MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 121

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At the beginning of May, the depression caused by Luoxi's death has gradually reduced. Even if there is still some sadness in her heart, it can't be taken care of. May is busy in the countryside, early The ground is ready to go to work.

This year, because of Luo Xi and Qin Zhixun's affairs, the atmosphere when cutting wheat seemed to be quieter than before. Luo Yuan finished his work and looked around at others to make people not lazy.

In this busy period, the village suddenly became lively, and when tired, he would not think about other things. Luo Ran still went to see the grain this year. When Lu Yiyan went to the West, he always went around her.

After finishing work in May, Lu Yiyan intentionally proposed a relationship with Luo Ran, but he didn't feel comfortable talking. After all, Luo Xi had just left for two or three months. He looked down at Luo Ran beside him, pursed his lips, and seemed a little lost.

The main thing was that he had promised Luo Ran to take her back to the city, but now, the place was given to Ning Anzhen. He had a faint heart in his heart, and he had recently looked at Luo Ran more often.

Luo Ran seemed to feel his anxiety and looked up at him blankly: "Ayan, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yiyan chuckled his lips and didn't say what he thought: "It's all right."

After waiting for Luo Ran to ask, he said, "Let's go, I'll send you back."

The two had just returned from the town and found that the atmosphere in the village was a bit wrong. As soon as they arrived at the village entrance, someone smiled and said to them:

"Lu Zhiqing, don't you know yet? The news just came down, the college entrance examination has resumed!"

She said, her eyes were deliberately directed at Luo Ranyu, and she seemed to want to see her look. The college entrance examination was restored, and the educated youths were thinking about returning to the city. Go, who knows?

Luo Ran didn't seem to hear her voice, and her eyes glanced at Lu Yiyan slightly, and she moved with her hands, Nuo Nuo said in a small voice:

"A Yan! Do you hear me? The college entrance examination has resumed!"

Lu Yiyan was happier than Luo Ran. He couldn't help but hugged Luo Ran and thanked the person. He took Luo Ran to Luo's house, and then said to Luo Ran with a smile:

"Fortunately, the college entrance examination has resumed."

Luo Ran held her lips and said, "You are so happy, do you want to go back to the city so much?"

Lu Yiyan's warm eyes looked at her: "Yes, I promised you to go back to the city. If I didn't do it, I would always feel a little uneasy."

Luo Ran heard the reason why he was happy, his cheeks were reddish, he leaned a little embarrassedly, and he rubbed his shoulders.

When the two returned to the Luo family, they found that the atmosphere of the Luo family was happy and worried. Several people faintly looked at Lu Yiyan and made him understand something. He said:

"Uncle Luo, now that the college entrance examination has resumed, I plan to go to the college entrance examination."

Luo Guodong smoked a lot in the past two months. At this moment, he was upset, so he lit a cigarette in his hand, heard Lu Yiyan's words, and looked at Zhang Yulan, preventing her from speaking. She sighed and nodded. :

"It should."

Zhang Yulan's face was a bit unsightly. After all, the village was not without the incident of educated youths leaving their wives and abandoning children after returning to the city. She looked at her well-behaved and ingenious daughter. Since the news spread, she felt a headache.

Lu Yiyan held Luo Ran's hand under the table without loosening, and did not let Luo Guodong think about it, and then said, "A Ran and I went to the exam together. She studies well and will definitely pass."

Zhang Yulan, they do n’t know, their daughters are good at studying, but they are not that good, but they have no objection. They have to try it out. The two are so good in relationship, and the child Yan Yan may not be that desolate. thing.

Lu Yiyan took a deep breath, and his ears were red. He looked down and said, "Uncle Luo, can I and Aran's relationship be done ahead of time? It is best before the college entrance examination."

As soon as he spoke, Zhang Yulan's eyes lit up, and even Luo Guodong's frowned brows were loosened. He asked Lu Yiyan, "Can you think of it?"

Lu Yiyan grinned: "Uncle Luo, only when Aran hated me, I only wished to marry Aran back earlier, and I promised Aran to return to the city."

At this time when the two people remembered to make a marriage, Lu Yiyan said that he would return to the city, and Luo Yuan smiled at this time and said, "I said you two don't have to worry, Xiao Yan is not that kind of person."

Zhang Yulan glared at him and did not answer his words, and she let go of her heart and laughed: "Tomorrow the team will give you a unified registration. Since Xiao Yan is interested, there is still three months to go to the college entrance examination. How about the marriage date set one month later? You also have time to review it. "

Lu Yiyan was naturally okay. Looking down at Luo Ran, she saw that her cheeks were looking at herself reddishly, and she knew that she had agreed, so she quickly agreed.

Time is not too tight, just because the word in the village is awful, what Luo family is going to return to the city because of Lu Yiyan, and hastily asked her daughter to marry and bind her.

The Luo family didn't care, even after Lu Yiyan heard it, he always lost his expression. Those people felt guilty, and they didn't dare to say it. Because of this, Lu Yiyan went to Luo Jiaqin a little, and he was afraid that Luo Ran would think more .

On the contrary, Luo Ran did not take this matter to heart. When Lu Yiyan was worried about her, she tilted her eyes with a smile and looked very good. She said, "It's okay, I don't care, you don't care what they say."

That look made Lu Yiyan want to rub her into her heart.

As time went on, it quickly arrived on the wedding day. Because the Luo family had seen Lu Yiyan's knowledge, he felt that he would definitely pass the exam, so he did not buy a house in the village and married in the educated youth courtyard. To this end, He also apologized apologetically to Luo Ran, Wen Run's voice was low: "I'm wronged you."

He was anxious and wanted to marry her back earlier, but the house on her wedding night was not as big as her boudoir at home. He felt guilty in his heart and promised Luo Luo that he would let her live in a big house.

Luo Ran frowned, and Wu Neng said very softly: "Okay, I believe in you."

In that small room, the bed was a big red bedding, and Luo Dang sat on the bed rosy, adding a layer of bright color to her, a pair of apricot eyes looked forward to her posture, and her eyelashes trembled nervously, causing Lu Yiyan The tip of my throat rolled and I felt only a little tight.

When he kissed her, he only felt a little swayed in his heart and couldn't tell what it felt like, but he was more attentive than kissing her for the first time. He knew very clearly that she belonged to him.

The two didn't have much time for their honeymoon. In the small room, the two sat together looking at the books, learning from each other, discussing each other, looking at each other from time to time, and the tenderness of their eyes was revealed.

Luo Yan and Lu Yiyan went together for the college entrance examination. After returning, Luo Ran took a sigh of relief, shook the arm of Yiyan, his eyes were bright, and he whispered joyfully, "Ayan!"

Lu Yiyan couldn't help laughing, he knew why she was happy, her forefinger was bent, and she scratched the tip of her nose lovingly, coaxing her gently: "Well, don't be so happy, wait till the results come down."

Luo Ran naturally listened to him. After the college entrance examination, the two people were completely relaxed. From time to time, Luo Ran ran towards the Luo family and asked Zhang Yulan: "Mom, is there any news recently?"

Zhang Yulan flicked her forehead, looked at her and muffled her mouth, and comforted her again: "Look you are anxious, I heard that there is news from other villages, that is the last two days, don't worry!"

Two days later, Luo Yanla landed and returned to Luo's house together, and finally got the news. Every time the postman came to the village, he sent the news to the brigade. Luo Guodong had just returned, and the family saw him all over. Hongguang knew that he had passed the exam, and quickly asked him:

"Don't patronize yourself, just say it, how about it? Did Xiaoyan get admitted? Which school?"

It was just that Lu Yiyan and Luo Ran were also a little nervous at this time. Seeing him still not talking, Luo Ran couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Dad, say it!"

Luo Guodong took a deep breath and said, "Passed! Both passed! Both passed the best Yanjing University!"

"What!" Zhang Yulan couldn't think of it, and her own daughter was also admitted.

Luo Yuan wanted to see Luo Guodong's admission notice in his hand, and quickly said, "Dad, show me the notice!"

Zhang Yulan wanted to see it, so she reached for it.

On the side, Luo Ran heard the news, and excitedly pulled Yi Yan's hand, and said happily, "A Yan, I passed the exam, just like you!"

Lu Yiyan only felt that he was sweating nervously behind him, and couldn't help but hold Luo Ran, only to feel more secure. He smiled and said, "Yes, we have passed the exam, I can take you back to the city!"

Luo Ran and Lu Yiyan were admitted to the best universities in the country. The village was lively for a while, and they were blessed in the Kwaro family, wasn't it? If only Lu Yiyan was admitted to the university, he might still leave his wife and son. , Who knows if I can follow Xiangfu, this Luoran passed the test, but it is different, but it is the pro-girl.

When returning at night, Lu Yiyan took out the box in the nightstand, Luo Ran knelt down on the bed, looked at him a little puzzled, naturally she knew what was in it, and he showed her the next day after marriage.

Lu Yiyan took out all the money in it, piecemeal. His parents knew they were getting married and sent another five hundred. He gave three hundred to the gift, plus some things to buy, and a wedding. There are more than 800 left here.

He paused and told Luo Ran his plan: "We're going to the capital soon. We'll get some money to buy a house there. We have 800 left in our hands. At that time, the school will pay back every month. There will be subsidies, which is enough for us. "

What he didn't say was that he would definitely work hard to make money. He knew that after graduating from college, the school would be assigned work, not to mention that they were still the best Yanjing University. As long as he worked hard, he would definitely buy a big house in Luoran. Realized.

Thinking of this, he said, "Aran, the house in our hands may be smaller, but rest assured, I will definitely buy you a big house."

Luo Ran covered her mouth and smiled softly. Since marriage, she has become more and more accustomed to intimate movements with Lu Yiyan, and is also used to coquettishly, lying on his arms, pinching his neck and softly saying: " I believe you."

Lu Yiyan blushed, put the money away, lay down leaning on her waist, kissed her lips with a little affection, and afterwards Luo Luoyan was a little confused, and Lu Yiyan looked down at her ear and said softly : "Aran, thank you."

The Luo family sent them to the train station. As soon as they arrived in the capital, they found that Lu Yiyan's parents were waiting at the station. Lu Yiyan brought Luo Ran to meet them. They hurt the son. Lu Yiyan always said in her letter that she was kind. His parents were right. Luo Ran is also very satisfied, not to mention that she and Lu Yiyan were admitted to college together, which shows that she is also excellent.

They bought a house in the capital. Originally, Lu and Lu told them to go home. Lu Yiyan did not agree. He has been in the village for a long time. He also knows that there is always a contradiction between those women and children. Let Luo Ran be wronged, he would not let them live together, not filial piety, but just need some distance.

The two bought a house near Lu's house. The life in the capital was smooth because of Lu's parents. The two studied well at school. The only bad thing was that Luo Ran didn't enter the school long before they had it. A suitor, Lu Yiyan suddenly felt a sense of crisis, because the two had different specialties, and Lu Yiyan went to Luoran class every day to show his sense of existence.

Lu Yiyan did not wait for graduation to assign work. He studied computer science. He sold a program when he was a junior and started a business directly after having the principal. Although there were setbacks in the middle, it was already a large scale after graduation. Company.

He had bought a big house in the capital long ago, and he had all fulfilled his promises to Luo Ran. Luo Guodong was not the captain now. After all, things in Luoxi had some influence.

Luo Yuan began to work in the city. As time passed, more and more people began to enter the city from the countryside. After knowing the news, Lu Yiyan said that he would bring Luo Guodong to the capital, but he was rejected.

To say that the Lu family is not happy with Luo Ran, it is only Luo Ran Lu Yiyan who has been married for four years and has no children, but Lu Yiyan said directly that he did not want it. He hoped that Luo Ran University could spend a complete four years. College life.

At the graduation ceremony, Luo Ran suddenly fainted. Lu Yiyan was crazy and usually ran to the hospital with her. Those rumors in the school that Lu Yiyan might have abandoned Luo Ran without breaking it were later found out that Luo Ran was pregnant. It has been more than a month.

Lu Yiyan was both happy and self-blame. When Luo Ran woke up, he sat by the bed and said with red eyes, "Sorry, it's all my fault, I should be careful."

Luo Ran touched his face and shook his head: "It's okay, don't blame you."

After this incident, Lu Yiyan took Luo Ran to do a physical examination every month. This time Lu Yi Yan would take Luo Guodong to take them over. Luo Guodong did not refuse this time. Luo Ran was pregnant. Zhang Yulan was not assured. I want to take care of it nearby.

Lu Yiyan and they were also relieved. If Luo Yuan was still at home, Luo Guodong would stay in the village. They had no problem, but the children were gone, and they worried that they would feel lonely.

However, they did not live together. Lu Yiyan bought them a house alone, not far away, and they did not have the same favor. The Lu family also bought a house. The two parents ’family was far away, but they were far from Luoran. near.

When Lu Yiyan's company was at a critical time, he also insisted on going home every day to talk with Luo Ran. Luo Ran's belly became big. He was always worried. Luo Ran walked and he supported him carefully.

Later, Luo Ran gave birth to the dragon and phoenix, and Lu and Luo were very happy. Lu Yiyan entered the ward himself, even though he was already a big brother now, watching Luo Ran sweating weakly, weak voice, right He was crying and coquettish: "Ayan, I hurt."

He also flushed his eyes with no concealment, wiped a tear, and did not dare to move the stain. His voice was hoarse and said:

"Aran, obedient, it's all my fault. We won't have children in the future, we won't hurt anymore."

No one knows how distressed he was to listen to Luo Ran's cry. He wished to fly to the past to shoot Luo Ren so painful. He just thought that he would never give birth again. No one deserves him. Aran suffers and suffers.

Later someone interviewed Lu Yiyan: "Do you think your wife is from the countryside?"

Lu Yiyan's temperament had precipitated a bit, and he was more restrained, but no one dared to look down on him. He looked at the reporter with deep eyes, and his voice was not as green and mellow as before:

"You should ask my lover. I was a poor educated youth at that time. She was the captain's favorite girl. Why didn't she abandon me and still marry me?"

"Maybe I see you as a potential stock."

Lu Yiyan looked down: "If it wasn't for fulfilling her promise, there would be no me today. She made me. What's more, in my eyes, my love talent is the best potential stock. No one knows that when I How eager and upset she was when she confessed to her. "

The reporter wanted to ask again, but saw Lu Yiyan look behind him, with a smile, extremely gentle. He guessed who was coming, and when he looked back, he saw a woman in her early thirties, wearing a shallow suit The color trench coat with a soft smile on his face, the charm came over, but Lu Yiyan had already ushered in, raised his hand and buckled the button of the woman's trench coat, worriedly said:

"How come here? Why don't your clothes buckle up? You're not well. What do you do when you get cold ..."

The reporter couldn't hear Lu Yiyan's flurry. The two of them looked like no one, and only saw each other in their eyes. The woman looked helplessly at the man, and the man led her away in worry.

The reporter suddenly felt that maybe Lu Yiyan was telling the truth, not setting up her husband. He really loved his wife for decades, and his wife was a beautiful and gentle woman as he said. .

Lu Yiyan took Luo Ran away from the crowd, went to the milk tea shop downstairs, bought a cup of milk tea she loved when she was in Luo Ran University, handed her, held her hand, it seems that the educated youth twenty years ago, Gentlely said:

"Come on, let's go home."

That summer, I was stiff, and felt your eyes passing through me. The white shirt was wet all over my back. I turned my head into your apricot eyes with a smile and shyness. Since then, I understand what it means But my heart moved, and I knew what was distressed.

Luo Ran, I love you, thank you for being willing to spend my life with me, and thank you for believing that I had nothing.

The author has something to say: originally expected to be three thousand, but it ended with five thousand words

Ah, at the end of writing, I almost cried. I have very low tears. There are many kinds of love. This kind of bland, close-knit love that has not changed for decades really feels very tender anyway ...

I hope that my little angels can marry someone who loves and loves them. I also hope that men understand the responsibility of marriage. They don't have to marry love, but they want to marry a responsible person.

Alas, it is over immediately, and there are still seven children who have not explained. As for everyone who wants to see it, pick out three to write? Wait outside for two days? (Hey, hey) Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

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Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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