MTL - Please Have a Cup of Green Tea-Chapter 149 When Miss Green Tea became the love group control group (43)

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No one expected that this tall tree tower would usher in such a change after using the key.

The huge altar turned out to be a gate into the sea.

In order to help someone resist the danger, the sentries stood in front of the door one after another, but they did not expect that the real organ was behind them.

The moment Christian turned the door handle, the gate opened, and the blond girl fell into the sea by surprise.

With her, Lilith and Nina.

The luckiest, probably only Cecia with the "halo of the heroine", because she was standing in the farthest corner at that time and escaped the catastrophe. At this time, she was covering her mouth in shock and suppressing her scream.

The sentries were not slow to respond, galloping fast like arrows, entering the sea to save people.

Soon, in the sea, tightly holding the tentacles of a tree root, Nina, who was not swept away by the huge waves on the sea floor, and Lilith who was dragging her, were politely "sent" back to Cecia's by Christian who passed by. beside.

But the one that everyone wanted to save the most, was swept away by the deep sea current.

Phoenix's handsome face was cold at the moment, his blue veins were bursting, and the seabed was turbulent, making him unable to perceive Bi Ming's breath at all.

Sean didn't give in too much. The further downstream he became, the more upset he became, and he couldn't help worrying: Could that idiot Egbert be swallowed by a shark or something?

Within a few seconds, the deep currents on the seabed kept surging, and the four sentinels were strong, but the seabed was no better than the land.

And Arnold is the person with the most clear purpose and the most stable state.

As a water power user, no matter how turbulent the ocean current is, there is no secret to him. It's just that he is a little surprised that these undercurrents... seem to be artificially created.

He frowned, sensed for a moment, and finally captured the information he wanted most—

Testai is now surrounded by undercurrents and has shifted by nearly 100 meters. Fortunately, the current she is in is like a stable undersea channel, and the water pressure is much lower than the deep sea a few hundred meters outside. As for crushing the fragile internal organs.

Taking into account the protective effect of the current, Arnold did not rashly pull Bi Ming out, but instead grabbed her wrist, took the person into his arms, and sank down this "channel".

He could feel that there was something extremely important hidden underneath, which, if nothing else, should be related to the ancient ruins.

Of course, in such a dangerous underwater environment, Arnold would not let Bi Ming continue to suffer.

He held the back of the girl's head, pressed her lips with one hand, made her close her mouth, and then gave a slight shock, transferring the seawater that had poured into her mouth, nose, respiratory tract, and even her lungs from her body to the outside , so that her trachea and esophagus are not blocked.

The next second is to deliver oxygen to her.

Arnold's physique and ability allow him to open his eyes, breathe in water, and walk freely, but he can't transfer this quality to Bi Ming. At this time, in order to save people, he can only take an extremely ancient method—

Oxygen by mouth.

The tide was surging, and the silver-haired sentinel's fingers slowly tightened around the girl's waist. When she bowed her head, her usually stern face also showed a touch of softness, and she pressed her lips with the utmost tenderness.

The cold touch was close to each other, and the girl who closed her eyes seemed to struggle for a while, but in the end she became obedient because of the oxygen pouring in between her lips.

She is not ignorant.

And the other party pried her lips open at this moment, without a trace of embarrassment.

His kiss was as calm and restrained as his own, but extremely delicate, while the girl tightly clinged to the other's body due to lack of oxygen, raised her head and greedily asked for fresh oxygen in the other's mouth.

She almost regarded him as an oxygen supply machine, and even gradually turned her back on the customer, and took the initiative to stick her tongue into the other's mouth, taking everything she wanted.

Different from the lingering kiss with Phoenix before, at this moment, Beaming's kiss to Arnold is defined as "artificial respiration".

In order to survive, the proud eldest accepts all means, including kissing at this time.

But Arnold's senses are amazing. He has never done this with the opposite sex. At this time, when he was entangled by her tongue, his heart began to tremble violently, and his mind and body began to heat involuntarily. Some kind of hot, like that Emotions that would have arisen only after being affected by her combination of heat began to surge.

The current sank the two with them, and their senses sank.

Dong Dong Dong is the clamor of the heartbeat.

Whoosh, it's the tide roaring.

The man's long silver hair and the girl's blond hair are intertwined, like two kissing fish in the dark deep sea. You have me and are inseparable.

"Well..." When Bi Ming opened her eyes, she touched her lips, it was numb and painful, it seemed that she had been kissing for too long or soaked for too long, and her skin was a little cracked.

She vaguely remembers the psychological journey from being moved to despair when she was "dragged" to the bottom of the sea, and then back to hope.

It's just that the bottom of the sea is too dark, and the process of their falling is very long, like falling into an endless abyss, and Bi Ming finally fainted.

So, where is she now?

Wouldn't it be somewhere under the sea?

Slowly propping herself up, the girl realized that she was lying on a soft blanket, surrounded by steel bars dripping with water, and mottled red prints on the wall—[Safety first, prevention first].

The standard Chinese square characters are exactly the same as those printed on the previous construction site.

At this moment, Bi Ming thought that the green tea system had secretly sent him to the modern world.

But if you look closely, the "neon lights" wrapped around the wall flicker on and off, looking like little jellyfish in the sea. The plastic plate above the head to block the rain also looks faded blue paint. It was beaten by the rain and made a "clack-clack" sound. It looked worn, but it didn't leak a drop of rain. The most interesting thing is that the small machine with red light on the ground is moving back and forth beside Bi Ming, making beeping sounds from time to time, as if it is providing lighting.

This style is very high-tech.

Bi Ming touched his cold arm, stood up, and staggered forward. When he came to the door of this place that was similar to a "factory", his eyes suddenly widened—

There was a thick layer of fog with extremely low visibility outside, and it was raining finely and lightly. The closest to her was a huge group of pipes. The twisting and rusty pipes were spiraling and extending, which seemed to be a place specially used to transport energy.

Soon, when Bi Ming was trying to **** around, there were steady footsteps in the thick fog.

"Tesla, you're finally awake."

The sentinel with long silver hair came out of the rain, the thin shirt on his body was already tightly attached to his body, and the white cloth became semi-transparent after being soaked, revealing the man's chest and abdomen loomingly, a perfect fit. The muscle ratio makes the opponent at the moment look more like a "fighter" rather than a "doctor" in normal times.

When he was walking, the outline of the lower body was also "sold" by the tight pants. The abundant capital made Bi Ming look away quickly after only one glance.

"A, Arnold... So you saved me." As an "unmanned" eldest lady, she should know nothing, but her face gradually turned red because of embarrassment.

"Well," the man approached her, looked at her lightly with gray eyes, and said surprisingly, "Your skirt is soaking wet, take it off."

"Huh?" Bi Ming looked down at her light-colored long dress, which was indeed similar to Arnold's semi-wet outfit, and her towering chest was even more contoured.

She stiffened for a moment, blocked her towering height with her hand, and looked up at the other party in shame.

"What do you mean?"

"You take off this skirt now and put this one," Arnold approached her and handed her a bag, his handsome face extremely serious, "or you'll have a fever very quickly."

Bi Ming: ...can you talk without panting? Made her almost misunderstood.

"What about you? This... er..." She took the bag and found that it was a long Klein blue dress with a very straight male aesthetic, with long sleeves and lace, and embroidered velvet flowers on the chest, very "grandmother style" ".

Arnold saw her disgusting expression, and a small smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "There is only a women's clothing store nearby, you can do it first. My physique is different from yours, and the clothes will be dry after the fire is lit."

Bi Ming thought that this is true, Arnold is an S-class sentinel.

"However, what exactly is this place?" Before turning around to change clothes, Bi Ming asked hesitantly, "Relics?"

"No accident, this should be the relic of the third stage." Arnold nodded lightly, "Remember that time we went to the primitive tribe? People in the tribe said that Lover Star was first called Atlantis, and This the [Island of Origin] they guard."

"Origin... No wonder there are so many ruins here." Bi Ming's mind faintly appeared a guess.

"I've asked the spirit beast to investigate the terrain, you go and change your clothes first," Arnold watched as she kept covering her chest with her hands, but her curved arms squeezed her soft flesh, which made it easier for people to think about it. He frowned, "I'll tell you more later."

The blond girl glanced at him complicatedly, and nodded quickly: "Then remember to dry your clothes."

Perhaps it was because someone saved her life after she fell into the sea, and because she was forced to survive and mingled with the other party for so long, this willful eldest lady still showed soft emotions.

Arnold smiled and nodded: "Don't worry about me."

After a while, after Bi Ming went to the corner and changed into the very old-fashioned long skirt, she unexpectedly found that the size fits her very well, and the blue skirt that reaches her ankles is actually quite warm, which can be used for her. Away from the cold outside.

It's just that there's no mirror, otherwise she can tidy up her hair.

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that the communicator has a selfie function. can use the communicator to contact the program team and others.

However, things were not as simple as she thought—

"There's no signal?" Bi Ming was speechless.

According to the current technology, even in the deep sea, the signal should be unimpeded. Could it be that the magnetic field of the ruins is rather special?

No way, she had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​contacting Phoenix... and others.

Outside, under the cover of the plastic board on the construction site, the man picked up an item called a "lighter", turned it around, found how to use it, and ignited the thin blanket on the ground.

"Is it just burned like this?" Bi Ming came over and said regretfully, "This blanket should be handmade, it's quite comfortable."

Arnold knew that she was always picky, and being able to praise a blanket like this already showed the preciousness of this thin blanket: "I got it from a nearby store, so be on your guard first, and we'll pick it up later if you want."

Bi Ming looked at him and muttered, "How come you look like a robber."

The man didn't refute, but in fact, even if he wanted to give money to this thin blanket, he couldn't find the owner of the shop.

Here, is an empty underwater city.

It is so huge that it can even cover the entire island. There are many traces of human activities left in it, and it is brightly lit, like an artificial city that never sleeps, but Arnold still feels that the technology here is too backward—

Like this 【Lighter】, you need to use fuel when you use it, and the sparks are still so small.

Arnold played with the "antique" in his hand and looked at the blond girl who put on a retro dress. The soft fabric just set off her slender waist. The high neckline and cuffs are extremely conservative and standard, but the chest may be tight Narrow, and the lace straps on the chest seem to be a bit unfastened.

Still, it was the most decent dress Arnold could find at that women's clothing store.

You know, in a small, messy shop, you have to find a skirt that shows nothing from a pile of **** bikinis, small suspenders, hip-length maid outfits, stockings teacher outfits... It's still quite embarrassing Arnold, this steel Straight guy.

He guessed that it was probably a **** shop, but unfortunately there were no other shops around. Instead, there were plenty of bars, fight arenas, and casinos. It was no wonder that places selling women's clothing were so vulgar.

"Arnold," Bi Ming looked at the dazed man in front of the firelight, and couldn't help shaking his hand in front of him, "Why are you suddenly in a daze?"

"No, I was just thinking..." The man looked at the clear sky-blue pupils in front of him, pondered for a moment, and praised, "The clothes are very suitable for you."

At least it's more suitable than bikinis, maid outfits, nurse outfits...

Don't think that Arnold is obsessed with scientific research and doesn't understand anything. In fact, **** education in the interstellar age starts from a young age, and the public's sexual concept is very open, and people have no concept of a fixed partner. It's all arbitrary.

Even the sentinel couple whose souls are one, some can't help but go out to steal food, craving the freshness of the body.

But Arnold was different from other Sentinels. He showed his talent for scientific research since he was a child, pursued truth and science all the way, and never let himself be distracted by love, let alone this fleeting carnal desire.

If it wasn't for the investigation of the gene solution this time, he probably wouldn't have any intersection with Bi Ming.

A high-ranking scientist who loves nothing, a self-willed, arrogant and beautiful eldest lady, sounds like a person from two worlds.

But fate is always unpredictable.

Arnold remembered the gift he received in the dark room in the primitive tribe:

[The orbit of the stars has deviated, and you can't get back on track, but don't resist, the morning star will guide you to an unprecedented tomorrow. 】

Originally, Arnold could not decipher the true meaning of this sentence, but it was not until Bi Ming broke out that night when he fought with Christian in the ruins that his original plans were all messed up.

His right track is to find the genetic stock solution, crack the secrets of human evolution, and explore the infinite mysteries of science.

But an unprecedented tomorrow... Arnold didn't know if he should expect it.

And Venus... Could it be her?

Naturally, Bi Ming didn't know that the sullen man in front of her had thought so much, but she just felt that the other party's eyes were too focused, so that the atmosphere became embarrassing.

"Well, thank you for the compliment?" She looked away and turned to the blazing fire, "But Arnold, can you tell me the current situation?"

Arnold gave a "um", and after thinking for a moment, he sorted out the language: "The [Island of Origin] I told you just now is the secret here, because this island is considered to be the first time that ancient humans came to Valentine's Star. stronghold."

"Well, I see, so the three ruins are all ancient human settlements." Bi Ming did not count the blocked abandoned town, she felt that it was more like a copy that was suddenly loaded.

Arnold shared her view, the town was clearly not the original relic of the island.

"Look at this, the two ruins we went to were built in different periods." The silver-haired sentinel showed her a few pictures taken before, "The halls of the ruins all have statues of goddesses, but the materials and production techniques are different. "

"The statue of the first ruin is made of special clay from the Blue Star, and the second one is from meteorite minerals from the β asteroid belt. Do you know what's going on here?"

Bi Ming shook his head.

Arnold's slender fingers crossed the projected pictures, and explained to her very simply: "The improvement of materials means the progress of science and technology. The first relic material comes from Blue Star, while the second one comes from outside the Milky Way. In other words, in the process of building the three relics, the technology of space navigation has gradually improved."

"Wait, I seem to understand..." Bi Ming's mind turned, isn't this a step-by-step infrastructure construction, "The ruins under the first sand are relatively simple, the second tree tower is much more refined, and there are others that can be given to Large trees provide the core technology for nutrients.”

And where they are now, Arnold gave Bi Ming a simple modeling projection, and the data was collected by his giant anaconda: "Look, the area here is almost the size of the entire island, and you have to know, This is the deep sea below 10,000 meters."

"We...we weren't pressured by water..." Bi Ming's eyes widened, and she made a squat near her neck, "And how can we breathe in the deep sea?"

"Because of new technology." At the moment Arnold spoke, his usually indifferent tone became more enthusiastic, "The ancient humans escaped from their home planet and could only dig underground to live in the ground at first. Later, they found a giant tree and used the Biotechnology coexisted with it, and in the end it was still not satisfied, so we started to build an undersea city... Testai, we are witnessing the progress of our ancestors' civilization."

"Great scientist, don't be so excited." Bi Ming had never seen the calm and self-controlled Arnold say such a long sentence at one time, and the figure of an old friend in a certain world flashed in his mind.

Probably the human beings who pursue the pinnacle of science are always similar.

The only thing that can make them dream and give everything is the truth.

Perhaps with a sense of intimacy, Bi Ming approached Arnold more relaxedly, looked at him with a chin, and smiled: "Okay, so this is the third ruin, the great underwater capital, then what should we do when we come here? Where's the key? Also, food or something... it's going to be a hassle."

The silver-haired sentinel thought for a moment, then shook his head: "Fortunately, if I remember correctly, Christian came here too."

At the moment when he was brought to this huge city by the current, he sensed the breath of several sentinels in the water.

Probably... there are four other than myself?

Strange, how could it be four people, Arnold suddenly frowned, thinking of something, his expression became solemn.

"Then are we going to meet him and ask him to send us out?" Bi Ming tilted her head and asked curiously, "Or let him contact the show team for us, after all, he can transfer anything."

"Well." Arnold looked at the bonfire in front of him, crackling and burning, the thin blanket was crumpled, and it might burn out in a few minutes.

"It's a pity that the communicator doesn't have a signal, otherwise I can call him directly..." The eldest lady was talking, but she suddenly stopped, and then her face became dizzy, "Arnold, you..."

The man looked back at her, with a trace of doubt in his clean eyebrows: "What?"

"No, nothing." The blond girl looked away with a guilty conscience.

Because of the proximity, she saw that the other party's lips had been bitten several times with bloodstains.

No, are you so fierce?

Arnold looked at her rosy face under the firelight, and her lips biting because of anxiety, and couldn't help but think of the previous picture.

In the silent deep sea, he felt his throbbing heartbeat in that artificial respiration that could hardly be called a "kiss".

Is it just her?

Will it be the same as myself?

Neither of them spoke again until the last second of the campfire.

His gray eyes kept looking at her, but she always lowered her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

The embers in the fire, like the ambiguity between them, seem to exist.

The author has something to say: Doctor: Stare—

Sister: (guilty.jpg) Don't blame me, I didn't mean it

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