MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 61

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Rong's face turned red for a long time, and looking at Luo Ranwei's unscrupulous look, he would blurt out if he agreed, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the impulse. , Bit her lower lip slightly, her fingertips flinched, knowing that she was only joking, and she didn't want to put a yoke on her, hiding her careful thoughts, and said lightly:

"Not serious."

"Ah, it's a pity." Luo Ran sighed, seemingly regretful, as if she had refused her. She lay on the white tiger softly, her jaw rested on her cheek, and her eyes fell on Rong. Wu Qingli's touching face, Luo Ran's eyes seemed resentful and sighing, and she was charming and charming, staring at Rong Ye's face crimson.

Rong pressed his lips, slightly opened his face, and lowered his eyes. I didn't know what kind of emotion he was carrying, biting his lips and saying:

"If you like it, I should give it back."

The epilogue was trembling, seeming nervous and looking timid, and when he saw the surprised look in Luo Ran's eyes, he explained concealedly:

"Grace of life, please report to Yongquan!"

Her face was full-faced, except for her tone of urgency, her face was not gone, as if she had no intention, her eyes were sincere, but under her sleeves, her pair of fiber hands had already clenched her fists.

Looking at a good-looking frosty beauty who was made to look crimson by herself, Luo Ran seemed to have a rare sense of kindness, no longer disturbed her, turned over, lying on the sword spirit tiger, squinting his eyes slightly, and chuckling out sound:

"It's my pleasure to be so beautiful with me."

Rong Hong still kept her cold face, but her eyes seemed to show some joy, making her seem to melt like ice and snow, and the whole person was a little softer.

After a while in the air, Luo Ran opened her eyes, and asked her with some curiosity: "There is only the last year left in a hundred years. You can go to her to get revenge?"

When Rong Hong heard the word "revenge", she immediately remembered the brother who died to save her, and the fiance Mu Yi, whom she never liked, but died for her. Because the crimson rose rising before the man also faded, her eyes flashed resentment, another clear, firm and firm:

"I and her, endlessly!"

After a pause, she calmed her mind and said, "In this mystery, we are all out of cultivation, let's go out."

She didn't say that, but Luo Luoran also heard from her words. Because she was suppressed here like Zhao Peier, she was worried that something would happen, so she missed this opportunity. You know, out of mystery, Rong It ’s not necessarily that Zhao Pei'er Gao is Xiu ’s practice. After all, nearly a hundred years ago, if Zhao Peier had not accidentally touched the lotus petals left by Luo Ran in her mind, she would be just like her peers. In that time, she would die .

Therefore, Rong Ye was to ensure her safety, so she only let go of this possible only chance of revenge. Luo Ran shook her eyebrows, covered her emotions, and said lightly, "Even if you don't go to her, But she may not let you go. "

Rong Yan's eyes flickered, and she instantly understood what she meant, and she frowned and looked at her.

Luo Ran raised her eyebrows and blinked innocently. She covered her mouth with her hands and smiled, "Let ’s do it, she won't hurt me." Let me see, I have been here for nearly a century, but Was it wasted?

There was a flash of cool, useless people flashing in Luo Ran's eyes, but it wasn't worth her wasting.

The fingertips seemed to have a white mist flowing around her jade white fingers, what seemed to be saying, Luo Ran's eyes lightened, feeling? There are several people in her world who love her. It is not surprising that she has seen too much, not even the waves.

Oh, the only difference is that she is a woman. Like her, so be more pitiful and justified? Luo Ran nodded slightly, seeming to affirm this statement, his eyes turned slightly, and the coolness was light.

Rong Hui looked at her for a while, then Zheng nodded.

Luo Ran was right. Now Zhao Peier is in a cave. I do n’t know where the genius and divine treasure came from. He stumbled in a hundred years. He mentioned Zhao Peier's cultivation as the highest in a secret place. Qier told him about it. At the time of Luo Ran, Luo Ran only slightly poked her lips, swept away, and looked at the place where Qi Er said, and suddenly she was happy.

In the original text, Zhao Peier loves a white suit most of the time, like Yan Lou, one black and one white make up a pair. Now, I do n’t know if I was too stimulated, but actually fell in love with a red coat, like blood. The color and spiritual power turned black, and she was like a demon. Luo Ran concealed her brow lightly. Now it is Tiandao who lost her mind and left after she completed her mission.


On the top of the sky, inside Yanfeng, there are ten thousand miles of white clouds and a white jade palace. It seems to have opened up a heaven and earth. In the middle of Yanfeng, there is a sea like a lake. It is imprisoned in this Yanfeng, and there is a giant in its water. Only occasionally, he slightly out of his head, it was bigger than a palace. There were a few cranes beside Xianchi, and Tingting drank and rested.

Passing a little palace, there is a sea in a mountain peak. To be precise, it should be a sea of ​​thunder. A man in black is sitting in it, his face is firm, his face is cold, and his hair is black. Good thing, frowning frowning, fighting in general, suddenly he snorted, but still did not open his eyes.

Outside this mountain peak, there were two men waiting, one in white clothes, hippie smiling and talking to the cold black man next to him, but the white man, even when he was laughing, had a looming anxiety in his brows, His homeowner should have come out early, and now it's a month late, what happened?

The man in white said to the black side, "I said Mo Ling, what do you think of the master?"

The caller of Mo Ling just raised his eyes and looked at him coldly, and was too lazy to talk to him. The man in white shrugged his lips, turned over the tree, and lay on Mo Ling's legs. Mo Ling frowned, but still Without not talking, the worries of the white man's eyes surfaced and murmured softly:

"This is the first time such a situation has occurred, and ..." The spiritual fluctuations in it represent that the master is conscious, but he has been stumped by something.

In Lei Haili, Yan Lou's forehead overflowed with a thin layer of sweat. He felt that there was a force extracting something from his consciousness. He tried his best to stop it, but when he recovered his consciousness, he still couldn't remember him. He forgot something, and for a short while, he opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and Lei Hai suddenly exploded, making a "cracking noise" sound.

Hearing the voice inside, the man in white turned up, kneeling on the ground with Mo Ling, and shouted, "Greetings to the Lord!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Lou appeared in front of them in black. He seemed to be more taciturn than before, knowing that they would not deal with Yan Feng's affairs, but gathered here must be something important, and looked at them indifferently. Only coldly said:

"What is it?"

The man in white got up and bowed his head respectfully, saying, "The martial election was advanced three months in advance and will be held in Fuyunjie three days later."

Mo Ling stood quietly behind the man in white, bowed his head, but could see his respect for Yan Lou.

Regarding the advance of the martial arts election, although Yan Lou had some surprises, he didn't take it seriously, but he gave a faint response. For some reason, he actually looked down at the passage of the Three Realms, and he always felt that he had missed something.

At this moment, Mo Ling, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Lord, aren't you going to do anything before the retreat?" He raised his eyes slightly, only a touch of surprise in his eyes. Three years ago, the Lord didn't say He could also feel that the Lord seemed to be anxious to do what he did after the injury, but he could retreat, but there was nothing like the Lord, which made him slightly doubtful.

Yan Lou looked at Mo Ling and asked him indifferently, "What do you know?"

He seemed indifferent, but he knew that this matter must be the memory he extracted. His eyes were cold like an abyss, and he did not dare to do anything to him without his permission. Whoever it was, he would make him pay!

Listening to Yan Lou ’s words, the man in white frowned and looked at Yan Lou with anxiety. However, Yan Lou ’s eyes fell on Mo Ling. Mo Ling shook his head and said frankly: “The Lord is in an emergency retreat and did not disclose it. What happened. "

Yan Lou narrowed his eyebrows and said "um" lightly, but he didn't seem to take it to heart, but Mo Ling and the man in white could vaguely feel that the mood of the Lord at this time was not good, and even a little displeased, The two looked at each other, and their eyes were slightly surprised. The Lord had not been angry for nearly a hundred years. What happened during the retreat of the Lord?

Everyone no longer said that nothing seemed to have happened, except that the white man's eyes were a little more worried, but Mo Ling's expression had not changed at all, causing the white man to look at him and murmur "Mo nerd" again.

Yan Feng and his party, but after a little rectification, they left for the Fuyun Stage. The Fuyun Stage is not a force of any party. It is located in the center of the Upper Three Realms. I heard that it is the closest place to the heaven. As he is the master of Yan Feng, it is naturally impossible to leave Yan Feng and his party and leave alone.

The cloud layer, as the name suggests, has ten layers, each of which is hundreds of miles high. The first layer can be accessed by anyone. The hundreds of miles are as large as they go up and down. Anything can be boarded. This is based on Xiu's division of the people into several orders.

Over the clouds, there are hundreds of seats and desks, which are filled with spiritual fruits and spirits. They are rare good things. There are three seats directly above. Yanlou is in a black robe. I do n’t know what the material is. It looks like a faint brilliance, and it seems to be surrounded by spiritual power. He sits in it, and he sits a little to the side, because this time the martial election was not sponsored by Yan Feng, Mo Ling and Baiyi stood behind him.

Yan Lou's eyes were swept towards the two seats next to him, and there was a slight pause. The look of the Bailuling people was not good, and the person sitting in that position was not the Qinyin. His eyes flashed slightly, and the Bailuling was the only one. It is impossible to be absent at this time, let alone let others sit in their own position?

Whispered in white to Yan Lou: "Lord, Lord Qin disappeared three years ago, it seems that the day before you brought back the fire lotus fruit, there are rumors ... Qin Yin's soul card was broken on that day."

Yan Lou drank a glass of spirit wine, rumors? It should be clear by now. However, Yan Lou frowned slightly. It was him who couldn't guarantee the killing of the piano sound. Who was it that could kill the piano sound? When did the Three Realms have such a character?

Unable to think of it, Yan Lou gave up and no longer thought about it. He didn't share his mind to the Tianju Pavilion on the side. For him, even if Tianju Pavilion and Bailu Ridge joined hands, he was not afraid, let alone, Today, only Tianji Pavilion's Tianji Laoer remains.

Tianji Laoer had white hair, and even his beard and eyebrows were white. He was dressed in white and looked like a fairy. He opened his mouth with a smile, and this time the martial arts election in the Three Realms officially began.


The Dragon Sky Mystery is another scene, not as harmonious as the outside world.

Rong Hong has nowhere to go, plus her own careful thinking, she has been following Luo Ran. She and Luo Ran are sitting on the sword spirit tiger. Luo Ran is a most casual look. Rong Hongmei has a straight back. Slightly sitting on the back of the tiger, Luo Ran leaned lightly on her legs. The two entangled themselves in white, but for a moment, they could not tell who it was.

This leisurely state did not last for long. After six months, the sword spirit tiger stopped in a valley. It seemed a little irritable, groaning a few times from time to time, amber eyes stared redly at the things in front, Luo Ran glanced In the past, my body was slightly lifted, and my fingertips were white, and the spirit of Jian Linghu calmed down.

Luo Ran saw the behemoth in front of her, then looked at the horrified look in Rong Hong's eyes, and sighed Rong Hong's good luck secretly, tilted her head slightly, blinked her watery eyes, and said, "You are lucky. It can make you run into Bingfeng. "

Rong Hong was also so surprised to know what was in front of her. At this time, when she heard Luo Ran's words, the color of her eyes continued to increase, and she even looked at Luo Ran dullly. What did she mean? Bingfeng Lingdan is absolutely unavailable, she doesn't even care?

Rong Huan immediately raised his eyebrows and said positively, "I don't want that, you have already spent a lot of time on me in those 100 years."

Rong Hong was sighing at the generosity of Luo Ran at this moment, and his eyes were faintly fluctuating. Did he care nothing? Does she have what she wants?

Luo Ran pouted his lips: "You are Bing Linggen, this thing can be used to your advantage, and me?"

Luo Ran glanced at Bingfeng with a touch of pride: "I don't need this thing, let alone, it's useless to me like a chicken rib."

Seeing Rong Yun also wanted to say more, Luo Ran's brows were a little impatient: "Well, I can still lie to you? What you don't want, we leave."

Rong Huan pursed her lips and looked at her carefully, but she was discouraged to find that she was telling the truth, and Nedan, who she regarded as a treasure, was somewhat inconceivable to her. The excessive gap made Rong Rong Uncle felt some sense of gap, she was so indifferent to everything, herself ... but there is a glimmer of hope?

Rong Hua bit his tongue and tingled him back to Rong Yao, seeing that she seemed to be impatient, and then she remembered that she was sometimes wayward like a naughty boy, but it did not make her refuse any request.

The jade hand in Rong Hong's sleeve was clenched tightly, covering all the emotions in his eyes. At last, he just said a "Thank you" gently. Raising the hand, he seemed to gently stroke her fingertips, making Rong Hong's heart tremble. Her vision fluctuated. The next moment, she appeared between the skeletons of Bingfeng, took out the Nedan with the baby's fist, and returned to Luoran again.

Luo Ran's eyes flashed suddenly, and he looked up into the air, and gradually an overwhelming coercion struck. Rong Hong backhand collected Nei Dan, and looked up along Luo Ran's eyes, his eyes were slightly condensed, and the red was black. The hair is Zhao Peier. Every time she leaves near death, and reappears, the repair will rise a lot. It is completely unreasonable. Thinking of this, Rong Hong slightly raised his eyebrows, and his heart was completely upset to him. Killing intention.

Luo Ran looked at Zhao Peier's appearance, inexplicably felt that his fingertips were slightly itchy, and white mist overflowed. At this time, Rong Hong turned his head, explaining anxiously "carefulness", and flashed upwards, confronting Zhao Peier.

The moment Zhao Pei'er saw Luo Ran, her pupils shrank fiercely, seeming to be a little scared, and the next moment she got a touch of madness. Here, everyone is out of phase, why should she be afraid of her?

Zhao Peier didn't want to talk nonsense with Rong Yi, and rushed to her directly with her spiritual power.

Luo Ran held her hands behind her back and watched the show with great interest. The two were fighting on par, and the same was true of Tiandao's own daughter. There was a smile on her mouth, but her eyes were full of coolness.

The figure of Qi'er suddenly appeared beside her, only glanced at the sky, and then retracted her eyes. She didn't have much interest in the scene that Luo Ran controlled by one hand, coldly:

"The male lead is out, the martial arts election is ahead of schedule, and the location is floating in clouds, which lasted for March."

After saying this, he looked at Luo Ran, who was still staring at the sky with interest, his eyes moved slightly, but no one knew, but he was clear. From the beginning, Luo Ran decided to let the heroine and the female partner fight. Let them all have no thoughts on the male lead.

I have to say that her plans have always been successful, but she did n’t want to. Tiandao interjected and annoyed her. She unconsciously saved the female partner three or four times. Instead, she let the female partner have a little thought, and let her The hostess hated her.

In fact, if the heroine has always hated her so much, her task will be almost completed, but one thing is, after Luo Ran left the world, will the heroine who has been enchanted still be fancy by heaven? Tiandao now persecutes the heroine in order to drive Luo Ran away. In the original text, the heroine has been in the secret realm for hundreds of years and has been outside for hundreds of years.

So, awaiting enlightenment, will the heroine be abandoned? Once the heroine is abandoned, Luo Ran's mission will fail. This is why the drama has reached one hundred, and he has not urged her to leave.

There are two pillars in this world. The heroine can no longer count on it, so she will naturally follow her original plan. Qi'er realized that he thought more, and raised his eyebrows slightly, dissipating in place.

Luo Ran didn't fail to hear the words of Qi'er, but just thought that she was going to play another drama, she felt that she was lacking in interest, and just wanted to drag it a little. The next moment, her eyes flashed slightly, the more she dragged, it was only herself The later you have your body.

After thinking about it, Luo Ran's eyes returned to clear, she lifted her eyes and looked upwards, and saw that Rong Hong was faintly prevailing. She raised her eyebrows lightly, but did not let her down or wait for her to wait a hundred years.

Luo Ran tilted her head suddenly, chuckled, and seemed to be doing something bad again. Her eyes flashed cleverly and dazzlingly, and she suddenly made a whisper to Rong Hong.

The figure of Rong Hong in mid-air flashed a puzzlement in his eyes very quickly, but listening to her words, the spiritual power in his hands gradually faded, as if some spiritual power was not supported, his face was slightly pale.

Zhao Peier seemed to find a loophole, her eyes brightened, and strong spiritual power behind her rushed towards Rong Huan. Rong Huan ’s pupils widened slightly, her arms seemed to cross. The thin layer of ice broke instantly, and she seemed a bit lost. A little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he shouted at Luo Ran in a panic:

"Luo Ran, let's go!"

Luo Ran bit her lower lip. At this time, she also saw that the situation in the air was a bit bad. She frowned tightly, and the sword spirit tiger followed back two steps. Zhao Peier looked down, and felt proud, and was also afraid of Luo Ran. Will run like this, a black stick of black flames rushed away, at the same time laughed proudly, ironically:

"Hundred years ago, your brother-in-law was like this. Don't fight for your life, but also to open a way for you to live. You are just like your teacher, with deep affection!"

The last four words, she bit extremely hard and was extremely ironic. Let there be a hint of hatred in Rong Hong's indifferent eyes, anxious to kill her and then quickly!

The face of Luo Ran changed slightly, it did not seem that Zhao Peier would become so strong, and there were a few annoyances on her face. I wonder if I was annoyed when she annoyed her or did not kill her.

However, these Zhao Pei'er didn't care, she just needed to know that today is their death, especially that person! There was a little excitement in Zhao Peier's eyes, his eyes locked tightly on Luo Ran's body, and the toxin-like black spirit suddenly swept away, and Rong Yao's face changed!

Just when the black aura was about to hit Rong Hong, a white tiger suddenly appeared behind Rong Hong. The beauty on the tiger ’s back pulled Rong Hong by hand and brought people to the tiger ’s back. The sword spirit tiger left quickly, and it seemed a bit deserted. Looks like.

Zhao Peier had already lost her mind at this time, and only knew to chase! Be sure to kill these two people and relieve her hate! at all costs!

The three were chasing and killing like this, hiding for more than half a year, and there were less than two days before the opening of the Dragon Air Mystery. Rong Hong also asked Luo Ran why this is so? She had the upper hand that day, but she suddenly heard her voice pretending to be weak, and then led her to a half-year escape.

When Luo Ran heard her question, she only said, "You can't kill her!" Rong Hong believed her, so she stopped asking questions.

On this day, the day when the Dragon's Mystic Realm was opened, Luo Ran and Rong Hong were sitting on the white tiger, seemingly desperately fleeing, but there was always a little carelessness, and the two of them were only slightly stained with blood.

Suddenly, the two stared at each other, Sword Spirit Tiger stopped, Luo Ran raised his eyes and looked into the air, she glanced at the place she had chosen, her mouth slightly tilted, and quickly disappeared.

Not far from the sky, a dark-haired woman in red appeared. The black flames burned behind her and turned into a pair of black wings. She sneered and pressed the two step by step, like a cat teasing a mouse, with infinite killing:

"Why don't you run?"