MTL - Positive Energy System-Chapter 66 Xiaoyan's family

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Then Ji Chen ate the saliva chicken he wanted to eat as he wished.

Perhaps because of Elena, Zhou Yaozheng's attitude towards Ji Chen was particularly good. When Ji Chen was eating chicken, he was very kind to condole his taste.

Ji Chen whispered while eating, which was regarded as answering Zhou Yao's question.

Zhou Yaozhen explained to Ji Chen about his and Elena's affairs, and sincerely said that he and Elena had only been teammates together, and there was no other special relationship. At that time, the relationship was better, but afterwards there was not much contact, and he did not expect that Elena would find him to find China.

Ji Chen'er listened to Zhou Yaoyu's explanation, but nodded inexplicably, and finally said, "Well, I hope so."

Zhou Yaoyi looked at Ji Chen's expression, only to cry and laugh, he did not expect Elena to come to the door, but in any case, it was indeed his fault.

The matter of Elena seemed to be a trivial episode. Soon, Zhou Yaozhen helped Ji Chen to get a passport. And as they thought, Wang Zhixiu was very opposed to the two of them traveling abroad at first, but after persuasion by Zhou Yaoxuan and Ji Chen's continual offensive offensive, they finally agreed. Of course, before leaving, she asked Ji Chen to call her every night to report the travel situation.

Ji Chenai had no reason to disagree with Wang Zhixiu's request, so in mid-August, he and Zhou Yao went to country f.

Country f is a typical temperate maritime climate. Even in July, the temperature was not too high, and the weather was erratic. When the season dust left the airport, it was sunny. As a result, after sitting in the car for more than twenty minutes, the sky In the beginning, there was a continuous stream of light rain.

Zhou Yaozhang had already prepared for this, took out an umbrella directly, and raised it above Ji Chen's head.

Because abroad, Ji Chen didn't worry about someone knowing him. He simply didn't hold the crutch anymore. He put the crutch in the trunk of the car and went on a foreign road.

For the first time, he walked down the road calmly with some crutches. Ji Chen's heart was surging. If there was no Xiaoqi, he would never have a chance to recover in his life. He jumped off the building and died. This is the final destination of his life.

But he can still walk in strange scenery with his own legs, which is his greatest luck.

Contentment is often the brightest advantage of Ji Chen's character.

The place to stay was set by Zhou Yaohuan. The environment is very beautiful. The independent villas are surrounded by purple bellflowers. Although it is still raining, you can also imagine how beautiful it is on sunny days.

Zhou Yaoyi held an umbrella and walked next to Ji Chen's. He was a lot taller and more mature than Ji Chen. If the two were brothers, most people would guess that Zhou Yao's was the elder brother.

When Ji Chen died in his last life, he was only a teenager. Although he has grown a lot because of his experience, he is always a teenager in his bones. Now he relaxes in a strange country and the lively side of his personality is also inspired. . Along the way, he was very excited to ask Zhou Yaozheng about their schedule.

Zhou Yaoxuan looked at this appearance of Ji Chen and felt helpless. He said, "Why didn't you ask me when you came, and it's all here, you just asked me where to go. Don't you fear I'll drag you to sell?"

Ji Chen doesn't care: "Sell it and sell it, it's not worth anyway."

Zhou Yao smiled a little, and he said, "Not worth it? That's inaccurate."

The two talked and walked into the room with a smile. Zhou Yaoyue pushed open the door and was preparing to let Ji Chen go in advanced, but they saw a young man standing in the empty room.

The teenager looked fifteen or sixteen years old, and his expression was very bad at this moment. He folded his hands on his chest, looked at Zhou Yaoxuan and Ji Chen unhappy, and asked, "Where have you been?"

Zhou Yaoyi just froze a little, his face became a little gloomy, he said: "How are you here?"

The boy said, "Why can't I be here? This is my home!" After he said it, he looked at Ji Chen, who stood beside Zhou Yaoxuan with a very disgusting eye, "This is your brother-in-law?"

Zhou Yaoxian's face suddenly became very scary. He said, "Tong Le, do you think I won't be angry?"

The expression of the boy who became a child music by Zhou Yaozhen was not very good. He said, "You yell at me? You yell at me for this bitch?" As soon as his voice fell, Zhou Yaozhen raised his hand and gave him a slap, this slap It was so ruthless that Ji Chen, who was standing aside, didn't respond, let alone Tong Le, who was angry.

After being slapped, Tong Lewa cried and he cried, "Tong Junran, you hit me! I am your brother, you hit me!"

Zhou Yaoxi said coldly: "My name is Zhou Yaozhen, and Zhou Yaoqin is my brother."

Tong Le cried even louder, almost out of breath, he said: "How can you treat me so! How can you treat me so!"

Zhou Yaoxun was too lazy to tell him more, pulling Tong Le's hand directly and pulling him out the door, and then he was handsome like a trash dump to the middle of the rainy yard, then turned into the room without hesitation. The door was locked by a touch.

There was a faint cry of Tong Le from the courtyard, but Zhou Yaozhen was unmoved. He apologized and said to Ji Chen: "Sorry, brother, I didn't arrange it."

Ji Chenai heard the relationship between the two people from the conversation between Zhou Yaoyi and Tong Le just now. He said, "Tong Le is your ... brother?"

Zhou Yaobi nodded: "Yes."

Ji Chen said: "So your real name should be Tong Junran, right? Well ... this name is pretty good."

Zhou Yaoyi smiled. He said, "I still think Zhou Yaoyi is better."

Both of them were a little embarrassed to talk about this topic. Zhou Yaoyi wanted to laugh, but he smiled very reluctantly. After looking at each other for a while, Zhou Yao sighed, went to the sofa and sat down, lowering his eyes: At that time, he was secretly taken away. "

Prior to this, Zhou Yaozhen rarely mentioned his original family, but now that things are underway, covering up is no longer the best choice.

Zhou Yaoyi continued: "According to my mother, the perpetrator was a relative, and was sent to prison by my parents after the incident. But he refused to tell me where he was, so my parents had no choice. . "

Ji Chen continued listening quietly without saying anything.

Zhou Yaoxuan said, "After that, they have been looking for me, but for some reason they have never been found. So after three years, they gave birth to another child, this child is Tong Le."

Tong Le Tong Le, you can see from the name, Zhou Yaozhen's biological parents no longer demand anything, just thinking that the child can be happy and happy, is enough.

Zhou Yao said: "So it seems that Tong Le does not like me, but it is normal." No one would like to suddenly have more individuals to share their parents' pets.

Ji Chen'ai thoughtfully: "Is it ..." Different from Zhou Yaodi, he felt that Tong Le likes Zhou Yaodi quite.

Zhou Yaoyi looked at Ji Chen's expression and thought that Ji Chen was still angry. He said, "Sorry, I should confirm the situation here again."

Ji Chen waved his hand: "It's okay, let's take a rest today." After flying for more than ten hours, the jet lag hasn't been adjusted yet. It's normal to be sleepy at this time.

Zhou Yao nodded his head: "I'll get you something to eat. You go to the bath first, and after you wash, you can eat something and then go to sleep."

Ji Chen said, "Okay."

When taking a shower, Ji Chen rubbed his foamy head and listened to Xiao Qi's trough. Xiao Qi didn't like the child's music very much. It said, "Look at him like this, it's like a little flower girl in a romance drama. Protagonist, you are the nasty little third who seduce the actor! Oh, I hate it. "

Ji Chen said: "Is it so annoying?"

Xiao Qidao: "A must, the bullies who bully my family are all reactionary forces!"

Ji Chen smiled, "Well ... Xiao Qi, you are so good."

Xiao Qi said: "I think I'm fine, too." The two said something again, and Ji Chen wiped off the water and changed into clean clothes.

The food prepared by Zhou Yaozheng was placed on the table. It was some relatively simple Chinese breakfast, and a cup of warm milk. Ji Chen greeted Zhou Yaoyang to take a bath, and he began to eat slowly.

By the time he was eating, Zhou Yaozhen also washed out.

After taking a shower, I always let the tired body relax a little. Ji Chen's head still feels stunned, but he is slow to everything. He glanced at the setting sun outside and said, "I'll go to sleep. "

Zhou Yao snorted and said, "Have a good rest, and have the energy to play tomorrow."

Ji Chen nodded, got up and went back to the room to rest. He didn't know if he was too tired. He had never dreamed this night. All the dreams were strange pictures. Zhou Yaoyu in his dream looked at him with a particularly indifferent expression. He looked at Ji Chen as if he was looking at something dirty. Ji Chen had never seen that look.

Along with the strange Zhou Yaodi, some pains that should have been hallucinations also became very realistic, so that when Ji Chen woke up, she thought she was awake.

Ji Chen's forehead was full of cold sweat. He lay down on the bed for a while before slowing down. He slowly got up from the bed, and somehow suddenly thought of a picture that Xiao Qi had shown him-pale, double With a disabled leg, he was lying dead on the bed, even with a chain on his body.

Ji Chen cried, "Little Seven, can I see my future?"

Xiao Qi said: "Well? Why did you suddenly ask this?" Although Ji Chen woke up, she is now genius bright, and she can sleep for a while.

Ji Chen said, "I had a very uncomfortable dream."

Xiao Qidao: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you look at it, because when you look at the future, your future changes."

Ji Chen didn't quite understand the meaning of Xiao Qi, he rubbed his head with his hands tiredly, exhaled a sigh of breath: "I don't understand."

Xiao Qidao: "Life is like a role-playing game. Some of your choices will affect the direction of your destiny. If you choose to look at the future or not, you will have two different results."

Ji Chen's head hurt more and more as he heard and said, "Okay."

Xiao Qi saw that Ji Chen's face didn't look good, so he didn't say anything.

Ji Chen lay on the bed for a while, and fell asleep again. When he woke up again, it was almost noon. When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Yaoyu standing beside him.

Seeing Ji Chen woke up, Zhou Yaoxian was worried, and he said, "Brother, you have a fever."

Ji Chen uttered a cry. He hasn't been sick for a long time. He didn't expect to have a fever on the first day of traveling.

Zhou Yao shouted, "Are you hungry? I cooked the porridge, you get up and eat something first."

Ji Chen felt totally weak, Zhou Yaoyi gently held Ji Chen up and made him lean on the bedside, then brought warm water and let Ji Chen drink some water first.

Ji Chen's dizziness and weakness all over him, he said, "I was dreaming yesterday."

Zhou Yao shouted, "What's the dream?"

Ji Chen looked at Zhou Yaoyan, who was soft in front of his face, but felt that there was much less confusion in his heart. He frowned, thinking that it was probably because of his illness that he was a little confused about dreams and reality. "Nothing, it's all messy stuff."

Zhou Yaodi let Ji Chen drink some porridge and fed Ji Chen the cold medicine he bought.

Today's weather is pretty good, the outside is sunny, if you go out for a walk, it must be very nice. It's a pity that Ji Chen's disease is so severe that his legs and feet feel sour even when he stands up.

Zhou Yaozheng was obviously a bit worried, and even the conversation became less. During the period, he went outside to make a phone call. Although Ji Chen, the language spoken, did not understand, the tone of the phone call also made people confused. Unconsciously, I don't know if it has something to do with Tong Le.

The sudden illness of Ji Chen's illness completely disrupted the two people's travel plans, and some originally scheduled trips had to be cancelled.

Ji Chen didn't dare let Wang Zhixiu know about his illness, but when he called Wang Zhixiu that night, Wang Zhixiu still questioned why Ji Chen's voice was a little husky.

Ji Chen explained that he was playing too crazy today, and his voice was dumb, and Wang Zhixiu didn't ask much when he heard Ji Chen say so. Anyway, in the impression of Wang Zhixiu, whether it is Zhou Yaoqin or Zhou Yaoyu, they are all good children and will not deliberately lie to her.

Ji Chen lay in bed for a day, and the temperature dropped.

However, although he did not have a fever, Ji Chen's entire body looked very weak. In addition, he was already thin, and now he looked more like a small doll.

Before Yao Chen took the medicine and fell asleep, Zhou Yaodi was sitting next to his bed. After waking up, Zhou Yaodi was still sitting there, but he had more documents on his hands and a pair of glasses on his nose.

After Ji Chen awoke, she didn't speak directly, but stared at Zhou Yaoxuan for a long time before screaming softly: "Xiao."

"Brother, you're awake." Zhou Yaozhen reached out and touched Ji Chen's forehead: "No, it's been a day since you slept. Are you hungry?"

Ji Chen shook his head, he had no appetite.

Zhou Yaozhang was like coaxing a child: "I went to buy you a side dish. Would you like some porridge?"

Ji Chen was unwilling to disapprove Zhou Yaoxuan's kindness, so he nodded and agreed.

Zhou Yaoxi brought porridge and was handing it to Ji Chen. He heard the door bell ring. He frowned slightly, and seemed to guess the identity of the person: "Brother, you drink first, I'll go out."

Ji Chen took the bowl and began to drink porridge slowly. He didn't pay attention to the knocker, but after a few minutes, Zhou Yaozhen brought in a person.

Ji Chen looked up and found an elegant woman, who was looking at him with a smile. Bloodline is really a magical thing, just a glance, Ji Chen on the woman's body, saw the shadow of Zhou Yaozhen.

The woman softly said, "Hello Zhou Yaoqin, my surname is Liu, and is Zhou Yaoyu's biological mother."

Ji Chen said, "Oh ..." He didn't think he could see all of Zhou Yao's relatives on this trip, but it didn't seem to be bad to see it again.

Ms. Liu said: "I heard Xiaoyi say you are ill, so I want to come to see you specially." She didn't mention Zhou Yaoyi's original name, and she seemed to be tolerant to Ji Chen and Zhou Yaoyi.

However, Ji Chen noticed the cautiousness hidden in her eyes, just like a person carrying a treasure. Although she smiled and faced the people around her, she actually wanted to hide her baby in her arms. Show it.

If Zhou Yaozhen was abandoned by his parents, Ji Chen probably would not treat Ms. Liu as well, but Ms. Liu was also a victim and did not give up looking for Zhou Yaozhen, so Ji Chen had nodded and smiled in return.

Ms. Liu said: "Xiao, you take Xiaoqin out to travel, why don't you tell your mother that you haven't prepared anything ..."

Zhou Yaoyi: "There is nothing to prepare for."

Ms. Liu said, "You boys, it's just being careless and saying there's nothing to prepare for. The weather here changes a lot and you don't have enough clothes. Look, it's a cold."

Zhou Yaoyi also felt that Ji Chen was sick because he did not take good care of him, so he did not refute his mother's words.

Ms. Liu said again: "Since they are here, there will be a party at home in two days, will you bring Xiaoqin together?"

Zhou Yao frowned and said, "Don't you say I'm not going this time?"

Ms. Liu showed a distressed expression: "I told your father, this time is your grandpa's 75th birthday ..."

What else did Yao Yao want to say, but when she saw Ms. Liu looked directly at Ji Chen, she said: "Would it be bad to take Xiaoqin to know the people in the family?"

She actually wanted to thank Wang Zhixiu, but Wang Zhixiu has always said that she does not need Ms. Liu's help, whether it is money or other. The previous Zhou Yaoqin also rejected Ms. Liu's offer to provide complete rehabilitation, so the Wang Zhixiu family did not receive any support from the Tong family from beginning to end. This made Ms. Liu feel a little subtle.

Perhaps the phrase "Let Xiaoqin know the family" impressed Zhou Yaozheng. After hesitating for a moment, he softened his attitude and said that he would reply to Ms. Liu at night, as if she wanted to ask Ji Chen's opinion.

Zhou Yaozhen didn't say no, it was a great improvement, and Ms. Liu didn't make any progress. She looked at Zhou Yaozhen lovingly. Even if Ji Chen was in the dust, she could see that it was strong and belonged to her mother.

It seems that Ms. Liu really only came to see Ji Chen. She only said a few words, and after sitting for a while, she left. When he left, he also told Zhou Yaozhen that he must take good care of Ji Chen.

Zhou Yaozhen sent Ms. Liu out of the house before returning to the bedroom. The first sentence he saw when Ji Chen was: "Would you like to meet my family?"

This sentence was nothing, but coupled with Zhou Yao's expression, Ji Chen didn't know why it suddenly felt strange, as if he was in love with Zhou Yao's and was about to see his parents soon.

Zhou Yaoyi was obviously disappointed when he saw Ji Chen failing to answer. He said, "Don't want it? Then forget it, wait until you get better tomorrow, we ..."

Ji Chen interrupted Zhou Yaoyu's words: "Okay, isn't your grandpa's birthday?"

Zhou Yaoxuan's eyes lit up with a brush, and he said, "Don't you mind my family?"

Ji Chen said: "Of course I don't mind." Since Zhou Yaozheng has now returned home, he definitely cannot avoid this matter.

Zhou Yao shouted, "Don't you really mind? Don't force it ..."

Ji Chen said: "I really don't force it, but the premise is that the illness will not worsen." If it is in his current state, do not go to any birthday party. In case he fainted directly on the party, then he would be really It's a joke.

In fact, Zhou Yaozhen also wanted Ji Chen to go. He didn't tell Ji Chen's intentions at present. After so many years of dealing with him, he also knew that Ji Chen was a soft and hard person. If you really want to take down Ji Chen's strategy, instead of being hard, it's better to softly grind hard frogs in warm water.

Zhou Yaozheng's choice was right. Many years later, when Ji Chen recalled the past, he dug out clues from a trivial matter and discovered Zhou Yaozheng's evil plot.

But so far, the most important thing is Ji Chen's recovery earlier, or if it is the day of the birthday party, Ji Chen is still sick. Regardless of Ji Chen's own thinking, Zhou Yaodi would not agree to let him go. 2k novel reading network

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