MTL - Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy-Chapter 64 Gentleman

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Although Deng Xing has no principles, but the medical skills are indeed very good, Jiang seeks internal injuries and injuries. It is not light, but after raising a few days, he can already get out of bed. When he announced that he was entering the door, he found him. A wounded hand behind his back, a single pen, is standing at the table and writing.

Jiang Xunyi’s clothes always prefer white, blue and other relatively light colors. No one knows the young man’s splendid name. He only thinks that he is a male pet who has been sent away. The set of clothes is more beautiful than a set, and there is not much to say about Jiang Xun. When he changes, he does not hesitate to wear it.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xuanyuan, the clothes he wears today are indeed very different from the usual style. Outside is a gauzy white coat, but inside is wearing a pink shirt, and the collar is in gold. The silk outlines the shape of a blossoming peach, and the waist is a jade belt with a wide palm. It is really gorgeous.

Such a piece of clothing, if placed on someone else, I am afraid that it is not lost in frivolity, that is, people are not as good as clothes, ridiculously ridiculous, partial temperament and temperament clear, and the body is Xiao Su, so that it will wear that piece The color of the clothes was all pressed down, and people only felt that they were gorgeous in their eyes. The more they lined up, the more beautiful face was more romantic, and the seven points were proud.

In this world, there is a man who is similar to his appearance, and no one can rival his temperament.

Xuanyuan stepped on the waves in his heart and took a piece of paper at the table of the river. He couldn’t help but praise the word "good word"!

Xuanyuan has come every day for these days. Jiang searched for it, and he didn’t bother to look at him. He was accustomed to his cold waiting, and then read: "Qin Wang Shantou, watching the clouds and rain, standing upside down the rivers and lakes I don’t know if the cloud is rain, the rain is cloudy, and the sky is long, and it’s the west wind, and it’s going to be destroyed. Look back, the moon will be tomorrow, the world will call you... 1”

Jiang Xunyi impatiently said: "Oh, go read, I know what you think, what to show."

Xuanyuan left the paper aside and smiled and whispered: "When you write about these things, you can blame the scenery. I am as good as you can write ‘Human Face Peach Blossoms Red 2’...”

He said that he was close to a little and went to kiss the cheeks of Jiang.

Jiang sought to avoid the side, the brush in his hand made a turn, the pen pointed at one eye, cold and cold: "You want to die again?"

Xuan’s hands were out, and according to the shoulders of Jiang’s search, he immediately pressed him to sit on the seat with a soft cushion behind him: “I will give you the medicine to disperse the spirit every day, and even want to resist. Looking for it, I really don't know if you can barely say that you are naive."

Jiang searched for disgust: "Don't call me that."

Declaring the Devil's eyes deep and deep: "Oh, don't you like this title? Otherwise I call you... 'A search?'"

"A search for the word" is only the only thing that can be called under the sun. The Jiang Xunyi only feels awkward from the mouth of others. He lived for two lifetimes and never knew it was a Hey, then frowning: "Don't leave your mind, is your brain smashed and smashed back, there is something to say, what do you use every day? I tell you, whether you do it to humiliate me or It’s useless to please me."

Declared from the Monarch: "Do you think I am doing this to humiliate you or please you?"

This is still not playing. Jiang is not impatient: "Or is it? You are a woman, want to marry me?"

After saying this, the back of his chair suddenly disappeared, and the backrest of the chair could be put down. Jiang searched for it and was suddenly pushed out of the devil, listening to him gnashing his teeth: " I want to go / you."

Xuanyuan 狠狠 狠狠 江 江 江 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 狠狠 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 我 我 我 我 我 江 我 我 我I really didn't realize it. What kind of girl she deserves is worthy of looking at you. Jiang Zhiyi, you know, I really want to see people like you fall into the altar, commit to The way people look..."

Between the electric and the stone fire, Feng Qiu’s words flashed through his mind, and Jiang Xunyi suddenly realized: “So you will insult the autumn and induce her to blame me! Self-Hui, Feng Xue, Chen Shu, Ning Fen... These people are doing things for you?!"

Declared: "..."

Jiang seeks this defeated thing, the loss is a good skin, or else one day will be killed alive!

Xuanyuan Mojun just had to talk, and the door of the room suddenly slammed into the door.

The two men looked in the direction of the door together. A man dressed in a flames disciple ran in a panic and hurriedly, just about to speak, suddenly saw the posture of the demon and the river, and suddenly scared. I am going down.

Xuanfei Mojun stood up and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

Behind him, Jiang sought to sit up and untidyly sorted his collar, all innocent.

The man was kneeling in the ground, and he did not dare to look up at him. He slammed his face and said: "On the king, the dungeon at the foot of the mountain was blown up!"

Jiang searched for a meal, but soon disguised the past. The first reaction to the departure was to turn to look at him. Jiang Xunyi looked inexplicably with him, and turned away and turned his head: "I know."

The man lying on the ground breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, that subordinate will retire."

Xuan sneer said: "This seat did not say let you back, what are you anxious? Who wants to ventilate with my lady?"

He has a lot of pets, and he has seen a lot of jealousy. When he saw that he dared not knock on the door, he guessed that he was not only reporting the news, but he was also told by someone who intended to stab the river. What is the status of seeking in your own mind.

It turned out that this kind of thing was too lazy to take care of, but this time it can not be tolerated. The man was already embarrassed, and he heard that Xuan said that he was even more fearful. He quickly said: "Jun..."

The words have not been finished yet, and the demon priest will lift his foot and push him out. The man screams, his body flies out of the air, and he slams into the wall and smashes his brain.

Xuanyuan demon turned to Jiang to seek meaning, Jiang Xunyi knew that he was surely suspecting that the dungeon was related to himself, and that he did not say it at the moment, only faintly said: "The disgusting death."

Xuanfei Mojun’s face was slightly loose, and he smiled and said softly: “This is called to clean up for you.”

He said that he had hit a high-five, and immediately a few people came in. Several people went to pick up the smudges of the body, and another person took a bowl of medicine and sent it to Jiang Xunyi.

Declaring the soft voice: "This is the medicine that has gone to spiritual power. Have you not drunk today?"

Jiang Xunyi sneered, and took the medicine bowl and drank it.

Xuanyuan Mojun stared at him and finished drinking. Then he smiled and turned and strode away.

The next person here has been waiting for Jiang to search for a while. He knows his temper and sees his demon like, so although he is a tall man, he doesn’t dare to talk to him, quickly picking up his hands. Ok, they will retire.

Jiang searched for his eyes and kept his eyes closed. After a long time, he slowly raised his hand and opened his palm. The hand that was held in his hand was a piece of jade.

Jiang Xunyi looked at it for a moment, seeing that this jade is black and black, the color is beautiful and beautiful. At first glance, it is a valuable thing. Besides, there seems to be nothing special, but he knows that there must be something in it. —— Through these few days of getting along, Jiang Xunyi discovered that Xuanyuan Mojun is not a person who likes cumbersome luxury, but this piece of decoration is on his body, so it is not the gift of the important person. The treasury is one of the secrets that must be hidden. It is a great risk to steal it. If it is nothing, it will be a big loss.

He played with it for a while, and suddenly his eyes glanced at the candle next to him, and the lips were slightly smiling with a smile. The slender fingers tightened, and it was just drinking the medicine that did the best, but It was easy to make that piece of jade into two pieces.

In the middle of the jade, there is a thin, flap-like crepe paper with a picture on it, like a stone from above. Jiang searched for a look, his eyebrows suddenly condensed, and the smile on his lips disappeared.

Suddenly, he looked up and slammed the crepe paper into his palm and looked up and said coldly: "Who?"

A man came in from the door and looked around. He immediately turned around and closed the door. He yelled in front of Jiang’s search: "The son."

Jiang Xunyi looked down and couldn’t smile: "Qi 19? This can be followed. You are a god."

Qi Xie did not know whether Jiang was interested in jokes or blaming him, and he was quick to explain. It turned out that after he woke up, he found that Jiang was absent. He immediately searched everywhere, but found that everyone was ignorant of this matter. Song Yu did not punish him. Instead, he transferred Qi 19 to the courtyard of a little lady. He also inquired for several days, only to know the whereabouts of Jiang Xingyi.

Jiang Xunyi said: "How come you are so evil? I live outside this yard are guards, how did you come in?"

Qi Qiu’s face was so anxious to be anxious: "The son, I am not coming in, it is a little lady of the demon who sent me to invite you to dinner! She must be embarrassing you! I think of a way Take people away, you are going!"

Jiang Xingqi said: "She is a woman who does not leave home, and has no enmity with me. What am I doing?"

In his heart, he suddenly passed through seventeen or eight conspiracy, but he felt that there was no point in it.

Qi Qiu took a look at Jiang’s search for the overly gorgeous clothes. The fist on the side of his body was tight and whispered: "You son, you suffer..."

Jiang Xunyi followed his gaze and looked at his collar. After he stunned, he reacted: This woman is looking for me, for the sake of jealousy? I want to take advantage of the effort to depart from the mountains and see what my ‘declared new darling’ looks like.

In his heart, the scene of the Chinese 妃 甄嬛 指 指 指 指 骂 骂 骂 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小

Qi 19 did not expect him to be this reaction, and said: "Don, you, you don't want to run away?"

Jiang Xingyi waved his hand and scorned: "I don't want to escape. If I want to go, I can't stop the straw bag here, but there is still nothing to do. We don't go anywhere. Then you will lead the way." He thought about it and said: "You are pretending to be unfamiliar with me. When I look at my eyes, I will act."

Qi Xie was ordered to come, and there was a token given by the lady in his hand. Therefore, the two people were smoothly released from the guards of the outside guards, and went all the way to the Tingfang Pavilion where the legendary debut was loved.

The front hall of Tingfangge has already placed a feast at this time. All of them are declaring the love of the male pets. Each of them is full of color. Every two people have a table, and they have placed more than ten tables. The hall is full, and some people are performing songs and dances. The beauty gathered, looking at the spring scene.

At the top, there is an empty Taishi chair, which is reserved for the demon. The two women sitting next to the chair, a charming and charming face, just a kind of murder between the eyebrows, it is today’s The main Li Ji, the woman around her is delicate and soft, looks gentle, is listening to Li Ji from the side:

"In short, since the man came, Jun did not come to any of us here. Don't say this, even the treasures of the people are hidden. Our sisters don't want to see them at all. To say it is fresh, I am strange. Yes, my sister, you are not a few days longer than that person. Why didn’t you see him on the heart?"

The woman who listened to her voice whispered: "Sister, I just want to have a place to live. These things are never to be taken care of."

Li Ji’s eyes flashed a trace of disdain, and then the eyes turned, and smiled and said: "I heard that he was still a head and face, and your brother and sister are old-fashioned, and have had a period with your sister... It’s better to have a while, It is up to you to entertain him."

The woman was shocked and quickly said: "I only have a gentleman in my heart. Even if he has the heart, I have never been interested in him, let alone... not to mention that he is now a gentleman. Ah, my sister, you... don't think too much."

Li Ji sneered, but did not say anything, only hated: "I have to look at it today, what kind of person is that..."

When she said that the door of the hall was ringing, Qi 19 first came in and bowed her head: "Mr. Li, people brought it."

Then there was a young man with a long body behind him, and Shiran went in. He looked at the door with countless eyes. After seeing it, the noisy hall was suddenly quiet.

For a time, no one can say anything, only the distant voice of the woman’s voice lingering and lingering into the night wind:

"The small building is sloping, and the good people are like the first one. The stranger is like jade, the gentleman is alone..."

Li Ji found his voice for a long time: "You, you are that..."

Jiang Xingyi took the initiative and swept the circle in the hall, his eyes finally fell on the woman next to Li Ji, and then he smiled and turned to Li Jidao: "In the lower reaches of the river, it should be The lady’s invitation came to the dinner. But Madame, you seem to be not ready for my position?”

Xuanyuan demon hobby is wonderful, this room is full of fat and thin Yan, and several male pets seem to be more fascinating than the ones, so Li Ji never imagined It was such a man who came in. Looking at Jiang's search for a clear-cut smile, for a moment he even regretted his own martyrdom, and he was aphasia.

Perhaps everyone's eyes are concentrated on the face of Jiang Xingyi, or perhaps his attitude is too calm and elegant, but no one pays attention to the path of Jiang Xingyi's move is quite strange - there is nothing in front of him that blocks the road However, it is necessary to go around a circle before coming closer.

Although Li Ji did not speak, there was a lot of people who wanted to say it. One person smiled and said: "Sorry, we have so many sisters, there is no place. I am still missing a cup of tea. Do you want to come? ?"

Jiang Xun’s smug look, and he talked to him as a man wearing a green robe, but this person was petite, his eyebrows were scornful, his voice was whispering, and the green brocade was even more white and white. It is like a green onion.

Jiang Xingyi bit his lower lip and took back the smile. He couldn’t help but look at the demon. He had such a haunted harem, he didn’t have any sorrow, he didn’t go crazy, he held up all No pressure, it is a man who can lead the Mozu.

He did not take care of the provocative little scallions, his eyes swept away, and found that the woman next to Li Ji was still sitting on a man, sturdy and sturdy, but he was a general. Jiang searched for an eyebrow and smiled and walked toward him.

What I just said was the declaration of a male pet called a love speech. They were originally negotiating to give Jiang a great embarrassment. He did not specifically arrange a position for him, but did not think that this person and the imagination were so different. Seeing Jiang searched for him, he suddenly felt no face and angered: "New, I am talking to you, have you not heard?"

His anger screamed that he did not belong to the man's masculinity. Jiang searched his head and did not return. He said: "Speak well, don't be spoiled."

A glimpse of love, the following words will be forgotten, the face is a little red, when Jiang searched to the man dressed in the general, the man looked at him with vigilance and said: "You What are you doing?"

Jiang searched for his arms and said: "This place is good, I want to sit in your position, you roll over."

I am still in a state of arrogance, how can I bear it! The man angered: "Jiang seeks, you -"

When he hadn’t finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, and the chair underneath was kicked into pieces by Jiang’s search. At the same time, he felt a strong press on his shoulder and suddenly sat down all over the place. On the **** of wood, the chrysanthemum is broken and covered with ground.

Jiang sought to raise his eyebrows: "What about now?"

He suddenly made a shot, and the people in the hall were scared. These people were often jealous and jealous. It was not a rare thing, but it was never seen before, but it was never seen before. Jiang did not look at anyone, and lifted his foot on the man's chest. His sole was gently smashed, and the sound of broken bones came from his feet.

"Slow!" The woman who had just spoken with Li Ji finally couldn't bear it. She stood up and said, "You, sit here, my position is for you."

Jiang did not move away at the foot of his search. He turned his head and looked at her, and his lips were slightly hooked. He slowly said: "Autumn sister, you finally have to speak."

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