MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1754 Mage

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"Is the demon master called the emperor?"

Far from seeing the side of this scene and others, they were also taken aback.

He is no stranger to this old devil. He just went to a very bad day and robbed him. He only felt that this old thing was very timid. He gave up what he wanted. It shows that being seriously injured is true and powerless. It’s true that the chaos of the Six Devils is also true, but after seeing him suddenly appearing in Tai’s day, Fang Xun immediately knows that there must be somewhere to be deceived. It’s not just himself who is deceived, but also includes the Sanfang Imperial Palace. As well as the forces of the various ministries, this old thing is hidden behind the scenes by the injury. Now it shows his ambitions. It has become the oriole behind the three-party palace, to unite the six magic days, and to be self-proclaimed as the emperor... ...

It’s too arrogant!

"Bold and arrogant, utter madness, big reversal, speed is bound!"

The great heavens and the Taixuantian two veins, the troops that were originally gathered were smashed by the magical soldiers brought by Wanhaohai, and they were unable to reach the momentum. Now they heard the Wanqihai sacrificed the banner, and the self-styled emperor’s words were immediately furious. How did the two emperors, the Imperial Soldiers, actually put these devils in their eyes? Now I heard that Wan Haohai was mad at the mouth, and immediately did not know how many immortals, the mouth was drunk, and the angry indignation led the troops. Xianwei rolled the magic weapon into the sky, and surrounded it in the air, to stand alone in the void. Wan Haohai was born and strangled!

"Oh, since the old man dared to call the emperor, then I wouldn’t even be afraid of the emperor, and would you put these ants in your eyes?"

Wan Mohai saw the Xianbingxian attack, but he laughed and waved his hands.

However, he only heard a bang, and he was flying around with four or five shadows. Every shadow had a black line with him. It seems vaguely, in those shadows, there are actually two and just He swallowed the avenues and the celestial two Taixuantian Guardians, just like his avatars, each occupying a position, showing the avenue, and at the same time, rushing toward the surrounding celestial soldiers, the magic is rolling The power of the four or five distinct avenues will be swayed, and the close-up fairy squad will be twisted into fly ash!

"He...has he broken through?"

Xiao Beiming, who is not far away from the devil, saw this scene, and he was shocked and screamed.

The other few devils are also with his general face, full of shock, indescribable. As everyone knows, the six devils of their six magic days are all practicing the avenue to the extreme, the strength is extremely terrible, but also because They walked too far on a boulevard. Instead, they entered the magic barrier and imprisoned themselves. It is impossible to break through the "one". Therefore, the devils feel deeply desperate because they know that they cannot break through that. One" will always be shrouded in the shadow of the Emperor...

Nowadays, they are shocked to see that Wan Baihai has exerted several avenues of power and is not shocked at heart.

Being able to break through this "one" means that Wanhaohai has entered a new realm...

Without the breakthrough of the "one" six magic days of the devils, they have not lost to the emperor of the Imperial Palace...

...and now break through this "one" Wan Baihai, what kind of realm has its strength reached?

Xian Wang?

Or is it really as he said, has the capital of the emperor?

“Do you still need to shoot?”

Looking at this scene, Tai Xuantian Emperor Yan Zhao’s eyes are also cold, and can’t help but see the big heavenly emperor!

"This old devil is playing a good abacus..."

At this time, Lu Xiaojun was also cold in his eyes, and his anger was hidden. As their identity, they came to the head and found that they were being played. The taste was obviously uncomfortable, that is, her qigong kungfu could not help but angered: " He does not know that he has cultivated any evil outsiders, and he can actually devour the fairy tales and avenues of others. Does this mean that as long as he continues to devour others, he can continue to grow and be almost invincible? It is no wonder that he will deliberately borrow After the scars entered the scene, we attracted our attention with the seductive fruits of the six magical chaos. If we don’t have a heart to fight for the Six Devils, he will be discovered by us.

"What is the use of this now?"

Yan Zhao Ge also has an eyebrow with anger: "This old devil has obviously been built into a magical power, otherwise it is not possible to appear in front of us, but it is also happening when we are fighting with the big red sky, did not listen to him? He didn't take our lives, but left us alone, but the subordinates and the immortals of our party, but they all wanted to stay, for him... this is the resource!"

"On the eve of this, we only have to leave for the time being and send this to the Emperor Palace."

Lu Xiaojun said coldly: "Look at the repair of this old devil, it is estimated that in addition to my father's shot, I will only move the Great Immortal!"

"But if we withdraw, many of these subordinates can..."

Yan Zhaoge’s words say that I have not continued to say it here, I just feel that it is abnormal!

They regard these six magic days as chessboards. Although they are nominally represented by their own imperial palaces, they are actually making profits for themselves. They all try to get some resources as their own private, so this time The ones that have come over are mostly the cronies that I have cultivated for many years. On the contrary, many of the masters who are loyal to them behind them are excluded from their own way. Their own cronies are enough, but no one thought of the original. Wan Haohai came this way, but they were uncomfortable!

If it is true that he has left alone, isn’t that equal to nothing, and returning alone to the Imperial Palace?

The end of thousands of years is destroyed, and no one can stand it!

"There is no way, would you like to fight with him?"

Lu Xiaojun said coldly, let Yan Zhao song hate and shut up!

The two of them still have the power of a battle, especially Lu Xiaojun, who has basically not suffered much. The young monk in white is not murderous. Even if a wooden fish hits his head, he just stuns her and does not fight. Injure her...

Although Yan Zhaoge was injured, but he still has the emperor in the body, it is also a big weapon!

Even so, neither of them can completely appreciate the interest in the battle with Wan Hai.

After all, the strength of the old devil is now terrible!

As soon as I saw those who had been sucked up by him, they would be timid from the bottom of my heart!

In their hearts, it is equal to accept the end of this total defeat!

"Oh, we are not the worst, but the big red emperor, but they have to pay everything in!"

In the annoyance, Yan Zhaoge suddenly turned cold and cold, and at the same time, some schadenfunk looked at the distance and muttered: "I hope that his ability is bigger now. If it can be hurt with the old devil, maybe we……"

"Sister Xiao Xue, are you not hurting him?"

At this time, Fang Xing and others also rushed in the air, watching the magical temperament of the body that was better than the moment of the moment, the eternal devil, Wan Haohai, I do not know how many eyes are facing the white The white hair of Xiao Xue looked over. They had already heard the snoring of the very evil little demon Lord. They knew that the man who had injured Wan Haihai at the beginning was the wizard of the South Snow Mountain!

"I met him when I was looking for the footprints of the gods in the worst days!"

Xiao Xue's white hair fluttering, standing in the air, there is no expression on his face, and under her pointed feet, it is the giant python that is now like a white dragon. The body is rolling, horrible, moving and quiet. There is an unusually cold beauty that makes people dare not look straight into her eyes, and her voice is also calm and waveless. It is faintly spread: "I am fighting with him, he has cultivated It was the outer magic road, which was restrained by me and hurt on my sword, but the injury was not heavy, and he escaped!"

Her words are simple, but it also makes people know what happened.

It seems that she did have a hand with the old devil, and the old devil is indeed hurt under her sword, but the injury is not as heavy as the rumors, it seems that this old devil is indeed early Premeditated, deliberately hidden by this matter!

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come together with the Great Red Emperor..."

At this time, Wan Haohai’s plain and playful eyes looked over and happened to fall on Xiao Xue’s body, whispering: “Speaking of the old man, I still have to thank you, if not with you once. Hand in hand, probably I have not yet realized the true meaning of the inner magic road, huh, huh, what is the inner magic outside the magic, but they are all derived from the ancient method of the spirit of the ancient Dan, the world is the **** of Dan, with this Dan, and what resources? Comprehending this truth, the old man is destined to be the first emperor in thirty-three days, who dares not?"

"Life is Dan?"

Xiao Xue’s indifferent face also showed a sneer, and the voice was cold: “I have not refining it, but this dirty method has been abandoned by me from the beginning, but now I am picked up by you. It’s not really the inner magic road. You didn’t break that one. It’s just getting farther and farther away on a magic road. I’m a god-in-law, and I’m going to clean up the portal!”

"Oh, Huangkou children, big words, the old man will let you know what is the real magic!"

Wan Haohai sneered a sneer, and looked at Xiao Xue with a murderous look. Then he looked at Fang Xing and sneered. "You still call you a big red emperor. The old man has said that if you retreat now, I will let you go, but these people around you, then all of them will be left as the price for your big red sky to reach out to my six magic days. Would you like it?"


Fang Xing saw him gazing over, and then he smiled and shook his head, then stepped on it, the blood cloak fluttered, and the bully knives were held in his hands. After a pause, he opened again: I don’t really understand what you said, but I just said that, both of them are my fat sheep, and I’m going to tie them both...”

Speaking of this, suddenly rushed out: "...Mom, you are halfway out of the Hu, what is it!"

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