MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 90

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During this period, Huo Junxian went upstairs to see Teddy several times. Every time she came down, her expression was not very good. She couldn't express her emotions in words, so she was silent every time.

This small castle is about 100 square meters in just one living room. Huo Junxian was not idle. She started to pack and clean around. The maid came to help her several times, but she couldn't listen .

The maid was a little afraid of her, stood beside her for a while, and silently ran to another room to do her work.

Gu Siyu leaned against the sofa and watched Huo Junxian wipe the cabinet with a duster and wipe the bottles on the table with a handkerchief. She was always busy, and let the busyness suppress the sadness.

After a while, Gu Siyu went upstairs.

Teddy didn't sleep deeply, Gu Siyu opened the door a little, Teddy's eyelids were lifted, and he let out a low voice, a little bit of scolding Gu Siyu, after calling out Lie down on the cotton pad and ignore her again.

This little thing is angry that Gu Siyu just complained.

Gu Siyu squatted by the side and touched its head, "If you are uncomfortable, you have to say it and show it. You are bored and don't say anything, so that your mother knows it inadvertently. How sad, isn't it. You can do whatever you want, don't hide it, eh?"

"I know you are very obedient, I'm afraid your mother will be sad, have to say it when it hurts, only you show it, it will be much better."

I don't know if it doesn't understand, Teddy didn't open his eyes, Gu Siyu touched its head, "Does it still hurt?"


Huo Junxian has fed it with medicine, but the medicine has come on for a while, it must not be feeling well now, this little guy is exactly like her to some extent.

Gu Siyu stayed with him in the room for a while, because of the pain, Teddy would always move his calf unconsciously, making a low voice, Gu Siyu learned Huo Junxian's technique and gently gave It presses, and when it is comfortable, it will move to Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu simply sits on the ground, and Teddy sleeps on its knees.

Gu Siyu was also laying on the ground for a simple lunch break. The ceiling was the eye-catching, very delicate decoration, and there were small crystal chandeliers on the walls.

After a few days, she didn't pay attention to the decoration of the house except to observe the nearby scenery.

You will get up when you lie down. There are more people in the living room downstairs. Huo Junxian called the pet doctor to check Teddy. Gu Siyu sat on the steps and listened to them.

It is best not to let it move around, just keep it obediently, so that it can reduce the damage caused by old age, and it can also accompany its owner for a longer time.

Gu Siyu just felt a little better when the doctor said: "At this age, he also feels that he has little time, especially Teddy, their IQ is quite high. During this time, he will be very special. Clingy, you have to spend more time with him."

Huo Junxian was stammering, her brows could not be solved, she said with difficulty: "It should still be alive... That is, it is still alive and kicking in summer, that is, it has just grown old, it should be can…"

"The life span of dogs is different from that of us humans. Their one year old is our ten years old, and sometimes they get old by surprise. Xiaoyu is already in her teens, you should know very well."

The doctor was reluctant to calculate the time for the animals, but said: "It should not be a problem to spend this spring."

Whether people or small animals have been together for a long time, they will have feelings. This is uncontrollable.

"If you want to open it up, take care of him." The doctor sighed lightly.

If you think about it, it's not very sudden. In summer, Huo Junxian often gives Teddy medicine. In autumn, Teddy's leg hurts. lethargy.

Gu Siyu didn't care about it at first, thinking it was stupid and too lazy to interact with it. When you are attentive and have feelings, you will feel that with the blink of an eye, this little guy's work has become an old guy.

Teddy woke up, Huo Junxian took it down, Teddy was in better condition after the painkiller, not panting like before. Beef stew is given to him in the kitchen, and he will follow along.

Gu Siyu took the dog out. She sat on the steps and joked with Teddy, saying that it was a little eunuch. When you find it, you will still be a little **** in your next life.

Teddy is indeed the dog with the best IQ, it quickly understood it, crossed its legs to look under itself, and then whimpered, it rolled and made a few adults laugh .

"So what about you, you must hold on until you find your little one." Gu Siyu said seriously, "Eunuch Yu, do you understand?"

"I think you are quite young, you can't give up on yourself, don't you want to find a girlfriend in your next life?" Gu Siyu asked.

Teddy raised his eyes.

"If you want to, just listen to me." Gu Siyu said, "Don't be discouraged!"

"Wow!" Teddy responded loudly.

Back to the room at night, Huo Junxian put Teddy in the bedroom, but Teddy was unwilling to share a room with them, once she was carried in, it would run once, and finally she could only put it next door and leave it behind If there is a crack in the door that does not close the door tightly, when you hear the sound, go over and look at it.

Hiding from the rain together under the eaves, it was very dirty and lay beside my legs. I asked if it would like to be with me, it looked at me with bright eyes, I said you come to my hand, I stretched out my hand , it crawled to touch me, and put its paws on tiptoe."

"That was the first command it learned, handshake."

Gu Siyu's eyes are astringent and her heart is uncomfortable. Her position is close to the window, she thought, it would be nice if she could see a meteor today.

Back to back, back to back, all red eyes, but no one looked at anyone.

"It's been so many years, I thought it would be immortal."

"Well, yes."

"The doctor said spring..."

The words were interrupted before he finished speaking, Gu Siyu said: "The four seasons here are like spring, just one season, don't worry."

Huo Junxian turned her back to her, couldn't feel her emotions, and didn't know if she was comforted. After more than ten minutes, Huo Junxian hadn't fallen asleep, and said hoarsely:

"Gu Siyu, you lied."


Afterwards, injections, medicines, and treatment.

Teddy was lying on his stomach in the living room for several days in a row, and there was no time to play.

The spring rain in this city is intermittent, and Christmas is almost over. They don't celebrate this festival, they just stay at home and feel bored.

Because Teddy was sullen, the adults were not comfortable.

When the rain stopped, Gu Siyu took a basket and went to the small yard outside. When she came back, she put the basket on the ground, and the floor soon became wet. Teddy came over curiously, Seeing that there are flowers inside, the dog's eyes immediately widened, it kept looking at Gu Siyu, and the expression was: How do you pick my master's flowers! Not allowed to pick!

Gu Siyu not only picked it, she also teased Teddy's face with the flower and clipped the flower to its ear, Teddy squatted and shook his head, Gu Siyu took advantage of this moment Coincidentally, he made a wreath for Teddy with flowers, "Here, for you."

Teddy went over to look at it, hesitated for a few seconds before sticking out his head, Gu Siyu put the garland on it, and it had some strength to find Huo Junxian excitedly, it was lying She moved her head beside Huo Junxian's legs.

"Good-looking." Huo Junxian put down the fruit bowl in her hand, squatted down to straighten the wreath, and praised it, "Oh my God, how is our Xiaoyu so beautiful."

Teddy shook the wreath down, Huo Junxian picked it up and put it on, "It's for me, then thank you Xiaoyu, I like it very much."

Huo Junxian looks much better than Teddy wearing a wreath, Gu Siyu made it with roses and ivy in the yard, it looks like a flower fairy, Huo Junxian and Teddy head to each other and play .

"Ow!" Teddy shook his **** and went to Gu Siyu again, asking her to make up another one.

Gu Siyu has a knack for weaving garlands, she can make one in a few minutes, she puts it on Teddy, but Teddy is not satisfied, she wants another one.

"Why are you so greedy." Gu Siyu continued to make up a new one and handed it to Teddy, Teddy raised his chin, Gu Siyu fulfilled his wish, and put the more one Wreath on his head.

There are garlands for one person and two dogs, so beautiful.

The house is so stuffy that it smells of flowers, so it's not so boring.

When the sun climbed out, Huo Junxian took Teddy out to breathe, she called Gu Siyu, "Go upstairs and help me get the camera."

Gu Siyu agreed.

Just as Chen Tao sent the doctor away, he trotted down the stairs, making a thud, and he held a notepad in his hand, intending to go out and buy some things to come back this time, Gu Siyu Watching him go, she took out her phone first, glanced at it briefly, then chased after him and said, "Wait, bring me something."

"What do you want?" Chen Tao looked at her suspiciously, wondering if she should report to Huo Junxian.

"I just bought a pocket watch that big." Gu Siyu made a comparison, her thumb and index finger made a circle, "a pocket watch, not a watch."

Chen Tao thought about it, "A Christmas present for Miss?"

"Just bring it to me." Gu Siyu said.

"What price do you want?" Chen Tao asked.

Gu Siyu has never bought a watch. She bought a piece of twenty-five in junior high school. She would follow the trend and wear it casually. She said, "Two million, do you have it?"

"There must be." Chen Tao was very serious, but he laughed when he went out.

Gu Siyu took the camera and went out. She squatted on the grass and tried the feeling. Just after pressing the shutter, she felt that there was a line of sight from upstairs to look at her again. Gu Siyu raised her head to look for it. When I saw the woman from yesterday, the woman's body was close to the glass window, and the two looked at each other. The woman suddenly opened the glass window and put her hand on it. The next second, she was quickly pulled back by the maid and closed the glass window again. Must be strictly.

Because of the distance, Gu Siyu could only have a little shadow. She didn't understand what was going on over there. She pressed her doubts in her heart.

The verdant and dense leaves are layered on top of each other, and the sunlight is warm yellow, which is the gentleness of spring calm.

Huo Junxian stood under the tree, her eyes softly playing with Teddy, Gu Siyu suddenly remembered the oil painting in Huo Junxian's villa, which is also such a gentle wind and tree, the only difference is Weather, one is burning clouds, the other is after rain.

Teddy slowly moved towards Huo Junxian again, the little dumpling walked very slowly, when it was about to reach the place, Huo Junxian took a few steps forward, leaned over and hugged it, She carried Teddy around and rubbed Teddy's head.

Huo Junxian rubbed the flower off, Teddy called out, Huo Junxian squatted down to pick up the flower, several times they looked at Gu Siyu and asked Gu Siyu to come over to play, Gu Siyu did not move pace.

Gu Siyu's attitude towards her is very complicated, she is upset, and can't wait to run now, but...

I can't think of a specific "but", I'm indecisive when I think of it.

What to do, what to do.

Gu Siyu's mood is like a roller coaster. She sprints here for a while, and turns there again for a while. She takes a deep breath and hangs the camera around her neck, posing a tugging gesture to take pictures of Teddy .

Teddy always pulls Huo Junxian, no matter how she shoots or poses, she must be with Huo Junxian. Teddy is very motherly when taking pictures. Either he threw himself into the flowers and reclined with a flower in his mouth, or squatted under the flower and looked up at the sky.

Aunt Zhang had good eyesight. Seeing them playing in the back, she kept looking after the backyard, and sent people to lay mats on the ground and then layer them to let them sit and play.

Gu Siyu changed place and lay down directly, Huo Junxian held her head on her thigh and pillowed, Gu Siyu could only follow, afraid that Huo Junxian would turn her head Lose.

She looked at the sky, the sun was a little dazzling, "Is that your mother upstairs?"


"Gu Siyu." Huo Junxian's thin lips moved, she looked at Gu Siyu, seemed to be talking, but didn't seem to say, "Can you stay by my side during this time?"

Gu Siyu looked up at her, waited for a long time, her lips were open and a little dry, "What do you want to say?"

Huo Junxian was stunned, and she gradually recovered from the confused eyes of the ancient Siyu. It turned out that she just thought about it, but she didn't say anything.

"It's fine." Huo Junxian raised her hand and put her hand on Gu Siyu's face, Gu Siyu was still very thorny, and always avoided her hand, especially when she couldn't see anything and it was pitch black in front of her. At that time, she was even more nervous and afraid.

"Don't mess with it, take your hands away and I'll see how the photo goes."

The sound of spring.

The lights in the yard were all turned on, Aunt Zhang moved the food to the yard, and they ate around the small table.

Gu Siyu took out her mobile phone, she swiped information on Weibo, and now the hot searches are overwhelming: the first snow in the **** area.

Oh, it's still winter.

The first snow, the first snow of this year has not yet been seen.

Even though she was in China, she always felt like she was exiled to an isolated island.

Gu Siyu does not allow herself to be soft-hearted, Huo Junxian has never been soft-hearted towards her, she reminded herself in her heart to limit her emotions to the limit, and immediately rein in her horse when she wants to relax.

There is a saying, the longer it is, the harder it is to leave.

Early, early, early!

She repeated it in her mind.

Gu Siyu glanced at the text message again, there was no movement in it, she sighed in relief.

The moment she tucked her phone into her trouser pocket, she received an email on the phone, she squinted and looked down, there was a link in the email, and it looked like a bet sent by a fraud gang. blog site.

Gu Siyu frowned, very heartbroken. She was hesitating whether to open it or just put it back, but Huo Junxian, who was playing with Teddy over there, accidentally smashed the ball on her shoulder, and her finger poked in instantly.

The network speed is very fast, a compressed package pops up and reminds her whether to download it, name: All information of Huo Junxian.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-1823:04:50~2022-04-1922:28:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wife of Ren Pingsheng;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Quan Keshi, A Zizi spit bubbles, xuemei. Gan, utsuriki, only married Yang Chaoyue 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: rabbits, dumb ducks, 20 bottles of readers; 15 bottles of Wang Yimu; 10 bottles of 017, XYG. 9 bottles of Lao Wu and Canbao; 8 bottles of M_ Lion; 5 bottles of Daqingtian and Xuemei. Gan; 152817134 bottles; Aqing. , YANG. 3 bottles; Crescent Bay, say no pigeons, no pigeons 2 bottles; Nianchuliang, Nannian, Bjdhagy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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