MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1470 Ancient funeral rules

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Su Ming's look has always been calm. When he came to this sect, he did not intend to continue things like identity. Even if he was recognized, it didn't matter. The repair of this place has been regarded by him as meaningless.

These three avenues are respectful, and other monks are worthy. Although they are all in their own and the burial of the burial, but this is too true, this is true even if Su Ming Mingming knows All this, but he still came to this sect, to kill in this world.

Obviously knowing that everything may not exist, but still want to be so persistent, even Su Ming can use the sentiment that was once exerted on Lin Dongdong, it seems that the existence of a world can make his existence become transparent and make everything The magical technique in the body of Su Ming will pass through.

However, Su Ming did not choose this way. He chose the real shot. All of this... only because of the July sect, Lancome, Gutai, or Xu Zhongfan who is very good to Su Ming. People appear in Su Ming's life, but even if they go far, they still leave different traces.

Just like this life, who walks into your life is determined by fate, but who can stay in your life is up to you.

Some people are destined to be companionship for a lifetime, and some people are destined to become traces...·····

This trace is also divided into depths, deep life is not forgotten, shallow ... just passers-by.

"Lin Dongdong, fortunately, living in his own world." Su Ming faintly opened his eyes, the indifferent awns in his eyes flashed, his body took a step forward, his realm was eight major Taoist, but he repaired The depth of it is already exceeded, so it can be called the ancient burial country, the first avenue, and the first person of the nine-way god.

It’s a pity that this famous name is still not known by many people, but it can be foreseen. When Su Ming left a sect, when the things happening in a sect were heard by outsiders, Su Ming’s prestige... Become the eye of the ancient funeral country!

Almost at the same time that Su Ming stepped, Chiyang, Senmu and Bailu were taking a step at the same time. Their looks were different, but the dignity in the eyes was the same. The more they knew Su Ming’s cultivation, they The pressure is greater.

The first avenue, the strength of this kind of cultivation, the explosive power that can be erupted is a lasting peak, and Su Ming can always maintain the peak state. Even the same injury can be done on him. It was weakened too much, and the three of them could not do this.

Su Ming’s footsteps fell, and Senmu’s right hand suddenly lifted up, and immediately there was a white light flashing in his hand. As the white light flashed, there was a vast white snow immediately in front of him. This snow quickly condensed and became amazed. An ice crystal, in an instant, is frozen.

Then, in Chiyang, there was a breath in the mouth between the hands, and the breath was turned into a round of sun, and the endless heat was radiated. The ice in the Mori wood formed an ice fire, and went straight to Su Ming. Come.

As for the white deer, he did not participate in such a shot, but his hands and sleeves swayed and waved outwards. Immediately his sleeves were extended by countless numbers, and they were directly covered in the surrounding areas.

The two men attacked and defended one person. This is exactly the same as the three-person avenues, each of which is best at each.

In the face of the joint efforts of the three people, Su Ming did not change much. This situation is what he hopes to appear. This also saves one-on-one killings, one-time······all solved.

Coldly, Su Ming’s right hand was lifted up, and he slammed down to the bottom without hesitation. Under this press, Su Ming’s four wills broke out in the body, and with the outbreak of will, the Su The momentum that Ming can show is suddenly increasing, just as it has raised its realm!

Will, this has the power to instantly raise the realm. This kind of improvement does not mean that there is more than one god, but an excitement and release. Like Su Ming or Tao Ling, he can barely fight against Taoism and can kill. It is precisely because of his four wills that he came from the world of the mulberry phase.

At this moment, the four major wills are scattered, Su Ming purple long hair without wind, his clothes fluttering, with the right hand pressing down to the ground, the sound of roaring immediately rises to the sky, as if it can divide the world The illusory cracks appeared in the vicinity of Su Ming in an instant, and they joined together to form a ring, which spread rapidly toward the surrounding rumbling.

Wherever he went, nothing was smashed, and a piece of land beneath it slammed into the roar, and the whole earth sank several dozens of feet. As for the protective array formed by a disciple, immediately There was a gap in the collapse. One of the elders spurted blood one by one, and many of the disciples were screaming in the screams. When the whole earth sank, it could not withstand the direct collapse of the body. .

When the earth was shaking, Su Ming surrounded the three people of Mori, and the same face changed greatly. He swept across the imaginary cracks surrounding Su Ming, and they also touched their magical powers. No dodging, no retreat, it is a direct confrontation! !

The sound of the thunder and the whirlwind, the deafening moment, the face of Mori wood changed rapidly. He saw his own art of ice-creaming. When Su Ming’s magical confrontation was completely resisted by Su Ming, the same, he himself. It also bears the other's technique. At this moment, the blood is sprayed. Senmu feels an indescribable force that directly hits his body, and his body involuntarily retreats.

At the same time, Chiyang also experienced the same scene. He saw his own magical sun. When he touched the magical power of Su Ming, he broke out the power of his avenue, and he also suffered the same. When Su Ming’s supernatural powers squirted a blood, his body could not be controlled and rolled back.

Finally, the white deer, this did not directly shoot, but the seal and protection formed, but it is faint to suppress Su Ming's fluctuations, all collapsed at this moment.

With his rewinding, the three avenues of this sect, all look at Su Ming, because Su Ming can be said to have completely withstood their magical powers, but even the look is also There is no change.

"The first avenue, the fourth strongest of the ancient burial country, really is not the generation that I can fight against..." When the white deer retreated, his look was low, staring at Su Ming, his voice with vicissitudes.

"I am not waiting for your opponent, but even if you want to come for the July, even if you can suppress me three people, but ... you can't kill me."

This is the rule. This is the rule set by the ancient burial emperor. There is no life or death between the avenues. This rule... unless you arrive at the Jiu Dao Tao, otherwise the gods below, no one can break. "White deer's voice is calm and sorrowful. Morimu and Chiyang did not speak, but when they retreated, they looked at Su Ming's gaze despite the dignity, but there was no strong fear in the crisis of life and death.

"July, the sect is looking for trouble. It has been my filial piety. If the three emperors are repaired as high, they can kill me and other disciples. Even if they are all killed, it does not matter. With three of us, there will be eternal existence, inheriting the burial of the ancient burial emperor, and it will take a long time to prosper." Chiyang looked at Su Ming, and when he slowly opened his mouth, he did not care about the lives of others. .

"The rules of the ancient burial emperor..." Su Ming looked down at his right hand, and when he looked up, there was a cold flash in his eyes, and his body suddenly appeared in front of Chiyang.

"Su Mou wants to see, this rule is unbreakable." In the words, Su Ming, who is near Chiyang, and his right hand clenched his fists, and the four wills condensed and slammed out.

The red eyes contracted, but the face was sneer. When the right hand was raised, a sun appeared in his palm. The sun turned into nine, and went straight to Su Ming.

The sound of the thunder and the earth shook, Su Ming did not dodge, let the nine suns approach the body, when he fell on his body, his right hand punched and directly hit the chest of Chiyang.

A fist fell, Chiyang where the mouth overflowed with blood, body 蓦 then retreat, Su Ming looks as usual, the murder is more intense, and the pursuit of chasing away, all the way and Chiyang roaring constantly, with the roar, Chiyang constantly retreat, In the silence of Bailu and Senmu, the body followed, and when it was about to be shot, the laughter of Chiyang echoed.

"Do you feel the rules? If you don't become a nine-pointed god, then you can't kill the avenue!" Chiyang all the way back, the clothes are full of blood, but his vitality is still full, there is no sign of extinction, Su Ming Here his eyes flashed, and he did feel the power of restraint coming from this heaven, so that his magical technique, when he fell into the body of Chiyang, was always weakened to the extent that it was not enough to kill him.

"Surely changed!" Su Ming’s eyes were still murderous. At the same time, his body slammed and instantly expanded. As he expanded, his momentum broke out again, condensing the savage and his four. The power of the great will combines the realm of cultivation and avenue, and at this moment, it becomes a finger of Su Ming’s right hand, with a shocking earth, destroying the power of all beings, and rushing straight to the red-eyed eyebrows that are laughing. Go away in an instant.

Chiyang did not hide at all. He stared at Su Ming. The power of this finger made him feel terrified. Even in a moment, he felt a touch of death, but he instantly looked stunned and ridiculed. It’s just a joke to ridicule Su Ming’s move to kill himself.

The strongest one, how and how there are rules, his red yang is doomed!

The sharp whistling sound whirls, Su Ming's right index finger tears the emptiness, in the moment of approaching the red eyebrow of the red heart, in front of Su Ming's finger, there is a piece of .....

This net is almost transparent, and it is blocked between Su Ming's fingers and Chiyang.