MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 748 House thief? 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 748 House thief? 【2 in 1】

   Xuantian brake.

  On the top of the Xizhou Mountains, smoke and clouds are steaming, ancient vines are embedded in the walls, and falcons with wings stretching more than one foot pass by from time to time, like a prehistoric place that has not been visited for thousands of years.

   Occasionally, a ray of golden light would fly in, and then move the seal formula and open the formation, and the ancient vines all over the cliff will snake away like spiritual snakes, and a hidden gap hidden in the cliff will be revealed. Going deep through this gap is a secret realm.

   Yes, Xuantian Temple is an ancient temple hidden in a secret place.

  Usually, large-scale immortal gates will not build the mountain gate in a secret realm. This is equivalent to cutting themselves off from the world of cultivating immortals, and it is difficult to have a little contact with the outside world. The aura in the secret territory is often unable to carry a huge force, and is only suitable for some small sects.

   But the advantage is safety.

   Xuantian Brah relied on such isolation from the world, and it has been passed down steadily for nearly a thousand years. But ever since they decided to participate in the Ten Lands War, they were destined to never be peaceful again.


  A bright sword light streaked across the blue sky, staying on the top of this mountain, hanging there without moving.


   Followed by nearly a hundred sword glows, they pierced through the air one after another, forming a gorgeous light curtain, and finally all hovered on the cliff, and the invisible sword energy scattered the clouds.

  On top of these sword lights, standing are all women in blue and white clothes. The leader of them is wearing a lingyun bun and lightly raised crescent eyebrows. His face is cold and his eyebrows are frosty, staring at the cliff in front of him.

  After all the sword lights in the rear stopped, the woman in charge raised her halberd finger, shot a white light, and shouted: "Come on!"


  Her fingertips pierced the air and formed a sword aura, instantly cutting off the ancient vines clinging to the cliff vertically. Many ancient vines seemed to be suffering from pain. After trembling and twitching for a while, they withdrew in a blink of an eye.

   reveals the dark gap behind.


   Not long after, the cliff trembled, and as the mountain collapsed, golden lights bloomed, and a shining bald head poked out from the gap with the light on it.

   Immediately came the second, third...

  The first one was a middle-aged monk in cassock, with peaceful eyes and nine ring scars on his head, and several young monks lined up behind him.

   "Why is Headmaster Han so violent?" The monk asked aloud, "Is there something about my Xuantian Temple that provokes the Ice Soul Sword Sect?"

  He looked at the woman in the sky with a Lingyun bun. It was Han Qinglin, the current head teacher of the Ice Soul Sword Sect.

   "Why do you come here, don't you know?" Han Qinglin said with anger in his eyes, "Your good apprentice of Xuantiansha kidnapped my first disciple, you don't know?"

  While speaking, she took out a letter, raised her hand and threw it at the monk, with a whoosh sound, even the paper was filled with sword aura.

  Thanks to the high level of cultivation of the monk who received the letter, with five fingers of luck, with a bang, he held the envelope firmly in his hand, and then opened it for a look.

  The content of the letter is probably that Liu Xingzhu, the chief disciple of the Ice Soul Sword Sect, and Tong Xuan, a disciple of Xuan Tiansha, agree with each other. Knowing that the two sects would not agree, the two decided to elope.

  The Ice Soul Sword Sect is located in the Northland, and the school was founded only two hundred years ago. The ancestor was born in the Taiyin Sect, and later created the inheritance of swordsmanship. It has always only accepted female disciples. But because of his practice of swordsmanship, he also has a lot of connection with Endless Sword Sect.

   With these two Nine Heavens Immortal Sects in the Northland as the background, they can basically walk sideways. But the disciples of the Ice Soul Sword Sect seldom cause trouble, because the rules of the mountain gate are very strict, and even when they go out of the mountain, they have to be strictly reported.

   As for love affairs, it has always been strictly prohibited.

  In comparison, the Taiyin Sect does not have such strict controls, and the disciples who are a little older and cannot cultivate the mind of the Supreme Being are quite free in this respect. However, the rules set by the ancestor of the Ice Soul Sword Sect are far stricter than this. If you want to get involved in love, you must withdraw from the mountain gate and never use your supernatural powers for life.

  Na Liu Xingzhu is a big disciple carefully cultivated by the contemporary suzerain, and at this moment she suddenly elopes with someone, no wonder she is furious.

  The middle-aged monk read the letter, raised his eyes and said: "Master Han, don't get angry, I'll go and ask about it."

   After finishing speaking, he turned back and said to the disciple behind him, "Go and see where Tongwen is?"

  The two disciples took the order and quickly returned to the secret realm.

   Not long after, an old monk in cloth robes arrived with several middle-aged monks with high cultivation. When the former monk saw the old monk, he took a step back and saluted respectfully: "Master."

   This old monk is the abbot of Xuantian Temple, Zen Master Chiyue.

   "What?" Han Qinglin stared at the old abbot, also disrespectful, "Could it be you who kidnapped my apprentice? I want to find that little bald donkey, what are you doing here?"

"Han Zhangjiao, please be safe and don't be impatient." Zen Master Chiyue clasped his hands together, and said slowly: "I have searched all over the temple and found nothing. It should be that he has not returned from going out before. He is also the best disciple of my Xuantian Temple. His whereabouts will not be left unknown.”

"Can't find it?" Han Qinglin snorted coldly, "I expected this a long time ago. My disciple has always followed the school rules and never dared to go beyond the slightest. How could he suddenly commit such an outrageous thing? It must be you who planned to abduct him." Let go of my first disciple!"

"Where do you start with this statement..." Zen Master Chiyue replied: "Please wait a little while, Headmaster Han, when I open my third eye and use the method of searching the sky and searching the earth to find these two people, I will definitely give you an explanation. "

   "I'll wait here! If it's delayed for a long time, my disciple's innocence will be ruined by him, and the Supreme Master's practice for many years will be invalidated, how will you explain it?" Han Qinglin's jaded face was full of power and authority.

   "It's absolutely impossible." Chi Yue said decisively: "He was born with the Buddha's fate, and this is tantamount to self-destructive practice for him. Please rest assured, Master Han."

  Before he finished speaking, the old monk's palm prints changed, and a golden light curtain was already propped up. He opened his eyes, and the divine light fell on the light curtain, traveling across the mountains and seas in an instant.

  But seeing the picture on the light curtain changing as Chan Master Chiyue looked farther and farther away, there were no shadows of the two disciples. Just when Han Qinglin's complexion became more and more ugly, a woman in plain clothes suddenly appeared in the picture.

   "Star Bamboo." Han Qinglin shouted, "This is it!"

  The woman in the picture is her favorite big disciple, but Liu Xingzhu's current situation is not good. In that picture, there were bloodstains all over her body. It seemed that she had suffered serious injuries and was unconscious. His body was bound by many long golden ropes engraved with runes, and he was trapped in a dungeon.

  As Zen Master Chiyue's gaze gradually turned outward, he also saw clearly that the place where the dungeon was located was a glittering and solemn temple, and further outwards, the place where this temple was located was in a top secret realm.

Looking outside, there is an old monk at the entrance of the secret realm, and the old monk is supporting a group of people with a golden light curtain. Open the golden light curtain, the content on it is...

  Zhan Master Chiyue's expression changed.

   I see myself?

  Before the Xuantiansha disciples here could see what was going on, Han Qinglin raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, you bald donkeys who are full of compassion, but you do such nasty things in private!" Her sword energy soared into the sky, "School of the Ice Soul Sword Sect, form an array! Follow me into this temple to rescue Liu Xingzhu! "

   "Han Zhangjiao..." Zen Master Chiyue seemed to want to say something, but what responded to him was a burst of sword energy.


  The sword array is fierce!


   Bang, bang, bang, bang.

A giant long-haired beast about 30 stories high, shaped like a lion and tiger, with hooves like a cow and a horse. I can't see the details clearly because it is covered with heavy armor. To create such a pair of armor for this giant, just I don't know how much gold and iron materials were consumed.

   But this is not the most amazing.

It is walking towards the front with heavy steps, where there is a huge mountain completely made of diamonds. There are no trees on the mountain; All spirit birds wear a pair of chain mail.

  Zhanling Mountain.

   This unique inheritance, which mainly focuses on tempering battle formations, has always had an extremely important position in the land of Kyushu, but it is not well-known. It wasn't until they stood in front of the stage that people discovered that terrifying power had accumulated inside the Vajra Mountain.


   But in the distance, a green awn fell like a meteor, followed by an explosion.

   "What's wrong?", "Enemy attack!", "'s the juniors from the beast riding camp..."

  It turned out that the green glow just now was a hissing wind beast with a mysterious appearance, and several disciples of Zhanling Mountain were riding on its back. It could be seen that even humans and animals were seriously injured.

   "Who did it?" Immediately, a man in armor roared angrily: "Who dares to provoke our brothers in Zhanling Mountain?!"

"Yes..." A young disciple who was slightly injured on the ground raised his head with difficulty, and said weakly: "It's a Confucianism cultivator. He saw our Zhanling Mountain armor and beat him when he came up... and said, what is our Zhanling Mountain? A high-level immortal sect is also worthy of competing with their Confucian sect's Yushan Academy for ten lands. It's really ignorant. They also said... and said that in the future, they will see us once and beat us once."


  Hearing these words, many Zhanlingshan men present roared.

  If this is on the Silver Sword Peak, I am afraid that any living thing other than the emperor's female phoenix will ask... Can you be sure that person is a Confucianism cultivator? What is the purpose of the people in the academy doing this kind of thing? Could it be a question of sowing discord... or something like that.

  After all, this method seems too simple and straightforward. If you are fishing, then this is undoubtedly a straight hook... The bait on the hook is still green onion, **** and garlic.

  Ke Zhanling Mountain and Tiangang Sect are both martial arts sects, so this move is their preference.

   "Kill the past for revenge!", "Tap Yushan Academy!", "Not only that, but even Shenglong Academy will be smashed together!"

  Amidst the angry crusade, only an older, wiser man raised his hand and said, "Brothers, please be careful, I think this is a bit strange."

   "Huh?" Everyone looked at him one after another, "What's wrong with senior brother?"

   "I suspect..." Seeing the wise man say every word: "That person is not from Yushan Academy at all!"

   "Oh?" Everyone was surprised, and asked in unison: "How can you see it?"

"I have fought against Confucianism cultivators at the Immortal Gate Conference, and I know their methods. The wounds suffered by the juniors are fierce, not like Confucianism's supernatural powers, so I boldly guess..." The wise man said every word: "That man was hired by Yushan Academy!"

   "Ah!" Everyone said in unison: "Brother is indeed wise, if it weren't for you, we would not have thought of it!"

   "This Yushan Academy is really hateful, even if it hires someone, it will plot against us."

   "Tape down the academy!"

  The raging flames of war ignited from Zhanling Mountain, and the hunting flag was fluttering in the wind, as if the raging undercurrent was finally about to float to the surface of the sea.


   At the same time, on the Shu Mountain.

   "Mr. Chu, are you asking me to come, is it about our campaign for ten places?" Huan Leisheng asked earnestly.

Seeing the resurgence of the situation in Kyushu, the election of ten places has become a major event of common concern in the world, but Chu Liang sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, and only takes him to celebration banquets, welcome banquets, and guest banquets every day... In short, it is some business cooperation , Let the business of the Fulu Sect gradually get on the right track.

   But he didn't mention anything about the general election.

  Although Huan Leisheng doesn't have any obsession with the matter of the Ten Lands Sect, he has signed up anyway, so he can't be a puppet at that time, right? At least recruit two disciples to make up the numbers.

  But Chu Liang not only refused, he even rejected his request to bring back the disciples who had been dismissed before.

Chu Liang said: "Our Talisman Sect is different from the past. You are now under my banner, and you belong to the sect under the right track of Shushan. The benefits of your disciples are to be compared with those of Shushan disciples. This is equivalent to a... Uh, establishment. This thing can’t be given out easily, do you know if it’s related to the interests of the mountain gate?”

  Huan Leisheng naturally doesn’t know about benefits, treatment, establishment, etc. He only knows that because of this incident, there have been wars outside, and even the head teacher died, and Shushan is still here all day long.

   At that time, he will be a bare-handed teacher, what can he use to compete with others?

  But Chu Liang is the chief teacher after all, and he is still under the control of others. Even without this position, he still has a blind trust in Chu Liang's wisdom. For various reasons, he still did not refute.

  Huan Leisheng asked helplessly: "Then what did you ask me to do, Mr. Chu?"

   "I want to ask, Mr. Huan, do you have any talismans that can prevent theft?" Chu Liang asked.

   It turned out that something happened to him in the orchard of Silver Sword Peak. Before that, he helped many evil and powerful people under the orchard to "burrow into the ground", "sow seeds for sacrifice", and "sweep every day". It was originally a prosperous scene.

  But a few days ago, a very bad spiritual plant loss happened in the orchard. A "Shangqing Sanxuan Spiritual Grass" that was about to mature was lost, and Chu Liang felt like a knife cut his heart.

   This is what he worked so hard to "sacrifice".

  Since the development of Hongmian Peak, the first layer of formation on Shushan Mountain has been opened all the time, and outsiders can't easily get in at all. So if there is a theft, there is a high probability that it is an inside thief.

  Since there were only a few living creatures on Silver Sword Peak, the first thing he doubted was the master, but after a second thought, he rejected it. If the master wants Lingzhi, she can grab it openly, so why should she steal it carefully?

  The second is of course the Golden Retriever, who recently retired from the Cotton Tree Peak, and has nothing to do since then, just playing with the Baize cubs all day long. If bad water suddenly came out of his head, it was very possible to steal a spiritual plant.

   Then there is the fierce dragon colt. This wild horse may not have the concept of stealing in its head, but it is not impossible for it to trample on a plant and swallow it directly in order to eliminate the evidence.

   As for the sisters Liu Xiaoyu and Liu Xiaoyu, they have always been well-behaved, and they don't seem to be able to steal things.

  Besides, he originally arranged a formation outside Lingzhi, but it was savagely rushed away. This method seemed to be done by the beasts above, not like the behavior style of the two sisters.

  After some thought, Chu Liang decided to add some security measures, so he came to ask Huan Leisheng.

"Oh, it's simple." When it comes to professionalism, Huan Leisheng is more confident, and he said: "Just modify the line follower a little bit, and then bind a powerful killing talisman. I can arrange one Talisman array... Once the thief touches the spiritual plant, he will be attacked by talismans from all directions..."

  Chu Liang nodded repeatedly while listening to his talk.

  As soon as Huan Leisheng left, Chu Liang re-maintained the formation, and then arranged the talisman formation, and then waited for the thief to come.

   As a result, that night, the talisman array was harvested.

  At that time, Chu Liang was holding his breath to practice, comprehending the yin and yang seed. Suddenly, I felt my heart move. It was the Xing Sui Talisman that had sensed it, and then I heard a loud bang from the orchard.


   "Is there a thief?!" He shouted, and immediately broke through the air.

  The one who was faster than him was the Empress Phoenix. Seeing the master baring his teeth and claws, a ball of fire swept away, and at the same time shouted: "Which thief dares to come to my Silver Sword Peak to steal things!"

  The two masters and apprentices arrived one after another, and saw a pothole in the orchard where the spiritual plants were planted, which was naturally caused by the detonation of the talisman array just now.

  The thief has disappeared, leaving only a few strands of black and white hair in place.

  The two of them swept their minds and found a shadow hidden in the night on the edge of the hillside.

  This figure is about half a person tall, short and fat, with a small medicine basket on its back. It looks fleshy and chubby, with black and white hair.

   Still a little fat thief?

   Chu Liang looked familiar at this back view.

  Emperor Feng was also surprised: "Iron eater?"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

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