MTL - Psychological Control-Chapter 3

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The other reason I said is actually very simple, the National Supermodel Contest. Starting this year, male models are allowed to participate.

This is a reality show, and the show ’s final reward is very tempting. Sign up with the model company that sponsors the show, the opportunity to appear on the cover of a famous fashion magazine, and the advertising contract with a luxury brand.

Whether or not the winner of this competition can win is just the first step in my trilogy. Raise awareness.

What matters to me in this competition is not whether I can win the show, but whether I can win the show. After all, this is an era of watching faces. No reality show is more likely to **** powder than a model draft contest in which beauty accounts for most of the proportion.

The goal is to enter the entertainment industry, but not want to take too binding professions like actors and singers. The reality show star is the career direction that I think of best after my two years of investigation.

In the limelight, worrying about being treated as a strange urgency will make it easier for me to adjust my mental state. The shackles formed by external factors have the same effect on Dexter as the presence of Sheriff Harry. I don't have a strong and responsible adoptive father, so create an external factor myself.

And, if you want to hide your true self. Approachable to the community? In fact, this is only the most mediocre approach, and it is also the easiest way to be exposed after the incident. In the profile analysis in criminal psychology, no matter how well you hide in the crowd, under the psychoanalyst of the profiler, it will be revealed.

Therefore, my purpose is not to hide, but to shape. When I participated in reality shows, I created an image in people's hearts that was so influential that I can think of my name, who else can easily cut through the heavy shell and see dozens of layers What about me

"You're going to run for the national supermodel?" Mike heard the news I told him, and for the first time showed a clearly surprised expression. He obviously couldn't understand why I was so concerned about me, and he suddenly chose to participate in a reality show that might expose all his information.

I nodded, poured iced milk into the two cups of boiling tea, and put a cup of tea on the table in front of Mike. "Yes, American supermodels are allowed to participate in male models this year. The gimmicks are big and the rewards are great. I just want to try them before going to college to study hard. Why, you have no confidence in me?"

He picked up the tea and tasted it almost without getting burnt. "No, of course I have full confidence in you." He grinned without a smile, "I just didn't expect that you would want to participate in this show ... After all, you always seem to like what these young people like. not interested."

Actually, I had the idea of ​​participating in a reality show a long time ago. I just didn't expect that the first application would be the National Supermodel Contest. I was originally inclined to social games like big brothers, survivors and so on. After all, only that kind of social game can really allow me to exercise my mental control ability, whether for others or myself.

Moreover, the reality show will expose the private life of the players. The reality show will take me less time and get more attention than going into the spotlight through singing and performing arts. And I want to use these concerns to monitor and control my actions from a third-party perspective. Because even if I step out of the sanitarium, I'm still afraid to worry about the influence of Brian's personality on me.

Of course, I will not tell anyone who I really am.

"I just did n’t have the time and energy before. I sent a video I took a month ago to participate in the initial sea election, and then received a check notice two weeks ago. Tomorrow ’s flight to New York, it is expected to choose 35 places, and then When the first episode was officially shot, it was cut in half. "I said with a smile to Mike, holding a tea cup in both hands.

Mike stared at the cup of tea without saying a word, and said after a while: "No wonder you said resignation without a word, obviously there is another month to go to college."

"I'll take a day off when I arrive in New York tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be a check, and then wait a week's notice in New York. Bless me, don't get swiped before the official filming." I took a sip of tea and said.


The simplest white t-shirt was pulled out from a small suitcase, and the leg of straight jeans was rolled up at the lower leg, avoiding the high-top of Martin boots. I walked to the mirror and drew my hair. The **** curls seemed to emit orange-red light in the sunlight refracted from the window.

Everything seemed to be ready. I stuffed a few coins and credit cards into my pants pockets. I took my cell phone in my hand and picked out half the books from the suitcase. I opened the door of the hotel room and went out.

Although he is often called the little old man by Mike, I still prefer to read the psychological and obscure books that he thinks are difficult and obscure when I pass the time. I heard that there were thousands of people in the New York election. It's always right to pass the time.

Ten minutes into the taxi, I came to the check site, a large studio. At this time, all the scenery and cameras were cleared from the studio, and there were only rows of chairs for the models to wait in line. After receiving my number, I randomly found a place where no one was sitting, and opened the book in my hand.

There is still half an hour before the official start, but almost everyone has arrived. At a glance, most of the boys who participated in the review were biased toward neutrality. This made some of the more masculine boys more special attention. The female models only looked at them, and their eyes were hot. At the same time, there is also alert.

It does not mean discrimination. It can be said that comrades are also the majority of the American supermodel audience. However, for the fashion industry that regards female models as the only respect, only the male models full of men can set off the **** and feminine beauty of women. The excited boys were almost disappointed at this point.

I was not interested in joining social games for those who didn't know if there would be communication in the end. I just sat in the corner a bit lonely and broke my mind. After turning a chapter, Rob Evan appeared on the scene with his camera, causing a commotion.

Rob Evan is a model judge other than the supermodel Tate in the National Supermodel Contest. Naturally, he is the representative of the male model. Like Taylor, Rob is also a black supermodel. Although he has a dark complexion, he has a deep and angular face because of his mother's white blood.

I thought Rob appeared as a male model judge in the first National Supermodel Contest with male models. It was an accident, but unexpectedly, the top pillar of the National Supermodel Contest, Taylor and shooting creative director and location host Jonathan also followed closely. Appeared after Rob.

The staff began to direct the models to show in groups according to the numbers they got. The models who got the affirmation took another number plate to the side and waited for another screening. The models rejected face to face left.

I waited for almost an hour before I was called to the number plate in my hand. It seems that I came late. With me was a male model and two female models, which looked very balanced. When they first called, they watched in the crowd as soon as they heard their number and jumped out excitedly.

I raised my eyebrows, stood up, closed the book on the chair, and walked around the crowd to the place where the camera lens was facing directly. "Sorry, borrowed it." I smiled out of the crowd.

Every move under the camera is an exam, and I accurately count my every move like standing on the stage. I stepped out of the crowd, and in the excited expression of the three models, I kept the smile on my face flatly.

"Brian Moss?" Jonathan took the last piece of information from the staff and called my name.

"Yes, sir." The crowds crowded the curly hair on the forehead to cover the eyebrows. While answering Jonathan, I raised my right hand and combed the hair back to the forehead, before letting them slip behind my ears.

Seeing my Jonathan and Taylor staring at each other and smiling, I didn't notice their interaction, but just walked to the three models. I could feel the atmosphere that was suddenly tense around me, the focus lens of the camera passing through the four of us standing side by side.

As I passed the male model around me, I pretended to raise the eyes that were originally looking at the ground in front of me and looked straight into the camera lens. The camera freezes for a second, and I look away to smile.

"You can start," Rob signaled.

The crowd calmed down, and the male model around me obviously wanted to walk in front of me, but didn't know that my vision Yu Guang had been staring at his elbow. I took this step almost at the same time as his elbow was slightly swinging. My pace was calm and strong, but he seemed rushed because he wanted to be one step ahead.

Martin boots stretched the whole line of my body, and there were clear and audible footsteps on the ground. My eyes clasped the sight of Rob as he watched. After he looked away, I moved his eyes to Taylor again.

As the distance approached, the gaze that could have been viewed head-on had to look down, because Taylor Robb was sitting on the jury seat. I stepped away from Tyler's eyes first, with an inconspicuous smile on the corner of my mouth, and started to look straight behind the judges.

I didn't have the same obsession with the male model around me to grab the eyes of the judges, but just raised my jawbone with the unassuming smile, I knew it was too late.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see the eyes that Jonathan has been staring at me. I know that at least in the jury seat, I have caught a judge who will speak for me.

At the end, the models needed to stand still. I didn't hardly dent a awkward shape. I just stood in the free standing pose, and the smile on the corner of my mouth didn't deviate.

"Well, thank you," Taylor said. She glanced down at Bobby in the materials on the table, and Rob also tilted his head to discuss with her in a low voice, Jonathan didn't seem to disagree with their choice.

Then Tyler looked up again. "Alice, Brian Moss, please go and pick up your second choice number."

I moved my footsteps with a smile and looked from the side of the judge Xi Rob to Jonathan, just to be sure they saw the smile on my face, and then passed the seemingly discouraged male model around me, and walked to the called □ □ Next to Li Si's female model.

Alice's model steps are very powerful and standard, and her features are the most standard Germanic features, the blonde hair mark, it is impossible that she will not enter the 35 people.

I greeted her, and the two walked side by side to the staff holding the number plate and took it. She would be a tough enemy, and I have a very strong intuition. Alice obviously has a wealth of modeling experience. I guess she will also be comfortable with hard-shot poses. With her face, I can be sure that she must have shot a lot of plane work.

But she also has her biggest weakness as a model. My smile remained the same, and I watched Alice's low gaze subconsciously when she took the number plate. She was so nervous about facing people that she lacked self-confidence.

She rarely looks at the male model around her. I guess she has been hurt by her ex-boyfriend or her ex-husband. Watching her hands clenched between her legs, her left hand was stroking the root of her right ring finger. Maybe she took off her ring shortly and hesitated the woman who just divorced after a long time.

Although I don't know why she got married at such a young age, it may be because of her dependence on men caused by her popularity at school. After entering the society, she wanted to tie herself to her boyfriend. But obviously the person she had liked had hit her badly.

Oh, I look away suddenly. It's not polite to casually profile someone who will be with you for a month.

The second option required the models to walk the show in underwear only, and took side, front, and full body shots. The underpants I wear are white tights as always, not white triangles over the top, but short thighs. What kind of trousers can I use to show my leg shape better?

Unlike most whites, my body hair seems to be relatively scarce, eliminating the hassle of hair removal. And for the shooting of photos that record personal information, because the striptease training is performed in the dance practice room, the mirrors surrounded by the day by day make me handy in grasping the angle of my body.

In front of the camera, although it is also a front view, the angle of the lower jaw can determine the feeling of the entire photo. Side shots are also far away. Maybe it is just a single-digit angle deviation, which can make you change from a mediocre ID photo into a work of art. How a full-body photo reveals the curves and texture of the body and finds light and shadows is also a skill that I am familiar with.

The second draft is a one-man show. Taylor will ask some personal questions after the show. Kris's number is very similar to mine, and her answer really matched my guess of her ex-husband.

Most models responded to Taylor's question "Why would you like to participate in the National Supermodel Contest?" They only answered that models are standard answers like their dreams, but I know that the essence of the National Supermodel Contest is a variety show.

Three cameras are being shot today, at each major angle. If it ’s just for recording, you do n’t need so many cameras, so I know that the recording of the show has already started. How to make sure your share is not cut off in so many shots, besides the catwalk, there is your story.

Yes, the story of dog blood and sympathy happened to a handsome boy. Is there anything more than this quarter that attracts the attention of male and female models?

"Brian, why would you want to come to the National Supermodel Contest?" Taylor asked this question after I walked off the stage. 2k novel reading network