MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 123

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Twelve hour flight.

When her feet landed, it might be because she had been sitting on the plane for a long time. Gu Siyu always felt unreal. The city was upside down. Drifting all the time, she slowly pressed her hand against the armrest of the suitcase.

The vision failed to adapt to the change of scenery in the two countries, everything in front of her was very unfamiliar, Gu Siyu was not in a hurry, she stopped for a while, she looked at the city she used to be familiar with, and put the eyes in front of her The scenery was taken into my memory, and slowly, the upside-down city returned to normal.

Gu Siyu looked down at her phone, Huo Junxian didn't send much information to her, she really thought she was asleep. Sometimes Huo Junxian is also very simple.

Gu Siyu found a hotel to stay at first, put her suitcase in, she took a shower, and then lay on her side to read the information, Huo Junxian took a few pictures of her meal, Songhua Mandarin fish, roasted squab, and some raw marinated crabs.

Gu Siyu: [I'm hungry. 】

After the message was sent, in a few seconds, Gu Siyu received a transfer from Huo Junxian.

[Huo Junxian transferred 30,000 yuan to you, please pay attention to check. 】

Gu Siyu tutted.

She clicked to receive: [Thank you, I'll go eat now. 】

Huo Junxian: [Remember to take a photo for me to see. 】

Gu Siyu agreed.

While chatting with Huo Junxian, I waited for the restaurant to deliver the meal.

The environment of the hotel where I live is not bad. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the night view outside. The neon on the high-rise building is as bright as the stars.

Huo Junxian, do you know how close I am to you now?

The dishes she ordered were all delivered within an hour and a half.

Gu Siyu took it to the floor-to-ceiling window, and she set it up and sent it to Huo Junxian.

Huo Junxian said: [Did you order it in a Chinese restaurant? 】

Gu Siyu: [Huh? 】

Huo Junxian: [The packaging is in Chinese. 】

Gu Siyu almost revealed her secrets, she immediately pretended to be confused: [Sure, mainly foreigners can't do this, so they can only order in Chinese restaurants, I don't know if it's authentic or not, it took a long time to get together get together. 】

Huo Junxian: [Try it and see, what I eat is so-so, better than the fresh ingredients, anyway, I won't come to this restaurant next time. 】

Gu Siyu: [Don’t go there in the future. 】

Huo Junxian attended a partner's party. This person and her father used to be friends. They sent her an invitation. As a junior, she should show her face. .

Gu Siyu tasted this one she ordered, but could not compare the tastes, so she felt to herself: [My taste is good, I will take you to eat if I have a chance. 】

Huo Junxian: [Good. 】

It was followed by a smiley face.

I ordered a table of dishes, Gu Siyu couldn't finish it all by herself, so she ate a little, and chatted for a while, she told Huo Junxian that she was going to school to get grades, and later Let's talk.

Huo Junxian did not doubt her and told her to pay attention to safety.

Gu Siyu rinsed her mouth and lay on the bed to sleep. It may be due to jet lag or excitement. She can't sleep well, and a voice in her head has been urging her to run over to find Huo Junxian.

She patiently comforted herself not to be in a hurry, to take it slow, she has returned to this city, and she is very close to Huo Junxian.

She has to appear in front of Huo Junxian well, and don't make herself embarrassed anymore, she should look like an adult.

After that, she will learn to take responsibility, she will have a good relationship with Huo Junxian, and she will gradually teach Huo Junxian how to love her.

Love takes a lot of responsibility.

Gu Siyu changed to a lying position, she looked at the white ceiling, the small chandelier in the shape of a fruit was on, she reached out and grabbed a handful.

Then the light went out.


After a night of sleep, Gu Siyu is in much better condition. Because of staying up late and flying, her eyes were slightly swollen yesterday.

When she got up early, she packed herself and changed into a golden camel coat. When she went out, Gu Siyu looked at the sky, God was very ignorant, and she didn't know what snow was coming today.

Gu Siyu turned over the weather forecast. The first snow would be three days after Christmas. Gu Siyu couldn't wait. She went to the flower shop early to wait.

She worked in a flower shop before and could see what flowers were freshly picked. She picked a bunch of roses and took a taxi to Huo Junxian's house.

There was a thick fog in the city, and many things around could not be seen clearly, Gu Siyu was not worried about going the wrong way, she was very clear about the way to Huo Junxian's house, it was engraved in her bones memory.

At the gate of the community, Gu Siyu walked over by herself, the big iron gate was closed, she looked in through the gap, the inner door was also closed, Huo Junxian didn't seem to be at home.

In the corner, the Teddy tomb she built with her own hands is now a rainbow bridge, and there are many small treasure boxes on the bridge, which should be Teddy's toys, it is like a fairy tale town Sleeping forever in the blooming flowers.

Silly dog.

I am back.

Gu Siyu would like to go in and have a look.

But the door inside was locked, so she could only wait.

She stood and waited for an hour.

I didn't see Huo Junxian coming back.

Gu Siyu didn't dare to send a message to Huo Junxian, for fear of revealing her secret, she was a little worried, what if Huo Junxian didn't come back today.

In the past, no matter where Huo Junxian went, she would definitely come home at night, but on second thought, it was when Teddy was there, and she never raised other puppies, so there was no need to come back.

Look at 7:30 am.

She was very calm at first, but at ten o'clock, the water droplets on the petals were about to dry, Gu Siyu couldn't wait, and impatiently came up to find Huo Junxian.

During the period, someone drove a car past this side, Gu Siyu leaned against the yard door, the car stopped, and the people inside stared at her for a while, then the window was lowered, and the people inside looked towards her. Looking out the window, his eyes fell on her, and he asked, "You are that..."

The people in the car were talking and thinking.

Gu Siyu didn't know her very well, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Are you waiting for Huo Junxian?" the woman in the car asked.


"I'm Ning Xianzhi, her neighbor. I'm here to talk to her. Do you want to wait at my house? I'll call her later and ask her where she is. Where, tell her to come over earlier." Ning Xianzhi said softly, in fact, she was worried that she would leave, so she finally came back.

Gu Siyu replied: "It's fine. I'll be fine waiting for her here."

Ning Xianzhi is not very old, she looks one or two years older than Gu Siyu, wears silver-rimmed glasses, and speaks with the slightly coldness of a doctor, life is very beautiful.

Gu Siyu asked again, "You are her..."

Gu Siyu knew her identity, just wanted to ask to be precise.

Ning Xianzhi smiled, she could see the defensiveness on Gu Siyu's face, and said, "I am her doctor... and friend."

"Oh, hello." Gu Siyu became a little more enthusiastic.

"Well..." Ning Xianzhi pressed his hand against the car window, thought for a moment, and said, "Miss Huo is a very nice woman."

"I know." Gu Siyu nodded.

"She would be very happy to know that you came back." Ning Xianzhi continued, implying that she should not be in a hurry, wait slowly, Huo Junxian will definitely come back.

"Well, so I want to surprise her." Gu Siyu said.

"Okay, then you continue to wait, don't worry." Ning Xianzhi held the steering wheel and drove the car away, not to stay here to disturb her.

Gu Siyu looks very nervous, she is thin-skinned in the face of love, and it will be a reunion of two people later, outsiders are not easy to be present.

Ning Xianzhi drove the car to the door and stopped, and sent a message to Huo Junxian, saying that she had made some delicious food and some organic vegetables at home, and asked her to come and get it later .

Huo Junxian replied quickly: [Okay, thank you. 】

Ning Xianzhi said: [It’s a Christmas present. 】

Huo Junxian: [I don’t spend Christmas very much. 】

Ning Xianzhi: [New Year gift? 】

Huo Junxian: [Too far. 】

Ning Xianzhi: [Are you going abroad for the New Year? 】

Huo Junxian did not reply to her very quickly, about three or four minutes, she said: [If she can come back to me, I think this is probably the best gift. 】

Ning Xianzhi: [Even if she doesn't come back, you still want to find her. 】

Huo Junxian: [Well, my concentration is not that good, so I can't help it. 】

Knowing where Gu Siyu is, she can't avoid seeing her, she can't be vigilant 24 hours a day, sometimes missing will take over all her defenses and reason, making her willing to go stupid again.

Huo Junxian is an adult with little patience.

Ning Xianzhi: [I wish your dream come true in advance. 】

"Beautiful dreams." Huo Junxian looked out the window. Dreaming is knowing that the recent wishes are difficult to achieve, so she will fantasize.

Huo Junxian has thought about it, Gu Siyu will not come, she will go abroad again, of course she also hopes that she can hold back and stop being so proactive.

Satisfy your whims.

The car drove to the door.

The driver came to open the door for her. Huo Junxian was still looking at her phone. After reading the information, she put her phone in her pocket and got out of the car slowly. She was still wearing a black coat, with a quiet expression and a dignified personality. The temperature has been severe in the past two days, the weather has become drier, and the leaves of the trees in front of her are almost finished.

Huo Junxian went to press the combination lock on the wall of the courtyard door.

Just as she pressed her finger, "Huo Junxian" sounded in her ear.

This sound is very abrupt, not like the sound of ringing the doorbell, but more like she opened Pandora's box, the magic box coaxed her, and deliberately let her hear the sound she wanted to hear the most , and let her pay a heavy price when she indulges.

Unconsciously, the eye sockets were slightly warm.

She was praying in her heart, sure, sure, it must not be my hallucinations, it must be Gu Siyu back.

"Huo Junxian!"

Gu Siyu's voice increased, she called Huo Junxian back and forth.

Gu Siyu was nervous enough, she clenched her fingers and squeezed the flower in her hand tightly, and shouted to the front again: "Huo Junxian."

Huo Junxian heard this sound, but she was not sure, the fantasy became reality, she was excited and throbbing.

The finger that stretched out to press the password gradually bent, Huo Junxian swallowed her breath and clenched her hand.

"Huo Junxian, I'm back."

This time, Huo Junxian didn't hesitate any more, she turned to look, Gu Siyu was standing next to the plane tree behind her, the bare branches swaying with the cold wind.

Gu Siyu stood quietly, her back was one centimeter away from the tree, her hands were behind her back, and she stepped on a few yellow leaves.

Punched a small ball head.

Others looked very good, but she showed a whole face, still so bad.

The red lips moved slightly, and they bit gently again.

No one can make such a lively expression of her.

Huo Junxian knew she was real when she saw this face.

"Huo Junxian, I..."

There is so much to say, it's all stuck in my throat at the moment.

Gu Siyu pressed her breath, very fast, very fast.

Huo Junxian had a premonition that she would come back, but she didn't dare to think deeply. She looked at Gu Siyu, her throat was very dry, and her eyes were hurt by the cold wind, but she didn't dare to blink.

Even face to face, I don't know if it's true or false.

Gu Siyu took a deep breath, her nose was sore and her eyes were impulsive, "I kept you waiting, I, I'm back."

Huo Junxian breathed rapidly, her body did not know how to react, she opened her mouth, one eye was wet, the other eye was still dry, she repeated Gu Siyu's words, "Yes're finally back."

She raised her head and looked at Gu Siyu. She had nowhere to put her hand, so she slowly put it in her pocket, looking at Gu Siyu with dodging eyes, and dared not look directly at her.

As far as she is concerned, no matter how many times she reaches out and catches Gu Siyu, it is not a real possession, her heart is throbbing because of the restlessness, she has been waiting for Gu Siyu to take the initiative to walk towards her. step.

Gu Siyu walked over step by step, Huo Junxian counted step by step, Gu Siyu came to her, Huo Junxian said dryly, "Is it cold?"

"It's okay." Gu Siyu said.

Huo Junxian reached out and wanted to hug her, but she kept her hand in her pocket and never took it out, she didn't want to reach out now.

Gu Siyu moved her hand and touched a handful of plastic, fingers and colored paper made noises, Huo Junxian stepped back, at this time Gu Siyu's hands on her back changed to the front, she was holding flowers in her hands .

In the cold December, in front of the door that Huo Junxian had not had time to open, Gu Siyu stood in front of her, and she pinched the flowers so that there were folds everywhere.

"For you." Gu Siyu said.

Huo Junxian did not speak.

Gu Siyu stretched out her hand to her, put the flower in front of her, Huo Junxian still did not take out her hand, Gu Siyu was not in a hurry to give her the flower, she stretched out her hand to hug her, she seriously agreed with Huo Junxian said, "I'm back."

She repeated these words repeatedly, making Huo Junxian's frozen ears warm. In such a cold winter, she found warmth in this embrace.

Huo Junxian thought, she should hug me, she should tell me repeatedly that she is back.

She opened her mouth to breathe, her eyes were wet, her eyelashes were wet, her cheeks were wet.

Huo Junxian's voice became hoarse and her pronunciation became non-standard, "I... This should be true, right?"

Confirm again and again, lest you be dreaming.

"Well, it's true."

"It's true...that's great." Huo Junxian took out her hand from her warm pocket and stuck it to her waist through the cold air. Holding her back and using all her strength, she repeatedly said, "That's great."

This scene has been played out in her mind many times, no need for heavy snow and beautiful environment, just such a calm day, Gu Siyu took the initiative to come back...

As long as she comes back, one step is fine.


The author has something to say:

This scene has also played out in my mind many times, I really want them to hug, and then get together, it doesn't need to be romantic, but it is so special.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-2221:24:40~2022-05-2321:16:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: nugi, today: not online, Ji Qiuqiu, utsuriki, fearless _ but one of them;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 87 bottles of short ferrets; 25 bottles of Ah wine; 2713217121 bottles; opportunity came 20 bottles; 10 bottles of Shanshan; 5 bottles of Yuyu, Wufang Juvenile You, and Mengmengah; 2 bottles of Mumuziyuan; 1 bottle of Nianchuliang, Wuwei_Yiqi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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