MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v7 Chapter 55 This bear class! I have the final say later

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"It's your first time to study ethnography, don't be nervous. I'll take care of you, you sure didn't ask

question. "Yun Yue'er smiled like a kindly aunt.

She really likes these three babies no matter how she sees them. This is the son's direct line~~


San Xiaozhi sighed in his heart when he heard her say that.

What is care? The three of them are no longer baby dolls, do they need someone to take care of them?

This month's aunt is clearly the eyeliner arranged by the grandfather and grandmother, and the purpose is to prevent the three of them from following a series of plans.

They grew up listening to a series of brilliant stories of their grandpa from childhood, and they naturally understood that the thing that grandpa was best at was to be lenient with the enemy. Aunt Yue was sent to watch them.

"Let's go, Aunt Yue will take you through the admission procedures first." Yun Yue'er kindly and enthusiastically led the three little ones, and went through the admission process as quickly as possible, and then took them directly to find Mr. Xiong .

Mr. Xiong is a veteran of ethnology. His strength was only five or six levels back then, and he started teaching in ethnology before he could speak. He is a rare academic master among the monster clan. And after so many years, he has accumulated rich experience in the long struggle with the Wang family's bear children, and he has become more and more good at managing the Wang family's endless stream of bear children. Therefore, he has been in charge of the entire first grade early on, and he even leads a class himself.

Of course, the enlightenment class he personally led was definitely the Xiongba intensive class in every session.

at this time.

In Xiongba's class, behind the podium, a fluffy big bear was lying on a special spirit wood chair, its plump body filled every corner of the wooden chair. This big bear is naturally Mr. Xiong.

After so many years, Mr. Xiong has naturally been able to transform into form. However, what monsters are most used to is their own body, and the cubs in the ethnology have long been used to Mr. Xiong's appearance, so he doesn't bother to change his appearance.

Today, he still looks like a chubby and fluffy brown bear, but his size has shrunk a lot, and he is half a head taller than ordinary people.

Right now, he is wearing a pair of glasses that are disproportionate to his body size. He is squinting his eyes and flipping through the latest popular series, [Rebirth: Super Beast] Episode 19.

As the protagonist, the ominous beast has been promoted to the fifteenth level of Void Ominous Beast at this time, and began to roam the endless void sea, and conquered the queen of a Void Beast clan, bringing her into the huge harem group.

This bridge, Bashi~~

Mr. Xiong has completely replaced the protagonist, and the more he watched it, the more he worked hard, and he really wanted to replace him. Under the podium, the children in the Xiongwa class were writing the morning exam papers honestly, with serious expressions, as if they were the most serious children in the entire enlightenment grade.

Just when Mr. Xiong became more and more fascinated.

The seven or eight-year-old cubs sitting in the back row looked at each other, quickly made a few gestures, then crossed cover, and began to sneak towards the back door. Judging from their speed, they were actually very fast, and they even learned some breathing exercises.

In most cases, seven or eight-year-old babies are still in the enlightenment stage, they just know dozens or even hundreds of characters, and they haven't even memorized the basic meridian diagrams proficiently, so they won't start practicing so early.

But there are no rules, there are always those who learn quickly and have already started formal practice under the guidance of their parents.

It's just that, for those who have just stepped into the threshold of cultivation, their cultivation is not enough in the eyes of the teacher.

Before they could rush out the door, a wall of khaki-yellow energy as thick as a mountain suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Bang bang bang!"

The bear cubs who couldn't dodge in time bumped into each other head-on, their eyes stared in pain, and they were on the verge of falling.

However, this is not the end.

Just when their plan was thwarted, their hearts were terrified, and when they were about to rush back to their seats, they suddenly felt their bodies sink, as if they were firmly locked by an invisible gravity, making it impossible to move an inch. Mr. Xiong's soil talent supernatural power [big

Gravity Technique].

It's over~ got caught.

The little faces of the cubs suddenly showed the expressions of "it's over".

Seeing them like this, the other little dolls in the class suddenly fell silent. They were so frightened that they didn't even dare to lift their heads.

"Young people don't work hard, but the boss is sad." Mr. Xiong didn't take his eyes off the book, and said in a leisurely tone, "Chen Haoran, Wang Keqin, Wang Hongwu, you three seem to be very energetic. Come on, come on, Copy this thousand-character text twenty times, and you are not allowed to go home if you don’t finish copying.”

Twenty thousand-character essays? !

The beautiful little faces of the three brats who were caught trying to escape from the prison were all broken, and they looked like mourning concubines.

They have been planning for this truancy plan for a long time, and the "Rebirth of the Super Fierce Beast", which Mr. Xiong can't put it down, is their carefully selected tribute. It's a pity that they were caught straight and had to start copying while howling.

"What an exquisite gravity technique." At the door of the class, Wang Youyue, the boss, clasped his arms and commented with an inscrutable expression on his face. Ordinarily, this Mr. Xiong really has a hand.”

He is an innate holy body of the earth system. He has a full six bloodlines when he was in the Qi refining state. He can master the innate supernatural powers with just a little practice. of.

It's just that he is obviously only seven years old, but he insists on using accents when speaking, pretending to be very mature, which really attracts attention.

For a moment, all eyes in the room were fixed on the past.

Wang Keqin and Wang Hongwu who were being punished all stared at Wang Youyue and his party, with expressions of surprise on their faces: "Grandpa Youyue, Grandma Junlu, oh, and Grandpa Youxuan!"

Wang Keqin and Wang Hongwu are also Wang's direct lineage, but one is the direct lineage derived from the "An" character generation, and the other is the direct lineage line derived from the "Ning" character generation.

According to Wang's men, Zhou, Yu, Chen, Qiong, Xiao, Ding, Shou, Zong, Shi, An, Ning, Fu, Bao, You, Yin, Huan, Hong, Xian, Guan, Yan, Song, Shen, According to the order of inspection and closeness, the generation of "Hong" is the 17th generation of Changning Wang family.

The order of women's characters is Yu, Zhu, Long, Ling, Zhen, Liu, Luo, Li, Ying, Xuan, Mei, Ji, Rose, Jin, Jun, Pei, Ke, Yue, Shan, Hu, Qiong, Qi, Xun, Xun... Wang Keqin is also the seventeenth generation.

Although Wang Youyue and other brothers and sisters are young, they are the fourteenth generation of the Changning Wang family.

Such a high seniority is naturally "benefited from" Wang Baosheng's "rebellious feat" which took seven hundred years to get married and have children.

However, although it is true that Wang Baosheng got married and had children very late, the other descendants are not too early to get married and have children now. In the past few hundred years, it was popular to marry at the age of 200 or so, but now, single dogs of 300 to 400 years old are everywhere.

The situation of other direct bloodlines is only slightly better, but the group of direct bloodline children who marry early and have early childbearing are mainly those direct bloodline children with relatively average aptitude.

Even the eldest brother Wang Shouxin, who is most keen to grab the first place among his peers, is not willing to get married and have children nowadays. Everyone is more willing to go out for more adventures and strive for more opportunities.

The reason for this situation is partly due to the change of mentality of the new generation of young people, but more of it is due to another more realistic problem. That is, as the overall bloodline of the Wang family gradually becomes stronger, the potential of the newborn baby's bloodline is gradually getting higher and higher. It is well known that the higher the bloodline, the more difficult it is to conceive an offspring.

Moreover, the higher the blood potential, the faster the cultivation speed.

Take Da Tianjiao as an example, if a child is born as Da Tianjiao, he will break through to the Lingtai Realm before he is fifteen years old, and his bloodline will awaken to the fourth level. At this time, the success rate of conceiving offspring is already very low. .

In this case, early marriage is actually not of much use.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe was quite troubled by this.

Recently, he has begun to miss the "Xuanma Holy Bead" that allowed Baosheng to give birth to three babies in one go!

If the energy is used to produce the Mysterious Female Sacred Bead, it will allow those children who have a hard time giving birth to have more children.

"So it's Keqin and Hongwu~"

Hearing the two children's cries for help, Wang Youyue waved his hand like a big boss and said hello.

These two children are both eight years old, one is of the innate spirit body bloodline, and the other is the innate triple peak. Although they are far inferior to those monsters like Wang Youyue, they are not bad at their age.

You know, even for the Wang family, on average, it takes more than ten or twenty years to produce one person who is born with an innate spiritual body.

And that Chen Haoran is also at the peak of the third level of innateness, but he is the child of Wang's in-law Chen, and everyone is a cousin.

"Grandpa Youyue, you have to decide for us~" Wang Keqin complained tearfully, with a very aggrieved look, "We were just going to the bathroom just now, and we didn't want to disturb Mr. Xiong's reading."

"Yes, yes~ Mr. Xiong misunderstood us." Wang Hongwu also said helplessly, "Grandfather, save me. If this is reported to my father, he might be beaten to death."

The children in this Xiong class all looked at Wang Youyue as if they were looking at the savior, and there was admiration in their eyes.

This is the current eldest son of the Wang family, with the bloodline of the congenital holy body, and he is destined to become an existence of earth-shattering big shots in the future.

However, the babies who can enter the bear class are all talented, and the worst of them are also born with double middle and high bloodlines.

These are all seedlings that have not been promoted by blood, and the future potential of each is limitless. It is precisely because of their high bloodlines that among their peers, this group of children are all little overlords, overlords, and big overlords. Also because of their high blood, they are loved at home and have never experienced any hardships, so that they each have their own stubbornness, and finally fell into the hands of Mr. Xiong.

Of course, not all of the more than twenty children belonged to the Wang family.

Cousins ​​from various in-law families, including the Shenwu family, accounted for about 30% of them. They all valued the education level of Wang Clan Studies, so they came in through the back door. Many parents even asked to enter Mr. Xiong's class by name.

at this time.

Wang Youyue looked at Mr. Xiong with his hands behind his back.

And Mr. Xiong also held up his glasses and looked at Wang Youyue.

To be honest, Mr. Xiong, who was born as an earth spirit beast, still has some instinctive awe towards Wang Youyue, an earth element innate sacrament. After all, this is the existence that reached the pinnacle on the road of earth in the previous life.

Mr. Xiong couldn't even imagine that kind of height. Now he is just entering the ninth level, and he is actually just getting started on the Dao of Earth.

"Hello, Mr. Xiong." Wang Youyue saluted politely, "From now on, you will be the enlightenment teacher of our three brothers and sisters. Please take care of me."

"Old Xiong's responsibility." Mr. Xiong didn't expect Wang Youyue's attitude to be so good, and he was relieved all of a sudden, "Young patriarch is too polite."

"However, the three of us, brothers and sisters, have already completed the enlightenment course."

Wang Youyue looked like a little adult again and said, "Come here to learn about the family, but you can't resist the family rules set by the ancestors. In the past two or three years, let's not embarrass each other."

"No problem." Mr. Xiong said cheerfully.

"Really?" Wang Youyue was overjoyed.

Didn't expect to get Mr. Xiong so easy?

"The young patriarch only needs to get the approval note from Patriarch Shouzhe. From now on, no matter what you do in my enlightenment class, my old bear will turn a blind eye." Mr. Xiong said shaking his head.

Wang Youyue's face froze.

To get the approval slip from the ancestor, did he still need to spend so much trouble? Wouldn't it be nice to slap the approval slip directly on Mr. Xiong's desk?

Just kidding, he really dared to go to his ancestors to ask for approval slips, to ensure that his old father would not even go to his favorite class, and immediately rushed back to hang him for three days and three nights. However, if he was dismissed so easily, he wouldn't be Wang Youyue. Seeing that Mr. Xiong was so dishonest, he put his hands behind his back, and suddenly changed his previous style.

Du Pianpian, a domineering air emerged spontaneously: "Mr. Xiong...

I, Wang Youyue, can be regarded as a man of courtesy first. That being the case, then we have to wait and see. "

"It's useless to wait and see. This is my old bear's responsibility. Even if patriarch Shouzhe has a new baby, as long as he enters my class, he must abide by my rules."

Just kidding, how could Mr. Xiong be afraid of a seven-year-old kid? Even if he is a genius, it will take a year younger to cultivate from Qi Refining Realm to Lingtai Realm.

But he, Old Xiong, also secretly thought in his heart that the children of the Wang family's direct lineage are indeed difficult to deal with, especially the direct lineage of the direct lineage, which is even more difficult to deal with. However, with my old bear's ability, can I still not be able to hold down three young children?

Immediately, Mr. Xiong ignited a raging fighting spirit.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Yun Yue'er's ruby-like eyes flashed slightly, and she quietly sent a message to Mr. Xiong.

Mr. Xiong immediately understood, showing a clear look, and then changed his voice: "However, the enlightenment class is only an enlightenment class after all. If the three of you can show abilities far beyond the enlightenment class, and pass some of the problems I set, I will It’s not impossible for the old bear to let go of his grip a little bit.”

The three brothers and sisters are not stupid. After looking at each other, three words popped up in their hearts: there is a conspiracy!

"What kind of expression do you guys have? Could it be... dare not?" Mr. Xiong looked at them with a smile, "It's normal not to dare, they are still children~ But since you don't dare to challenge, from now on, just be honest in my class real."

"Why don't you dare?" As the eldest brother, Wang Youyue was the first to come forward, "If there is any trick, just let it go, the three of us will follow."

Although his stature is not tall, his confident and domineering appearance really feels like a big brother. His aura is not quite like those of the males of the Wang family, but rather like the female war **** Wang Yingxuan. Longyan Patriarch and other female heroes.

Seeing this, Wang Junlu frowned slightly.

In her heart, she felt that her eldest brother was a little reckless. Mr. Xiong was obviously trying to provoke them with words. Even if he really wanted to stand up, he had to at least ask about the rules in advance. However, when going out, the three brothers and sisters still have to be consistent with the outside world.

Immediately, she pulled Wang Youxuan and stood behind the boss, looking like he was the only one following his horse.

Poor Wang Youxuan looked helpless.

In fact, he didn't want to skip class at all, let alone confront Mr. Xiong. It's a pity that with such a pair of careless brother and sister, he will be dragged along to shuttle through all kinds of turbulent waves at any time.

"Okay, okay, since you don't like the enlightenment class, you must have some skills." Mr. Xiong touched his plump chin, rolled his eyes, "Our Wang family has always paid attention to cultural education, and I have three copies here. Paper, let’s test your foundation first. As long as you exceed 80 points, you will pass the first test.”

"No problem, Junlu, Youxuan, let's go to war!" Wang Youyue waved his hand, and immediately made a final decision, "Quick battle, brothers are still waiting for me to command and attack Tianmo City."

"Grandpa, take my seat."

"Grandma, this way please."

The children in the elementary class also became excited when they saw this posture, and immediately stopped writing the papers, and got up very courteously.

Wang Youyue was obviously very comfortable with the dog legs of these "filial sons and virtuous grandchildren", and while taking a seat under their "servants", he took the test paper.

As soon as he got the test paper, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Good guy, the difficulty turned out to be at the level of the junior high school graduation exam paper.

Wang Youyue and Wang Youxuan, to be honest, did not fully inherit the level of their father Wang Baosheng's intelligence, let alone Wang Fugui's kind of intelligent and close to monster existence, which belonged to the average level of intelligence in the long line.

It belongs to the kind of intelligence that is much stronger than most people, but destined to have nothing to do with scientific research in this life.

Although Wang Baosheng enlightened the three children early on, the current progress of the eldest and third children is only at the level of elementary school... It is almost impossible to pass the very difficult graduation exam.

But the three brothers and sisters dared to take over this, so naturally they have their own routines.

As soon as Wang Junlu got the test paper, she started to do it quickly.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely miraculous scene happened.

Wang Youyue and Wang Youxuan, who were far away from her, also began to write the test papers "swish, swish", almost at the same frequency as Wang Junlu.

Obviously, among the three brothers and sisters, Wang Junlu is definitely in charge of brain power, and these topics are pediatrics for her.

Under the double tutoring of Baosheng and Jing Feifei since childhood, her learning progress has been soaring all the way. At the age of seven, she has already started to get in touch with some relevant knowledge of advanced ethnology.

Even Wang Fugui and Wang Ningxi, who were in charge of intelligence, looked sideways at Wang Junlu's ability to learn gods. In short, they were far inferior to Junlu back then.

Of course, they didn't have a mother like Jing Feifei to guide them.

However, Wang Junlu's way of thinking is more inclined to logic and theory, that is, the scientific thinking of the Jingu tribe, that is, the ability to study and research is very strong, but when it comes to deceitful strategies and other directions, it is not as good.

The three brothers and sisters didn't know what kind of tricks they played, so they finished the test paper very quickly.

Mr. Xiong brought a batch and was speechless immediately.

All of them got full marks.

He knew that the three little ones must be playing tricks, but he kept staring at them with wide eyes the whole time, but he never thought that he failed to catch them cheating.

If you don't catch it, naturally you can't play tricks.

"You guys have passed this test." Mr. Xiong waved his hands helplessly.

"Grandpa is mighty, grandma is domineering." A group of children in Xiongban began to cheer.

"Don't be too happy." Mr. Xiong with a furry bear face, "There are dangers everywhere in our Xuanwu world, and we are also facing a huge crisis. Therefore, culture alone is not enough, and force is also necessary."

"Mr. Xiong, don't talk nonsense, please draw the road." Wang Youyue successfully won the round, his face was full of spirits, as if he had won a battle, and he put his hands behind his back in a domineering way, "I'm in a hurry."

"My old bear is already at the level of supernatural powers, so naturally I can't bully you three little ones. How about this, I will suppress myself to the level of a fourth-order beast." Mr. Xiong said, "You three join forces, as long as you can beat me Defeat, even if you pass the level."

Tier 4 ferocious beast level? Isn't this equivalent to the middle and late stages of Lingtai Realm?

This is too much!

The children in the bear class immediately protested loudly. They are only seven years old, why should they be so cruel?

"Fourth rank is fourth rank!"

After Wang Youyue frowned slightly, he readily agreed.

The three of them, although they have only practiced for a few months, with their six-fold bloodlines, not only their cultivation has improved rapidly, but their combat effectiveness is also extremely terrifying.

You know, the most common cultivator in the Purple Mansion Realm is only a fifth-layer bloodline!

Although the few of them are still young, they can already communicate with the world and display their small magical powers with every gesture.

The only shortcoming is that the amount of profound energy in the body is too small, and the physical body is not strong enough, far from being able to exert the power of a serious little supernatural power.

But even so, it should not be underestimated.


A large group of elementary school students gathered on the ethnology playground. And in the circle surrounded by students, a big bear and three little kids are fighting.

The bear showed the strength of the fourth-order peak, and its size was controlled to less than 10,000 catties. The three little dolls looked extremely unattractive in front of him.

But those three little kids who look like seven or eight years old are all gifted with supernatural powers, and every movement and gesture has the resonance of the law, and they perform miracles.

The boss, Wang Youyue, was covered with layer after layer of earth-type Profound Handles, and all kinds of rocks on the playground kept rushing towards him, gradually wrapping him into a rock warrior-like existence. With the prestige of the brilliant road.

Next to the second child, Wang Junlu, there was an extra bloodthirsty vine at some point. Like a bloodthirsty boa constrictor, it kept entwining and attacking the giant bear. As soon as its barbs penetrated into the giant bear's body, it frantically sucked his blood.

At the same time, Wang Junlu's powerful spiritual sense spread out, and wherever the divine mind came, the world continued to move.

A mysterious wood-type spirit flower bloomed, and the spirit flower attached to Wang Youyue's body, quickly replenishing his energy and giving him continuous resistance to the line.

The youngest king, Youxuan, stood in the air, and the Five Elements Dao cheered and danced around him, spinning, resonating, and the Five Elements circulating, endlessly.

Under his control, the power of the Great Dao turned into a series of qualitative and invisible sword energy to attack Mr. Xiong from a distance, cutting wounds on the bear skin.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this the combat power that a Qi Refining Realm should have? This combat power is a bit outrageous~

Moreover, they are only seven years old, seven years old!

It is said that it has only been a few months since they formally started practicing. It's no wonder that they dare to say that they will be promoted to the Spiritual Stage before they are eight years old, and they will be on the Spiritual Stage list!

You must know that those who can make it to the Lingtai list are not unknown people, some of them are particularly powerful, and they can even surpass the ordinary heaven-human realm!

The students watching naturally didn't know the rhetoric of the three little ones, but this did not prevent them from being excited and admiring.

For a while, the atmosphere of the competition was enthusiastic and cheers continued. Many students even secretly took out the small crystal screens they had kept privately and took photos on the spot.

at the same time.

On a tall building not far away, Wang Anye was accompanying two elegant and easy-going elders who seemed to be extremely knowledgeable to visit the ethnology.

The aura of these two elders is thick and deep. Although UU Reading is very restrained, and there is no coercion leaked out, it can still make people feel that they are extraordinary.

These two people are the Great Luo Realm Formation Master, Langya Shengzun and Tianjue Shengzun who have just arrived in the Wang family for a few days.

This time, Wang Anye took them to visit the ethnology, intending to show the foundation of the Wang family's family history, and by the way persuaded the two sages to teach a formation class in the advanced family history, so as to improve the Wang family's formation foundation.

Unexpectedly, I just saw this scene.

Lord Langya, who was about to put on a show, shrank his pupils, and his expression suddenly became incomparably surprised: "That girl has such strong spiritual power, such pure wood-type original energy. Seven years old, is this seven years old? So powerful Spiritual thoughts, wouldn’t it be a waste of money not to practice formation? This disciple, I, Langya, will take it in.”

"Is that boy only seven years old? He can make the Five Elements Dao resonate with it. He is a rare genius in the sky~~" Tianjue Shengzun's eyes are also shining, as if he saw a rare treasure, "This child , is suitable for inheriting the mantle of this holy one, and practicing various five-element avenue formations!"

After all, the two saints are also top experts in the field of formations, but at this moment, the expressions of the two are surprisingly the same.

It was a kind of expression, the hungry wolf saw the expression of the fleshy bones, and there was a green light in the eyes.

Seeing them like this, Wang Anye on the side felt his scalp tingling, and couldn't help thinking about it.

Boss, do you want to be so direct?

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