MTL - Please Have a Cup of Green Tea-Chapter 154 When Miss Green Tea became the love group control group (48)

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The abyss under the sea is the "kingdom" of giant sea creatures.

The fluorescent jellyfish tens of hundreds of meters long exudes a faint silver-blue light, surrounded by various plankton and deep-sea fish, and colorful corals and luminous shellfish illuminate this space like a fairyland in a dream.

The blond girl watching all this was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Her ears were shaking sensitively, and the tip of her nose was inhaling a little, as if she was trying to keep calm.

Beside her is a blond sentinel with a smile on her lips, her light blue eyes like the crescent of a moon, holding a deep ocean.

"Tsdai, look, it's here." Along with his voice, sound waves that seemed to come from ancient times came from the depths of the submarine canyon, sharp enough to almost pierce the girl's eardrums.

Bi Ming could feel that a behemoth was slowly upstream from the dark and deep submarine canyon, and the surrounding water was overflowing everywhere because of it.

"Chris..." She turned her head to look at the man beside her, trying to persuade, "Can you not look so close? What if... it's not safe?"

The blond sentry chuckled and pointed to the gelatinous bubbles that wrapped them: "This is a special 'sea walk' protective cover made by our chamber of commerce, which can withstand 300 million-level deep sea pressure and filter out the oxygen in the sea for protection. The breathing of the person in the hood can also isolate your breath and avoid being discovered by large marine creatures, so there is no need to worry about safety issues."

"Really?" Bi Ming was suspicious, poked at the bubble protective cover with a bit of a fairy tale style, and found that this colloid is very tough and not as fragile as she thought.

Christian just smiled and said nothing to her question. In fact, this protective cover is a military-grade product specially developed by the Noah Chamber of Commerce. The lady doesn't know the goods.

When Bi Ming found out that he could not pierce this protective cover, his instinctive fear of deep-sea creatures finally dissipated a little.

"Looks like you're ready..." She couldn't help but glared at him.

Christian shrugged innocently: "I brought you here because you wanted to see it."

The white fox on his shoulder showed the same innocent expression as its owner, and flung its big fluffy tail to be cute.

Seeing the identical demeanor of the two main pets, Bi Ming pursed his lips politely, and immediately thought of his spiritual beast.

She touched her shoulders and the top of her head, but was stunned to find that the stupid pigeon was not on her body. Looking around, her plain white face quickly turned red with shame and anger.

That fat pigeon actually bounced itself on the transparent bubble, like a milky white fur ball that bounced around, and it was a lot of fun.

"Come back quickly." She felt ashamed and couldn't help scolding.

Christian followed her gaze, and saw the fat and fluffy "snowball" bounced to the ground by the protective bubble cover, rolled back to the girl's feet, and then stuck out her head to "goo" at her guilty conscience. one sound.

This little thing is so fun...

It is said that the spirit beast will reveal the desires of its owner's heart—could it be that Testai also wanted to try to see if the bubbles would pop?

When the eldest lady saw the blonde sentinel chuckling, she immediately knew that her brain supplement was exposed by stupid pigeons again, and she couldn't help but take out her anger: "K, Li, Si, you are not allowed to laugh."

"Don't be angry, don't you think it's cute?" The man greeted her with blue eyes that seemed to be lit with anger, and smiled even deeper, "Well... I mean your spiritual beast."

"Hmph... slick tongue." The eldest lady who was choked still had a bad expression on her face.

Originally, Bi Ming was full of expectations for the fat pigeon after the evolution period, wondering if this little guy would awaken his superpowers, but these days, he found that this white pigeon has gained a lot of weight and became more delicious and lazy. There are no surprises.

Sometimes looking at the fat spirit beast, the girl who hates iron is not steel and even has the idea of ​​roasting it into a crispy pigeon.

However, after Christian's interruption, Bi Ming suddenly found that his fear of the unknown underwater creature had dissipated a lot, and he was not so nervous.

Soon, from the depths of the strait, countless plankton rushed out, as if avoiding something.

Bi Ming stared at Christian seriously: "You don't look nervous at all, you seem to be looking forward to it."

The blond man looked back at her leisurely, his blue eyes lightening: "Tsdai, do you know how big the universe is? In the fields we have explored, such underwater creatures are just a little bit of dust on a small planet, maybe next time I can invite you to go to the Tianma Galaxy and enjoy the Planet Aquarium built by the Chamber of Commerce. Each of the ornamental fish there is bigger than a lover. Although it takes a lot of effort to train and transform it, it has become a special attraction of the Chamber of Commerce. The amount is pretty good.”

The eldest lady felt that her experience seemed to be looked down upon, so she had to cough gently and pretend to be calm.

"Why does your chamber of commerce do everything..."

The man smiled: "Consider the proposal I said before, I know that the Aegbert family is choosing a son-in-law for you, and I have already asked people to post my famous post, and here... is what I want to show you. Second sincerity."

The first sincerity was the high-energy spar he gave her before.

"Second part..." Bi Ming looked at him puzzled, and then felt a huge current rushing past her and the man, rushing the small fish and shellfish away, leaving only the tenacious Sea corals and fluorescent jellyfish are glowing, illuminating the rising from the abyss under the sea—

An underwater behemoth that obscures all sight.

It was as if the world had suddenly plunged into darkness, and Bi Ming could not see its edge at all, but only saw the long tentacles of the other party, like the roots of trees hanging from the sky, densely packed and strangely unspeakable.

"It's called Leviathan, a whale that has lived for tens of thousands of years." In the darkness, Christian smiled and took Bi Ming's trembling hand, "Let's go say hello to it."

The eldest lady's face was pale, her eyelashes blinked weakly: "No, no..."

She didn't want to get close to this thing at all. If she watched it in a movie, she would probably find it exciting, but in reality, it's just crazy worth it, right?

But Christian wasn't kidding, he pulled her, who was trying to struggle but her toes were tingling, to the front of the beast—

The surrounding fluorescent jellyfish provide light faintly.

Bi Ming only saw the eye on one side of the behemoth, the eye socket as big as a football field, and inside it was a piece of golden ore, bright and dazzling, but strange and extraordinary.

Because the other party's body is too large, Bi Ming's perspective can't see the whole picture at all, but she is very sure that anyone with a phobia of giants will face this deep-sea monster in person, and I'm afraid they will faint immediately.

Christian seemed to whisper some unknown language, and soon, the monster that was no more than ten meters away from them slowly opened its mouth, like an abyss canyon suddenly opened in the ocean, the creepy Bi Ming couldn't help pulling the man's sleeve—

"What have you done? It's going to eat us..."

Christian shook his head and clasped her already sweaty palm with his backhand: "Testa, don't you want to know where the energy comes from? Come on, we'll find out when we look inside it."

At this moment, the eldest lady seems to have seen a neuropathy: "Are you crazy?"

The blond man grabbed her hand and led her into the abyss, despite the girl's sharp "protest".

"I'm going to report you!"

"Mad, let me go! Help, don't touch me..."

The eldest lady had messy hair, and out of a strong desire to survive, she struggled so hard that she left several nail prints on Christian's face and neck.

The man reluctantly restrained her hands: "Calm down Testie, it's very safe here."

"This is obviously murder..." He grabbed the blond girl and pressed her hands into her arms, and couldn't help kicking him, "You did it on purpose, right..."

Christian felt like he was holding a frightened kitten. Although the cat's claws were small, but sharp, he couldn't help laughing: "I specially brought you to see the secrets of this underwater city, but you don't appreciate it, carefully Look around - is it really scary?"

After being reminded by him, Bi Ming glanced around from the corner of his eye, his face was still annoyed, but he was secretly surprised:

There is so much in here!

Unlike the dirty, disgusting monster mouths she imagined, this place looks clean and tidy, with thin red flesh walls, and a flat metal floor... um, metal? !

Bi Ming was suddenly startled and stomped the soles of his feet lightly, only to find that it was extremely hard, and it didn't look like a creature's structure at all.

Christian chuckled, let go of her shackles, and snapped his fingers—

"Boom", a few dozen meters ahead, a translucent elevator appeared in front of you.

Bi Ming's head was a little confused: "This...this is..."

"Testa, the history of Leviathan can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, people built underwater cities and tamed countless marine creatures, allowing them to convert light and electrical energy for us to maintain this huge city. daily needs.”

"And Leviathan, one of the greatest technologically engineered creatures of the time, you can think of it as a giant dynamo."

Humans are the beings best at changing the world.

They tame the earth, the sky, and the sea, and they can use all that is in nature in order to live better.

As Christian walked into the elevator with Bi Ming, he told her: "There are countless chaotic deep ocean currents and giant sea beasts, and a great family has come here and brought the most advanced technology, they are not used to it. A humble crypt and a tree house, determined to build a miracle here that has never been seen before."

"So, the ocean current has become a powerful kinetic energy, and the sea beast has become a bio-dynamo, which continuously provides energy for this undersea capital, and it once became the capital of Atlantis."

Bi Ming opened his mouth and felt that his language had become scarce.

Rather than tracing the source of the underwater capital, she now wants to ask, who is the blond man in front of her?

Why is he so familiar with this place, and he is so familiar with the history that has not been recorded in the past, as if he is the owner of this place.

The elevator door opened, and Christian put one hand against the door and the other hand on his chest, performing a standard old-fashioned aristocratic ceremony:

"Tesla, the biggest secret here is about to be revealed to you."

"And my sincerity and sincerity will also be presented together."

Blonde, blue-eyed, and personable, the man has the handsome appearance and elegant temperament of a noble prince in fairy tales, but Bi Ming was not confused by him, but subconsciously became vigilant.

What the **** is this guy doing?

Stepping out of the elevator cautiously, Bi Ming took a closer look, and then fell into confusion—

The silver-gray metal cabin stood quietly in front of her, reflecting Ling Lie's cold light.

The size of the metal cabin is almost equivalent to the largest passenger ship of the Bi Ming family, which can accommodate 40,000 to 50,000 guests and hold large-scale singing and dancing banquets.

And such a huge metal cabin is hidden in the belly of the giant beast, and it is unknown how many years ago it was created.

Because the interior of the modified creature called "Leviathan" is extremely bright, and the light is like daytime, Bi Ming also found a familiar pattern carved on the outer wall of the metal cabin.

She recalled it, it seemed that... it was introduced in the original owner's history book, and this pattern represented... Noah's Ark?

"Chris, is this the real ark?" Bi Ming stopped in her steps to board the metal cabin, she felt that there was a huge conspiracy waiting for her ahead.

"You guessed it? It's very clever," Christian praised. "This is the main cabin of Noah's Ark. It took our ancestors to the stars 100,000 years ago. Its power system and overall structure are all made by Bluestar Technology. The peak has been continuously transformed and upgraded. It has experienced several major battles in the universe, and lost its trace during the fall of the goddess 40,000 years ago... Leviathan's body can also isolate most of the corrosive gas for it, so it itself is well preserved. intact."

"How did you know these things?" Bi Ming took a deep breath and finally couldn't help but ask, "And... what's your purpose for telling me this?"

Facing the questioning eyes of the blond girl, Christian calmly smiled and said lightly:

"To tell you the truth, of course there is my reason."

"Don't worry, you come up with me first. In fact, I only confirmed yesterday that what I want is hidden here."

"Yesterday? So you've already arrived at the tower, right?" Bi Ming bit her lip, took his outstretched hand, and walked up the steps of the ark, "What is trapped by sea creatures, delaying time, all It's a lie."

Christian held the girl's soft fingers and smiled softly: "I am indeed trapped. This Leviathan is a real underwater monster before the operating system is awakened."

"It... what is it, alive or dead?"

"It's dead. But out of humanitarianism, its ancestors retained biological consciousness for it." The blond sentinel's thin lips curved slightly, "The principle is actually the same as the android bodyguard you've seen. It won't betray human beings, but I am in It took some effort to find the order."


"Family secret." Christian thought for a while, then looked at her again, "If you and I marry, I don't mind telling you how to control this Leviathan."

"Cough..." Bi Ming almost choked on the topic he suddenly changed, and quickly shook off his hand, "Me, my family should be more optimistic about people who know the truth."

This is a sign of refusal. After Christian understood it, he sighed softly: "Do you know the bottom line? It won't be Phoenix... Then your family may have to change heirs."

As Christian said before, once Bi Ming becomes the lord's wife, he will face complicated [wife] obligations, and if the Eggbert family is unwilling to merge into the Phoenix Super Galaxy, they must find a new heir to inherit the huge family. family business.

"Stop guessing," Bi Ming frowned, "I'm still young, I don't want to think about it so quickly."

Due to the special reason for the combination of sentinels, Bi Ming knew that once she was marked, she would form a binding relationship with another sentinel.

So she decided to run away as soon as this Lian Zong mission was over, and not stop for a moment.

Naturally, Christian didn't know what was going on in Bi Ming's little head. He just suddenly felt that the "future partner" beside him was too innocent and cute. Still ignorant.

However, it was precisely because the eldest lady had no intentions and a sincere heart that Christian was willing to reveal some truth to her.

Soon after, the two came to the inner cabin of the ark. The battleship-level equipment made the eldest lady, who has been growing up in a peaceful and warm environment, couldn't help but look around curiously, and asked the blonde sentinel some stupid questions from time to time.

"How do these doors identify themselves?"

"Can I go in there and take a look?"

"Where are you taking me now? Cockpit?"

Seeing the swaying blond hair when the girl raised her head, Christian smiled, raised his hand to hold it up for her, and was slapped by the girl in embarrassment—

"You, what are you doing?"

"Just found out that the speaker is interesting, and even a loud voice becomes pleasant."

Bi Ming heard it: "Are you mocking me?"

"I'm complimenting you." After the man finished speaking, he pointed to a double-door warehouse in front of him, "Well, here we are."

After the silver-gray double doors slowly opened, Bi Ming walked in and was blinded by the spread of jewelry spar. It was like a palace of gold and green, with all kinds of precious jewelry lying in pieces. On the ground, bright as stars.

As a "jewelry connoisseur", the eldest lady is still knowledgeable. At this time, she estimates the value of the colorful gemstones in front of her, thinking that I am afraid that the inventory that the Egbert family has inherited for many years is far less than it.

This is definitely a treasure trove that anyone who sees it wants to grab.

But Christian pushed her to the shelf full of jewelry, pressed the wall, and a screen quickly appeared on it.

After watching the man enter a very complicated password, Bi Ming suddenly "clicked" the jewelry rack in front of him. Soon, it turned 90 degrees, revealing a small door that only one person could pass through.

"Let's go." Christian smiled with a teasing smile, "If you like these outside, you can take them later."

"What are you saying..." Bi Ming grabbed his sleeve with a trace of condemnation, "You, this is stealing... Don't act like the master here."

"But I'm the heir to these properties." Christian pulled her through the wicket with a deep voice.

Bi Ming looked at him suspiciously, then turned to look at the scenery inside—

It is also very large and empty. The surrounding walls are not a familiar alloy, but a material similar to clay pottery clay, engraved with mysterious symbols and various pictures.

In the center, is Bi Ming's most familiar goddess statue.

Wait, this is... a temple?

"Testie," Christian snapped his fingers, and the dim light in the room instantly turned on a few degrees, illuminating the room, "you may not know the text here, but it doesn't matter, I can tell you that these pictures and The written record is the history of the rise of a family."

Bi Ming looked at the man with his back to him, and suddenly felt that this figure really looked like the cover of the founding emperor in Lilith comics.

And Christian's voice also spoke eloquently: "Once upon a time, Blue Star had a noble and wealthy family. They have been in politics for generations and controlled huge wealth and power. Even if the doomsday comes and natural disasters continue, they can call on scientists to protect themselves. They built a spaceship that escaped from Blue Star, and later, in order to obtain more servants, they let some screened researchers and soldiers enter the ark in the name of 'Noah's Ark', and since then mankind has stepped into the cosmic era. "

Bi Ming sighed, and sure enough, when the apocalypse came, the class division was the most obvious.

"They quickly discovered that neither the moon nor Mars, which were once hailed as 'human habitable places', could meet the needs of survival, so they built a space station and set their sights on the Milky Way."

As Christian said, he looked back at Bi Ming, whose eyes looked particularly beautiful under the refraction of the light: "That family led people step by step out of the solar system, to the Milky Way and even beyond, and then, perhaps cosmic radiation , genetic mutation, some human beings began to awaken superpowers."

"There are strong and weak superpowers. The strongest is the spiritual department. They can manipulate and change the spirits of other superpowers, but they also have a weakness, which is their weak body."

"So, there was an infighting between the power users, and the ordinary people caught in it became cannon fodder."

Bi Ming probably guessed what he wanted to express: "So... sentry and guide... is the difference between the spiritual system and other power users?"

The blond sentry nodded slightly when he saw the girl's shocked expression.

"Let's continue to talk about the development history of that family," he curled his lips coldly. "With power, human beings have ambitions. In the age of the galaxy, the 'Ark' split into different forces, and that family, too. Preemptive occupation of Atlantis - the planet we are now on, the first human stronghold outside the galaxy."

"That's amazing." Bi Ming sighed.

"But this is not their peak. Later, they chose the right camp in the era of enlightenment and became a force under the goddess, supporting ordinary people and superpowers to have equal rights to life... This is the foundation of the people in the era of empires."

The eldest thought for a while: "Ordinary people account for 60 percent. Although they do not have superpowers, they will always represent the majority of human beings."

"Yes, even power users will give birth to ordinary people. Even ordinary people may have powerful power users." Christian nodded, admiring Bi Ming's eyes even more, "If you look at Failure to do so will only lead mankind into eternal infighting. And that family understood this and gained the hearts and minds of the people, and since then a holy and great interstellar empire has been created."

"So, the family you are talking about is the royal family of the empire, right?" Bi Ming vaguely found the key point, "Chris, you are familiar with this family and know its countless secrets... Shouldn't you..."

"What?" the blond sentinel waited eagerly for her guess.

"You want to pretend to be a descendant of the imperial family and trick others into buying things from your chamber of commerce?"

Christian: …

The corners of Bi Ming's lips curled up: "I found out, a lot of people eat retro stuff. If you label your chamber of commerce as a royal heritage, many nobles can't help but buy things from you."

"Testel," the blond man calmed down, approached her slowly, leaned over and pressed the girl's shoulders, making her smile freeze on her face, "don't change the subject, you already know it, don't you?"


"As a sincerity, let me introduce myself. My full name is Christy Andresai Sava, the eldest son of the nineteenth generation emperor of the Interstellar Empire." The handsome face of the blond man looked extremely solemn and serious at the moment, the pair of light blue His eyes gradually returned to a beautiful emerald green, "It is also the last remaining heir of the family."

He is the remnant of the Empire and the only hope left.

Since the beginning of the imperial war, the Andresai family has been waiting and dormant for five thousand years, just to continuously accumulate strength, inherit their ancestors' aspirations, and regain all the glory that belonged to their family.

And Chris is already the only seed of the last generation.

His ancestors died of betrayal, his father died of infighting, and his mother died for his father's love.

Christian was not yet an adult. He first killed the housekeeper who had been with him for many years and tried to control his power, and then killed his biological uncle who apparently favored him and actually coveted his inheritance. He supported the responsibilities of the famous "Noah Chamber of Commerce" as the young owner of the famous "Noah Chamber of Commerce". , and developed it into the largest and most intertwined force in the Federation.

Now, the Noah Chamber of Commerce wants money and money, soldiers and soldiers, and also owns several bases, only one short of Dongfeng.

And this east wind is the ancient gene stock solution.

Unlike others, Christian, who has been able to inherit his ancestral legacy, has long known that the genetic fluid must exist on this island, and according to the information, it is "buried deeper in the deep sea".

He was not in a hurry to find the keys in the first few ruins, and let others seize the opportunity because he knew that the original liquid was definitely not among them.

Even if he was put up by his partner Tang in the small town, he was still in no hurry, and he could still laugh at the other party's stupidity, because that small town was originally a guise, and it was the guise left by his ancestors, the great founding emperor. .

"I have an ancestor who is almost perfect and has the same space superpowers as me," Christian looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and pulled his lips, "It's just that there is something about him that I can't agree with. "

"He was infatuated with a woman who had nothing to do with him tens of thousands of years ago, and for her searched for all kinds of secret methods beyond life and death, trying to get her soul back."

"For this reason, he even abandoned his royal career and let his waste brother inherit the throne, which is simply stupid."

But Bi Ming thought: Girls comics are not deceiving me, I didn't expect those gossip anecdotes to be true.

"Tesla, I'm not like my ancestors," Christian told her. "I'm not going to give myself to a hopeless love like he did, so I give you the choice."

"Choose... What are you talking about?" Bi Ming frowned, only to feel that the force on her shoulders was a little heavier.

"Are you willing to cooperate with me for a win-win situation?" He slowly approached her face, his green eyes were deep and dark, "Be my wife, my queen, the future empire will be shared by you and me, and it will be inherited by our children. ."

That's all Christian can promise.

Unreserved, heart-to-heart, and even a somewhat obscure prayer.

He has never loved anyone, and only knows how to use his favorite power and position to show his sincerity to his sweetheart.

And he also firmly believes that if he is rejected, he will never pursue love humbly like that poor ancestor.

Christian has his own pride, and not even love can bring him down.

The author has something to say: Chris is actually very proud.

His idea at this stage is that when he starts his career, his wife can be coaxed slowly.

Due to historical reasons, he felt that it would be a waste for me, a dignified royal family, to be a dog licking dog, so you will find that his offensive in the middle and late stages will not be too violent, and he is also a bit of a **** when encountering ruins, and then he finally finds it. When it comes to the passage of the underwater ruins, it is very active. (You can look back at the first chapter, he was the first to touch the gate among all the people, and he disappeared mysteriously when he hit the sea, hehe)

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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