MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 67

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"Gu Siyu, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Huo Junxian kept reassuring her, Gu Siyu's eyelids drooped, her heart was beating fast, she was scared and hurt.

Teddy ran over first, it pulled a traffic policeman, Gu Siyu saw it running this way, this stupid dog is quite good.

Afterwards, the ambulance and the police car came together, Jin Yuansen was quickly brought under control, the sound was very noisy, and various sounds entered his ears.

Huo Junxian covered Gu Siyu's back with her hand to stop the bleeding, her lips moved, and she wanted to speak, but got stuck again.

The nurse lifted Gu Siyu onto a stretcher and sent it to the ambulance. Gu Siyu lay on the bed, still a little conscious, Huo Junxian followed a piece, and her lips moved again, "Gu Siyu... "

Gu Siyu hummed, holding Huo Junxian's hand, "No."

"Okay, it's okay, I'll listen to you." Huo Junxian's eyes were wet, she held Gu Siyu's hand tightly, "I'll listen to you."

Gu Siyu moved her lips and said something, Huo Junxian leaned over to listen, Gu Siyu said, "I'm a panda..."

"What panda?" Huo Junxian didn't understand, "Do you want to see pandas?"

The hemostasis doctor asked her in a voice: "Rh negative blood? Are you panda blood?"

Gu Siyu didn't speak, her back hurts a lot, she feels her blood is flowing out, and she wants to scold her.

She also panicked, no, I won't die.

Gu Siyu moved her fingers, Huo Junxian firmly held her hand, "It's alright, it will be alright, Gu Siyu..." She thought about covering Gu Siyu's back, I didn't dare to touch it, I was flustered and didn't know what to do.

"Sorry Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu, I won't go to the beach, sorry..."

The fellow nurses were busy comforting her, telling her not to be nervous and steady, Huo Junxian nodded vigorously, and then went to see Gu Siyu holding her hand, "It's okay, Gu Siyu, don't be afraid ."

Excessive blood loss, Gu Siyu entered a coma.

When I was in a hurry, I couldn't say anything. Gu Siyu was confused and felt that Huo Junxian seemed to have wet eyes. Maybe she was afraid that she would really die. Blood from his mouth.

Someone next to me anxiously called and said that there was a patient with Rh negative blood in urgent need of blood transfusion. I couldn't understand what they said, and the doctor said to ask other hospitals, and then ask the hospital's family…

When I get to the hospital, the various symptoms of blood loss come together, and the body does not know which one to respond to first.

Gu Siyu was pushed to the emergency room. Rh negative blood is usually very scarce. The hospital plans to mobilize blood donation stations to broadcast in the city, but the blood delivery over there is slow, and when they are in a hurry, the hospital has a The family members said that they had Rh negative blood, so they rushed for blood transfusion to save the emergency.

This time, it was a trip to the gate of hell.

When she was transferred to the ward, Gu Siyu slept and had a long dream. The dream was very strange. She became a grass, and it rained, drop by drop, When she hit the tender leaves, she wanted to find a place to hide, but the roots were sucked by the soil. She pulled her legs and was in a dilemma. The rain in the sky did not take pity on her, the thunderstorms smashed down, and the two buds of her were torn apart.

It hurts, it hurts, the whole back seems to be split open.

Gu Siyu woke up from the dream with a cold sweat on her forehead.

"Gu Siyu." Someone next to her called her, very clearly.

Gu Siyu's eyelashes trembled, and she returned from a dream to reality. She was very tired and her brain was swollen. She exhaled, escaped from death, and was very awake.

It was Huo Junxian's face that caught her eye. Huo Junxian's eyes were bloodshot, and she held her hand with an anxious expression like she was about to cry. Gu Siyu felt warm in her heart and enjoyed this kind of concern.

"My name is the doctor." Huo Junxian rang the call bell next to her.

Gu Siyu originally wanted to slow down, but she always wanted to vomit, her limbs seemed to be broken and reassembled, and she couldn't move anywhere.

The doctor checked her, looked here and there, and finally called the nurse to give her an injection, reminding her not to drink water for two hours.

It's okay not to say, but Gu Siyu feels thirsty.

The doctor finally left, Gu Siyu lay back, she exhaled heavily, closed her eyes for ten minutes, "Okay, it's okay."

"You are panda blood." Huo Junxian said.

"Yes." Gu Siyu nodded.

"You are panda blood, and you still block the knife for me?" Huo Junxian's eyes were red, and her voice was choked, "You still work so hard."

Gu Siyu was lying on the bed, her face turned slightly, and she sighed anxiously, "You have thin skin and tender meat, can you stand it with a knife? I have rough skin and thick flesh, You can't die, your life is tough."

Huo Junxian put her hand on the bed, clenched the quilt, and didn't tell Gu Siyu that if the blood was not delivered in time, it might have been... Thinking, Gu Siyu reached out and landed on the back of her hand patted.

"It's alright, I have a plan." Gu Siyu said: "I'm so dry, I don't want to comfort you all the time, you will get better soon."

Huo Junxian nodded, she got busy, "I'll pour water for you, what do you want to drink?"

Gu Siyu thought about it, "Sweet milk."

Huo Junxian called Chen Tao with her mobile phone and asked Chen Tao to buy a carton of sweet milk. She went out and poured a glass of water. The doctor told her not to drink water for two hours after the operation.

Huo Junxian took a cotton swab and put it on her lips, Gu Siyu's face was very pale, she frowned, "It's fishy."

"I'm going to wash my hands." Huo Junxian was covering the smell left by her wound, Huo Junxian rubbed the hand sanitizer hard, she looked in the mirror, her eyes were red, she was holding the water to wash it off Face.

Gu Siyu sat on the bed and could not lie down and stretch her waist. After sitting for a long time, she would inevitably feel uncomfortable. Huo Junxian finished painting her lips, got up and pinched her shoulders.

Gu Siyu asked: "How big is my back?"

She wanted to turn her head to look, but felt the pain was stopped by Huo Junxian.

Huo Junxian pointed at her with her palm, and the meaning was so long, she pursed her lips and said nothing. Gu Siyu licked the corner of his lower lip and said with a smile, "This thing won't affect my wearing a million-dollar backless skirt, right?"

"Medical beauty can be done." Huo Junxian said.

"That thing sounds like plastic surgery." Gu Siyu said, "I'll get a tattoo later."

Thinking about it, it's really funny, she asked Huo Junxian to get a tattoo at first, but she didn't expect that she might go first. She will not go to the public examination in the future, there is no taboo, and a tattoo is not bad.

"What do you say about tattoos?" Gu Siyu asked.

"Rose flower?" Huo Junxian said.

"Will it be too old-fashioned?"

"You can design this yourself." Huo Junxian didn't quite understand, "I'll ask tomorrow."

Gu Siyu snorted and said, "Go take a bath and change into clean clothes, you are full of the smell of my blood."

"Okay." Gu Siyu came back from the emergency room, and Huo Junxian was watching her by the bed.

Gu Siyu has experienced such a thing, she must be afraid, having someone by her side feels much more at ease.

Huo Junxian got dressed and came out, tied her head, wiped her face with a handkerchief, and put some water on her lips.

Chen Tao came over for half an hour. He not only mentioned milk, but also various snacks and fruits. These were his thoughts.

Huo Junxian's father is gone. Usually, Chen Tao's heart is broken for Huo Junxian, and he is no different from Huo Junxian's father.

Chen Tao walked to Gu Siyu's bedside, bowed to her, startled Gu Siyu, raised an eyebrow, and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Tao said: "Thank you for what happened yesterday. I don't talk much. Usually, it may be difficult to talk to you. I apologize here. Miss, thank you very much. already."

Gu Siyu hummed and asked Huo Junxian, "Is it two hours away? I want to drink water, but I am dying of thirst."

Huo Junxian went to open a bottle of sweet milk, unscrewed the bottle cap and gave it to her, Gu Siyu held the bottle and drank half, she stepped back, Huo Junxian's hand was on her neck, "Don't Come on, the wound is not healed."

"Damn, it's really annoying." Gu Siyu was upset, she asked Chen Tao to hand her a package of biscuits, and asked, "Chen Tao, do you have children of your own?"

"Yes." Chen Tao said: "Boy, now in elementary school."

Huo Junxian nodded, "It's cute, she looks very fat. However, he should lose weight."

Gu Siyu sighed and asked, "Who donated blood for me?"

Huo Junxian said, "The family members in the inpatient department."

Gu Siyu said: "Go and ask which ward it is."

Huo Junxian said: "The doctor said that you can't move around, you should rest first, and then thank others when you feel better."

Gu Siyu nodded and said for a while, she was dizzy, she lay down and rested, no longer moving, she laughed, "I'm quite lucky, there is this in the world There are not many people with blood types."

Huo Junxian shook her hand, Gu Siyu's thumb pulled out and pressed her tiger's mouth, Huo Junxian said, "It can't be like this in the future."

The nurse came once and gave her an anti-inflammatory injection. This time she was hospitalized more seriously than the last time. She has to help take off her pants when she goes to the bathroom.

Day dog.

Mainly because of the injections, she always wanted to go to the toilet.

Huo Junxian has been with the bed, taking care of her every step of the way. The meals are all made by a nutritionist, excluding taboo ingredients, and the rest are delicious. Gu Siyu came to the hospital for the second time, and she felt bad for herself.

Let's lie down for two or three days, Gu Siyu can get out of bed, she stood by the window to breathe, a small bodyguard came and told her that she had found the family member who donated blood to her, it was a coincidence in this building.

The other is a mother and daughter. The daughter has leukemia. The mother works several jobs during the day, and the daughter often does various treatments by herself. Life was not easy, mother and daughter depended on each other.

Gu Siyu was touched, she stayed in the ward for a while, and asked the bodyguard to help her down to have a look.

I just looked through the door and didn't go in.

A plainly dressed woman sat beside the bed and peeled an apple. The apple was left in the plastic bag. The apple didn't sell very well. She cut it into small pieces and fed it to the **** the bed with a toothpick. Son, I chewed a piece of apple peel by myself, the girl bit the apple and said it tasted good, and let her mother taste it, and the two laughed softly.

Gu Siyu looked at the sign on the consultation room. It was indeed a ward for leukemia. Fortunately, the girl was in an early stage and could be cured.

The mother and daughter in the ward were talking and laughing, Gu Siyu looked at the woman inside, watched their interaction, and stared at it for ten minutes.

During the period, the girl lying on the hospital bed looked at her, Gu Siyu quickly dodged, not letting the people inside look at him. The girl asked the mother next to her, "Mom, is there anyone outside?"

"I'll take a look."

The mother came out to open the door, Gu Siyu calmly walked past her, the mother's eyes swayed over her, closed the door, and said, "It seems to be the patient next door."

"Oh." The girl said, "Mom, don't be too tired, lie down and rest for a while, I'm much better."

"It's fine." The mother said with a smile, "I'll go downstairs to make dinner later, what would you like to eat?"

Gu Siyu propped up against the wall and stood absentmindedly for a while, then she walked to the observation room next to her, where the nurse looked up at her, was there anything wrong.

Gu Siyu shook his head and returned to his floor.

Huo Junxian didn't see anyone in the ward when she came back. She was looking for her in a hurry. She ran over to support her with worried eyes.

Gu Siyu said with a smile: "Just go out for a walk, what are you anxious about."

"...Oh." Huo Junxian said, "Tell me where to go next time."

Gu Siyu stuffed her phone in her pocket and said, "What to eat at night, I will do it on the hour, drink water every day and be bloated. Do you have an apple? Cut one for me."

It is still early for dinner, Huo Junxian still calls and asks the nutritionist to get some snacks for her to eat. Then Huo Junxian peeled apples for her and cut them into rabbit shapes.

"Do I want to donate money to that leukemia girl... just, make up for the surgery." Gu Siyu said while sitting by the bed.

Huo Junxian said yes, she can help find an authoritative doctor, and then pay for the medical bills that they have not yet settled, which is a reward for them.

Gu Siyu said: "Let's upgrade to another ward and use my money."

At night, after dinner, Gu Siyu lay on the bed.

Huo Junxian sat next to her and applied medicine to her, and asked her if it hurt, Gu Siyu subconsciously wanted to turn over to sleep, but was gently pressed by Huo Junxian.

Gu Siyu lay on the pillow and asked Huo Junxian to open the curtains. There are many stars today, and there is a full moon in the sky.

"You know, I also have wounds that are difficult to heal." Gu Siyu looked at the stars and said, "I just don't want to touch it."

Gu Siyu has a very strong temperament and will not put pain on her lips. Huo Junxian lay on the bedside and asked her softly, "What's wrong?"

The night was quiet, they seemed to be whispering, Gu Siyu exhaled and blinked.

Huo Junxian said, "Tell me if it hurts you." Her palm landed on the back of Gu Siyu's head, caressed gently, and said, "Gu Siyu, I will always be with you. Yes, the two of us will always be together."

Gu Siyu looked at the stars and fell on her face, Huo Junxian said: "Gu Siyu, thank you, maybe without you, I would really die from such a knife."

Gu Siyu smiled, "I'll just say, how can you possibly stand your fine skin and tender meat." After speaking, she went to see Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian's eyes were sparkling, and there was moisture in the bottom of her eyes.

Feather eyelashes fluttered, and soon even the eyelashes were wet, Gu Siyu raised her hand and landed on her hair and smoothed it, "It's okay."

The matter of helping the mother and daughter is handled by Huo Junxian. Occasionally, Gu Siyu will ask a question or two, and will tell Huo Junxian to make it clear to others that she repays the other party.

Gu Siyu likes money, but she doesn't pick it up. If someone saves her life, she will definitely return it.

The foreign medical team that Huo Junxian contacted should be able to come the day after tomorrow. The money was transferred by Gu Siyu and credited to the girl's account. She remarked below: It will be fine.

Think about it, delete it, and transfer it directly.

Because it also involves the payment of the hospital, Gu Siyu doesn't like to pass the money to others, so she helps to pay. Gu Siyu was even more unaccustomed to others looking at her as a kind person, so she secretly got it while Huo Junxian was taking her lunch break.

The staff said: "They also praised you as a kind person. Ms. Zhong said a lot of thanks. Do you want to meet them."

"Ms. Zhong?" Gu Siyu frowned, "What's her name?"

The staff receiving the payment said: "Zhong Ciyu."

Gu Siyu's hand clenched tightly, "Zhong Ciyu?"


"Which three words?"

The staff wrote the name on a piece of A4 paper, "These three words."

Gu Siyu was hopeful and hoped not. She leaned over to read the three words, and the staff said, "Don't worry, it's not wrong."

"...Oh." She smiled and turned around like a stuck machine.

"Speaking of which, you look a lot like that Ms. Zhong, which is a kind of fate." The staff said.

"Zhong Ciyu, ha, Zhong Ciyu. Does she know my name?"

"Yes, I told them."

Gu Siyu did not donate anonymously. After all, it was a kindness from others. She laughed twice. She also looked forward to people taking her help and thanking her. She said, why? One million was transferred out, and the medical team also hired them. Why is the other party not even willing to give a fruit.

At first she thought that the other party was busy taking care of her daughter, or that Huo Junxian did not allow others to disturb her.

The staff felt that she was in a bad mood, so she stuck her head out and asked, "Miss Gu, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Siyu walked towards the end of the corridor step by step, she squeezed the paper hard, tears fell from her eyes, she raised her hand to wipe it off, repeated several times and kept wiping tears, she walked quickly to that ward.

The woman was pouring water and said to the **** the hospital bed: "Don't worry, it will be healed soon, the surgery fee has been collected, and a kind person has donated money to us."

The girl didn't speak, I don't know if she was in a coma or sleeping, the woman touched the child's head, very warm, just like Gu Siyu saw him several times.

The woman noticed someone outside and looked over.

Gu Siyu raised her leg and kicked the door open.

The people inside were startled and stood up in a hurry, Gu Siyu said, "Give me the money back."

"You are..."

"Gu Siyu."

The woman was stunned.

"Gu, Si, Yu." Gu Siyu read word by word, "Give me the money back."

"It's you." Gu Siyu clenched her hands, "I have a picture of you at home, Gu Jianxiong is drunk and calls out your name every time I hit me."

Sometimes the hunch is really strong, she stood here thinking: if only she was my mother.

It's just that she restrained her feelings too quickly and didn't allow herself to think about it, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect...

She walked past Zhong Ciyu, who also pretended not to recognize her.

Gu Siyu envy them both so much, thinking that as long as she can save the girl, she will pay for all the money.

She thought so badly and kindly, without asking for anything in return, at most she thought of leaving a name for herself, so that others would thank her.

"What about recognized me, you still used my money, and you called me a kind person." Gu Siyu's tears were about to come out, she quickly closed her eyes, not letting cry yourself.

But I couldn't stop my eyes, and I was still crying.

Really don't remember?

I do.

In addition to remembering the phrase "Goose Goose Goose, Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange", Gu Siyu also remembered how the woman went.

It was autumn, the grass was covered with hoarfrost, the feet were crunching on the ground, this woman dressed her tightly, the woman carried a pink cloth bag on her back In front, Gu Siyu followed, she realized that this woman was going to leave, she was reluctant and knew that she was going to be abandoned.

"Mom..." Gu Siyu pulled her hem.

The woman turned around, hugged her, and said, "Xiaoyu, I'll go to the street and come back to bring you candy, okay?"

Gu Siyu thought for a while, then nodded, she said, "Mom, I'll wait for you here."

The woman said yes, then walked away without looking back.

Gu Siyu treats herself as a subconscious amnesia, pretending that she doesn't remember anything, when everyone else is dead.

"Who asked you to donate blood for me?" she asked.

Zhong Ciyu said tremblingly: "Little... Gu, Yu." She couldn't even name Gu Siyu, "I just guessed it was you, I didn't expect... I didn't expect... It's really you. "

Gu Siyu was like crazy, emotional and uncontrollable, she looked at the **** the bed, "This is your daughter, right, you take my money to save her? No, it's safe to use, right?"

"I don't have peace of mind, I just want to return the money to you." Zhong Ciyu cried, tears in her eyes, "Let's go out and say, she just finished dialysis, we go out and say, okay? it is good."

Gu Siyu took a deep breath, "Yes, you have no peace of mind, you know it's me, you still use me, accept my money to save her, have you ever thought that if I There is only one million, what should I do if you give it to you. You never thought about how hard I earned this million, you cheated my money to save your daughter, and then a kind person took me away , I don't even have a name."

"Mom..." The daughter woke up on the bed, her face was pale, and she cried weakly from the bed.

Zhong Ciyu trembled, she was about to kneel down for Gu Siyu, "Xiaoyu, please... Yunyun is really pitiful, she was born with hemolysis, and now she has leukemia, I really can't help it..."

"You beg me, haha, as soon as you say beg me, I am now a sinner, you can leave me for more than 20 years to marry and have children, and have other children, what about me? ..." Gu Siyu pointed to his chest, "I was beaten, I was about to be beaten to death, you know, and then I stabbed him with a knife, the police informed you, but you didn't come to see me. Now you still Lie my money, you know it's me, don't you feel guilty, why do you still take my money?"

Gu Siyu couldn't control her tears, "They all said that I was a bad child, and sent me to a labor camp for psychological counseling, telling me that it was wrong to kill, what was wrong, he If you want to beat me, in the end I can come out, I said, yes, I shouldn't kill people, I also made a mistake... You still cheated me of money, one million, you know, I was lying in bed and was cut by others You can't help but look at me and cheat my money."

"When I donated money to you, everyone told me that you are a good mother, working a few jobs for your daughter, have you ever thought about going back to find me. I I waited for you on the mountain every day. After waiting for a long time, he beat me, and I still had to crawl to find you. I believed that you would come to me, and he didn’t believe that you would come back. I still believe it.”

"Have you ever thought of going back to see me?"

"I thought about it, I thought about it..." Zhong Ciyu hurriedly explained, the explanation was unclear, and she fell to her knees on the ground.

Gu Siyu looked at her and closed her eyes hard, as long as she said something that was hard to say, Gu Siyu could still control herself, really.

Convince yourself to reconcile for the rest of your life.

Zhong Ciyu cried and said, "I'm afraid that if I go back, I can't bear you. At that time, at that time I..."

"Married, right?"

Gu Siyu choked up, she smiled, very realistic, after this kind of woman runs away, she will not go back, she is afraid that she will soften her heart and bring a daughter by herself. remarried.

Zhong Ciyu apologized to her, saying that she shouldn't, and slapped herself heavily, the sick **** the bed woke up, defended her mother and scolded Gu Siyu, raised her hand to pat with difficulty SOS Bell.

Gu Siyu looked at them deeply, shook her head, dragged her body and turned around, she felt that she was dying of pain, it was going to hurt to death when she was cut, and it was quicker to sew needles very painful.

But she endured it all. She said in her heart that surviving is the luckiest.

I knew how, how could I be so lucky! How can so many kind people notice me!

It is clearly doomed!

This world has always excluded me.

Gu Siyu felt that she was really dirty, she raised her hand to sniff her own smell, sniffed again and again, and felt that the blood flowing on her body had made her stinky. She walked down the stairs, staggering and staggering, looking at the words to find a way out.

There is a voice in my heart that keeps saying: Why doesn't she die, why does she live, she should die, she should die.


She didn't dare to say it just now, she was afraid that Zhong Ciyu would really die, why should a **** like her have good intentions, she should be corrupted by society and become the kind of revenge society Scum! This way she can vent freely.

Before she met Jin Yuansen, Gu Siyu only had 10,000 yuan, and she was very poor. She went to the bar to help sell alcohol, play racing cars and gamble her life, and cooperated with a scumbag to save ten million.

That's it.

Even she thought that if she had money, maybe she could go to her mother, she would stand in front of the other party and be arrogant, making those who abandoned her and looked down on her all regret it, sometimes she couldn't restrain her like this thought about it.

It's alright, she was cheated of a million.

Really disgusting, really dirty.

Gu Siyu raised her heavy head, she walked to the blood donation place, she rolled up her sleeves, put her hands on the table, and said, "Miss, help me draw 400cc of blood."

"Huh?" The nurse looked at her.

"I want to donate blood." Gu Siyu said.

"You don't look very good..." The nurse felt that her face was a little pale.

At this time, a family member who donated blood shouted, "Nurse, nurse, her back is full of blood, and her clothes are soaked."

Gu Siyu's legs softened, and the man fell down. When he fell, Gu Siyu was still crying and tears kept flowing.

Since she was an adult, it was the first time that she cried like this, and she was tired.

Really, it hurts.


The author has something to say:

Sorry, Xiaoyu. Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2022-03-2522:33:25~2022-03-2620:47:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 for Beibei and Rilakkuma;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ren Pingsheng's wife, utsuriki, 1 Guyan;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ji Qiuqiu, Yuye, 48363358, Li Lin, and only married Yang Chaoyue 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 36 bottles of his dad's wife who stayed with Gumi; , today is also very unreasonable, 522836666 bottles; kelly, 3 bottles a day in a circle; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, zojesis, and Bo halogen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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