MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1451 Third floor of the road

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The tree of the road, the third floor space, is also the passage of the ancient funeral country and the legendary world, the last layer of the barrier...

When Su Ming stepped into this place, he saw the ruins. The ruins here seemed to have been destroyed by the great powers, and a ruin filled with a strong dead air.

The land here is not vast, you can feel the edge, look at it, in the center of the earth, the ancient tree that penetrated the place, standing on the earth, there are not many leaves in the crown, but that The complicated branches are like the sky that covers the place. When people look up, they don't see the sky, but the endless branches.

The feeling of a vicissitudes of life, revealed from this big tree, let Su Ming see a moment, his heart suddenly appeared a strong vibration, this shock, came very abrupt, seems to exist in Su Ming In the soul, wake up at this moment.

Because, in this big tree, he felt a glimpse of... Or, it is the former Er Cang, with a hint of this big tree!

Su Ming took a deep breath, and his mind involuntarily emerged a thought. As the tree was brought back from the world by the ancient burial emperor, the tree collapsed a lot, and some of the trunks were transformed into Shenmu and some branches. ·····I do not know why, and have produced life.

Looking at this tree, while feeling the vicissitudes of life, Su Ming also felt the sadness of this tree of sermons. This feeling may be difficult for others to understand, but Su Ming here...····· Perhaps it is For the sake of it, he feels very clear.

In the silence, Su Ming’s foot appeared at the foot of the compass, and his body turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the tree, because while he felt the coolness of the tree, his gaze also saw that the big tree replaced the crown of the sky. There are two large and one small fruits that have condensed out, and the big fruit emits a radiance. It is the size of a baby's head.

The small fruit is half a fist, and at the moment it is emitting a soft orange-colored mang, a thick sweet smell, as if it is spreading out and pervading the world.

Su Ming is the first battle in this battle. The first one has entered the third layer. Although there are only a few advantages, but such advantages, if there is no other external interference, then it has already achieved more than half of the victory. .

At this moment, his speed is fast, Changhong whistling, that is, the effort of counting interest, it is close to the ancient road of the testimony, and his eyes flashed. Su Ming suddenly noticed that there is a strong pressure on this third space. This pressure is only on this ancient tree, when it touches this tree, it will be reduced.

That is to say, this place can't fly directly to the road, as if this kind of behavior is a kind of awkwardness, not allowed by the tree of this sermon. If you want to get the fruit, there is only one possibility, then Just climb along this tree!

In the eyes of Su Ming, the light flashed and the body rose up. He stepped directly on the card of the road, without hesitation. He went to the top. The closer he came to the canopy, the more sweet the fragrance was. Su Ming breathed. In the meantime, you can feel the majesty of the repairs.

This feeling of boiling makes Su Ming immediately aware that even his own spirit has a sense of nourishment. This breath is exactly the same as Su Ming’s absorption in the first and second layers of space. More intense.

The same, the more upward, the stronger the feeling of pressure, if it is not the nourishment of this sweet smell, Su Ming's speed will be slower than 40%.

Almost at the same time that Su Ming was galloping on the tree, there were several figures on the earth. These people were all disciples of the July sect. After the moment, they looked up at Su Ming who was climbing. Several people immediately showed up. Decisive, went straight to the big tree, and after meditating under the tree, one by one was revealed.

The purpose of their coming here is to help Su Ming to gain more advantages. This is the mission that Zongmen gives them, what they must do, even if they are self-sacrificing, we must ensure that this is done!

For this matter, Zongmen has given them enough price. Although they are difficult to own, their descendants and their families can receive better preferential treatment.

These people bit their teeth, their eyes closed at the same time, and their bodies instantly flashed purple.

After the passage of time, the advantages of dozens of interest have turned to the past, Su Ming has been in the position of more than 4,000 feet of this sermon tree, although it is still far away from the canopy, but it can be seen here, it has occupied a great advantage.

At this moment, on the third floor of the land, there are several more long rainbows roaring, the two of which are the foremost two, the great emperor and the second emperor. These two appear on the third floor and look at it at a glance. When Su Ming came to the scene, his eyes turned to kill the plane, and the two turned into Changhong and went straight to the road.

But at the moment they approached, the six July priests who sat down under the big tree, open their eyes one by one, and their bodies exploded in this moment.

Their cultivation is high, but their preparations are long. Therefore, under this blew, they have a breath of breath in their bodies. This breath has spread with the roaring, and it has formed a beam of light, directly surrounding this sermon tree. After that, it rose to the sky and even crossed the position of Su Ming, and it covered almost the height of the moment.

Below 10,000, the trunk of this sermon tree is surrounded by this light column, so that outsiders can not touch the trunk, want to obtain the fruit, only fly directly, against the strong pressure from the tree, rushed out of the sky You can touch the trunk to reduce the pressure of the pressure.

The six July monks could not have done this. In fact, the distance between the districts and the land was paid by the ten sects of the July Grandmaster. They prepared without affecting the cultivation. Many years of instant release and outbreak.

This matter can't be long-lasting. There can only be about 30 years of interest. But this 30-day time is equivalent to winning a great advantage for Su Ming.

Almost at the moment when the light column appeared, the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor were already approaching. After touching the beam of light, the roar of the roaring voice immediately turned, and the two of them suddenly retreated and were shocked.

"The **** July sect!" The second prince had a strong murder in his eyes. The body immediately turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the sky. Obviously, it was necessary to take advantage of the pressure to fly, but after he flew only two thousand feet, He immediately changed his face. The pressure from the sky made him seem to lose most of his repairs. He looked up and looked at the beam of light. According to his calculations, his limit only flew three thousand feet. .

The distance of abundance, like a gully, makes it difficult to cross. It seems that it can only wait for the light column to dissipate itself. Whether it is the Great Emperor or the Second Emperor, they all know that such a beam of light cannot last for a long time. .


Su Ming has reached a height of nearly five thousand feet at this moment, and is still continuing. This scene immediately made the big emperor's eyes appear decisive. He didn't want to start other means so quickly. After all, even if it was Avenue, it could not stay for a long time. The third floor, this is the means he used to use at the most critical moments.

But now... the development of the situation forced him to use!

The big prince raised his right hand, and his eyes blinked fiercely in his own eyebrows. After the body sat down knee-high, the left hand squatted and slammed into his own Dan Tian.

Immediately, there was a loud roar in his body. In the reverberation of this voice, his look was distorted, as if he was enduring great pain. At the same time, his cultivation suddenly broke out at this moment. Beyond the Taoist, even in the majestic, urging the power of the surrounding world, at this moment, it seems to be a change of heaven and earth.

With a bang, the big prince's eyes closed immediately. At this moment, his repairs broke out again. Actually, he went straight from the Tao to the breakthrough and reached the realm of the avenue!

At the moment when he was stepping into the avenue of the avenue, the eyes of the great emperor slowly opened, and the light shining with a vicissitudes of life, as if he was no longer a big prince, but Changed a person.

The feeling of the vicissitudes of life with a cold, he ... is indeed not a big prince, but a sect of the avenue, Lin Dongdong!

In the way of this conscious coming, with a guideline in the blood of the great prince, plus a piece of air transport, in conjunction with this third-level space, a rule of the ancient burial land of a nearly homologous Lin Dongdong, in this moment, temporarily occupied the body of the great emperor like a shackle. When he got up, Lin Dongdong’s mouth sneered out, and his body swayed...not to blast the light column, but Take off directly.

Destroying the light column is cheaper than other people. He naturally will not do it. At this moment, his body is rushing, and he is holding the pressure of the sky. He instantly reaches five thousand feet. When he is still galloping, Su Ming looks at the light column. Go, the body is also galloping forward.

The two separated by a light column, one inside and one outside, reached a certain balance in speed. After all, Lin Dongdong had a weak pressure outside, and Su Ming here was sweet and nourishing, and the pressure was much less. Therefore, such a balance, as the two continue to rise, has never broken.

On the ground below, the second emperor showed his fine eyes in his eyes. When he raised his right hand, he immediately appeared nine jade slips in his hands, and pressed them to the ground.

The nine jade slips were scattered, and they formed a size-sized array. With the rapid brilliance of the jade, when the glaring light shrouded the whole array, the voice of the second emperor echoed with anxiety. .

"Please help the teacher!!"