MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 139 Sister Huo's perspective

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That day, the weather was very hot, all the petals in the yard were gone, Huo Junxian just watered the flowers, Xiaoyu was playing with the water pipe in the garden, Huo Junxian told it many times not to play like this, it Always listen with the front foot, and run over to play with the back foot, which is not good at all.

The water rushed to his face and ruffled all the hair he had just done.

Huo Junxian wanted to look at it and cut the fruit at the same time, but she didn't realize that she had too much fruit. She and the dog were the only ones at home, but she made half a small glass jar.

"Xiaoyu." Huo Junxian called Teddy.

Teddy didn't respond, Huo Junxian called again, but Teddy still didn't respond to her. At this time, there was a "Gu Siyu" from the yard, shouting a little anxiously, Huo Junxian didn't hear it clearly, and fell to In her ear, it seemed like someone was calling Xiaoyu.


Jin Yuansen was saying something to her, the sun was dazzling in the near afternoon, Huo Junxian saw her raising her neck impatiently, and the end of her eyes showed contempt for Jin Yuansen.


Is she the same woman who hates Jin Yuansen?

Looking at the courtyard, Jin Yuansen's voice was shrill, especially when he shouted "Huo Junxian", and calling "Xiaoyu" would be a little flattering.

Xiaoyu in the yard pricked her ears when she heard it, and she was also very curious, why Jin Yuansen called her name.

I'm more curious about this human with the same name as her.

The two talked for a long time under the sun, and the woman turned slightly to the side. Judging from the distance between her and Jin Yuansen, her hatred for Jin Yuansen was visible to the naked eye.

"Huo Junxian, open the door!" Jin Yuansen shouted outside, "Although we are divorced, but anyway, I still have some things here, I came here to get things, this is permitted by law, You open the door."

Xiaoyu rushed to the door and screamed at Jin Yuansen, Jin Yuansen stepped back a few steps, Huo Junxian put down the knife in her hand and walked over step by step.

The door opened, Huo Junxian walked in front, Xiaoyu watched the newcomer vigilantly, and was ready to pounce and bite.

Huo Junxian didn't speak, it just ran with grinning.

It's too hot outside, the sultry wind is blowing everywhere, and the fruits on the table are placed with yogurt and fruit to make a good match for the summer.

The first sentence Gu Siyu said when he entered the room was, "Can I eat it?"

Huo Junxian looked at her. Gu Siyu was born thin. At first glance, she seemed to be a college student who was just 20 years old. She had a thin and tough beauty.

She thought: is Jin Yuansen looking for a lover so small?

Gu Siyu asked again, "Can I eat it?"

Perhaps the sun has been drying for a long time, and her lips are slightly dry. The word "eat" is biting hard, not like eating fruit, but more like eating her.

Huo Junxian didn't answer, Gu Siyu squeezed a cherry and put it in her mouth, the tip of her teeth gently bit the peel, and the juice wet her lips. Then, she squeezed another millennium fruit, dipped it in some yogurt and ate it.

It may be that she is young and can't hold astringent breath when eating fruit.

Gu Siyu felt sweet when she ate the yogurt, her eyes stopped for a moment on her face and fell on her chest, as straightforward as all young people, she couldn’t do without it if she locked it here, Gu Siyu Watch her while eating fruit.

Jin Yuansen was about to take the fruit to eat, Gu Siyu pressed his hand on the edge of the bowl, Jin Yuansen was not allowed to eat, Jin Yuansen frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Be careful your wife will kill you." Gu Siyu moved his lips and made a few mouths at Jin Yuansen. Jin Yuansen didn't see what she was saying, but he felt Gu Siyu It makes sense, scolding a "poisonous woman".

"She did want to poison me, huh."

Jin Yuansen turned and went to the study upstairs, Gu Siyu snorted while holding the basin, she held a fork and put strawberries in her mouth, her red lips contained strawberry tips.

Bite the corners of her lips with a little juice, she licked the tip of her tongue slightly.

Huo Junxian saw it really and really, she said "Jin Dalang", took another bite of yogurt, and said "sharp pen".

Jin Dalang…

What is she then? Is it a senior official of Ximen?

This setting is weird.

Huo Junxian's original serious expression was hooked by these two words. She hooked her lips and couldn't help showing a smile. It happened to be seen by Xiaoyu, who squatted beside her and kept shaking her ears.

Huo Junxian asked it, "Are you happy too?"

"Wow." It stuck out its tongue.

Hey, Xiaoyu doesn't understand human laughter, it just wants to eat when it's hungry.

It happened that Gu Siyu saw this scene, she looked at the cantaloupe in Huo Junxian's hand, and then looked at the cantaloupe in her hand, her brows furrowed together.

After a while, Huo Junxian watched her spit out the cantaloupe.

Huo Junxian pursed her lips.

She is so stupid, this is not for dogs.

After that, she put the bowl on the coffee table and didn't move. Huo Junxian washed her hands and pulled Teddy out, and then went to get the fork. She deliberately put a piece of watermelon in her mouth.

Gu Siyu was sitting on the sofa, her face was slightly hot, her eyes followed Huo Junxian upstairs, and she slowly ate a piece of watermelon.

Xiaoyu didn't eat enough and kept screaming "wang **** wang". She also got angry with Huo Junxian and rolled at the door of the room. Is this little guy good today?

Huo Junxian frightened it, and said softly: "You are not obedient, next time I raise a better than you, will you listen?"

"Wang." Xiaoyu obeyed.

Huo Junxian went to the room to pack her things. Teddy has been shedding badly recently. Yesterday, she simply rolled twice, and the whole room was covered with dog hair.

Huo Junxian finished packing, Teddy was not at the door, Teddy ran downstairs and lay beside Gu Siyu's leg, it looked at the lotus mist in Gu Siyu's hand and asked Gu Siyu what food.

Gu Siyu took the mobile phone to search for things, put one hand on its head, and said, "Baidu says you can't eat too much, didn't your mother just feed you? "

Xiaoyu rubbed her head against her palm, took out her unique skills, and acted coquettishly at her on the ground, begging her for a piece of food, Xiaoyu is cute and cute, no one is willing to get angry with it . Gu Siyu couldn't resist its enthusiasm, so she avoided it and moved to the side, and Xiaoyu followed and stuck to her leg.

"Damn, you don't know how to read people's faces."

Xiaoyu pretended not to understand, back and forth a few times, Gu Siyu couldn't pick up the size of the fruit with his fingers and give her to eat, this time Xiaoyu got his wish, smash it, smash it, and soon Tai Di smelled Huo Junxian's body, turned his head and glanced, and quickly called out to Gu Siyu.

Gu Siyu was stunned. She had never seen such a person crossing a river and demolishing a bridge. She hurriedly explained, "Your puppy is pestering me to eat, and I only gave a little."

Gu Siyu's mouth twitched. She got up and explained to Huo Junxian. She said a lot of things, saying that Teddy framed her, but Teddy always looked innocent.

Huo Junxian walked past her and heard her whisper, "Don't misunderstand me for drugging her dog to murder her, why she doesn't say a word, is it a mute."

Then she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm a 'mistress' anyway, she doesn't have any opinion on me? It looks like a special treatment, like slap me in the face."


But what should I say to you?

You look so small, I feel guilty for hitting you.

Huo Junxian looked at the puppy playing on the ground and scolded it, "Don't do this in the future, or I'll be angry with you!"


Xiaoyu continued to pretend to be pitiful. After being reprimanded, she stayed for a while. Maybe she realized that she was wrong. The little mind who understood it glared at it.

Gu Siyu is very daring, she doesn't seem to be afraid of anything, Huo Junxian cooked dinner in the evening, Jin Yuansen stood upstairs watching, he was still hesitating whether to come down to eat, Gu Siyu sat directly Now, he whispered something, his eyes aimed at Huo Junxian, "I guess he will definitely come down."

Jin Yuansen was tangled, Gu Siyu first sat down to eat directly, and also sat directly in his usual position, Gu Siyu took the bowl and slowly picked the vegetables, she raised her brows, a pair of Compliment Huo Junxian for how delicious it looks.

Jin Yuansen couldn't bear the hunger and walked down. He sat down to eat with a cheeky face. He just took a chopstick and put the rice in his mouth, but he couldn't eat anymore. He glared at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian When he looked at it, he didn't dare to say anything.

The rice in his bowl was very salty, too salty to put your mouth down, because when Huo Junxian was cooking, Xiaoyu deliberately got the salt jar into that bowl.

"Eat, what are you doing?" Gu Siyu asked.

Jin Yuansen was in trouble and said salty words. He put down the bowl and stopped moving. He got up and poured the rice into the trash can. When Huo Junxian went to unpack Xiaoyu, he said in Gu Siyu's ear: " This woman is very vicious. Before she went to put dog hair in the bowl outside, she could not wait to pour the whole bowl of salt into my bowl today."

Gu Siyu: "...Oh, your life is really salty."

"With her here, I can't be free. She is more free."

Huo Junxian thought about what Jin Yuansen said, she should be afraid of herself, Jin Yuansen went upstairs, Huo Junxian returned to the table, Gu Siyu was still eating slowly, Huo Junxian couldn't help but look at her .

Suddenly the chopsticks in Gu Siyu's hand fell from the table, Huo Junxian was afraid that Xiaoyu would pick it up, so she gently protected Xiaoyu.

She felt her feet being touched.

Gu Siyu raised her eyes and looked towards the opposite side, her expression was indifferent, her legs rubbed over again, Gu Siyu bent over to pick up the chopsticks, and pinched her legs.

Huo Junxian still had rice in her mouth that she hadn't swallowed. Gu Siyu's sudden action made her stunned and almost choked. Gu Siyu's hand was a little hot, and she kept pinching her calf Belly, gently scratching with curved fingers.

Huo Junxian retracted her legs, Gu Siyu was so strong that she directly controlled her movements.

Then her hand continued to pinch up to her knees.

Gu Siyu squatted on the side of the table, as if to climb up holding Huo Junxian's legs.

The table at home is very high, and Gu Siyu has enough space to do these things. Huo Junxian thought that no one should be watching, so she would be so unscrupulous.

Xiaoyu was very vigilant, it ran over with the basin in its mouth, and thumped the rice basin in its hand and called at Gu Siyu.

Xiaoyu felt that Gu Siyu was bullying her master, Gu Siyu didn't have a good impression of it, and always remembered its framed accusation in the morning.

The hand that was about to be withdrawn jumped up. The fingers pressed on Huo Junxian's thigh and pinched hard, pinching on her soft flesh, it really hurt a little.

Huo Junxian frowned slightly.

Gu Siyu raised her head again and stared at Huo Junxian seriously.

Her eyes were a little provocative, and she put her hand on the table and took out a wet tissue to wipe it.

Huo Junxian finally figured out that she is a senior official of Ximen.

As if she wanted to understand something, Huo Junxian smiled softly, but Gu Siyu didn't understand, she frowned and glanced at her suspiciously, wondering what she was laughing at, laughing, Think her desk skills are not good?

Gu Siyu squinted and stared at Huo Junxian, but Huo Junxian never said a word, so she spent the first day at Huo Junxian's house.

After taking a shower at night, Huo Junxian came out of it and felt that her legs were a little wet. She took a handkerchief and wiped it, and heard Xiaoyu calling on the stairs.

Huo Junxian wiped her body, went out to take a look, saw Teddy blocking people vigilantly, Gu Siyu bit the corner of her lips, and let Xiaoyu play aside.

Xiaoyu ignored her and yelled at her.

This little idiot is afraid that Gu Siyu will hurt Huo Junxian.

It still doesn't understand human feelings.

Gu Siyu went upstairs to seduce Huo Junxian.

After frightening, Xiaoyu ran over and raised her head to bark at Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian rubbed its head, Xiaoyu is the best for her... dog, of course she will not be angry with it.

Huo Junxian raised her head slightly and found a woman kissing her knee.

Huo Junxian closed her eyes to ease her breath, hoping that the dream would last longer.

But the more she thinks about it, the faster Huo Junxian wakes up.

In the morning, the light from outside the window came in, Huo Junxian felt empty, she panted calmly, and the vividness of He Gu Siyu flashed in her mind.

It's strange that the first day this woman entered the door, she had a strange dream.

She lay down for a long time and didn't get up on time, Xiaoyu knocked on the door outside, as if talking to her: Master, why are you still awake.

There are strangers coming in and out of the house, Xiaoyu maintains a high degree of vigilance, Teddy is very loyal to her, Huo Junxian wakes up wearing clothes, and when she hides her underwear, she is still thinking about yesterday's ancient times. Si Yu's eyes, the young eyes are always hot and can't hide things.

Huo Junxian pushed open the door, rubbed little Teddy's head, and said, "Hey, Xiaoyu is really a little doorman. Your mother is so hard, don't you know?"

Teddy bit her trouser legs and took her to the balcony. Huo Junxian was curious about what it was going to do, and when she walked over, she found that it was Gu Siyu who woke up early in the morning.

Gu Siyu stood by the pool holding the hem of her shirt with her hands, and lifted both sides lightly, revealing her slender waist, she took off her shirt, and then pulled her jeans, her fingers just pressed against the trousers Buttoning it up, she noticed that prying eyes were looking this way, she turned her head and raised her eyes to look at Huo Junxian.

Huo Junxian put her hand on the balcony and rubbed Teddy's head.

Great, so Xiaoyu brought her to the strip show.


The author has something to say:

Hey ﹋o﹋

Is Xiaogu cute? Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-09 14:37:34~2022-06-1016:56:38~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: fearless _ but one of the will;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ji Qiuqiu, Dugumi's father's wife, Shen Ci 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: No Go_2; A Mao Xiansen, Shen Liuzhen's wife, Riding a horse on the waves, Ye Qi, Mu Qian, Si Ren Ruo rainbow, scavenger 1 small fat paper, little dirty dog ​​hook, Cui Ziyang, akgang, NNsSS;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: XYG. Flaw 40 bottles; Ivan Yan, Shengxiao 20 bottles; Dirty Dog Hook, Sanwen Qian, Snort, arashramni, come and take a bite of Ollie, read 10 bottles of Chuliang; 8 bottles of Mengmeng, Wuwei_ but Yiqi; 5 bottles of haodudu, Yimeng, Yuran; 2 bottles of 46732707, Jianlibao, Nanjing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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