old and die like this?"

Xue Xiuzhuo nodded seriously, and began to talk about official business: "Yongcheng ’s drought is not as serious as that of Xiande Nian, but it has already caused you a serious headache. If this rain does not come after July, or the other twelve cities will also start to dry It ’s no use just to cut down the moon owls, Juexi still wants to die. "

Jiang \\ Qingshan drank wine, and said, "The Cabinet has a lot of heart and power. If there is enough food, Yuan Fu will not make such a decision. I also want to ask you, is the Eight City really empty?"

"It's empty, the food copied from Dan's Pan's," Xue Xiuzhuo raised his hand, nodded to the side, "even the people in this palace can't feed."

"In the past, we were short of money," Jiang said, "Qingshan shook his head." Now it is a lack of food. If we can lower the order early, reorganize the six states in Bo and rehabilitate 10,000 hectares of land, then Shen Zechuan will not become a local master. There will be no difficulties today. "

Xue Xiuzhuo said slowly: "Now the most abundant granary in the world is in Zhongbo. If the drought in Juxi intensifies after July, I will consider buying food from Shen Zechuan."

"I'm afraid it's hard to do," Jiang said. "Who can think of Shen Ba's ability to subdue the six states? The Duanzhou war made him even more popular. This person's revenge will not be easy. Selling food to you. "

Xue Xiuzhuo put the jug aside and said, "He will walk the world in the name of righteousness, so he can't stand idly by the drought in Juexi."

They talked about some official business again, and when it was almost time, Xue Xiuzhuo let Duer Fujiang \\ Qingshan go to rest. When Jiangshan was approaching, Qingshan pointed to the front hall and said, "I met your elder brother when I arrived at the station, and he went to worship and honor him. I think he was promoted, presumably he borrowed your light. Yanqing, In the past, because he had a surname for you, he tried to make things difficult for you, and eventually he clung to you, but he refused to say anything good. "

Jiang's Castle Peak was a little drunk, and his feet floated.

"I look so proud of him, I'm afraid he will be involved in you in the future ... pay attention to it."

Xue Xiuzhuo answered.


Ge Qingqing stepped on the stool and shook out the dice like a trick, saying, "Master, lose!"

Xue Da was so drenched that he touched his pockets and said, "Well, I forgot to bring my money bag before going out! Qingqing, remember it!"

Ge Qingqing blew the dice and looked at Xue laughed and said, "What is your polite with me? You should have booked my account. The citrons delivered to the government a few days ago are still good? Recently, the goods from Qinzhou have arrived, too. If there's anything you can see, don't mention it. "

"No, no." Xue said with a big mouth, still sitting aside, and lighting a cigarette, "I have them all in my house, and there is no shortage of these gadgets. Recently, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has to adjust the errands of the central government and listen to the palace. The meaning of the father-in-law here is fat. "

Ge Qingqing moved down and sat next to Xue Da, saying, "Our uncle is going to rise, congratulations, congratulations."

"But the father-in-law in this palace is waiting for the emperor. He sees a lot, and ordinary objects can't be seen," Xue Daxian said, "Do you have any goods here?"

"Yes, some, I called Xiaowu to bring the booklet, and the uncle looked at it," Ge Qingqing leaned closer. "Which one you order, I will honor you, and be polite!"

"Good brother!" Xue Da laughed immediately and pointed to Ge Qingqing. "This errand will really be done. In the future, Bao Juner will give your brother a double gift."

When Ge Qingqing threw the dice, he accidentally knocked on the low table on the side, and Jin Yiwei, who was disguised as a servant, gave a slight nod, and gave everything to Xue Dabei, not forgetting to put a layer of gold underneath.

It was more late at night, and Xue Da didn't notice it, and he had long been reluctant to think about it.

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