MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-~ Returning from the war, the world of magic!

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Xian counter 326 alliance, seeking the magic 207 alliance, each of the top ranked, is the general alliance of Fn we are obsessed, the general alliance of our magic army! ! -

The gold league, it is deserved! !

Gold League, mighty domineering! !

Gold League... I don’t know what words to use... Only grateful, this November, starting point, the first gold league!

A thousand words, thank you for your support of the ear for four years, grateful, grateful! !

Thank you, the General League, thank you for supporting each of the lords and all the readers of the sect, and the friends of the post, as well as the friends of the hands, of course, and the hard copy of our former, now Lord, thank you all! !

This month, I want to be grateful to all the readers at this moment. At the same time, I am going to gather the brothers I have, you... Where are you now, you know that the flag has been waved here, you know that the battle has started here. ! ! Please return to you!

Because this month, we have to be vigorous, this month, we have to burn blood, this month, we have to be crazy once! !

Brothers, let's do it together! !

The sword is the first! ! Returning from the war, the world of magic! ! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (iancamr) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to mqpdiancwm to read.

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