MTL - Psychological Control-Chapter 53

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The relaxation of the day yesterday let us put the game behind us after we settled the agreement at lunch. It wasn't until the next day when the staff woke up and were returned to the uninhabited island in a speedboat, Dillon and I began to discuss who should be eliminated next.

There are two options. Selena and Jane. Both women have hitchhiked all the way to the present, and their existence is like a chess piece for Anna. Rather than knocking out the chess player without warning, and let Anna directly count all the resentment on me, I prefer to discard one first. After she was so anxious that Anna couldn't bear it, I had every reason to deal with her.

My proposal is to get rid of Jane first, but Dillon does not vote with us, he only has to move. This will not allow Anna to find my union with Dillon too early, and it will be even more se. When Dillon turns into a lone knight who can always win personal immunity in her eyes, she will start planning to eliminate me who has been on her head.

The yacht sent us directly to today's individual exemption venue, and other competitors have already been waiting there. After Dillon and I jumped out of the boat, greeted them and stood next to each other. Jeff faced us with his hands on his back. Behind him was a giant "recreation facility". The walkway made of hemp rope and wooden boards is obviously a challenge project today.

"Very good, Dillon and Bryan who are on their honeymoon are back. Then today's personal waiver is about to begin! You can see the pentagram stage behind me." Jeff said in a relaxed and humorous opening statement. "There are five different walkways on the platform, including hemp rope swings, suspension bridges, etc. There are six small flags in different colors at the end of the walkway."

"Each of you will have different representative colors. When the game starts, you need to start from the center starting point. You can choose the road at will, get the flag representing your color at the end of the aisle, and regret that the center point is on a sign with your own name. This will represent the completion of one aisle mission. The first person to complete five aisle missions wins. "

After listening to Jeff's explanation of the rules of the game, the other contestants' unaware eyes fell on Dillon. Obviously, this time the individual immunity game needs strength advantage again. And in every game that requires strength, almost Dillon won the final victory.

I saw Jane's expression become tense, and apparently she also knew that if she didn't get personal immunity this time, she would be the one leaving tonight. On the other side, Anna's eyes were erratic. I saw her looking at Selena and Rhett. Apparently, Dillon slipped me away yesterday, speeding up her idea of ​​trying to be independent.

"I'm counting to three! The game will start." After we all stood in the middle of the Wumangxing table, they formed a circle. Jeff stood in the small circle we surrounded and began to order. "one two Three!"

Almost at the same time, everyone rushed out. Because the bottom of the pentagram table is also a net made of rope. So when six people ran at the same time, the place where we settled became erratic.

At this time, personal immunity is optional to me. So while I was walking along the suspension bridge that nobody grabbed me, I was also watching Anna and Jane in the same aisle next door. The two fell into a ball. Rhett was particularly weak in physical exercise, and at this time he went to the end alone.

Instead, Selena played well among everyone. It's a pity that Dillon moved too quickly without hesitation and was far behind.

In the end no matter how struggling everyone is, this time the personal immunity is once again in the hands of Dillon. While Jeff helped him bring the exemption collar, I noticed that he waved at me. Apparently reminding me that our new agreement has come into effect. What he didn't know was that after the decision last night, even if he didn't get personal immunity this time, I wouldn't eliminate him now.

After the game, return to the camp. I found that during the night when I was absent, Selena became very familiar with Anna. It is estimated that they are willing to fight one to suffer, it seems that they both have a heart to form a new alliance.

The camp was very quiet all afternoon, if not Jeff did announce that tonight would be a tribal meeting after the game. It is estimated that people who watch the show will think that this morning's game is just a reward game. Obviously, Jane was already frustrated and did not want to canvass to reverse the despair.

Anna and Selena went to collect firewood, and Jane did not know where the wandering went. Only Reid and I sat beside the fire in the camp.

"Anna has plans to win over me." Rhett began to whisper and explained to me what happened yesterday. "When you were absent last night, she clearly showed her ambition to replace you. In order not to let her set the target of Jane on Jane, I showed a delusional illusion to confuse her. We need to be alert to her . "

"I guessed it. But it doesn't matter tonight, because she also wants Jane to leave. Jane is not familiar with her, and since you have shown your interest in her proposal, she will never pay attention to Jane again. Body. "I replied without looking at Rhett.

At this moment, both of us looked at the bonfire with a look of idleness. In such an uncovered open-air place, the two crowded together and behaved sneakily, making it easy to cause suspicion. Our performance is just like chatting and being candid, which can prevent Anna from bumping into the two of us at this time and triggering her vigilance.

"Hey! Go fishing in the sea?" A shout came from a distance. I turned to see that Dillon didn't know where he came from, and shouted at us with a harpoon in his hand.

I don't like being interrupted before I finish speaking. In particular, if this discussion of the alliance plan is interrupted, it is particularly susceptible to confusion. So, I turned my head and grabbed the notebook beside me as an excuse, shaking back and responding, "Wait a minute later, I'm sorting out my diary."

"Okay, when you finish writing your Robinson Crusoe, hurry up. Listen to Jane, they're hungry for a day. I'll get on board to arrange fishing gear." In our exchange of three or two sentences, Dillon Went to us not far. He was in a good mood and made a joke without expression, letting Rhett pause for a moment.

"Okay, you go first, I'll come right away." I dealt with it casually, seeing him turn away and then turned to look at the fire again. As I glanced over Rhett, I noticed his hands and fingers twisting together. It seemed he was hesitating to ask me about Dillon.

Sure enough, after confirming that Dillon had gone far, Rhett asked in a low voice: "Dillon invited you to enjoy the reward with him yesterday. Is he trying to be with you?"

I did not intend to conceal such an obvious thing, and responded quite plainly: "Yes. He said he would vote with us. But the requirement for us is that even if he misses and loses a immunity during the period, we You can't cast him out. Like the previous confidentiality agreement. I see that he will always win on personal immunity, anyway. I just agreed. "

"It's too dangerous, Brian. Promise him so easily, wouldn't we waste a great chance of knocking him out if she really missed it once?" Rhett said wistfully. "His personal strength is too strong. If we can't get the last immunity when the last three and two. We can't eliminate him at all."

"But at least he looks like he can keep his promise, Rhett. This is still your psychological profile." I blocked him with the psychological profile he told me of Dillon before. "Instead of not agreeing to him, and then leaving him to be seduced by Anna, and Selena eliminated us together. We might as well bet on the last save, we can win."

I didn't lie to him. I really planned to win every match in the last individual waiver. Then United Red threw Dillon out. Even if I have a good opinion of Dillon, it will not directly hinder my alliance with Red. Because compared with Dillon, if I and Final become final two, my win will be greater.

But I did not tell Rhett that my cooperation agreement with Dillon is that if Dillon still wins in the last individual immunity game, he will choose to take me to the second place. In other words, Rhett will eventually be eliminated.

With a little guilt in my heart, I have decided that I want to go to the end. Either he eliminated Dillon himself, or sent Rhett to the jury. Because only I know, in fact, I have always been a bit regretful that I did not reach the end of the National Supermodel Contest.

The first time I retired halfway, and the second time I participated in a reality show, I must do my best. Otherwise, doesn't it seem that I'm too useless?

"Okay ... that ..." Rhett sighed helplessly, and then wanted to say something.

Suddenly I interrupted him, and stood up to change the subject. "I'll go fishing with Dillon first, and then it will be high tide later. Say, you weren't really hungry all day yesterday, right?"

"... Besides that everyone of you can fish ... so we all ate only white rice and coconut flesh ..." Rhett was not enthusiastic about this kind of social game. He heard me mention the food and he was taken by me Partial thinking.

Sometimes he couldn't get Red to think so far, because he was too smart. So from the beginning, I decided to stop talking about the top three here. I chatted a few words with him casually, and finally chased Dillon away.

There was no surprise at the tribal meeting tonight. Jane was eventually eliminated by four votes from me, Anna, Rhett, and Selena, and became the fifth jury member. Her and Dillon's elimination tickets were given to Selina, who had not dealt with her before.

Dillon did not follow the round in this round, so he did not expose Anna to the fact that he was in alliance with me.

In the next round of elimination, the alliance situation in the tribe will change again. 2k novel reading network

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