MTL - Please Have a Cup of Green Tea-Chapter 157 When Miss Green Tea became the love group control group (51)

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The frost layer condensed in the freezer was getting thicker and thicker, and the young men and women in cotton jackets were clinging to each other to keep warm.

The temperature outside has dropped to the lowest temperature, and the entire space is almost covered by cold air. If there is no big coat that can protect them from the wind and cold, the two of them will probably turn into frozen sculptures in an instant.

Fortunately, the sentinel with strong blood and strong physique did not hesitate to transmit the temperature of his body to the girl in his arms. His arms were tied to her, strong and warm, and the messy and curly flaxen hair was placed on the side of her neck, and his jaw dropped. Gently rubbing against her shoulder, like a fluffy and coquettish large dog.

"You, don't move..." Bi Ming only felt that her neck was itchy, and the other party's hot breath sprinkled on her skin, like a feather fluttering lightly.

The teenager blinked in the dark, extremely innocent: "Tsdai, I didn't move."

The eldest hummed softly: "Your head...get away from me..." It was obvious that her mouth was almost kissing her neck.

Tang's eyes curved behind her: "But it's so crowded... As soon as I move, the clothes won't wrap our heads."

Bi Ming reached out and pinched him and wrapped her arm around her, with a bad tone: "Excuse me."

"Really," Tang Zhuang shrugged slightly helplessly, "Why don't you believe me every time I tell the truth?"

"Because you're a liar." The eldest lady expressed her vengeance. "At that time... when you were in the underground research institute, did you steal something? And let Feeney take the blame for you."

Holding the girl's warm body, the baby-faced boy explained patiently, "Tesla, this is a grudge between me and him, and it also involves some... interests."

"A conflict of interests?"

Now that Tang has opened his heart to her, he also revealed a little about his plan: "You should have seen that when the incident in the ancient town happened, the goal of all of us on the island is to find a treasure, and that one Baby can change the whole world."

"What is so evil?" Bi Ming knew that the show was coming, but she pretended to be even more dissatisfied, "You S-rank sentinels are going to grab it... It's definitely not treasure or something."

"Naturally, it has nothing to do with money, and it's deadly to our sentinels." He whispered in her ear, his eyes were full of mixed emotions, "Maybe it will also be detrimental to your guide—"

"Don't be rude, tell me quickly!" The eldest lady turned her head anxiously when she heard that it would threaten her own survival, her eyelashes trembling, "Wouldn't it be a biological weapon?"

"Almost." Under her panicked movements, the corners of Tang's lips unintentionally brushed the side of her neck, and a soft and fragrant breath filled his nostrils, "Little bird, don't move..."

"What's the matter?" Bi Ming didn't understand what he was saying, and stopped after saying something?

"The smell on your body makes me want to kiss you." The boy blinked and said calmly, "You know...the pheromone matching rate will attract each other."

A 100% match will make two people instinctively approach each other.

"You... you have to bear with me, don't think about these messes." Hearing such a straightforward flirtation, the eldest lady's face turned red with a slap, fortunately no one could see her face clearly in the dark, "and What's your purpose of coming back here?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Tang then remembered, the naive eldest should have thought he "retired from an injury" as the show official announced, "Testie, my identity is a bit special—"

When the girl heard his sudden and deep tone, she couldn't help but hesitate: "What do you mean?"

"My name is Tang, I'm an intelligence spy, from the Maruda star thief group, I was lurking in the super power school before..." Tang's voice just fell, and the girl in his arms began to struggle violently, "Hey, don't move. , your clothes will be shaken off by you!"

"You're actually a star thief..." The eldest lady is unbelievable, but her mind is still sober, and she didn't dare to really throw off the padded jacket on her body, but her tone trembled, "I've heard others tell about your deeds since I was a child... burn and kill. Looting is all evil..."

Tang: "You are talking about the old Huangli more than ten years ago. Now we only grab the very rich group of people."

The blond girl trembled even more, her family was a "rich man": "No, shameless! What is the difference between the rich and the poor..."

"Don't say that, grabbing a rich man is worth more than grabbing ten thousand poor people." Tang smiled and leaned into her ear, "We star thieves are now keeping pace with the times and doing high-end business. Of course, there are also Some scattered little star thieves like to shoot everywhere and ruin our reputation, that's none of my business."

Bee Ming: …It seems to be a bunch of anarchist lunatics who rob the rich and don’t help the poor.

"You are hating the rich—" As a rich daughter, the eldest still has to express her deep anger and condemnation, "Don't you feel ashamed to rob other people's hard-earned wealth?"

Tang Man casually said, "Whether it's your family or other noble businessmen, aren't they all exploiting ordinary people's money? Our star thieves just grab it a little more directly... the essence is the same."

When Bi Ming choked, he felt that the big boy in front of him thought very thoroughly, but in order to maintain the character, he could only show the appearance of being born sullen.

"Testen," Tang was also smart, instead of provoking the silent sweetheart in his arms, he diverted her attention with another topic, "In short, I will unlock the code here and find someone to rescue you, you It's better... just ignore everything and ask to leave the island immediately after going out."

"The show isn't over yet." Bi Ming refused without hesitation, "I don't want it." If she agrees, isn't her mission over?

She has been surviving on this crisis-ridden island for more than 20 days, and she cannot give up.

"...It's going to be very dangerous here." The boy's arms tightened slightly, pulling him deeper, "I have already discovered that Christian can control the Ark, presumably because of the inheritance of the legendary family, so the real genes The original liquid... is the treasure I mentioned just now, and he must have taken it in his hands too."

Bi Ming: "Gene solution?"

"A primitive gene from ancient humans," Tang frowned, "It is very useful for developing genetic weapons, and this genetic weapon strikes all 'power users' regardless of level. Once developed by him, The entire Confederation will be in his pocket..."

In the details revealed by Tang, Bi Ming finally completely understood the hidden main line of this world:

First of all, the government has been developing Lover Star for some time, and it has cooperated with local primitive tribes. It must have excavated some information about the ancient gene stock solution during the archaeological process, so it turned its attention to this deserted island.

It is estimated that the news was leaked, and other large forces also obtained the news of the gene stock solution, so the bigwigs from all parties quarreled and sent their own core figures to come to find the stock solution. In order not to be discovered by other forces that did not get the news, and to let the public notice the clues, they decided to use a variety show as a cover, so "Eden" was born.

The three major relics, the Dune Nest, the Spiral Tree Tower, and the Underwater Capital, should be recorded in the other relics of Valentine Star, otherwise the program team would not have told the guests that the program was divided into three exploration stages.

As for the ancient blue star town, it was probably an accident. It was discovered by myself and 1998 by chance, but it actually has nothing to do with the gene stock solution.

As for the men - Christian and Tang are both anti-government elements, the former is to usurp power and restore the country, and the latter is estimated to be revengeful.

And his own Bamboo Horse Fini... is probably to protect the people under his rule and prevent people like Chris or Tang from disrupting the order.

As for Sean and Arnold, they are both members of the lawful camp, similar to what Phoenix thinks.

That is to say, these men are all here to pursue their careers, no wonder they turned a good love variety show into a treasure hunt on a deserted island.

After thinking for a moment, Bi Ming directly found the system in his head—

【Z01, can I apply for compensation? You are obviously a hell-level difficult task, but you gave me a plot hint of the original book that is almost useless. 】

The green tea system is very guilty: [This... the original perspective is mainly based on Cecia, and they have lived well to the end. 】

【This is not necessarily-】

Bi Ming sighed in her heart, she had already guessed why Cecia had an open ending in the original book.

These sentinels saw that Cecia had a lot of knowledge about Gu Lanxing, and they also investigated that Cecia was born in a poor family and could not have access to top-secret ancient materials, so they couldn't help but wonder if she was a **** sent by other forces.

And the ending of the original is really subtle, Cecia opened the door, what will greet her?

Bi Ming had a bit of a headache, anyway, she didn't want to get involved in these conspiracies, and the original owner's wish was to overpower Cecia in the show, which has been fulfilled by her.

Right now, she still decided to follow the original plan, and her life was the most important thing.

"Tang..." The eldest lady suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed the finger of the vigorous young man on her waist, and slowly tightened it, "You will help me get in touch with people outside as soon as possible, right?"

Grabbed softly by the fingers of his sweetheart, he prayed in a low voice, which was fatal to the young boy who was moved: "Little bird, you believe me, I swear—"

"Don't be so serious," Bi Ming's fingers clasped his, with a hint of warmth and firmness, "I know you can, just... we have to hurry, Chris may find out."

The young man clenched her catkin with his backhand, smiling like a wave: "Okay."

How lovely is his bird, the pure white and flawless trust given to him so easily, even knowing he is a star thief.

Tang had seen countless noble ladies who claimed to be merciful and kind, but the one in front of him, after hearing about his humble origin and **** upbringing, could still treat him as before.

Although the eldest lady is arrogant and arrogant, this arrogance is not to see people's dishes, but to treat everyone equally.

This awareness of the equality of all living beings is more dazzling than any treasure and beauty to Tang, who is used to seeing the hypocritical side of nobles.

Soon, Bi Ming told Tang about Christian's plan to make trouble on the show's live broadcast eight days later.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Tang nodded unsurprisingly: "I know this." The person in charge of the Noah Chamber of Commerce has a mysterious background, has many military bases under his command, and acts like a careerist. .

Bi Ming remembered the middle of the night in the seaside hut, the scene of the two secretly talking in the living room, and immediately understood: "You have a cooperation with him..."

"That was deceived by that guy before. Look at my injury, I was almost killed by him." In order to restore Bi Ming's impression of himself, Tang decisively stepped on it, "And Testai, our star thief has again If you don't get involved in politics, Chris is going to start a war."

"Uh..." Bi Ming was speechless.

One is a notorious interstellar pirate, the other is a treacherous and cunning arms dealer, is this worse than bad?

"Okay, anyway, I'll hurry up." Tang sighed and whispered in her ear, "Lend me a little luck, after all, the calculation of random passwords is really cumbersome."

Bi Ming did the math. If it would take another six hours, not to mention whether the people outside were in a hurry, Christian probably found them all.

"Six hours is too long."

Tang continued to sigh, like a squeezed coolie, lowering his eyes gloomily: "Then I'll work hard... be faster."

It was probably that Bi Ming's "lucky value" really worked. After three and a half minutes, Tang calculated a new password in his head and successfully opened the door of the refrigerator.

As soon as they went out, the two of them could finally shake off the thermostatic jacket that had been covered with frost and snow, and take a deep breath of air that would not freeze their lungs into ice crystals.

As soon as Bi Ming looked up, he saw the messy flaxen hair of the young man, with a bunch of broken hair curled up in the middle, very naughty.

"Pfft!" The satisfaction of the rest of her life and the embarrassed appearance of the other party made her laugh in a low voice.

Tang looked at the beautiful girl whose blue eyes were curved like a crescent moon, and her pale face was a little flushed when she smiled. He only felt an inexplicable stagnation in his chest, which made the corners of his lips curl up involuntarily and follow her. laugh it out.

As they looked at each other, an alarm sounded in the hallway.

Bi Ming turned his head vigilantly, then took a deep breath: "Wow..." There were two robots running towards them, pointing at them with particle beam barrels.

"Let's go." Tang whistled, grabbed her wrist, and rushed to the side quickly.

The second the robot's weapons glowed, they were all blown to the top of the corridor by an invisible air mass, and then slammed down and smashed into pieces.

But Bi Ming, who was dragged by the wrist of the flax-haired boy, felt extremely exciting: "I, we...where are we going..."

"A place where you can send a signal—" Tang turned his head and smiled brightly at her from the front, his honey-colored pupils reflecting a dreamy color under the light, "I have to send you away quickly."

He took her all the way to the cockpit at the front end of the ark, which can accommodate hundreds of people. When Bi Ming collapsed on the seat panting, the teenager fiddled with the instrument with his fingers skillfully: "This style... an antique. ...Tsk tsk, fortunately I've seen something similar."

The eldest lady stared at his profile feebly, only to think that he looked very pleasing to the eye at this moment: "Then what are you going to do...I can't explain it to the show crew?"

"I'm not leaving," Tang stared intently at the screen full of signals, his lips moving lightly, "Chris should have found the original solution, or he won't leave us alone for so long, I'll find him later."

Bi Ming coughed: "Didn't you hit him before?"

" to say, the battles between sentinels of the same level are always open, but I didn't want to make too much noise yesterday. After all, I didn't know where the original liquid was, so I cheated him." His mouth was pounding non-stop, while his fingers moved and tapped nimbly on the instrument as if he were playing.

The blonde girl approached him and whispered, "Okay, then be careful."

The flax-haired teenager instantly had a deep dimple on his lips, sweet and cute: "Are you caring about me, little bird?"

"How, how is it possible," the eldest lady stammered in an instant, and accused righteously, "I just saved me just now, so I can't be so cold-blooded."

"Oh~" Tang's nose let out a laugh, and he turned his head and glanced at her, "Thank you in return."

"Enough is enough." The girl frowned in embarrassment. "Come on, I'll see what you do when Chris finds out—"

"Shh, I'm doing it," Tang pursed the corners of his lips, with a hint of lightness, "This is indeed the legendary Noah's Ark, and there is a stable space teleporter, so I only need to give me a coordinate point over there, can…"

"You can send her away, right?" A strange voice suddenly appeared behind them, with a hint of anger and coldness.

Bi Ming's heart shrank suddenly by the sudden voice, and she turned her head slowly, just in time to meet the pair of snake-like green eyes of the person who came.

"Space... It's a disgusting ability!" Tang Fei quickly pushed the girl and tapped the button one last time with his finger, "Tsdai, go to the black machine over there, hurry up!"

As soon as his words fell, the strong wind in the room suddenly blew up the scattered ornaments around, and smashed the blond sentry at the door.

"Small tricks." Christian snorted coldly, raised his hand and "transferred" the space transport instrument to a different space.

"Cut." Tang became impatient, "Chris, send her back immediately, or I'll let your ark sleep forever in this fish's belly."

"Then see if you have the ability." Christian had just finished analyzing the composition of the genetic stock solution. He wanted to take a look at the girl in the rest cabin, but he found that the Bi Ming people were gone, and he was already in a particularly unhappy mood.

The appearance of Tang ignited the dark fire in his chest.

During the confrontation between the two, Bi Ming, who originally thought that he had lost the chance to escape, suddenly felt a strong suction force behind him, and seemed to drag himself into a black hole—

"Ah!" she couldn't help screaming.

The two sentries looked sideways at the same time, and then Christian, who was most sensitive to spatial abilities, changed his face: "Who is it?"

Unfortunately it was too late.

The blond girl who was dragged into the black hole by the arms around her waist has gradually disappeared.

Christian frowned, for the safety of Bi Ming's life, he could not interrupt the process of the particle from being to non-existent, so he could only watch the other party leave through this space channel.

Tang also responded quickly: "Tsk tsk, another space capable person, it seems that he is a little more powerful than you."

Christian glanced at him: "It's you--has been positioned outside?"

"What position, who knows." The flax-haired sentinel shrugged, but the smile on the corner of his lips looked extremely hateful to others.

Christian turned his head, and sure enough, he saw the [Signal Transmission Successful] mark on the big screen in the cockpit.

"In order to let her leave... You are not afraid of attracting them." After erasing the coordinates of the spaceship, Christian finally calmed down a little, folded his arms and looked at the star thief in front of him, "You hand over your head to the government, it should be fine. valuable."

"Chris," Tang sneered, "Did you bring her here to take her with you as a companion after the war?"

Christian is noncommittal: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Please, she is my future partner, how can it be okay?" Tang tilted his head, smiling, but his eyes became extremely cold.

The two looked at each other, and Christian pulled his lips: "Do you want to fight? Are you so impulsive, for her, or for the genetic fluid?"

Tang's honey pupil lightly stared, with a hint of teasing: "I'm a star thief, I'm very greedy—"

He wants all of her and the original liquid.

On the other side, Bi Ming stumbled to hear some conversations from the darkness.

"Has the positioning been erased again? It seems that his ability is indeed very strong, and he can make anything lose its coordinates..." This was Phoenix's voice.

"Yes, I can't open a new channel." The mechanical voice of 1998 also entered her ears.

"Ah, I'm so annoying, can you stop this show, it's going to happen all day!" This time it was Cecia's complaint.

"Shh, don't be so loud, don't scare Trieste, she's not awake yet." And Nina's dissuasive voice.

When Bi Ming heard these messy voices at the moment, there was a sense of relief that made people feel relieved.

When she was first dragged into the black hole, she thought she had encountered some unknown creature.

But when she looked down and saw the two arms of 1998, she immediately chose to hand over her body to the other, and she fell into a tired sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, it should be the next day, right?

After a while, Bi Ming slowly opened his eyes.

Under the body is a soft mattress, the sun is just right, and when you open your eyes, you can see the endless sea of ​​clouds outside the porthole.

This seems to be... an airship?

"woke up."


Lilith and Nina surrounded her bed, the blue-haired girl still held her hand and looked at her with concern.

Bi Ming coughed lightly, only to feel that her throat was extremely dry: "This is... what's going on?"

"It's a long story," Lilith said with a little hesitation, "Didn't the show team let everyone play the battle royale yesterday, and then the three of us met halfway through, and for some reason a melee started. , uh... Then we found that the fight was endless, maybe you and Chris would take the lead, so we hurried to the tower."

Bi Ming took the water glass handed by Nina, took a sip of water, and nodded lightly: "Then what?"

"Then I found out that you were gone. I quickly contacted the program team to find it. The whole city was turned upside down. trace."

Bi Ming propped up and glanced at the short silver-haired android sentry that Lilith pointed to, whose gray-green pupils were staring at her without blinking.

"Then Phoenix said that Christian should have taken you away and hid..." Nina frowned, "Is this true?"

Bi Ming nodded with difficulty, then glanced around again: "Fi... How about Feini?"

"He, Sean, and Dr. Arnold have all been looking for you on the seabed nearby for a long time. They haven't stopped since yesterday afternoon until the early morning. I just heard the doctor accompanying the show team saying that you are fine, so I went to the next lounge. "

Bi Ming rubbed his temples and sighed softly: "Sorry, I made you worry."

Nina held her hand and said with a little force: "Testen, we have discussed with the girls to stop or end the show as soon as possible. It can't go on like this."

Bi Ming was stunned, but stopped talking.

"Yes, every time I encounter danger, the show team has no effect." Lilith echoed, and stared at Bi Ming seriously, "I don't worry about shooting variety shows under these conditions, this is exactly the group of sentinels. the show."

"Especially you, Tessei, they regard you as a selling point for profit, the center of popularity, but they never give you corresponding security." Nina said, and looked back at 1998 behind her, "What double S Level bodyguard, it took so long to capture your positioning signal, we are already scared enough, we can't imagine you who almost died several times."

Bi Ming touched Nina's warm hand and knew: the female guests are inherently insecure, and the frequent accident problems, coupled with the sparse attitude of the sentries towards them, there is no way to give them peace of mind sense.

If Bi Ming was the real owner, he would definitely leave without hesitation.

No matter how many handsome guys are, it is not as important as life.

"By the way, why are we on the airship?" Bi Ming suddenly remembered this.

"Now the program team asks all of us to go to the primitive tribe, saying that it has detected that the submarine volcano on this island is about to erupt."

Bi Ming: ...Very good, go around, and the plot is back to the original.

"Will the remaining days be filmed there?"

"Well, but we have given feedback to the show team, hoping that the filming of the show can be ended early, and the compensation for the loss can be paid." Lilith told her, "Not only us, Phoenix and the others also asked for the same."

Bi Ming clenched his fingers, took a few sips of water, and got off the bed: "I'll go see him."

In such a hurry... These guys are not trying to fight on Valentine's Star, right?

Soon after, Bi Ming came to the lounge next to him.

In the room, the red-haired sentry was resting with his eyes closed on the metal armchair leaning against the porthole. His face was pale and angular, his long eyelashes were covered with pale blue-black, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

It looked like he was anxious about something.

"Fini..." The eldest lady looked at his messy hair and the half-buttoned placket, and could see that the other party hadn't slept all night, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes.

This very light shout instantly opened the eyes of the sentinel with five keen senses, and the falcon-like gaze shot at the person in front of him.

Immediately after, after seeing the person coming, the sense of attack that was almost condensed into substance turned into another deep and rich sense of oppression.

Their eyes met, and at the moment when the airship was bumping, her slightly swaying figure was supported by his hand.

Then, pull, pull.

The girl's skirt crossed a flying arc in the air, and her whole body fell into the heat like a flower.

"Fei..." She put her hand on the man's chest and felt the rush of his blood, which was as warm as lava.

Warm, hot, and powerful—

This is the unique atmosphere of Phoenix.

The red-haired man lowered his head and pressed against her forehead, his voice hoarse and slow:



Phoenix stroked her cheek, his fingers warm and dry, with a trace of calluses, slowly rubbing against her cheek.

"Don't leave me again, okay?"

He will also be afraid.

When she was nowhere to be found, the only remaining heart lamp was like a crumbling beacon in a storm.

He has no parents, no relatives, and nothing.

Now there is only one left of her.

If even this is to be deprived, then he really has nowhere to go.

The author has something to say:

ps: The feelings of Fini→mei can be understood as the drowning person wants to grab the last straw, and the strong childhood shadow makes him a little stressed.

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