MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 59

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The hottest season is slowly passing, the rain has been violent in the past two days, the house has not been ventilated, and it will inevitably feel stuffy after a long time.

She went to push the window open, the bird flapped its wings and flew more than one meter high, and the wings flapped flexibly when it fell.

Gu Siyu leaned against the window to look at it, the bird tried a few times and failed, she moved away to give the window to the bird, the bird paced in the box, did not notice here.

The bird food in the box was not finished, Gu Siyu took out the feeder and went to the kitchen to wash it, wiped it with a paper towel and put in new bird food.

Wild birds do not pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene. Every time Gu Siyu does such meticulous work, she will wonder if she is doing something unnecessary.

This reminded her of a famous book "The Little Prince". This book is very popular, and the illustrations in the book are also very fairy tales. A conversation between a fox and the little prince. Once she came across this book in a bookstore. She bought it and read it for a few days. After reading it, she didn't know what it said and didn't understand the meaning inside. After she couldn't hold on to it, she gave it up and didn't see the little fox appear. .

The little fox said to the little prince: "To me, you are just a little boy, just like thousands of other little boys. I don't need you. You don't need me either. To you, I am just a fox, like thousands of other foxes. But if you tame me, we will be indispensable to each other. To me, you are the only one in the world; I For you, it is the only one in the world."

Later the little prince domesticated the little fox. The little prince was about to leave to go back to his own planet. The little fox said, "Hey... I really want to cry."

The little prince replied: "This is your fault."

Gu Siyu thought about it for a while and understood what it meant.

After feeding the bird, Gu Siyu went to the bookshelf in the next room to find the book, thinking to make sure she understood the meaning, she turned from beginning to end, reading one by one, but unfortunately she didn't see it The Little Prince. Gu Siyu went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and came out to find yogurt bars in his pocket, which was empty. After working for a long time without doing anything, Gu Siyu was upset, she sat on the sofa to ease her emotions. Close your eyes, lean back, and hand over your full weight to the sofa.

The bird started to call again, its yellow mouth was wide open, and after calling, he lowered his head to eat, almost making Gu Siyu miss the ding-dong sound of the message.

Huo Junxian: [What do you want to eat today, how about the chopped pepper fish, the freshly caught seafood in the seafood market is very fresh. 】

Huo Junxian doesn't usually cook fish very much. She doesn't like the way the fish look when they die. Every time she sees them, she gets a little scared. On the contrary, Gu Siyu likes to eat fish. Gu Siyu can see the meaning inside: [The address is sent, I will go to see. 】

When the address was sent, Gu Siyu opened a gap in the window for the bird to pass through. When she left, she looked back and the bird was still eating food quietly.

Stupid, fly away, don't eat yourself like poultry.

The drizzle stopped, the sky was still calm, the dust that fell on the flowers and leaves was all blown off, and the distant scenery was baptized by the rain and refreshed. It's just that the neighborhood is not very beautiful, the ground is occupied by dirty mud, and it is all crowded together due to the blockage of the sewer.

Smell carefully, there is indeed a strange smell.

Gu Siyu wiped the water off the back seat with a handkerchief, she straddled her motorcycle and went straight to the seafood market, and when she got there, she called Huo Junxian, and the number just aired far away I saw Huo Junxian. Huo Junxian was wearing white chiffon short sleeves with jeans underneath. A round white handbag was hanging on her wrist, and she raised her hand and waved at Gu Siyu.


Gu Siyu found a place to park the car and smelled the fishy smell of seafood when she entered, she asked, "Aren't the ingredients in your house delivered by a special chef, why did you come here by yourself? pick."

Huo Junxian's VIP customer, every time she has fresh and top-notch ingredients, others will ask her on WeChat: [Does Miss Huo need it? If so, I will send it to you? 】

Huo Junxian said, "It's been raining for a few days and it's boring at home, so I just go out for a walk, don't you like it?"

Gu Siyu put his hand in his pocket, "No."

The food market was very savory, Huo Junxian went in here and looked there, bent slightly to shop around, simple short sleeves and trousers blended into the crowd, she looked very homely, when she was picking vegetables Just like a housewife, she will ask the aunt how much it is, if it can be cheaper, and will bargain with others. Gu Siyu was quite surprised.

"Cucumbers are quite fresh." Huo Junxian turned her head and said to her, "How about going back and making a cucumber shoot?"

"En?" Gu Siyu returned to his senses and said casually, "If you like it."

The aunt who bought the vegetables said: "This is good, just picked, I will wash it for you and eat it directly."

After tasting it, they bought a few, and Gu Siyu squeezed half of the cucumber and chewed it in his mouth.

Huo Junxian asked, "Do you want to go on vacation?"

"Where to go on vacation?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian said: "When you go to the beach, you can swim in a swimsuit, or I will take you to dive."

"I won't." Gu Siyu has little interest.

"I can teach you, I have an OW diving certificate."

“Do you need a diving certificate?”

Huo Junxian nodded, "It's a dangerous project after all."

"Get more of that scallop, last time I did well." Gu Siyu changed the subject.

Huo Junxian said that these seafood have to be eaten fresh, and the taste will change the next day if they are not eaten. , choose her to take money from the bag to the boss, ten yuan, five yuan, one yuan, and there is a lot of change in it.

"Okay." Gu Siyu nodded, "You are quite diligent and thrifty."

Finally, I went to buy fish. Huo Junxian was not afraid of live fish. When the master picked fish, she backed away. Gu Siyu stood in front of her to block her vision and said, "Take care of it."


Huo Junxian asked: "Is there no fresh-keeping box?"

The master poured some ice cubes into the bag and said, "We are a small shop, sorry."

Gu Siyu took the fish and left the vegetable market. Gu Siyu went to push the motorcycle, and the vegetable was changed to Huo Junxian. Gu Siyu looked around and asked, "Your car Woolen cloth."

Huo Junxian said, "I thought you would come over, so I let Uncle Chen go and get back on your motorcycle."

When I came, Gu Siyu added a rear trunk to the motorcycle, and things could be put in it, but they bought a lot, and some had to be carried in their hands, Gu Siyu did not explain: "You Isn't that guilt?"

How comfortable it is to sit in a luxury car.

Gu Siyu handed the helmet to Huo Junxian to wear, and waited for Huo Junxian to sit down before she drove.

The car was driving slowly, Gu Siyu listened to Huo Junxian and said, "I think it's good to ride your motorcycle."

Gu Siyu's heart thumped, she gently hooked the corners of her lips, this happiness only lasted for a moment, when the cold wind blew, the smile vanished on her face.

Perhaps, Huo Junxian also said this to others.

People always like to plan the boundaries and times very clearly, and pay attention to some inconspicuous little details.

It is very dangerous to drive in a random way. Gu Siyu tried to put all her thoughts in the car, stop at the red light and let the pedestrians politely. She kept reciting the slogan of elementary school students, and seemed to hear what Huo Junxian was saying during the period. , but the recitation was too concentrated and did not hear clearly.

The car stopped, Huo Junxian got down from the back and said, "Why didn't you listen to me just now? I'm going to buy Xiaoyu some snacks."

Gu Siyu parked the motorcycle at the entrance of the yard and did not push it in. Gu Siyu replied, "Don't you like to run around, just let the pet shop deliver it to you."

Teddy ran over from the yard when he heard the sound of the car, it bit a red football in its mouth, Gu Siyu lowered his head and picked it up, she raised her hand and patted it. A target thrown away. Teddy's four calves moved frantically and ran all the way to the yard to pick up the ball. It didn't know that because of Gu Siyu's negligence, there would be no snacks to eat today.

"Gu Siyu." Huo Junxian called her softly, and when Gu Siyu turned her head to look at her, she said, "Occasionally I feel that this world is not that dangerous."

"So?" Gu Siyu's eyes were puzzled.

"So, I really like to go out and explore with you."

Gu Siyu turned back to her body, she walked into the room, it is human nature to love to listen to love words, and it is also instinct to be distracted.

Teddy went ahead of her, bit the football back, let her go out with him, paw her pant legs.

Huo Junxian put the vegetables on the table and went to tidy up her large refrigerator. She lives alone, and there are not many things in the refrigerator at ordinary times. more full.

Gu Siyu took the dishes to be washed in the kitchen. She first treated the fish, washed it inside and out, and put the chopped fish on the cutting board again. Holding the kitchen knife, he chopped frantically, and chopped a lot in one go.

The good fish pieces are all minced into fish paste.

Huo Junxian asked: "Are you going to cook?"

Gu Siyu nodded, Huo Junxian watched, Gu Siyu kept chopping and chopping, the kitchen was full of chopping vegetables, and finally she put the fish into the bowl, added some seasoning and egg white crazy And get and get, and then go to wash other dishes.

Teddy came over, it rubbed against Huo Junxian's leg, very curious about what Gu Siyu was doing, Huo Junxian picked up Teddy and whispered: "Look, she is cooking."

Teddy's eyes widened, it felt incredible.

Gu Siyu has been fiddling in it for a long time, she will order when she cooks, but she will only order until the end.

Gu Siyu bibimbap with soup, Huo Junxian glanced at her and asked, "Are you venting your temper with food?"

Huo Junxian didn't take the initiative to say, Gu Siyu can still hold back, but now she can't hold back, Gu Siyu put down his chopsticks, his lips moved, if he wanted to say something, the words came to his heart Still confused. She might be able to explain it clearly, but if she didn't, she would panic. What is more entangled is the truth of the matter. If Huo Junxian lied and lied to her, and she couldn't tell the truth, she would make one wrong step for the rest of her life, and the end would be the same as what Jin Yuansen said. When you play with it as a toy, you can throw it away when you get tired.

The sense of trust is too weak, Gu Siyu doesn't know what to do correctly, she knows the secret time is too short, and she hasn't figured out the line that is beneficial to herself.

"Siyu?" Huo Junxian called her.

Gu Siyu cast her eyes on her.

Huo Junxian said: "Jin Yuansen's words are half-truth, you don't believe him." She fed a mouthful of soup, "you have to believe me."

Gu Siyu is not an emotional brain. She quickly drove this kind of self-movement out of her brain. In the face of money, it is best to put the emotional value on the value, and other things will only lead to the gradual collapse of reason.

"I know, it's just that Jin Yuansen mentioned about You Wanyue, and then despised me for a while, I was upset, I didn't get angry with you, so I had to vent my emotions elsewhere. "Gu Siyu said.

Speaking of these words made her heart pound. It was the first time she lied so terribly that Gu Siyu took some food and put it in her mouth. She got the trash can and spit it out, gargling with water.

"Is that what you want to ask when you cook?" Huo Junxian asked.

She misunderstood and took Gu Siyu's vent as a flattery, thinking that Gu Siyu wanted to use a meal to coax her to explain it well. Gu Siyu shook her head in denial and said, "No, I've said it just now, I'm venting my anger in advance, lest I'll be mad when I listen to you later." She added heavily, "The point is I don't want to fight with you."

"Oh." Huo Junxian nodded and said, "You Wanyue is my neighbor. She married and lived near me at the time. She has always been very warm to me. Being friends with me, it is interesting to see that I have a dog, and she also went to buy a pet dog. What did Jin Yuansen say to you about her? "

She put down the spoon, folded her hands, resting her chin on it, in a calm posture, waiting for Gu Siyu's answer.

Gu Siyu sits lazily, with her legs folded and her back against the chair, "Jin Yuansen said that he already knew that You Wanyue had a leg with you, and the relationship between the three of you is no different. , It's a relationship between four people, you, Jin Yuansen, You Wanyue, and You Wanyue's husband, what are you doing?

Huo Junxian gave a long "um" and said, "When I was not married to Jin Yuansen, You Wanyue and Jin Yuansen were lovers."

"What?" Gu Siyu was shocked, she didn't know that at all.

Huo Junxian said: "I was as shocked as you when I first found out. I didn't expect them to form a family, but they were still connected behind the scenes, and they even conspired to defraud me and You Wanyue's husband for money. I said that someone lied to me before you, and it was her."

"Then you know her intentions, and you still play with her?"

Gu Siyu clenched her fingers, so...

So Huo Junxian knew about You Wanyue's conspiracy early on. Not only did she get involved with You Wanyue, but she also had to be so ambiguous on purpose?

Huo Junxian is just like the moon in the sky, quietly spying on everyone's secrets, everyone's sins, facing everyone's affectionate confessions, still pretending to know nothing?

Is she enjoying it, or does she find it interesting and play with others?

Gu Siyu's scalp is numb, isn't Huo Junxian the same as her, she knew her intentions early, and she is still coddling with her, doing it with her, what is Huo Junxian for?

She swallowed her breath, observed Huo Junxian's expression, and asked, "Does husband You Wanyue know? It's just your strange relationship."

Gu Siyu was also quite puzzled, that time when she repaired the car for You Wanyue's husband, Huo Junxian could still talk to her husband, just like a friend.

"I know, You Wanyue's husband loves You Wanyue." Huo Junxian said, "But he can't blame me. It's not my fault, I am the victim."

Gu Siyu didn't know how to describe it, these four people mixed into a bowl of dark sesame paste, and she was a dumpling that accidentally fell into the black sesame paste Said: I am black inside, I am like you, and I will rule over you, but...


Being stupid, this is the quagmire, even if she finds danger, even if she struggles hard, in the end, it will only get deeper and deeper.

Huo Junxian asked: "Any questions?"

"Hello..." Cold-blooded, Gu Siyu didn't say what she said, she endured and said: "You are quite charming, You Wanyue will actually fall in love with you."

"I don't know about this either, but it suddenly became like this." Huo Junxian said seriously, she was puzzled, she tried her best to think about it before answering, "Suddenly, she deceived well. , suddenly said that she liked me, and I also wondered for a long time. Why didn't she cheat me for money? How could I make her like her, and then she suddenly broke up with Jin Yuansen. I can understand that she doesn't like her husband, but she doesn't If I like Jin Yuansen, I can't understand it, after all, they are each other's first love, and they all negotiated to get a dollar to run away to the end of the world, so strange..."

"Stop." Gu Siyu didn't want to hear about You Wanyue's emotional journey, no matter how she listened, she felt that none of the four were normal, and she asked, "I first came to you, I saw with my own eyes. When I saw you pulling and pulling with her, in the woods behind, you were like her, and she still kissed you. Later, she found out that I was peeking, and you cried if I didn't come to you, even because of her Quarrel with me, you give her medicine, what's your attitude towards her... Do you really like her? "

Gu Siyu squinted at her, this question is very important.

Huo Junxian said, "She pulled me, but I didn't respond. She has a husband, so I won't do anything to her." She touched her mouth, "I have never kissed."

Gu Siyu rummaged through her memory, Huo Junxian didn't seem to respond, it was You Wanyue who was taking the initiative. But Gu Siyu felt that there was a problem with her understanding. She said very seriously: "If you don't respond, isn't it a kind of catering?"

Huo Junxian did not speak, in the same way, not speaking is a kind of acquiescence.

Gu Siyu said: "Then why don't you just reject you? You don't expose what they did?" What are you doing?

Gu Siyu eagerly wants to know what role she is in Huo Junxian's eyes, You Wanyue No. 2? Or is it number 5 from the first four people?

Under pressure, Huo Junxian's lips parted slightly, she still maintained her chin support, and said, "Because you were peeking at me at that time."

Gu Siyu frowned, not understanding.

Huo Junxian took a tissue and wiped her mouth slowly, she got up and pushed the chair away, she walked to Gu Siyu, Teddy followed, and huddled among them stupidly. rub rub. Huo Junxian put her hand on the white chair and said softly, "I was just curious at the time, if you saw me and You Wanyue together, how would you react? You were so absorbed in thinking that you forgot to push her away. Don't be angry, I won't be like this in the future. Now, if You Wanyue comes to me again, I won't even pay attention to her, really, I will reject her directly."

Gu Siyu was reluctantly coaxed a little bit, but it was just a little bit, she calmed down her anger a little, and left without lifting the table.

Huo Junxian bowed her body and talked to her, "It used to be because Xiaoyu liked her teddy, you've seen that brown teddy called Mianhua, so I would only love her. Be patient. I don't usually go out, and after my father leaves, the house will be more boring, and Xiaoyu will feel lonely."

This sounded to be coaxing Gu Siyu, but in fact it went with what Jin Yuansen said. Gu Siyu just hooked his lips, smiled reluctantly, and forced his expression Not so ugly.

They were too close together, the distance was too oppressive, Gu Siyu felt uncomfortable all over, especially where Gu Siyu touched, like a thorn in her flesh, Huo Junxian was still very He patiently coaxed her and said, "Can I make you a new meal? We don't want anything else. Jin Yuansen will be killed by us sooner or later. Don't be angry with that kind of person."

In fact, Gu Siyu had no appetite, she nodded and said, "It's up to you."

Gu Siyu is trying very hard to control herself, but that's not the case in Huo Junxian's eyes, Huo Junxian stared at her for a while, at this time Gu Siyu was sulking , but it doesn't matter if she is stubborn, she looks weird and cute.

"I cried that day because I encountered a very sad thing. I didn't expect you to misunderstand." Huo Junxian took a few steps and turned back. She leaned over a little and got closer to Gu Siyu , she spoke in Gu Siyu's ear: "I like you, you are different from You Wanyue." She was very serious, revealing her thoughts, "Gu Siyu, I like you, I like you very much."

Gu Siyu's heartbeat is fast, pounding, and almost painful.

Pain makes the brain very clear, the signal from the brain is this: listen, the madman is telling you that she likes you.

However, Huo Junxian tilted her head, looked at her reaction, and asked with a smile, "How about you, how do you feel about me?"


The author has something to say:

ps: The little fox said to the little prince: "You are just a little boy to me, just like a million other little boys. I don't need you. You don't need either. Me. To you, I am just a fox, like a million other foxes. But if you tame me, we will be indispensable to each other. To me, you are the only one in the world ; I am also the only one in the world for you."

After the little prince was leaving, the little fox said, "Hey... I really want to cry."

The little prince replied: "This is your fault."

—from The Little Prince

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-1621:16:18~2022-03-1820:43:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 for Beibei;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 for Ren Pingsheng's wife; 1 for Ji Qiuqiu, A Zizi, Quan Keshi, Rilakkuma;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 Ji Qiuqiu; 1 mk, Hahaha, utsuriki, Azizi Bubble, Amazing Time, Lone Yan, m, Song Hanhan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 262 bottles of Jun Baiyu; 77 bottles of Hahaha; 58 bottles of I have no name; 5336925230 bottles; ;9ening, just take a look, hibiscus year, 5685155210 bottles; Qiu Yibai 6 bottles; gentle and jade-like Lao Wu, 578906925 bottles; 4 bottles of carp fish and fish; 50943251, 2 bottles of mango; mk, drying nets without fishing, The boss only sells braised rabbit head, matcha, Nianchuliang, Meiwan, 15901 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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