MTL - Please Have a Cup of Green Tea-Chapter 164 When Miss Green Tea became the Lianzong control group (No. 58)

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Atlantis, the planet known as the "Second Blue Star" and the "Garden of Eden", is still favored by people even after tens of thousands of years, and is an enduring tourist star.

As the first extragalactic habitable place to be developed by humans, it is now a vital interstellar hub, with islands littered with precious "ancient relics" of the Federation era.

Now, these ancient relics are still alive, lively and bustling cities.

After Bi Ming and others left the security checkpoint, they took the airship and went straight to the island of the primitive tribe.

But they soon discovered that it was still a wilderness, with no elevators, no mysterious tribes in black robes, let alone any temples.

Although Bi Ming has already made some guesses, she is still a little depressed when the facts are in front of her:

"How are we going to get back then?"

This is a very nasty chain of logic.

First of all, to go back, there must be a statue of God as a passage of time and space.

And the gods were built to commemorate the goddess, so the goddess must be found.

"Who is the goddess?"

In the wordless silence, Bi Ming and the two sentries looked at each other, Phoenix glanced at the back of the girl's neck thoughtfully, and Sean shrugged innocently, saying that he didn't know.

"The image, text, and statue of the goddess were destroyed during the imperial war, and all that remains are anecdotes."

Phoenix actually had a faint guess in his heart:

Will Testai, who is suspected of being a dark wizard, have a relationship with the goddess?

But how is this possible—

"Let's take a look at the island where the variety show was filmed first. Isn't Atlantis a lover? Those ruins should still be on the island now, right?" Bi Ming's words were interrupted. Thinking of the red-haired sentinel.

"Then go have a look, it's not far anyway." Sean nodded.

Phoenix did not deny it. After all, the best way now is to check all the ruins he has visited first to see if there are any clues.

As for Nuoya, who looked confused, she couldn't understand what they were talking about. All she knew was that these guys were looking for a "goddess", and they seemed to be in a hurry.

"No, we have to believe in science," the blue-haired girl whispered to Bi Ming's ear, "Don't believe in those gods, you know?"

Bi Ming could only laugh and pat her hand: "Don't worry Nuoya, it's not what you think."

On the way to the island, Bi Ming sorted out the current situation.

Mr. Tie and his forces are temporarily in charge of Sora Star. Phoenix also let Phoenix stay in position. As long as there is an emergency, he can come back at any time. In exchange, Mr. Tie also handed over a group of his hidden elite troops. to Phoenix.

"Although they are not superpowers, their power will never let you down."

Phoenix let the group of people infiltrate the civilian area of ​​the large island of Atlantis to collect information on the power of the planet and see if there is any missing information.

By the way, during this period, he also found a hidden corner and marked Bi Ming again - a pure spiritual mark.

The eldest lady who changed into a turtleneck was so embarrassed that she wanted to strangle him to death.

But Phoenix was still frowning tightly, stroking his moist lips, the sweet scent of the girl's genitals.

He couldn't tell Bi Ming the guess in his heart, if Trisdale was really the dark guide, it meant—

To Tesei, herself does not have the only meaning.

Dark Guides can combine with any Sentinel and dominate their brains, naturally attracting them like a queen bee.

And if Testai is the goddess, then the rumored involvement with multiple Sentinels...will it also become a reality?

The eldest miss doesn't know the worries hidden under Phoenix's calm appearance. What she's worried about recently is the superpower that Sean showed on Sora that day.

Before leaving Sora, Sean dealt with the troubles left behind—

He turned all the power user soldiers of the spaceport into "his own people" in a special way.

Bi Ming looked at the soldiers who obeyed Sean's orders obediently, like puppets, and felt extremely horrified: "How did you do it?"

Sean reminded her, "Egbert, don't forget what my abilities are."

Of course, Bi Ming did not forget that this guy's super power is "control", but according to the previous situation, what Sean showed was "control" in the physical sense, not like now, even the human spirit and will can be manipulated.

Then Sean raised his eyebrows and showed a nasty smile that made people scared and scared: "I can't change other people's thoughts, but I can control the internal structure of their brains."

The human brain is very delicate, and it may completely lose its memory after being hit or stimulated.

And after being changed in some places, it is not an exaggeration to completely lose the original memory and become highly obedient, right?

Bi Ming's face was a little subtle at that time: "Ah, so powerful."

From this point of view, isn't this guy Sean invincible, and anyone can lose their minds?

"Of course, there are limits to this approach," the black-haired boy touched the scorpion that jumped into his arms, and he told Bi Ming about his weakness in battle without hesitation, "Conservation of energy, how powerful an enemy I want to control. , how much energy will be spent, so if I am facing the red-haired guy, there may be a stalemate, or it may fail."

Bi Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Hey," Sean stared at her suspiciously for a while, "Aren't you afraid of what I'll do to him?"

"No." The eldest girl blinked innocently, "I just feel that any powerful power, if it is not limited, will easily get lost. Vernal, I don't want to see you become a lunatic addicted to power. ."

Sean stared at her for a while, and finally pulled his lips: "Really?"

"Yeah." Bi Ming wouldn't tell him that he was a little scared of his ability, so he just made a fool of himself.

"Chasing strength is the instinctive desire of all sentinels." The black-haired boy approached her, held her head smoothly, leaned over in her protesting gaze, and looked at her, "I definitely hope that I will become more Strong, but…”

"It's not just for myself, it's for the people I want to protect."

For Sean, whether it's killing the commander, or taking control of the sentries on these warships...he could not have done it, but because of someone, he was willing.

Bi Ming sensed his seriousness from the dark eyes of the young man.

She couldn't help thinking to herself that the little boy's mouth seemed to be sweeter now.

Unfortunately, everything comes first.

"Actually, Fei and I..." She was just about to tell the other party to retreat, but the person in front of her suddenly covered her mouth and put a cool palm on her lips, with a rude meaning—

"I know, needless to say, I'm not so forgetful that I don't even remember who you chose in the end."

"But... even if you rejected me, I have to say it again."

"Aegbert, look at me too," the boy paused, then looked at her with those black eyes, "I swear—I won't do anything worse than him."

"So, how did you answer him in the end?" Noah in the same room asked her friend curiously when she was about to rest at night.

Bi Ming showed a tired expression: "Just tell him, it's impossible, my relationship with Fini doesn't need anyone else."

They have already been marked spiritually, and according to the rules of this world, they cannot be replaced.

Besides, she is very satisfied with Phoenix, she is considerate and gentle and knows how to serve her. Except for a little vinegar occasionally to increase her interest, she is a perfect boyfriend the rest of the time.

"Understandable." The blue-haired girl nodded. "After all, you are still a couple who eloped. As for the other one, you have a very impulsive temper. It is estimated that you will not be able to hold your face if you refuse."

Bi Ming opened her mouth and decided not to tell her that Sean looked like a puppy with drooping ears, silently licking her wounds after being rejected, which was actually quite cute.

["Aegbert, I won't give up until you don't have his mark on you."]

The boy stared at her with black eyes, like a curse.

But then again, Bi Ming was a little puzzled, why did he say that he didn't have the Phoenix mark?

I have done everything that I should do... Could it be because of my special physique?

"By the way, Testai," Noah suddenly changed the subject, interrupting her thoughts, "Did you find... the goddess today?"

Bi Ming shook his head: "Finey and Sean have both sent spirit beasts to investigate, this island is completely undeveloped, the crypt over the dunes is dirty and smelly, and the people living in it are ordinary people. resident…"

Noya coughed unhappily: "The living conditions that ordinary people can get are so bad, what is dirty and smelly, no one wants it?"

"I'm sorry," Bi Ming knew and stimulated the girl's sensitive line again, "I'm not saying that ordinary people are not good, um... The crypts that my companions and I have seen before, are much bigger, and have teleportation equipment, and then found There's nothing there, so I'm a little disappointed."

"Teleportation equipment?" Noah showed a helpless expression, "Is that super-expensive? How could this kind of civilian area be equipped with this stuff? Testai, you really should know about the current prices, for ordinary people It is the happiest thing to be able to eat and eat.”

"I know." Bi Ming sighed, "Okay, let's talk about the second place, that is, the tree tower. The trees are already very high, and there are quite a lot of people living in hollows, but we don't want to. looking for something."

In fact, the prototypes of the crypt and the tree tower, as well as the aborigines, are all there, but the temple-related organs and guards can't even find a shadow.

Bi Ming can basically judge now that they came too early, and the temple has not been built in time. I am afraid that I will have to wait until the goddess rises before I have the chance to see the statue.

After confirming that there was no way to return to the federal era in a short period of time, Sean and Phoenix sent Bi Ming and the others to Portocena, the capital of the sea. This place is still under the control of the Andresse family. The Tarian family's wanted order is here. It won't work here, it's safer than anywhere else in Atlantis.

And the two sentries started to clean up the mess in a tacit understanding, one was going to run back to Sora to deal with the fleet sent by the Tarian family, the other was going to go to the Tarian family's lair, catch the thief first and the king, and solve Bi Ming wanted warrant.

Before leaving, Phoenix did not forget to let Phoenix leave a positioning mark on Bi Ming's pigeon again.

"Just call me if you need anything." Before the red-haired man left, he didn't forget to touch the corner of Qingmei's lips.

Sean silently looked away from behind, and a cold snort came out of his throat.

" careful." Bi Ming stood on tiptoe and rubbed the man's red hair. In his gentle eyes, a soft lip print was branded in his ear, "I will wait for you."

Between her soft fingers and lips, Phoenix's restless heart was melted little by little.

"Well," he said in a low, hoarse voice, "it will be over soon, I promise."

Bi Ming smiled slightly, then turned to look at the dark-haired boy with a bad face: "Sean, you too, don't be sullen."

Sean, who wanted to wait for a goodbye: ... well, just treat it as a blessing.

After the figures of the two sentries disappeared, Bi Ming and Nuoya entered the large public submarine along the flow of people, which is a special line of ocean currents to and from the land and the seabed.

And Bi Ming once again experienced the true appearance of this era, which belongs to the capital of the sea—

Countless magnificent, beautiful fluorescent jellyfish and luminous shells wander around, and sea corals of various colors surround the huge glass cover, just like a natural kingdom of underwater creatures, which is similar to the scenery when Christian took himself into the deep sea. Even more spectacular.

"This is a lighting-type marine creature specially bred by the Andrase family," Noah explained to her. "When I was a child, my family... The two people also took me to see it."

Seeing the blue-haired girl gritted her teeth and trembling, Bi Ming had no choice but to touch her hand for comfort.

"It's okay, the little girl who wanted her parents has long since died." Noya stabilized her mood and regained her composure, "Go back to Poseidonia, because the energy to maintain the underwater city is extremely huge, and Tari The An family doesn't have the Andrase family's submarine bio-energy technology, so they can only acquiesce in returning this part of the site to the original owner."

Bi Ming heard Christian say that his family has always been the owner of Atlantis, and they developed this underwater city. I didn't expect such a twist.

Noah pointed to the underwater glass passage outside and continued to popularize: "Look, Testai, there are so many tourists here every day, and Poseidonia has the best various AI robot services, and has also opened The most luxurious dance halls, casinos, bars, racing tracks, underground boxing stadiums... Almost all entertainment facilities are top-notch, so they are also called 'the city that never sleeps' or 'sea pearl'!"

Bi Ming nodded slightly, she had seen it before, and it really looked like a neon paradise on earth.

"It's really safe here, and the batch of tribute that we robbed before for the high-level Tarian has also been sold for a good price," Nuoya leaned in front of Bi Ming and showed her the brain on her wrist, "Now , The elite team told me that after getting so many credit points in the black market, we can book a better room here."

"You can also buy a few new clothes." The eldest lady couldn't help but feel annoyed when she thought of her crumpled skirt and the straps of her underwear that were torn because she was too emotional when a certain red-haired man was too emotional." Buy a lot of those straps, and be stronger." The next time we meet, it's best to annoy him.

In a few words, the two of them made a shopping plan. Anyway, they just slaughtered a big dog, and they didn't spend it for nothing.

But after entering this tourist capital, Bi Ming discovered that the city at this moment is completely "alive", the bustling flow of people passed by, and all kinds of AI robots swam among the tourists, in the sky There are various advertising projections and lively electronic music floating around.

It's a completely different feeling than when I came here before.

Bi Ming was a little emotional. The AI ​​center above the tower should not have awakened yet, and is working diligently for the city, right?

"Tstedi, look at that - there are so many people around!" Noah suddenly pointed to the front, showing an excited smile, "It's an AI **** doll shop!"

Bi Ming choked: "This, just... don't look at it..."

"How do you say it, don't give up an AI forest just because of a man!" Noah is obviously young, but he understands everything he should know, and squeezed forward into the crowd with his arms around Bi Ming, "Tess Dai, many girls will always keep this kind of 'toy' at home as their own sexual enlightenment, you haven't tried it, have you?"

Bi Ming is no stranger to adult toys, but I haven't tried this kind of big "toy" that is life-size and has a certain intelligence, and the touch is no different from that of humans.

"Okay, sorry, I forgot that you've been locked up in your house." Noah lowered her head a little guiltily, and then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, your house shouldn't be Andresse, right?"

"Of course not." Bi Ming denied it directly, "If Andresse was there, we would have been arrested long ago."

"This may be," Noah guessed with reason, "after all, people often say that the most dangerous place is the safest, and a big family like Andresai has a lot of business, maybe they didn't notice you at all. Woolen cloth."

When they were discussing in a low voice, the shopping guide AI next to them had already greeted them enthusiastically: "Hello, two ladies! Welcome to the Honey Sex Fun House, what kind of doll are you looking for? There are teenagers, youths, and dolls in the store. There are three types of adult types, the refreshing and domineering models are both on sale, and if you buy both, you will get a 10% discount on the second piece..."

The other party kept talking, and Bi Ming nodded his head when he heard it, but Noah next to him said with a smile: "We want to see the one surrounded by many people over there. Is it the popular AI doll in your store?"

"Uh...that," the AI ​​shopping guide seemed to be stuck for a while, and organized the language, "that is not the doll we sold, but the newly hired robotic bodyguard in our store, but many people misunderstood."

Does this work?

Bi Ming and Noah were suddenly aroused by curiosity.

"How handsome is this, so many people look at him without looking at the doll in the store?" Noya's mouth opened slightly.

The AI ​​shopping guide was also helpless: "Yes, when the boss picked him up, he didn't expect to attract so much traffic."

And when Bi Ming looked over, he happened to see the tall figure with short silver and white hair in the middle of the crowd... Well, it looks familiar.

The other party seemed to feel something at this moment, his head slowly turned around, the pair of mottled gray-green eyes aimed at Bi Ming, and then, as if the glacier was slowly dissolving, refusing people thousands of miles away. The breath seemed to slowly disappear from her gaze.

He was originally covered with an invisible space cover, which was specially created to prevent others from touching him.

But at this moment, even though he was only less than ten meters away, he raised his hand directly, as if to open the gap in the space, and instantly crossed over to her in front of her stunned sight.


"Discover...protect the target." His mechanical voice was so dry that it was like sand rolling on the floor, and he couldn't hear any emotional ups and downs, but the mottled green pupils were locked on Bi Ming's body, as if one after another. Reluctant to leave for a second.

Bi Ming looked at the tattered silver-gray military uniform on 1998, and the messy hair that had not been taken care of. It looked like a discarded wandering robot: "1998, what's going on? Why are you here?"

"Tracking..." The intellectual brain in his brain lost the signal from the government after traveling through time and space, and was in a state of free movement without instructions. Fortunately, the emotional signals retained in the memory crystals are still there. 1998 is now revisited every day. Bi Ming, the feeling of being touched by her, "Following the target... The blonde... just got here..."

"Blonde, you mean me?" Bi Ming suspected that 1998 was sent by the government to find her and Phoenix.

"It's not you." The robot's head was experiencing an unprecedented torrent of signals. The moment he saw her appear, he found that the stable physical values ​​in his body had become extremely disordered, "But... see you... "

1998 didn't know why his machine-made heart was beating so fast at this moment.

Obviously there is no need to fight.

Obviously you don't need to load extra stuff.

This mechanical heart that has been running steadily for so many years, why does it seem to have suddenly lost control?

"Hey, it's all covered in ashes." The girl looked at the stain at the corner of his eyes, her brows furrowed, and she felt that the motionless android in front of her was like an abandoned gray wolf dog, not even dirty. Knowing to wipe it clean, "Forget it, let's get it for you."

As she spoke, she took out a scented handkerchief from her pocket, stood on tiptoe but found that she still couldn't reach him, so she could only tug at his neckline: "Bow your head."

The cold and tall man bowed his head silently under her command.

Like a large, tamed beast.

The eldest lady held his face, or the mask, with both hands, grabbed the handkerchief with one hand, and gently wiped the stain at the corner of his eyes: "Is it a prank? It looks like that kind of gray crayon..."

1998 can't say anything, the intellectual brain in his body is greedily recording these wonderful pressure-sensitive signals into the memory crystal, storing them as precious "feelings" in the deepest part.

At this moment, her fingertips were so softly attached to his simulated skin that even through a thin layer of handkerchief, the silver-haired sentinel did not dare to move for fear of disturbing her movements.

Later, the AI ​​shopping guide hesitantly asked Noah, who was also stunned: "She... is she the owner of this robot?"

"I don't know...Is it possible?" Noah began to make up his mind about the story of the eldest lady who was locked in her boudoir with an AI bodyguard.

After a while, the eldest lady who wiped her entire face and mask in 1998 with a handkerchief breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at his tattered clothes dissatisfiedly: "These have to be replaced, even if you come here, you can't help but pay attention to hygiene. Oh."

In essence, it's just an artificial human who has been dormant for several days without an order, and was almost sent to the AI ​​factory for destruction: "...Okay."

"That," the eldest thought for a while, then turned back and shouted an AI shopping guide, "Do you provide cleaning and disinfecting services here?"

"Of course!" The AI ​​shopping guide nodded, "There are internal and external sterilization, automatic lubrication, and a full AI maintenance kit... Guaranteed to make your robot beautiful..."

When the shopping guide foolishly started to sell his own services, a chubby man hurried out of the store, looking like the boss here, raised his hand and hacked the AI ​​shopping guide's head, muting it.

"Wait, ma'am, this is the bodyguard in our shop, he's not for sale!" the fat man shouted.

Bi Ming tilted her head, and before 1998 was about to use her space ability to take her away, she strode over and stared at the boss: "Not for sale? First of all, don't forget that he is an illegally hired AI that you have kept secret, it seems that Hasn't it been registered? Do you know who owns it?"

The boss looked at Bi Ming with a little guilty conscience: "And, it's not yours, even was before, you threw it once, and now it's unowned!"

"I'm sorry, what if I lost it?" The eldest lady lifted the blond hair around her ear, revealing the shiny ice-blue gemstone earrings she bought next to her ear, with a standard aristocratic arrogance in her smile, "If you dare to offend you. I, I'll call the Andrase family's gendarmerie over to judge... Do you think you can afford the consequences?"

It's probably because Bi Ming's pretentious Qianjin accent is too standard. The fat boss who knows countless people thinks that he is afraid that he will meet the arrogant daughter of some big family. A: "This, this is not necessary-"

1998 also stared blankly at the fat boss behind her: "Listen to her, let me go, I don't want your salary these days."

"...Okay." The boss has also seen the terrifying skills of this robot. At that time, he just wanted to pick up a leak near the factory, but he didn't expect that the other party really agreed, and brought excitement to his shop for several days.

It's just that this guy is also very vigilant, and ordinary people can't touch him at all.

Looking at it now, it really belongs to the owner, and it really is a transformation person customized by a big family.

The boss reassured himself that at least he made a few days, and it wasn't too much of a loss.

So, at the urging of Bi Ming, 1998 was sent to the whole body cleaning room, and the ten-minute version of the enhanced disinfecting version was ordered.

"I remember that you have a cleanliness addiction," the eldest lady looked at the silver-haired sentinel who became inexplicably obedient, "how could you do this to yourself?"

Only then did she realize in 1998 that she was not despising herself, but... caring.

After traveling through time and space, he did experience a lot of embarrassing things in the few days of his dormancy period, and it was not until his brain woke up that he slowly recovered.

Because there is no instruction, he can only wander in this familiar and unfamiliar city.

But now that he met her, he realized that he seemed to have finally changed back to the complete "1998".

"Okay, lie down," Bi Ming bent her lips, thinking of being able to turn back a double S-rank combat power, adding another point to her hope of returning, she couldn't help but be happy, "I'll go to the clothes store next to me to give it to me. You buy a set of ready-to-wear, and you don't want this one anymore."

"Well." The silver-haired wolf dog looked at her fingers dangling in front of him, and suddenly wanted to grab it, put it on his face, and let her touch him again.

That would give his brain a very comfortable signal.

But Bi Ming didn't notice the android's silent longing, but dragged Noah out to find the ready-to-wear store.

"Testen, who is he?" Noah was full of gossip and curiosity, "Is there an AI bodyguard that your family used to equip you?"

"Uh... No, he's just an ordinary bodyguard, not just for me." Bi Ming thought for a while, thinking, this shouldn't be a lie, right?

"Understood, it's the AI ​​security guard of your family," Noya felt that she understood again, "It was discarded for some reason, and then I was very excited to see your former owner, so you picked him up."

"Probably...about the same." Bi Ming's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that it was barely enough to say, "Anyway, he is quite powerful, and joining us is a big help."

"Well, it's really handsome." Noah nodded, and then her eyes became a little evil again, "Tstedi... tell me honestly, before you met your man, did you have a relationship with this handsome AI guy? what have been..."


"Because, as soon as you meet, it's not like that kind of ordinary robot and master, but it seems that you have had a relationship... You know, some people now regard AI as their partner."

"He... doesn't seem to have the companion system loaded." Bi Ming thought for a while, vaguely remembering that Nina mentioned that the government's artificial human weapons do not have desires and impulses, and even if their bodies are completely restored to human beings, they should not look like real people. Just as erotic, right?

"Oh, I heard them say that some AIs don't have a companion system, but they don't have a taste." Noah took Bi Ming's hand and began to discuss some indescribable details in a low voice, "Do you think yours is also..."

Bi Ming: ...don't ask her, she doesn't know anything.

When entering the men's clothing store, the faces of the two girls who had discussed the fancy usage of AI robots were flushed. Noya was excited, and Bi Ming was embarrassed.

However, this ready-to-wear store seems to be a relatively big name, and there are not many customers, but the decoration is quite luxurious, and there are special soft stools and tea areas for customers to rest.

Nuoya was not interested in picking clothes for 1998, so she ran over to eat exquisite refreshments. Bi Ming had to wander around the huge store by herself, and took down the clothes that were pleasing to the eye.

When she was holding a cool belt, she just reached out and felt someone else's hand.

"?" She raised her eyes and saw only small golden curly hair, the pure color was exactly the same as Christian.

"Ah, I'm sorry, this lady..." The other party's voice was young and lively, and very polite. When he turned his head and saw Bi Ming's face, a hint of surprise flashed in his emerald green pupils, "Oh no, yes Beautiful lady, ladies first, take it first."

The eldest lady has become accustomed to this kind of look, so she nodded reservedly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome—" The little golden retriever showed a cute smile, and looked at Bi Ming curiously, "Well, may I ask, are you a visitor here?"

Bi Ming looked at the young boy who was about to strike up a conversation, shook his head decisively, and prepared to leave with the belt.

But at checkout, she soon discovered something that puzzled her a bit.

"Hello, your bill has been paid by the gentleman over there."

Bi Ming turned to look at the little golden retriever who was waving at her, and couldn't help frowning: Where did this foolish idiot come from?

At this time, Noah was still looking at the beautiful and precious Phalaenopsis on the table in the store, unaware that her friend had another "adventure" on the other side.

"How many credit points, I'll transfer them to you." The eldest lady walked over coldly, staring at the blond boy.

"Bold, how dare you treat the young master—" Behind the little golden retriever, there was a strong old man, who was obviously very dissatisfied when he saw Bi Ming's attitude.

"Hey, Uncle Dien, it's okay." The fair-haired boy's delicate face had a calmness and majesty of a superior when facing the old man, but when he turned to face Bi Ming, it was like a puppy, warm and kind, "Sorry, that's my housekeeper, he's not malicious."

"It doesn't matter who your housekeeper is," Bi Ming glanced at him coldly, "I don't need someone who popped up out of nowhere to pay for me, do you understand?"

But the green eyes of the blond boy just stared at her earnestly and bent: "I'm not an inexplicable person, young lady. Ahem, let me introduce myself, I'm Alexander Andresay Savoie, eighteen this year. Years old, it entered the social season last month."

After the young man finished speaking, he gave a very gentlemanly aristocratic salute, still very polite.

Bi Ming looked at this silly and sweet little boy. Although he didn't realize that the other party was malicious, this way of approaching him was too immature.

"How many credit points, don't talk nonsense." The eldest lady decided to teach this little brother a good lesson and let him know the consequences of chatting up.

"Please don't worry about it, just take it as compensation for my rudeness just now." Little Golden Retriever patted his chest, "Of course, if I have the honor to know your name, I will be very happy."

Bi Ming finally pulled his lips and smiled, with a little sarcasm.

But it was this arrogant and mean smile that made the girl's face exude a unique and contradictory charm:

"Sorry, you don't have the qualifications."

At such a young age, he still came out to flirt with his sister. Isn't he deserved to be scolded?

"Since you don't charge credit, use this to pay for it. Don't be stupid next time. Not every woman needs you to pay her bills."

The eldest lady took off the expensive sapphire beside her ear and threw it into his arms like a charity.

For a moment.

"Master, Master Alexander!" The old man in the tuxedo looked at the blond boy who was still looking at Bi Ming's back in a daze, and shouted helplessly, "Can you wake up?"

Little Golden Retriever, Alexander, is also the next heir to the Andresse family, the current young master. With a slight movement in his throat, he slowly lifted the blue earring.

The icy sapphire, in the light, shone like her arrogant eyes.

"Uncle Dien, I... couldn't breathe just now." The young man murmured, "She is so beautiful and so interesting, which daughter would she be?"

The old butler looked at himself, this stupid young master who was obviously bewitched by beauty, and said with grief: "This kind of woman who can't even say her name is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, young master, don't be fooled!"

"Uncle Dien, don't talk about it, when I rescued Chris last time, you also objected, and said he would take away my position as the head of the family..." Little Golden Retriever shook his head, "But Chris is obviously fine. , and taught me a lot!"

The old butler held his forehead and sighed: Master, why did you give birth to such a foolish boy to inherit the family business?

Their Andrese family, I am afraid they will be destroyed in this generation!

The blond and blue-eyed man who suddenly appeared in the hinterland of the family is obviously a person with deep scheming, and he has the blood of the Andrase family on his body...

This looks like an illegitimate child who is going to steal the young master's family business.

"By the way, go back and ask Chris today," Little Golden Retriever suddenly clapped his hands, his eyes lit up, "Look at his way of chasing the goddess, this is the first time I feel this way."

And somewhere in the undersea capital, a handsome blond guy in a white shirt leaning against the window was raising his head, looking at the clean and clear artificial sky outside, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Fifty thousand years ago... It's really interesting."

In the Age of Enlightenment, if I remember correctly, it seems that the goddess and her legion were active, right?

And his family, Andresai, will also become the solid backing of the goddess.

Christian was suddenly full of curiosity. If under his influence, would the family still choose the goddess' camp this time?

After all, the current heir, Alexander, is really one of the best fools Christian has ever met.

The author has something to say: Chris's current psychology

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ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life
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Chapter 99

a few seconds ago

Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read My Space-Time System