MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1323 So it is

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Yaya was gone, but the Dahuangdao Lord died and was resurrected. He appeared inexplicably in his bed. Then Poplar was so confused, who can explain to me what happened?

Yaya has followed Aspen for so many years, and disappeared without a trace at this moment. To say that Aspen is not worried that it is fake, and because of the emergence of the Dahuang Taoist, Aspen has been associated with it a lot.

Could it be that the Dahuang Taoist has treated Yaya? Why did she die and rise? Was the fountain of life swallowed by her? So where did Yaya go?

With a lot of thoughts in his heart, looking at the Dadao Taoist near by, Bai Yang was shocked and anxious, and didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Great horror, what a horror, if the anger is initiated, the entire celestial star will be destroyed by her!

The red ball rolling on the ground looked puzzled. Look at the Dahuang Taoist on the bed, and then look at his boss. Then he got up to the poplar's shoulder, pulled his collar, and pointed at the Dahuangdao master. The call seems to be explaining something.

However, at this time, Bai Yang had time to understand his messy call, looked at the Dahuang Taoist, and asked, "Senior Dahuang, how did you treat Yaya?"

The head of the Wilderness Road in a bright red dress sat on the bed, frowning slightly when he heard the words of Poplar: "Yaya? Familiar name, why can't I remember? No, I have forgotten a lot of things, I I remember one very important thing that was important to me, but I forgot what was going on ... "

Having said that, she looked at the red ball again, and raised her eyebrows with a bit of surprise. "Women? How could they appear here?"

"The Promise? What the Promise?" Bai Yang asked subconsciously, and instead reacted. Is he now concerned about the Promise? And why did the Dadaodao answer their own questions?

But the Dadao Taoist answered Bai Yang. She looked at the red ball and said, "The Promise Beast, the only beast in the world, because it has no limit in growth, it ranks first among the alien beasts. He can devour anything in the world. The magic weapon strengthens itself, and can manifest it to show its power. In theory, he has grown to a certain level. Even things like the eternal boat can swallow the manifestation and grow without limit. Therefore, it is called the Promise. This one alone, he will not die, even if it is completely destroyed, he will be reborn somewhere ... No, why should I answer your question? As if instinctively will tell you everything you want to know, you do to me What's up? "

At the end of the day, the owner of Dahuangdao looked at Bai Yang with a cold face, and there was a big picture that if you did not recruit me, I would shoot you.

Poplar is also inexplicable. I asked you subconsciously and didn't expect you to answer. Is it you who told me well, what did I do to you? I think so, but do I dare?

However, the words of the Dahuang Taoist made Poplar understand what the red ball is.

Promise? There is no limit to growth. In theory, it can devour any weapon magic weapon. Even supreme existence such as the eternal boat can be devoured. No wonder the unreliable old guy is so eye-catching that he would not hesitate to take out twenty-four heavens Fixed star beads exchange ...

However, the question is back, why did the Dahuang Taoist resurrect? Where did Yaya go?

Just as Aspen was struggling to say something, the barbaric Taoist suddenly sank and looked up slightly, his eyes seemingly penetrating the void and crying: "Dare to peek into this seat, find death!"

As the words of the Dahuang Dao fell, Poplar suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, and a great terror covered his heart. The whole world was shrouded in the shadow of terror, as if the world would be destroyed in the next moment.

The Great Wild Taoist was angry, and those strong men who had been monitoring themselves discovered the abnormal situation here, and wanted to investigate the Great Wild Taoist to anger him!

Bai Yang's heart trembled. Did those people notice what Bai Yang didn't know, but they were dying and something was going to happen ...

There is no time to stop, nor can it stop. Aspen is not far from the Dahuang Taoist. She is angry, and Aspen can't do anything at all.

When the Great Wild Taoist was angry, the outside world, the Imperial City of Tianyuan, was all over the sky, and the endless void was distorted and broken. A big, invisible hand was about to find out and wipe out everything that was sent.

In front of that big hand, all in Tiandu City, their faces changed greatly, their hearts were filled with despair, they felt dead, unable to move, unable to resist, and only watched the hand slap themselves to death.

The big hand that came down from the broken void was terrible, and its breath was enough to destroy the entire sky!

When that big hand appeared, above the heavenly star, the white sun that eternally hangs in the void, that is, the extreme magic soldier left by Taihao Supreme, at this moment the light was bright for a moment but there was peace and no change.

Not only that, but even the back of Tian Yuanxing, the ninth day above left by the Cold Palace Taoist encircles the polar soldiers, at this time they are all running at a faster speed and then return to peace.

No one found such an anomaly. When a large, broken and empty hand appeared over the capital city that day, among the surging national transports above the Imperial Palace of the Tianyuan Empire, a terrifying national transport golden dragon extended a dragon claw, soared into the sky, and took that horror. The big hand smashed, and then a dragon yin shook the sky, all the breath was wiped out, it seemed that what had appeared before was just an illusion.

After crushing the big hand, the Golden Dragon of the Tianyuan Empire returned to peace and disappeared into the National Games.

All the visions disappeared, and the whole celestial creature was amazed. What happened?

No one can associate the previous vision with the poplar. Numerous people speculate that it is probably the alien alien powerhouse who wants to come and be finally suppressed by the national movement of the Tianyuan Empire.

Apart from this explanation, no one can think of other aspects, let alone the death and resurrection of the Lord Dahuangdao, and it is in the room of Bai Yang in the city of Tiandu.

The outside world was disturbing how Poplar didn't have time to pay attention, at this time all his attention was focused on the Dahuangdao master.

After the Dadao Taoist became angry, the extinction breath filled Uchi, but with a dragon chant soon came to peace.

But at this time, the face of the original Dahuang Dao became increasingly gloomy and murmured: "Tianyuan emperor, I remember you, you shot me in Dahuangcheng, is this the capital of your country? Exactly, Destroy you here to collect some interest, how can the national transportation stop me! "

In the end, the Dahuang Taoist sneered.

Immediately afterwards, she got out of bed, stood upright, slowly pushed out with one palm, and her arms penetrated directly into the void.

Is she trying to make a big move to wipe out the city?

Seeing this scene, Aspen was astonished.

However, at this time, the main body of Dahuangdao shuddered and stood still. It was difficult to settle the channel: "Why am I so weak? I can't exert one percent of my ability, and follow-up is weak ..."

Speaking of this, the main body of Dahuangdao shook again, his eyelids softened to the ground.


Poplar dumbfounded, what is the situation?

Before waiting for Poplar to figure it out, he immediately saw that the Dadao Taoist who was soft to the ground began to shrink rapidly, and then turned into a girl wearing a red belly.

After the Dahuang Taoist became Yaya, her eyelashes trembled and opened her eyes. When she saw the poplar, she immediately smiled happily. She was about to fly into the embrace of poplar.

However, at this time, Yaya seemed to be freed, and she was not even standing. She just fell and fell to the ground, her face blanked, and she looked at Bai Yang and said something aggrieved and confused.

Poplar looked at it dumbfounded, how is this fat?

At this moment, the red ball came to the side, and called around to jump up and down, her little paws waved, as if you were saying that you were so old ...

Shaking his head hard, Aspen looked at the girls on the ground and said carefully, "Yaya, are you?"

"Yeah," Yaya crooked her head and looked at Bai Yang's puzzled response, as if she said you don't know me? Little face was aggrieved.

At the same time, Yaya stretched out her two small arms at Poplar as if begging for a hug.

At this moment, Poplar didn't understand at all, the Dahuang Taoist became Yaya? No, it ’s because Yaya has become a Dadao Taoist.

What a mess ...

Aspen was tangled to death, and the seemingly detached Yaya finally stood up and moved to her side with her short legs, holding her right leg in her hands to climb up, but she couldn't keep up.

Looking at the Yaya in front of her, Aspen's heart flashed a light realization, carefully picking up the Yaya, gazing in her arms, the uncle Yaya murmured: "Yaya, are you really?"

"Yeah ..." Yaya murmured in Bai Yang's arms, then fell asleep, as if exhausted.

Aspen probably understood something, holding Yaya back to bed thoughtfully.

The red ball still flew up and down on the side, and it seemed unhappy, especially the look of Yaya's eyes seemed very adored.

After a moment of silence, Aspen probably understood the key to the problem.

The Dahuang Daoist is indeed dead. No, it should be said that the Dahuang Daoist is dead at all. After all, she is only a ray of remnant. The ray of remnant has all the power of the Dahuang Dao. He was met by several strong men while in the Dahuang City. The siege and Cannian were completely destroyed, but they were not completely destroyed, and the remaining part was swallowed by the Yaya.

Although Yaya can devour the flesh, blood, spirit, spirit, and spirit to strengthen herself, she obviously cannot digest the remaining thoughts of the Dahuang Taoist, so that the remaining thoughts of the Dahuang Taoist can be integrated with her.

One soul and two souls, one is Yaya, and the other is Dahuang Taoist. When Yahuang Tao appears, Yaya is in a deep sleep state, and when Yaya appears, so is Dahuang Taoist.

They share the same body ~ ~ but cannot appear at the same time.

The realm of the Great Wilderness Road is still there, but the power is not enough. This is probably why her previous method was erased by the Golden Dragon of the Tianyuan Empire ’s national claw. The Emperor Tianyuan cannot come by himself!

After being swallowed by Yaya, the Dahuang Taoist was beaten a few times, so she should not have much left, but only retain a part of her consciousness. When she and Yaya merged, they used Yaya itself. The power is exerting her means, and Yaya can't compare with her. Even exhausting one's energy will not allow the Dahuang Taoist to exert his own ability. This has led to the situation where the Dahuang Taoist just used a little trick and then became weak. .

They share a body. This body cannot support the existence of the Dahuang Taoist, so the self-protection of the body function caused the Dahuang Taoist to fall asleep, so that the weaker Yaya once again took control of the body ...

"A mention of two souls? Schizophrenia? So in the future, will you be Yaya or Dahuangdao?"

Thinking about everything, Poplar murmured to himself, the whole person is bad ...

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