MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1730 The trend has moved

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"This big red emperor, is it not to overturn this day and refuse to give up?"

As for the rumors that the Great Red Emperor decided to go to Tai's Day, it is even more shocking than the confession and correspondence of Tai Xuantian Emperor Yan Zhao and the Great Heavenly Emperor Xiaojun. It was originally the Great Red Emperor. What he did, it has already made people feel that this emperor is a hundred and five. It has already opened up the situation in the big red days. It has taken the lead in the prison day and has taken advantage of it in the bliss. The magic sky has already occupied the second place. It can be said that it is far better than they expected, but it is because he has detained the Emperor Taixuan Tianzi in an angry manner, but immediately made a big red sky into a very passive situation, more troublesome. It’s a headache...

In the eyes of many people of insight, there is not much choice in the big red sky. The best way is that the three sages will come forward to accompany the sins, and will send the princes of Taixuantian to the side of Yan Zhaoge, misunderstanding. Then, let the advantage of the big prison day come out, as a confession to Tai Xuantian, in this case, the predicament can be solved, and the big red sky can also leave the bliss in your own hands!

But who would have expected that the Great Red Emperor really wants to go to the meeting?

This is a beautiful banquet, as long as it is not two hundred and five, will not take the initiative to go up?

To put it bluntly, the reason why Tai Xuantian Emperor Yan Zhao Ge did not directly attack the bliss, but put this banquet in Taigetian, it is to leave room, do not want to really provoke the tripartite palace battle, some To a certain extent, he did not think that the emperor would really come. He only hoped that the emperor would retreat, so that he had both a face and a substantial benefit for Tai Xuantian, and a big red sky, Taking the opportunity to step down, this is a great joy. In any case, the Tripartite Palace will have a satisfactory result!

And the emperor flowed to the meeting in person, it is in the gentle situation of this "you step back, I step back", completely detonated!

This is not only a matter of thinking, what exactly does the Great Red Emperor want to do?

What is even more puzzling is that after the emperor made this decision, there was no response on the side of the Great Red Sky. There was no attitude or no additional support. It seemed to be completely Did not hear these rumors in general...

Is this acquiescence to the emperor letting himself go?

A gust of wind that affected the entire six magic days hit the big sky...

All the loyalists who are loyal to Tai Xuan Tian’s veins have come together from all sides. A cloud of dark clouds comes from the horizon and gathers into the sky above Tai’s heaven. Although nothing has been done, anyone can feel it. The kind of feelings of rain and wind to the fullness of the building, I do not know how many ordinary immortals, are exhausting all means, moving away from Taigetian, I do not know how many masters, are trying every means to enter Taigetian, all kinds of undercurrent All kinds of visions, like wildflowers, are placed in the sky!

"I must be the emperor, and I will be too mysterious!"

There are countless masters who drink cold, hidden in the dark, but murderous.

"The big red sky should be kicked out..."

There are also other people who are surrounded by the Great Heavenly Emperor's body and set the fate of the big red sky!

"If we look at the momentum of today, Datiantian and Taixuantian are stronger than the big red sky. It is only by the fact that the Red Emperor is sitting in the town, so that Datiantian is qualified to sit on the same level with Datiantian and Taixuan Tianping. The three emperors have been sealed out and comprehended the heavens. The big red sky has lost the greatest dependence. At this time, the remaining strength is not enough for the big red sky, but nowadays, the big red The Emperor of Heaven first smashed the white corpse, and then imprisoned the Emperor Taixuan. Is this going to be a battle with the Great Heaven and Taixuantian?"

This rumor has also caused a lot of small forces and thoughts between the three parties, there are many small forces, all trying to squat in the three magical days when the three-party palace is competing for water, and now, the situation Great changes, wind and rain, and naturally when they make choices, my heart is one of the dark hatred, I really do not know what the big red Emperor is thinking!



"Haha, I know what the little bandits are thinking..."

But some people didn't know, but some people heard the news and laughed.

"It was originally that he was making choices, but he was obviously bored and threw the puzzles to us..."

Forgetting to worry about the purple mountain, there are a few people who are deep-skinned, but hidden and mysterious. They are sitting on the discussion. One of the golden crows heard the news that the great red-day emperor was about to rush to Tai’s day to feast. That is to laugh a lot, a word breaks the mystery!

"We used to be hiding from him, it was not convenient to face up, but now, we can't hide anymore!"

Another woman in red faintly said: "Let's go, things don't have to be done anymore, go to Taitian!"



"Is there an answer in his heart?"

In the magic of the evil side, the white woman who had been hiding in this desolate place for several years, after learning the news, slowly opened her eyes, almost no thought, she got up, Stepped on the head of the white snake that came to report for himself, and then under the leadership of this white snake, turned into a white light and went straight into the sky. It was almost instantaneous, and it was already empty, only a touch of self. The voice slowly spread: "Fang Shidi, it’s time for me to protect you!"



"His Royal Highness, you have not yet completed the inheritance, you can't go out without permission!"

Another clan boundary, above a blue wave, a man wearing a golden cloak stands on the sea, looking up at the sky, thoughtfully, and behind him, is some hard-working persuasion, on the face There is a lot of concern: "The reason why my dragon family can survive all kinds of catastrophe is always unbroken. It is because we always do our best to remain neutral and never directly participate in people, demon, Buddha, and magic. In the midst of the struggle, nowadays, it is even more sorrowful. In the face of the dragons’ looting, you have come to the fairy world, inheriting the Taoism, and sheltering our generations. Now what we should do is to keep the dragon temple and let them Fight, wait for the good machine!"

“Still waiting for a good machine?”

The man wearing a golden cloak heard the words and sneered: "How can you know that I could get rid of the curse of the nine spirits from Tianyuan, relying on him, I can get the chance to make Leichi, relying on him, I can come to the Dragon World from Tianyuan, and it is also his dependencies. Even, I can get the immortal life that inherits the qualification of this Dragon Temple. It is also what he gave me... If it weren’t for him, I would inherit this Dragon ancestral temple. Inheritance, and the opportunity to save you from the help of the evil master Xiao Beiming?"

"You don't have to say more!"

The man with the golden cloak said coldly: "I respect him and understand him. He has trouble now. I can't ignore it, and I know that he is not a person who is willing to be bound, but now he must have arrived. When I was vying for power from all sides and I was weak, I was going to find him and ask him to come back to Long Domain to avoid this catastrophe!"

"But... he is an outsider after all, if it comes to my ancestral hall..."

The old man behind, some hesitant, worried.

"Haha, he doesn't have to marry my ancestral hall. He wants it, I can give it to him!"

The man laughed and let the subordinates do not understand.

It’s just that he doesn’t say anything more, his arms are shaking, and suddenly they are rushing up, turning into a golden five-claw dragon, breaking the field!



"The King of the River God did not listen to you, or he fought a battle with him, and lost it..."

Thirty-three days outside, in the vast expanse of the stars, within the vast country of the gods, there is a sigh of sighs, but a man in black is standing with his back, behind him, there is a A woman who is immersed in the country but has a frosty face.

"Oh, that slave has always been higher than the sky. I don’t think it’s under the king of the king. Actually, he only has one escape skill. But what makes me curious is that there are a few ghosts. It’s the skill, and the skin monkey, but I heard that even the avenue has not been completed. How did he defeat the River? Is it difficult for him to help him?”

A woman with a frosty face seems to be puzzled.

The man heard a bitter smile: "The ugly slave, you still don't know him too much. What can he do? I won't feel surprised... Now that he has not broken the border, it shows his heart. Not yet transparent, that is, he has not made a choice, huh, huh, now that you have built this square **** alliance has been suppressed, more and more difficult to move, if you can ask him to come, it is possible to reverse the Qiankun, nothing. This time, only I will take a place for you and give him a big man..."

The man whispered: "After all, I can still be his half master, this face, he will give it to me..."



"I pushed the heavens on the road of all beings, and he also came to the time of the robbery..."

In another vast expanse of stars, there is also an old man who gently puts the bamboo in his hand. The orange-skinned face reveals a bit of exhaustion, and gently said: "Tai Shangdao In this situation, this catastrophe is not a vitality. Now maybe some people can’t see through it, but after a few hundred years, his importance will be Everyone was shocked, and we were only able to take the lead when they were undecided when they were undecided!"

Under the old man, the woman with a charming fox is hesitating: "But that is the last inheritance of my demon family..."

The old man said faintly: "He has qualified to kill the white corpse!"

The charming woman whispered: "I am afraid that the person of Jiuling Phoenix Day will not agree!"

The old man snorted and said: "You pass a message to him, this time, I am not discussing with him!"

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