MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 48

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It rained for three days. After the rain stopped, the weather became cooler. It was autumn, with a bit of astringent cold wind.

Luo Ran hugged Qin on the back of the mountain, and she saw Xuan Yi there. As soon as her eyes were on, she placed the Qin on the bluestone and ran towards him. Shouting angrily: "Xuan Yi."

Xuan Yi heard her footsteps just now, but didn't hear it when she lived. Now, listening to her voice, Fang looked up, looked at her lightly, and said, "Yes."

She seemed quite daring, and quietly approached him for two steps and stood beside him. Xuan also looked at the distance between the two, and frowned a little bit. Before she found out, she went back again. release.

Luo Ran stooped, leaned his head close to him, went to read his scriptures, and whispered out according to it: "If you talk about the minds, they are all non-minds, they are unnamed ..."

She turned her face and frowned, her eyes puzzled: "Xuan Yi, what does this mean?"

Xuan Yi remained motionless, listening to her words, and explained to her: "'Minds' means the psychology of beings ..."

"Stop!" Luo Ran waved and interrupted him, his delicate little face frowned, and asked him, "Xuan Yi, don't you feel bored watching these every day?"

Xuan also knew that the scriptures told her that it was too boring, and he shook his head flatly: "No."

She almost leaned on him, Xuan Yi narrowed her eyelashes, and cast a shadow under her. He looked at her slightly, and twitched her eyelashes. After all, she couldn't be calm, and she stretched out her hands and emptied her head. Push her away.

She grumbled, took a step back, and then looked up at him. The two were a step away, and Xuan Yi was relieved before looking at her. There was a helpless expression in her eyes, saying:

"You don't play the piano, what are you doing here?"

Unconsciously, he seemed to be closer to her, no longer using the word "donor".

He didn't notice it, but Luo Ran felt it. He secretly smiled and bent his eyelashes, with his hands behind his back, and said happily, "I don't want to play the piano today, I want to talk to Xuan Yi."

Xuan Yi glanced at the piano she placed on the bluestone, turned her gaze to her again, shook her head slightly, took the scriptures in her hand, made a gesture to motion her to sit on another stone bench, and then asked her :

"What do you want to say?" His voice was still faint, he was used to talking like this, and had no idea of ​​changing.

Luo Ran wrapped around Qingsi with one hand. For such a straightforward question, I didn't know how to answer it, but she didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, she asked: "When did Xuan Yi shave as a monk?"

"At the age of seven."

Although his voice was faint, he looked directly at Luo Ran, and it did not give him a perfunctory feeling. Instead, his gaze was easy to make people think. Luo Ran's face was slightly pink, but he knew the heroine somewhat. Why did you just miss him once you saw him?

Luo Ran raised his cheeks in one hand: "Doesn't Xuan also feel that the practice is very bitter?"

Xuan also looked at the scriptures, and the brow between the eyebrows seemed a little lighter: "Enjoy it."

Luo Ran twitched her lips inconceivably, so it was really impossible to talk anymore. She didn't want to talk anymore, she just held her face in one hand and looked at him with a smile on her face.

Xuan Yi waited for a while, but didn't wait for her voice, looked up inexplicably, but saw the light in her eyes, looked at herself straight, Xuan Yi suddenly breathed a shallow light, and after looking back, she looked Cold, he pursed his lips and asked her:

"Why do you look at me like this?"

She smiled brightly and blurted out, "Xuan Yi is really beautiful."

She did not see a trace of falsehood, and her eyes were full of sincerity. For some reason, Xuan Yi suddenly felt that her face was a little hot, and he could not see, and her earlobe had quietly turned red.

He coughed quietly, don't open his eyes, he didn't dare to look at her anymore, and he didn't know how to answer her, so he heard her crisply say, "Xuan Yi, read a book, leave me alone."

No need to answer her again, Xuan Yi felt relieved, and quickly opened the Buddhist scriptures, looking earnestly, but his eyes were getting hotter and he couldn't help himself at all, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Fear that she, like before, mistakenly thinks she hates her.

He held the hand of the scriptures tightly, silently chanting the Qingxin curse, and when his mind calmed down, she suddenly had movement again, and Xuan Yi subconsciously looked over and saw her holding her skirt in her hand. , Crossed the path, walked over to Qin, raised his face, bumped into his eyes, and revealed a smiley face.

Then she bent down and sat down, stroking the strings with her hands, and the soft sound of the piano sounded. This time, she was not as careless as last time. She lowered her eyebrows and raised the corners of her mouth. The sound of the piano seemed to bring some joy.

Xuan also quickly retracted her eyes and listened to the sound of her piano before immersing herself in the Buddhist scriptures.

The sky was dim, and Xuan Yi put away the Buddhist scriptures and sent Luo Ran back, and then he returned to his yard. He sat at the stone table for a while before returning to the room. With one glance, he saw the put in the window. Oiled paper umbrella.

The days passed slowly. Luo Ran would go to Houshan every day. Xuan Yi was also used to her existence. Occasionally the piano sounded and occasionally sat beside him. He didn't talk, just stared at him.

Xuan Yi also no longer detoured deliberately. When she went to the hall for morning recitals, she would pass by Luo Ran's room. At this time, she would poke out her head through the window, raised her smile, and shouted at Yiyi softly:

"Xuan Yi!"

Xuan also surprised from the beginning to get used to it, and even later said to her, "Don't forget to use breakfast."

Autumn is coming to winter, and the day is getting colder. The plum tree passing by when going to Houshan seems to be accumulating power, ready to bloom gorgeous petals.

In the morning class, Xuan also followed the abbot and looked at the original Yu Meiren. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the person who was more beautiful than Huajiao. He was so distracted that he didn't even hear the words of the abbot.

The abbot looked at him twice, then suddenly shook his head, and said: "... Huiji will hurt ... love will never be read."

His voice was not loud, and Xuan didn't hear it, but he returned to God. He realized what he wanted, his face changed slightly, and he looked at his master. He didn't dare to meet his eyes that seemed to see through the heart. Called with a hint of confusion:


The abbot shook his head, crossed his hands and walked away. His voice fell to Xuan Yi's ears: "Must resist, go with your heart, fortunately, disaster, depending on what you think, Amitabha."

Xuan Yi's eyes darkened, and he knew the Dharma well, but at this time did not understand why Master said so? What did he resist? What should he do? Fortunately, disaster?

He folded his hands together, gave a gift behind the abbot, and turned to leave. He looked cold, and now that he was confused, he went to find the answer.

He passed by Luo Ran's box room. She was sitting by the window, raising her head with one hand, and seeing him, suddenly her eyes brightened, and she yelled at him with a smile, sweetly shouting, "Xuan Yi."

Xuan Yi frowns, sweet? Why do you feel sweet? He looked at Luo Ran's throbbing eyes, and suddenly his hands clenched.

The eight precepts of Buddhism, one precept kills, two preaches stealing, three precepts ...

He didn't dare to look at Luo Ran again, but suddenly his face turned white. He didn't answer her, and left quickly, but his steps were panic, obviously his mood was unstable.

Luo Ran called him twice, and he turned a deaf ear. Luo Ran narrowed his eyes, knowing what he thought, and she held her cheeks in one hand, and seemed to sigh. She also wanted to let this hold him when he did not know The trip is deeper, and smart people are not good, and if things are a little cluesome, they can guess the whole thing.

Xuan Yi went back to the courtyard with a pale face, and just opened the door. Yu Guang saw the oil-paper umbrella again. He suddenly closed his eyes, opened his eyes again, and his eyes became calm and stepped into the room.

Luo Ran looked at the sky before coming out of the room in a Luo skirt and heading back to the mountain, but I don't know, can I still wait for the person she is waiting for today?

When I came to Houshan, I didn't see the person. She wasn't surprised. She just sat quietly on the stone bench that Xuan Yi used to sit for a long time. After cleaning the leaves, tear the bamboo leaves to a suitable size, sit back, lean on the bamboo pole, place the bamboo leaves near your mouth, and gently blow it up.

Voices came out, drifting far away, melodious and sad, showing an unexplainable feeling, letting the person who wanted to go up the mountain at the foot of the mountain, footsteps, he looked up at the mountainside, as if through a lot of obstacles And distance, saw the man with his head down, silently sounding bamboo leaves.

Xuan Yi lifted his feet and walked up the mountain step by step. His gaze was firm. Things should be resolved, not evaded, but he was slightly puzzled and went along? What did he think?

His breath remained unchanged, and he had already reached the middle of the mountain. He looked at the person sitting in his former position and sounded the bamboo leaves silently. The breeze blew through, bringing her a ray of green silk, but it seemed to bring the sand and fall. In her eyes, otherwise, why did she shed two tears?

Since the rain that day, Xuan Yi has never seen her cry. What is it like today? Is it because ... Is he future?

Xuan also walked through the path, stepped on the dead leaves, and made a noise, which alarmed the man. She turned around in panic and saw him. The bamboo leaves in her hand fell instantly with the wind. She bit her lips , Standing there looking at him, instead of calling Xuan Yi happily, as before.

She waited here for a long time, and she seemed to understand something, so she looked like this. Now when I saw him coming, her eyes looked slightly bright. She looked at him for a long time, and saw his face seemed to return to the indifference when he first met, She couldn't help but lift her skirt and flung him in his arms.

Xuan Yi opened her eyes wide and took a step back with her strength. He was stiff and didn't dare to move. In the past two months, they were not close to each other, but they were never like this, he was so It was clear that she leaned in his arms.

She raised her face, looked at him with water in her eyes, and called him softly, "Xuan Yi."

He heard for the first time that her voice was filled with inexplicable affection, which made him overwhelmed, but he knew that he should not do so. He reached out and pushed her away, watching her momentarily dim look, his hands folded. Closed eyes and said:


With this sentence, he frowned again, and said in his mouth, "Amitabha ..."

He refused to let her tremble slightly, her eyes were red, the breeze rose, and she shattered the broken hair on her forehead, covering her eyes, but Xuan Yi opened her eyes and saw the tear on her face. He hesitated and couldn't say "Amitabha" anymore.

Luo Ran stepped back and raised her eyes to reveal a soft smile, but could not help tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes. She said, "Sorry, Xuan Yi."

Xuan Yi was flustered in his heart, but knew that he didn't want to hear her say so, he interrupted her and said, "No!"

Her eyes trembled, but she said, "It's not good for me. I know you are devoted to the Buddha, but I still can't help but please you."

Delight you ...

Xuan Yi opened her mouth, but was speechless, and a heart of joy was raised in her heart. The next moment, she was pressed down hard, and another voice said, "This is not right" ... not right ...

He is already a monk and should stay away from her.

Xuan Yi's face was slightly congealed, and Master's words suddenly rang in his mind:

Don't resist, follow your heart ...

She saw that he was hesitant, and suddenly his eyes lighted up. He took the opportunity to pull on his sleeves, and he did not wait for him to draw back. She said softly, "Xuan Yi, I won't disturb you, just stay as quiet as before. Just be by your side. "

She frowned and looked at him imploringly. Xuan Yi could not say anything about rejection. She could only let her pull her sleeves. The two stayed here for a long time. The sky darkened and Luo Ran shivered. Xuan Yi felt that he had recovered his voice, and he frowned:

"Come on, don't be cold."

Luo Ran bit her lip and held him still, stubbornly, "You haven't answered me yet."

Xuan didn't say anything, just turned and was about to leave, but before he could cry in her eyes, he moved his arm. She also pulled his sleeves, and naturally felt his movements, raising her eyes slightly puzzled Looking at him, he listened to his back to himself, his tone seemed helpless:


She still didn't understand what he meant. He pulled his sleeve to stand still, and Xuanyi turned his face slightly unnaturally, then said, "You are coming tomorrow, playing the song you played yesterday. Okay? "

Luo Ran understood what he meant, and there was a bright color in her eyes. With some joy in her voice, she asked, "Are you willing to let me over?"

Xuan Yi pursed his lips and walked forward. This time, Luo Ran followed him. His voice came low: "When did I say that you shouldn't come?"

Luo Ran stopped talking, and squeezed his sleeve tightly, as he went down the mountain, but with a smile on his brows, Xuan Yi occasionally tilted his head. When Yu Guang saw it, he couldn't help pressing his lips and moving away. Look, don't dare to look at it.

The episode of this day does not seem to have happened. Luo Ran and Xuan are the same as before. They will go to Houshan every day, but after all, they are different. For example, when Luo Ran held his face and looked at Xuan Yi, Xuan Yi Zai I couldn't turn a blind eye, only frowned, forcing myself to look at the Buddhist scriptures in my hand.

Or, Luo Ran was sitting on the bluestone and stroking the piano, but Xuan Yi himself hadn't noticed it, and his eyes had been on Luo Ran for a long time.

Now that it's late winter, Luo Ran is wearing a fox fur, and her entire face is buried in fluff. She doesn't like to touch the piano in winter. On one occasion, she stroked the piano for half an hour in cold weather. After his fingertips were frozen red, and Xuan Yi saw it, he told her not to take the piano up the mountain again.

She knew he was in distress, and she happily followed him.

Today, she followed him up the mountain, just sitting beside him, watching him quietly, and occasionally pulling out the sutras in his hands, letting him read a sutra for himself.

Today, she looked at Xuan Yi sitting there, and saw from afar that the plum blossoms in the forest were bright red, so she got up and left alone, carrying her skirt, and carefully approached Mei Lin. She had just moved and Xuan Yi passed the scriptures Zhong looked up, looked at her, and saw the Merlin in her direction. She went further and further, without even seeing his sight.

Xuan Yi frowned slightly. There are still some ants in the mountains, and there may not be any birds such as green snakes. She walks around like this alone. After all, he is a bit uneasy and put the scriptures on the stone bench. He followed her and walked towards Merlin.

Luo Ran finally walked to Meilin, and her eyes suddenly darkened, and I didn't know what to think, but it was just an instant, and her eyes recovered again. She took two steps inside and looked for her favorite one. A plum blossom, tiptoe, broke a plum blossom with her hands, and inserted it into the bun, she could not see what it was, and thought of Xuan Yi, she turned to find Xuan Yi, but was followed by the person behind him A jump, exclaimed:


Xuan Yi has been watching her movements, her eyes staying on the plum blossoms in her hair bun, but she did not expect that she would suddenly turn around, let alone she would scare her, watching her feet unstable, falling backwards, and reaching out her hands subconsciously To pull her, but did not think, with a little force on her hand, she reversed forward.

Xiang soft body fell into his arms for a while, but because of slipping on his feet, the two fell to the ground instantly, but Xuan Yi still remembered to protect her, and wrapped his hands around her head. There was a pain in the back, and Xuan Yi wrinkled slightly. She raised her eyebrows to see if the person in her arms was injured, but bumped into her clear eyes. She stared at him for a moment, and he followed her for a moment.

Luo Ran looked at Xuan Yi under him, his eyebrows were picturesque, and the plum blossom plummeted down, and fell along his hair on his face. His face was soft, and the corner of his eye unconsciously provoked a touch of charm. Plum blossom added a touch of beauty Luo Ran seemed bewildered, and her slightly lifted body gradually descended, approaching the person she was missing.

The atmosphere should be too good, the fragrance of plum blossoms permeating the air, seems to be fascinating, Xuan also looked at her movements, the hands around her trembling slightly, could not help but raise a touch of tension, but forgot to push away She watched her get closer, but his gaze fell on her eyes.

There he saw ... himself.

The cold lips touched each other, but they were instantly stained with fiery heat. Both of them were surprised. Xuan Yi opened her eyes and looked at her. Luo Ran trembled her eyebrows. The two breathed together, and there seemed to be some breath in the air. Luo Ran tightened the clothes on his chest, hesitantly and tentatively extended his tongue, and slid across his cold lips.

Xuan Yi's throat junction seemed to move a bit, her thin lips slightly extended, but she was given the opportunity. She seemed to be shy but firmly stuck out her little tongue and touched the tip of his tongue. Xuan Yi suddenly closed. Eyes, I only heard what was broken in my mind, and for a moment, I didn't know who was entangled in whom.

She entrusted him with the weight of her entire body. His slightly trembling hands did not know when she had landed on her waist. Luo Ran opened her eyes halfway to see him, but saw that the corners of his closed eyes overflowed with tears, and she moved slightly. At the next moment, he kissed him again, and his tongue moved slightly, dragging him to sink with her, not allowing him to be distracted.

For a long time, she lingered on him softly, and her lips gradually separated. She opened his favorite eyes to see him, but he did not dare to open his eyes. He wanted to serve my Buddha all his life, but he failed. Escape the net in her eyes.

He seemed to return to the prospect again, and she slowly leaned on him, giving him a chance to push him away, but he trembled his fingertips, but did not escape, leaving her cold lips to stick to him. Is it right?

"Xuan Yi."

She was calling him, her voice was very light and shallow, but firm, just like she was then, to drag him out of this hesitation, Xuan also twisted her eyebrows in pain, but was unwilling to accept the facts.

How he accepted it, he saw in her eyes ... the expectations in his eyes.

"Xuan Yi, open your eyes and look at me."

He wanted to say no to her, just as he couldn't push her back at that time, and he couldn't refuse her. He trembled his eyes and opened his eyes to see her. She was relieved, holding his clothes in his hands. It was Yisong, she was soft, leaning against his chest, the breeze was blowing, and plum blossoms fell on them.

She seemed to have a little strength. She straightened up, pressed against his ear, and said softly, "Xuan Yi, don't struggle, don't hesitate."

She raised her hand and landed on his chest, and then continued: "Follow your heart, if you want to go to the Buddha, I will accompany you in this temple for life, if ..."

She paused, her eyes seemed to have a little light, and she smiled: "If you have me in your heart, then ..." Speaking here, she stopped talking, but Xuan also felt a drop of cold on his face, he looked To her, the light in her eyes had fallen.

Xuan Yi's eyes faded as her words faded away. He reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes. Only Yu Yan was at the corners of her eyes. Xuan Yi's hand slowly moved to her neck. There was a slight confusion in his eyes. He did not understand .

Follow your heart? She and Master both let him go, but what does he want to do?

He looked at her in her eyes, getting closer and closer to her, and finally stuck her lips, watching her look with the wrong touch, like a calm lake breeze blowing, causing ripples, He was no longer clear, and he reached out to cover her eyes, as if he could deceive himself.

It seemed that he didn't really expect her to kiss him.

He is Master Xuan Yi of Qingling Temple, but not her Xuan Yi.

She seemed a little nervous, holding his placket and calling him softly, "Xuan Yi?"

He seemed suddenly awake, letting go of the hand covering her eyes, and he saw himself again, clear and soft, he had never seen himself like this.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him with anxiety. With only a touch of light on his eyes, he let go of her and sighed, and he no longer struggled.

He is Master Xuan Yi of Qingling Temple, as is her Xuan Yi.

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