MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 713 Courtesy Avenue【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 713 Way of Courtesy【Two in One】

"Nice to meet you."

  Following Lin Bei's greeting, a figure walked out from the depths of the countless star-studded cave, surrounded by a faint arc of light, like a phantom.

  The visitor was wearing a blue-and-white long gown, with a handsome appearance and kind facial features. He was in his sixties or seventies, with a very peaceful smile on his face. As soon as he came out, he bowed to Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang repeatedly, the way he bent down was almost flattering and flattering.

   "This is..." Chu Liang looked at the old man, a little puzzled.

   It stands to reason that the only living creature in this cave should be the "terrorist existence" that has been suppressed for nearly two thousand years, that is, the ancient devil called the Mayfly Patriarch by Mrs. Hongyu.

  But this old man in front of him... There is politeness in every wrinkle on his face.

  You call this a terrifying existence?

  Xu Ziyang also remembered Mrs. Hongyu's previous words, and asked tentatively, "Old Patriarch Mayfly?"

"Don't call me that, don't call me that." The old man quickly smiled and waved his hands, and said in a respectful tone: "It's all because of some bad names that I got when I was young and ignorant. Now you can call me Xiaoyu, Xiaochao or Xiaozu gone."

   "This..." Chu Liang was at a loss for words for a while, and he was a little confused about what the other party was doing. Could it be that he wanted something?

  Just at this time, there was another booming thunder outside, and the purple-gold thunder fell to the ground! The three of Chu and Liang changed their colors at the same time, and the divine thunder shot down indiscriminately, and this cave was not immune.

   Hearing that mayfly patriarch lightly scold and wave his big sleeve.


  The countless star points behind gathered together, engulfed in the red mist rising from the ground, and immediately blocked the entrance of the crypt.

"Hehe." The ancestor Mayfly smiled flatteringly again, "Although my deeds are not enough to stop the divine thunder for a long time, it is still possible to protect this corner of the crypt, and the little friends can feel at ease here. "

   "Thank you..." Chu Liang nodded lightly. It was only now that he was sure that the other party must be the legendary Patriarch Mayfly. Others can be faked, but the strength is absolutely true.

  He turned his gaze to Lin Bei, with a questioning meaning. Although he only came down a moment earlier than himself, he seemed to have integrated into the environment.

   "Hi, hi, hi!" Lin Beilang laughed, and said, "You don't need to be cautious here, Azu is a nice person, and you can get along with him."

   "Yes, yes." Mayfly Patriarch also nodded, "You are a guest when you come. If you have any requirements, you can ask me. As long as I can satisfy it, I will try my best to satisfy it."

Our requirement?

  Chu Liang saw that the other party didn't seem to be asking for anything, so he smiled politely: "Old Ancestor, you are a senior after all, so you don't have to be so polite."

   "I don't dare to call you the ancestor, but I'm just a pitiful creature under a burrow." The ancestor Mayfly shook his head and said with a smile: "You two don't know, I have been sealed here alone for two thousand years."

  He slowly narrated: "When I was first sealed, my heart was full of anger. I swore in my heart that if someone entered this place, I would torture and devour them! But no soul entered..."

"However, after I endured the loneliness and helplessness for a thousand years, I have begun to atone for my sins in my heart. I can only look forward to it. If someone enters this place, no matter whether it is a human race or a demon race, only a person with spirituality and ability to speak...I will I want to become a brother with him and help him realize all his wishes, but still no soul enters..."

   "It's been two thousand years now, and my mentality has changed again." He paused, and said, "Any living thing now, whoever comes in will be my father."

   Okay, it’s Dad.

   Really highlights a hospitality.

  This old man is in charge of some kind of civilized and polite road, right?

   "You don't have to do this, Azu, we just need to be brothers." Lin Beida waved his hands, "It's too polite to be a father or not."

   "I want what I want." The ancestor Mayfly smiled again, "If you can't, let's talk about it."


It is no exaggeration to say that Patriarch Mayfly is definitely the most polite big devil that Chu Liang has ever seen in his life. He is a very explosive existence in the entire seventh and eighth realms. His service attitude is probably the best. Only the clerks of Red Moon Square can compare.

   "My body is a small insect mayfly from ancient times."

  The old man draped his buttocks against the edge of a stone, and told his story to several people in a very dutiful sitting posture.

  Chu Liang was indeed a little curious about the origin of his Taoism.

  The so-called "mayfly" is actually a kind of flying insect with a relatively short lifespan. When it falls into the sea, it is also an aquatic creature with almost no spirituality. It exists as a ration for shrimp.

  For such a tiny creature whose lifespan may not exceed a day, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to obtain spirituality, let alone enlightenment. It must have been quite a bumpy journey for Patriarch Mayfly to cultivate to the realm of controlling Tianyuan.

"Originally, Mayfly's life, life and death, should not even have a little wisdom." Mayfly Patriarch said slowly: "Thanks to the Nanhai Goddess who practiced in Guixu back then, I was attached to the Goddess. Infiltrated day and night, I was lucky enough not to die, and even opened up my spirituality for a long time."

   Good guy.

   No wonder the old man is said to be an ancient demon, but he actually existed in the era of the Goddess of the South China Sea. That would be a good meal.

"Later, the goddess mother died, and I drifted to another place, practicing intermittently for thousands of years." The ancestor mayfly continued: "I think you can also imagine that there are many difficulties in practicing in the body of a mayfly, and it has been thousands of years. I have just reached the realm of controlling Tianyuan."

"Maybe it is precisely because the body's lifespan is short, and I should have been born yesterday and died today, so I regard every day as a new life, and every day as a reincarnation. Over time, I have an epiphany between these countless lives and deaths. The Dao of Reincarnation was successfully managed in the end. With my blunt spirituality, it is really a pity from the heavens."

   This is also the fate of fate.

  Although he said it lightly, Chu Liang also knew that it was not easy. The elder guardian of Shushan is also majoring in the Dao of Reincarnation. He has to go through a cycle of reincarnation every day, and wake up every day as a brand new person.

  The origin of Patriarch Mayfly is a shackle, but it also gave him the convenience to realize the Dao of Reincarnation. For the fragile mayfly, isn't every day like a new life?

   "Being humble is not a shame."

The ancestor Mayfly continued: "After I took control of Tianyuan, it became my pride. I used to live cautiously, and every day I lived I felt that I made money. After attaining Taoism, my ambition also began to grow. "

"I began to control the sea tribes with thousands of mayflies in an attempt to become the master of the South China Sea. If I succeeded, the entire Guixu and even the sea tribes in the South China Sea would be puppets for me, listen to my orders, and be slaves under my command .”

  Listening to an old man with such a humble expression talking about his past as a big devil is really a bit split.

   You know, when Chu Liang listened to the front, he didn't dare to praise him for his encouragement, for fear that the old man would kneel on the ground if he couldn't repay him.

"At this time, it is also thanks to Wuchao" Obedient Huafeng said that the old thief had just come to his lips, and then turned into a respectful title, "He fought me in a big fight, and I was sealed here when I lost. I have been here for two thousand years, and I do one thing every day."

  He solemnly spit out two words: "Reflection."

"After thinking about it for so long, I have already realized my mistakes." Mayfly Patriarch said with a pious expression, "If all the powerful people in the world are like me, how chaotic will the world be? I am in charge of the Dao of Reincarnation, But not in awe of the lives of others, and forgetting how hard it was for me to survive in the first place, it is too forgetful. Now thinking about my behavior at the beginning, I regret it, super regret it.”

   Regarding his reflection, Chu Liang remained silent.

   After all, they are not fools. No matter how polite the people in front of them are, they are also powers at the peak level of the eighth realm. They can be easily killed after being suppressed for two thousand years. People are thinking there, you just listen to it, open your mouth and say yes, yes, yes, what if they turn their backs?

   There should still be some respect for the strong.

"Yes, yes, yes." Before Chu Liang had finished his thoughts, Lin Bei said loudly, "Azu, it's great that you think so, and if you turn your back on evil with your cultivation, it would be a great blessing in the world. "


  There are still bold people in the world.

"This is absolutely, hehe." Mayfly Patriarch nodded obediently, "So when Brother Wuchao didn't say anything, I didn't dare to ask you to let me go. I just want to make a small request. If it is convenient, can the three little friends help me to send a message to Brother Wuchao from the Tuohai Clan?"

   "Let's just say... Mayfly, I know I was wrong. I hope to meet him and repent in person. Even if he doesn't want to let me go, it doesn't matter. I just want to ask for a chance."

  Hearing this request, Chu Liang felt that it was not too much at all, and immediately said: "If we can go out, the matter of bringing a sentence is naturally no problem, but we..."

"Oh." Mayfly Patriarch said: "Although I am not talented, I will certainly help you out of trouble when you ask for help. It is just a matter of effort. Although I am unable to leave this burrow because of the seal, it is no problem to help you leave of."

  His politeness made people even wonder if he really made some presumptuous request.

  But thinking about it carefully, he helped the three of them leave this place, which was a life-saving grace. They helped him bring the words, which was a piece of cake.

  This level of humbleness is simply sad to hear.

  Lin Bei patted his chest directly and said: "Azu, don't worry, as long as you can go out, this matter will be covered by the brothers."

"This..." Patriarch Mayfly paused for a moment, and then said with trembling hands: "If I can escape in the future, I will definitely be rewarded for your great kindness. But right now, there is really nothing to repay, why don't I kneel down and kowtow to you? "

   "Hey hey hey—", "Senior, don't be so polite.", "Azu don't have to..."

   "All you want."

   "I really don't need it, I really don't need it."


  The three of them hurriedly stopped them, how could they dare to accept such a great gift, they dragged back and forth for a long time before the Mayfly Patriarch got up to send the three of them out of the cave.

"Where my red mist goes, I can temporarily isolate the sky thunder, and a few of you can go forward boldly along the road." The ancestor Mayfly stood at the entrance of the burrow, bowed and said: "I can only send it here. Then please."

   "Azu, go back and wait for the good news." Lin Bei waved his hand.

  The matter of blocking the divine thunder is actually not that easy for Patriarch Mayfly, otherwise he would not have to come out for a quarter of an hour every day to absorb spiritual energy. It's just that at this moment, it's so easy for someone to pass on the message for him, and it's still possible for him to work hard to open a way out.

   I saw a red mist spreading out from the crypt again, extending forward slowly, paving a road all the way. Sure enough, no divine thunder could fall into the red mist.

  The three of Chu and Liang followed the path extended by the red mist, and walked forward slowly. Because they did not dare to go beyond the mist, they walked at a rather slow speed. It took quite a while before we reached the edge of Kirishima.

   But when they came here, they found that the situation had changed. The edge of the originally bare Kirishima disappeared, and blood-red coral barriers were erected around it, layered upon layer, enclosing the entire Kirishima.

  Ms. Hongyu sealed this place!

   "Did she seal the entire Wu Island to prevent the Mayfly Patriarch from escaping?" Xu Ziyang looked back, frowned and said: "The red mist should not last long, we have to open the barrier quickly!"

"I come!"

  Chu Liang's sword intent reached its peak in an instant, and the Demon Slaying Sword shot in an instant!


   Slashed down with a sword, the barrier made of coral was extremely solid, and his indestructible sword only opened a shallow crack! And after a while, the corals on both sides grew and spread again, and the entire crack was blocked and restored to its original state.

  At that time, when the red mist hit the coral barrier, it could be broken in an instant, and it had to grow rapidly to fill it up. But it was only when he broke through with his own hands that he realized that the barrier of Mrs. Hongyu was so strong.

   No wonder she was sent to guard this place.

  Chu Liang murmured: "It's not easy."


   "Aunt Hongyu! What are you doing?"

  Besides Wudao, on the edge of Bloodmist Villa, Princess Liange looked at the whole surrounded Wudao, panicked, "If you seal the island like this, Xu Shaoxia and the others won't be able to come out again?"

   "Liange..." Madam Hongyu's complexion was as frosty, and she said solemnly: "From the moment they fell into the burrow, it is impossible for these people to come out again."

   "Do you know how terrifying and evil the ancestor Mayfly is? Back then, he slaughtered the lives of countless sea people by himself. How could he let them go?"

   "But..." Baozhu Liange looked at the other side of the barrier desperately, "What if they can come out..."

"Even if they can come out, it's not that they can escape by themselves, but that the devil is trying to use them to escape." Mrs. Hongyu said solemnly: "The patriarch mayfly can escape from the trap as long as he attaches a little mayfly seed to the living beings. They As long as you have entered the burrow, you will definitely not be able to come out alive."

  Looking at the mournful Princess Liange, Mrs. Hongyu's voice also became low, "Today suddenly there are thieves who want to rescue the devil, and they happened to catch up with them. It can only be considered bad luck for them."

  Before the words fell, there was a sudden cracking sound from the barrier, and a trace of sharp sword energy overflowed.

   "Chu Shaoxia!" Princess Lian Ge suddenly raised her head, "They are not dead! Aunt Hongyu..."


  Madam Hongyu didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence, she knocked Princess Liange unconscious with a hand knife, and then supported her body.

"It must be the devil who sent them out and wanted to get out of trouble. Even if I go to inform Master Wuchao at this time, they will surely die under the thunder when he arrives. You still don't want to see such a scene." Look."

   After finishing speaking, she waved her long sleeves, and immediately a thicker layer of coral barriers grew, wrapping Kirishima even more tightly. The look in her eyes as she looked into it was nothing but chill.

  The Shushan disciple's sword intent is quite strong, but it is still wishful thinking to break through his own coral barrier. In the seventh realm of asking, her seal is absolutely top-notch, and it is impossible for that brat to break it.

  Although I can't bear it, it's the only way to go. Otherwise, the people who were infected with the mayfly seeds escaped, and the efforts of sealing the devil for so many years will be wiped out.

  Although it is a pity, but...

  Ms. Hongyu murmured, as if to make herself firm: "This is their fate."

good evening.

It seems that the average subscription will reach 60,000, and there is still a difference of one or two hundred, but the increase of the two chapters is not too high. In the past few days, there are a few more chapters in one, so that the average subscription will increase, and it may arrive soon. .



  (end of this chapter)

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