MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 70

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Gu Siyu was purely asking for it, and began to regret it in her heart.

Huo Junxian raised her head and wiped her mouth, "It's pretty sweet."

Gu Siyu raised her leg, her leg was numb.

There was Huo Junxian's voice in her ear, Gu Siyu moved her hand, and was pulled by the chain and couldn't move. This uncomfortable feeling was much more uncomfortable than when she wanted to scratch the wound. Grab the duvet cover.

"You untied my hand." Gu Siyu frowned tightly.

Huo Junxian did not.

Gu Siyu licked her lips, exhaled heavily, wrinkled her face in pain, and said, "The wound is about to open."

She was cuffed by her wrists and finally turned over to examine her.

The back wound did not open, Gu Siyu was lying.

Gu Siyu lay on the pillow to breathe.

Huo Junxian kissed her shoulder, glanced at her back, the thick scab and flesh moved, the medicine seeped in, and it hurt when she looked at it, she asked: "Now there are many It's not itchy anymore..."

Gu Siyu didn't answer, Huo Junxian looked down and said in a sullen tone: "It looks like it's actually quite itchy."

She touched Gu Siyu's Zhang He's mouth, and flicked her face with water with her fingers. Gu Siyu didn't dodge in time, and the water was thrown on her side face.

Huo Junxian smiled softly, "Cute."

Gu Siyu pressed her face into the quilt and said fiercely, "Hurry up and clean me up."

Gu Siyu had been buried in the pillow for a long time, unable to breathe, she turned her head and said, "I want you to use more hands."

She said it quite seriously, but Huo Junxian looked at her and suddenly hooked her lips to her, then leaned forward and kissed the two tender petals.

Gu Siyu opened her mouth and took a hard bite on her lips, Huo Junxian was in pain, Gu Siyu frowned and said, "Can you... just stop messing around."

Speaking, the knocking on the door was quieter, and the doctor wanted to come to the ward for a re-examination.

"It's over..." Gu Siyu was afraid of this doctor and nag.

Huo Junxian was in no hurry, she withdrew her hand and sorted Gu Siyu's clothes, Gu Siyu pulled the handcuffs again, "this one."

Huo Junxian didn't understand. The doctor brought a nurse in. Fortunately, no one found out what happened here. The doctor lifted Gu Siyu's clothes and looked at her wound carefully and said, "You keep digging, Just cut off the sewed thread, I don't mind sewing it again for you, even if the pieces of meat on your body are all smashed, let's see where it can be stabbed next time."

Gu Siyu tugged at his arm, made the chain jingle, and said, "Look, isn't this locked?"

"Okay, don't be rude, lock it for a week first, and wait for a few years for the meat to grow well."

"A week?" Gu Siyu turned to look at her, "It's too long."

Huo Junxian covered her with the quilt. The doctor stopped talking to her. After checking and recording the data, Huo Junxian asked Huo Junxian to come out with her.

The doctor is well-informed and has encountered all kinds of patients. It is not the first time for her to be like this. The doctor said: "I am not joking with you. Succeed, if not, go to the psychiatrist earlier. You have heard of post-traumatic stress disorder, so I am afraid she has this symptom. I used to have a patient, and it started well. Later, I cut myself off because of mental suffering. don't stop."

The doctor said: "I also hope that she is ill-natured. If she really has a stress reaction, she must go to the treatment quickly, so as not to suffer in the future. Don't leave everything up to her."

Huo Junxian nodded, said thank you, chatted with the doctor about some precautions, and returned to the ward Gu Siyu was already asleep, she was lying on the pillow, looking good, with her side face against the pillow, The breath ruffled the hair on the side of his face.

Huo Junxian touched her hair with her fingers, and her heart was soft. She pulled the quilt for Gu Siyu. At this time, Gu Siyu was very well-behaved. During the two days when the high fever persisted, her whole body was hot. It's so powerful that it never gets touched.

Huo Junxian went to fetch water again and wiped Gu Siyu's body clean.

The person on the bed stopped moving, Huo Junxian went over to untie the handcuffs and bracelets, she put the handcuffs away and put them in the drawer.

The lights went out, the curtains were drawn tightly, and the room returned to pitch-darkness. Huo Junxian took out a pajamas from the closet. She was changing pajamas, one leg was on the bed, and she turned to look When Gu Siyu's fingers landed on her back, she started scratching unconsciously.

Huo Junxian reached out to stop her, she groaned and said something, Huo Junxian leaned in to listen, and heard her say "stinky" again.

The wrists were re-bound, restricting her movement.

In the morning, Gu Siyu was awakened by the rustling sound of shaking, the wind was blowing outside, the trees were shaking, the leaves were falling, and several of them were parked on the balcony.

She paused for a while, all the things on her wrist were taken off, the feeling of being restrained still remained, she turned her head and looked back while moving her wrist, but could not see her back , she propped herself off the bed.

Huo Junxian was talking to Chen Tao outside.

Chen Tao asked, "How about Gu Siyu?"

A few days ago, Gu Siyu had a high fever, and the whole portrait was a scrapped machine. Chen Tao was worried for a while, and even went to the temple to get a charm for her. It stands to reason that I should be relieved to see her jumping around now, but I always feel uneasy in my heart.

Very disturbed, Gu Siyu is too strong.

"Talk to her as much as possible." Chen Tao added: "She is lively, she looks really owed, and she has the heart to kill her."

"The more you do this, the more worried you will be." Huo Junxian said.

If a person cries, he can still say that he can cry, it’s fine to cry, but Gu Siyu’s face is always indifferent, and it’s not easy for others to mention it to her. her inner world.

Chen Tao handed the bag to Huo Junxian, which contained a few books, he said, "Look at it first, I'll look for it later."

Huo Junxian said hello.

Gu Siyu tilted her head to look at the book in the bag, but couldn't see clearly, she went to the bathroom to pack herself, and when she came out, Huo Junxian stood at the door waiting for her, Gu Siyu didn't see the bag .

Huo Junxian made her turn around, checked her again, touched the new scab, and said, "Well, fortunately, I didn't scratch it last night, can't I hold back?"

Gu Siyu hummed, "Go and pour me a cup of tea."

Huo Junxian took a cup to get water, Gu Siyu quietly opened a gap in the drawer, she tilted her neck to look, there were a lot of books inside, what "Psychological Counselor (Basic Knowledge , "Emergency Treatment of Psychological Trauma", "Burns New Emotional Therapy", plus a "Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome"...

This is nothing.

Gu Siyu pushed the drawer back.

After that, she could always see Huo Junxian holding the book and reading, Huo Junxian specially put the book cover on the schoolbag, so that Gu Siyu would not see the title of the book, Gu Siyu asked her what she was reading several times, Huo Junxian They say it's a masterpiece.

Gu Siyu didn't pierce her, she couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Huo Junxian to come over and put her hands on her hands, she was hard, and her brows were always wrinkled.

On the 3rd, He Xiao and Duan Jiayang came to see her together. The two of them carried a few bags and entered the door as if they had rehearsed specially. They pointed at Gu Siyu synchronously. .

Gu Siyu asked Huo Junxian to hide the handcuffs tightly. She sat at the head of the bed and poked on the screen of her mobile phone. She was tired of listening and raised her eyes.

"Come on, just talk about it, why are you still addicted."

"Every time I want to find you, I always run to the hospital." Duan Jiayang sat on a chair and hadn't seen her for a while, she looked even more shining, delicate Make-up, short and capable hair, one side of the hair is pulled behind her ears, revealing a slender neck, she wears a sapphire necklace.

Seeing Gu Siyu watching, she pinched it and showed it to Gu Siyu, grinning, "It looks good, my dad gave it."

Gu Siyu didn't look at it, she replied, "The food in the hospital is good, and I accidentally fell in love."

Gu Siyu smiled, and then asked Gu Siyu with concern, "Are you alright?"

Both of them had to look at her back, Gu Siyu had to lie on the bed and let them pull, Gu Siyu was helpless, "Enough is enough."

"Why is the injury so serious." He Xiao's tone was serious.

Duan Jiayang no longer smiled at her, "Yeah, you hurt your bones."

"Don't watch it, you have to watch it." Gu Siyu pulled down her clothes, she turned her gaze, Huo Junxian stood at the door, Huo Junxian didn't move much, just stared at her arms Looking at them, half-smiling.

Gu Siyu sat up, pulled down her clothes, and returned to a serious posture, "Enough to see, close your eyes."

"You have it, I have it, there is nothing you can't see." Duan Jiayang said deliberately: "However, why do I feel that your **** seem to have grown bigger."

"Go away." Gu Siyu scolded her, "I see you, the whole person has become bigger and rounder."

"Where is it?" Duan Jiayang pinched his waist.

The mouth was poor for a while, Gu Siyu listened to them talking about the current situation, most of them were Duan Jiayang saying that she won a big contract, her father and sister all looked at her with admiration, she is now in dazzling self-confidence, Very motivated.

Gu Siyu looked at He Xiao and said, "If you want to come back, come back."

"Huh?" He Xiao looked up at her, and recovered, "I'm still thinking about it."

"Have you saved enough money?" Gu Siyu asked.

No matter how much the Labour Party saves, it is impossible to save enough money to open a store in just a few months. He Xiao said, "Well, if you come back to find a new job, it will definitely be enough, don't worry."

"How much does it cost to open a store, I will sponsor you." Gu Siyu said.

He Xiao was stunned, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry..."

Gu Siyu said: "I don't know much about doing business, and I don't know anything about opening a store. It's an investment. When you open a store, I'll give you money, and you'll give me shares, how about it? "

"But, I..." He Xiao dared not agree, opening a store is not a small amount of money, she looked at Gu Siyu's back, her fingers in her pocket became fists, "Siyu, do you make money? easy…"

"I can also vote, I made some money." Duan Jiayang raised her voice, she smiled and patted He on the shoulder, "Take the opportunity."

When He Xiao was about to nod, Huo Junxian knocked on the door, and she interrupted several people inside, "Okay, that's it for today, I'm going to take Gu Siyu to filming ."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Gu Siyu didn't want to end.

"Don't you want to get better?" Huo Junxian asked.

Gu Siyu has nothing to say.

Duan Jiayang got up first, she said jokingly: "Gu Siyu, see if you dare to get hurt, hospitalization means jail time, hurry up and get better."


"How about you hang out with us and I'll wait for you?" Duan Jiayang suggested.

He Xiao and Duan Jiayang have to leave after a while, Gu Siyu is tired of staying in the hospital, she wants to go out and let the air out, thinking about going out with them after the examination, just about to speak, Huo Junxian's eyes He moved over, saw through her thoughts at a glance, shook his head at her, and said silently: No.

Simple actions made her attitude very tough. Huo Junxian didn't allow her to go out. She said every word of reason and cared about Gu Siyu very much, "What should you do if you bump into it when you go out? I accidentally ate it. What should I do? What should I do while I'm not paying attention to scratching the wound?"

Then she went to see He Xiao and Duan Jiayang, "Can you two be responsible?"

Both of them were silent. They were reprimanded like children. Only Huo Junxian's voice could be heard in the corridor.

Duan Jiayang apologized and said, "Siyu, I've been here for the whole October. When you're well, I'll come to the hospital to pick you up. Sister Huo is right. Be calm and get better soon. "

Gu Siyu didn't speak, looked out the window, faintly unhappy, and then turned her face away, "Besides, hurry up and don't contact me in the future."

Duan Jiayang stopped speaking, He Xiao stood at the door, she didn't say a word, waited for Duan Jiayang to come out, the two went to the elevator, Duan Jiayang pressed the elevator, He Xiao turned to look, Huo Junxian closed the door, took a step One step closer to them.

It took half a minute for the elevator to come down, Huo Junxian walked behind them, she just looked at He Xiao and said, "Next time, don't come, I'll make trouble with Gu Siyu when you come. Being unhappy affects her mood, what do you think?"

He Xiao clenched her fingers, her knuckles clenched tightly, she said, "Sister Huo, you are going too far."

"Aren't you her friend? You don't want to be nice to her. She will be very obedient if you don't come. When you come, her emotions will be provoked by you."

The elevator came down, Huo Junxian reached out to stop her, she calmly finished the following words: "If you continue like this, I will hate you."

Duan Jiayang said, "Sister Huo, there is a misunderstanding..."

Huo Junxian tilted her head and said to Duan Jiayang, "I persuade her that I can continue to give you a project next time, and I will give you the money."

The elevator door slowly closed, and something was shattering in the quiet atmosphere. In the last gap, they could clearly see that the corners of Huo Junxian's polite smile folded slightly, and finally became icy cold.

"Why are you pulling me." He Xiao bit her voice, "Obviously Huo Junxian is going too far today, she still pretends to be fine in the ward."

"Huo Junxian is rich and powerful, is it useful for you to stand still with her?"

"Siyu is very dangerous with her like this! I shouldn't have left last time, I should have stopped Siyu, I really..."

"Xiaoxiao, there are some things I shouldn't say, but don't mess with her. Do you think I don't know anything? My dad can't do anything about her. I have to go abroad." Duan Jiayang was also ruthless in his words, hitting the nail on the head, "Anyway, don't be delusional."


She was wearing a thin grey trench coat with a belt tied around her belly, neatly.

"Help you send your friends away." Huo Junxian said, "There's no need to check tomorrow. If they come, they can play for a while."

On the contrary, Gu Siyu was dressed more casually, wearing loose hospital clothes, she pressed her hand on the quilt, "You know what I was hospitalized for this time."

"Because of me." Huo Junxian nodded and answered very neatly, she reached out and buttoned Gu Siyu, "Hey, you can be more casual in front of me, but don't be too casual in front of guests."

Gu Siyu said: "You know it's because of you, then you... don't let me do anything you limit me."

She was very moved these days, even if it was because Huo Junxian was stabbed, she did not feel that she was at a loss, let alone regretted it.

Huo Junxian took care of her very carefully, she was enjoying and moved. Impressed and addicted.

They are too good to be good enough for others, but the definition of others is too broad, Huo Junxian is like a ring, and it is getting tighter and tighter.

All beauty is limited to the space where two people are alone, and there is no room for others. But once outsiders break in, their beauty will be broken, and the beauty will fall into reality.

But aren't they living in reality?

She can't stay in the hospital all the time, she can't always create a space for two people, exclude everything in the world, and then let only Huo Junxian in her world, then she is not a plaything ?

She allowed Huo Junxian to tie her with a iron chain and have fun, but in reality, she would resist.

Escape will only make the wound deeper, and one day it will be as deep as the wound on her back. I usually suffer hard, I don't care, one day it stinks, and I even want to dig out the bones.

Gu Siyu understands too well and is powerless, so she doesn't want to go that far.

You can be greedy, but you can't be addicted to it for a long time.

Gu Siyu said: "When I leave the hospital, don't let that group of people follow me."

"Follow me for a while, okay? It was my negligence last time that happened." Huo Junxian whispered, she poured a cup of hot water, poured the medicine in the palm of her hand, and waited for the temperature Come down and give Gu Siyu a drink.

"I'm..." Gu Siyu said, "I just don't think it's necessary, isn't Jin Yuansen going to jail?"

"But I don't know if he has left a hand before. I recently checked his assets and found that many places are not in the account. I suspect that he opened a black account for himself and saved the money. The underground bank in Vegas."

Gu Siyu listened, her lips moved, then calmed down, repeated many times, and mocked herself, "I thought I pierced, and you won't find anyone to follow me."

"I was surprised too." Huo Junxian said.

She was surprised that Gu Siyu knew everything, but she didn't reveal it until now.

Gu Siyu is not stupid. Jin Yuansen reminded her many times that if she didn't pay attention, she would be as stupid as a pig. She just didn't expose it, and pretended to be confused.

Tracking is tracking, anyway, there is no trust between them, just a cooperative relationship. But now that everything is over, do you still want to follow her?

"Really." Huo Junxian approached her, came to the bedside, and shortened the distance between the two. She spoke softly, as if coaxing others, and said, "When everything is over, they will not Follow you again, this time I'm scared."

She took Gu Siyu's hand to her chest, Gu Siyu sat on the bed, she looked a little shorter and lowered her posture.

Show your toughness that you can't refuse.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Bye bye, Bai Bai, utsuriki, Ren Pingsheng 1 wife;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 469298901;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Lanshan; 77, 55459653, 5 bottles of different dreams; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, zojesis;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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