MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1426 You look down on me! (third more)

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The rain gradually stopped in the early morning. When the sun rose, Su Ming looked at the aldehyde from the meditation and looked up. He saw the two big white dogs shaking their tails and looked at themselves pitifully.

Obviously, with the minds of the two men who used to be monks, they are not willing to die. Even if there is a slight possibility, they are not willing to give up.

Su Ming looks as usual, but his heart is sneer. He never likes to pity the character of the enemy. The words in the night are not deception, but whether it can come true depends on the future performance of these two white dogs.

"Big white, three white, let's go." Su Ming stood up, walked to the side of the yard, pushed away and went out, these two white dogs quickly followed behind, especially the three-legged, running It is not too slow.

According to the past, Su Ming went to the west of the village and brought a pot of wine to the old man. A lot of villagers met along the way. They all smiled and shouted in the morning, and they also said to the two big white dogs behind Su Ming. ,very interested.

Especially those children, even around the two big white dogs, especially curious about the three-legged dog, how could it run so fast.

Not long after, when Su Ming returned to the yard, the children outside were laughing and dissipating, one by one with curiosity, apparently going home to tell the parents today.

Closing the courtyard door, Su Ming put the jug on the side of the door of the house, suddenly frowned, turned to look at the two big white dogs.

"You used to be a monk. You can go to the valley. You don't need to eat it?"

These two white dogs look even more sorrowful and nodded one by one.

Su Ming did not speak, picked up the axe and sat on the wooden pier, and began to cut wood on this day. Every time the axe was lifted, the bodies of the two white dogs trembled, apparently in the shadow of last night, for a short time. restore.

Hey, the sound of the hustle and bustle echoed in the village this morning. People know that this is the young man named Su Ming who started cutting wood again.

Until the three days have passed, it is almost noon, the door of the house is pushed open, the old man wearing a small squatting stretched out, and as soon as he walked out, the two white dogs immediately scared the tail and ran to the Soviet Union. Ming here seems to them, Su Ming is obviously much milder than this old man.

And this old man is definitely the most terrifying existence between the heavens and the earth they have seen.

"Haha, get up early and get up early, get good health, wake up to sleep naturally, good health, drink a pot of wine after waking up, good health!" The old man picked up the jug, went to the yard, looked at the sun in the midday sky, loud Opening.

"It’s good to eat dog meat after drinking alcohol!” The old man’s eyes were shining, watching the two big white dogs at the foot of Su Ming, looking left and right to see what they are going to eat today.

"Su Ming, you said that we ate that one today?" The old man walked a few steps and squatted down and looked at the two big white dogs and swallowed a sip of water.

Su Ming did not pay attention to this old man, still carefully chopping firewood, the constant emergence of his mind, the two axe of the old man last night.

The old man saw that Su Ming did not answer, and looked up in a strange way. He came to Su Ming’s face and screamed at it to Su Ming.

"Wake up!!"

Su Ming frowned, the old character of the old man can bear it, but only the old man will be like a madman, and some are not suitable.

Especially when immersed in some sentiments, such a big bang will instantly wake up Su Ming.

"You little baby, the savvy is too strong. When you look at the old man, when I cut wood, when will I fight, but every axe is sober, don't think about it, insight, insight, enlightenment Are you tired and tired?

Don't go to the mess, cut wood is to cut wood, don't slip, be serious! Don't think about other pictures in your mind, just seriously cut wood.

Ok, let's talk about a serious topic. You said, what are we going to eat today? "The old man has a serious face and a nearly dignified opening.

"I think these two can not eat first. After all, we also need to look after the home." In the past few months, Su Ming also learned how to communicate with the old man. At this moment, he is also serious. First, think about it. This is said seriously.

Sure enough, Su Ming’s expression appeared, and the old man immediately remained serious. He carefully looked at the two white dogs that were already scared at the moment, and then touched his chin, seemingly thinking about Su Ming’s words.

"Well, it makes sense, it makes sense, it makes sense, it makes sense!" The old man thought for a long time and nodded very seriously.

When the words came out, the two big white dogs immediately sighed with relief, and they were grateful when they looked at Su Ming, but······

"But I want to eat." Then, the old man looked at Su Ming again.

As a result, the two big white dogs immediately became nervous. They suddenly felt that the old man was a madman, or that Su Ming was normal here.

"There will be opportunities. In the future, there will be a lot of big white dogs. When we wait for us to raise more, which one do you want to eat?" Su Ming carefully thought about it, dignified. Said. !

When the old man heard it, he immediately got excited, but he quickly put away the excitement and took it out. It was as serious as it seemed. He thought about it for a long time, and he nodded.

"Well, it makes sense, it makes sense, it makes sense, it makes sense!" The old man licked his hand, but soon he burst into tears.

"But I still want to eat now."

The two big white dogs are almost desperate, and the trembling squatting there is as if the courage to escape has been lost. They can only hope that Su Ming can help them.

Su Ming was silent, picked up the axe and ignored the old man and continued to cut wood. This time he did not go to the realization, nor did he focus on it. Instead, he casually dropped the axe and chopped wood again and again.

"Hey? Why don't you talk?"

"You, you, your little doll, dare to ignore my old man!"

"You still don't talk?"

"I tell you, I want to be angry, you don't talk anymore!" Every time the old man opened his mouth, he had to change his position. Especially when the last sentence was spoken, he was about to stop in front of him and be kicked by him. Kicked and looked at Su Ming seriously.

It can be seen that Su Ming still does not speak. After cutting the wood there, the old man’s eyes turn, his right hand is lifted and placed on the firewood, and he quickly takes it away when Su Ming’s axe falls. After a few times, the old man Haha laughed.

In this scene, Su Ming has become accustomed to it. For the past few months, I don’t say every day, but every few days, the old man will play around with him, a very happy look.

But today, obviously, there will be some differences. The old man grabbed the white tail that was about to leave quietly. He took the big dog and put it on the firewood. When Su Ming’s axe fell, he quickly This white dog took away.

He played a lot of fun, Su Ming looks calm, but for the big white dog, this is a life and death crisis, and the heart is shaking again and again.

Until dusk, the old man laughed and took the afternoon of life and death. The white dog that was already numb was still on the side, stood up and stretched.

"No, no, Su Ming, I will go to the old man to find a girl tomorrow, um, I want a big ass!" The old man looked serious again, his mouth open.

When this sentence came out, Su Ming’s axe fell and slashed directly beside the firewood, and cut a layer of sawdust. He looked up at the weird look of the old man. This is the most Let Su Ming's request.

"Hey? What kind of expression do you, you and look down on me!!" The old man saw Su Ming's expression and immediately jumped up, and screamed in a screaming voice.

"You look down on me, you are too much. My old man is also a man. It is a man. I am looking for a girl. What is wrong with my request? No, my request is not excessive. I am looking for a big butt. The girl!!" The old man was still angry and ruined at the moment, and his eyes immediately shone.

"Right, do you like the girl with big ass?" The old man crouched down and looked at Su Ming with great energy.

Su Ming is silent.

"Hey, why don't you talk anymore?"

"You, you, if you don't talk anymore, my old man will have three big **** girls!"

Su Ming sighed.

"Predecessors, if you do this, no one will cut wood for you."

"Well? Why, don't say this first, you haven't answered me yet, do you like the girl with big ass?" The old man seemed to feel too tired, grabbed the three-legged three-white, and sat down on it. On the body, I quickly looked at Su Ming and waited for Su Ming’s answer.

Su Ming was silent, and there were three women in his mind. For a long time, he shook his head, but no matter how he shook his head, he couldn’t stand the memory and the sadness in his heart.

This sorrow seemed to be noticed by the old man, and it was silent. After a long while, Su Ming raised the axe and continued to cut wood.

The sounds of 砰, 砰, 砰···································································································· .

This is a woman in a robe. Although she is in middle age, she can still look beautiful and still carry her style. When she comes, her look is calm, but as she walks into the village, all the villagers who walked by her, It seems to be ignored, if she does not see her existence.

The wide robes seem to cover the posture, but the gracefulness of the walk can be felt, but the body under the robes has the beauty of the amazing curves.

Third, there is no need for extra, how many monthly votes the Taoist friends have, and this month, the roots of the battle!