MTL - Please Have a Cup of Green Tea-Chapter 140 When Miss Green Tea became the love group control group (34)

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In the open space, before the men picked gifts, the program team first announced the source of the gifts in the hands of the female guests.

The green gift box Nina received was prepared by Arnold, and inside it was an expensive high-grade antidote, which could cure most of the weird toxins that nano-medical robots couldn't solve.

"This is really useful." The blue-haired girl shook the tube of liquid, and the scene of her friend being bitten by a poisonous snake came to her mind... Now that she has this guarantee, she also feels a little more at ease.

There is also a small card attached to the bottom of the gift box, which is Arnold's gift:

【I hope you will not use it in the future. 】

Nina picked up the card and flipped through it, raising her eyebrows in surprise—does the doctor also care about the safety of others?

She looked at the silver-haired man not far away, as if seeing a flower of Gaoling that does not eat the fireworks of the world, it added a touch of humanity.

After working at the institute for several years, Nina has yet to see this side of an icon who has no interest in anything other than science.

Of course, she also knew that this sentence was definitely not written for herself.

Melting an iceberg seems to be something only friends can do.

On the other side, Bi Ming was observing the gift at hand - the starry sky necklace from Phoenix.

She remembered that one of the ultimate prizes in "Eden" was called the star diamond ring, which seemed to be the same material as this necklace.

The beautiful silver thin chain is embedded with a gem with a deep and distant color like a galaxy. Whether it is material or touch, it is the most beautiful jewelry that Bi Ming has seen since she came to this world, as if you can be charmed by it just by looking at it. of mysterious luster inhaled.

The program team must not be able to reimburse for this thing. The expedited transportation cost alone has exceeded the program budget, and it was delivered through the channel from Phoenix.

The big lord is so rich and willful, there is no way.

Bi Ming couldn't help but wondered in a wicked way, what would Phoenix look like if he didn't choose this gift?

That's a lot of money.

The gifts from Lilith and Cecia were somewhat unexpected.

"This... is Sean's choice?" The pink-haired girl held the bear and opened the rainbow-colored wrapping paper. The corners of her lips couldn't help curling up. Now she has no pity that she lost to Cecia by lottery.

However, after it was completely opened, the contents inside made her a little lost.

In the box lay a blond doll - for some reason, it gave a strong sense of sight.

Lilith couldn't help but glanced at the blond young lady who was joking with Nina not far away, then turned her head again, observed Sean's dark face, and gradually understood.

Sure enough, Sean's gift... is meant to be given to someone else.

Cecia on the side was even more disappointed when she learned that the source of the gift was not Phoenix, but Tang.

Sure enough, after opening the gift, she found that there was actually a large box of chocolates under such a gorgeous package, or a brand that was not very well-known.

Cecia frowned and made a hard note of Tang—

Why do poor people with no money engage in packaging fraud?

And Christian's golden gift was not chosen, so he had to take it back himself, and lost the chance to choose a gift in the next round.

Tang looked at his partner's "tragic" experience, and patted him on the shoulder in schadenfreude.

The blond man glanced at the lively Tang, and shook his hand away: "Don't look at me with this expression, so what if you send it out, it's not that you're disliked." He pointed a few meters away, his face gloomy Cecia.

The big boy with flax hair shrugged: "It's okay, it's not her who I want to send."

He deliberately made the packaging gorgeous, just to attract the attention of the eldest lady. However, he ignored the importance of color, or that they and Phoenix had a bad message in this regard.

As for Sean, as a straight man who has never been enlightened, being able to choose cute rainbow paper and bear dolls is his limit.

After the results were announced, four gifts carefully selected by the female guests were placed in front of the sentinels.

The packaging is very delicate, the colors are Cherry Blossom Pink, Klein Blue, Flame Red and Dove Feather White.

In the live broadcast room, the audience quarreled:

[I bet they definitely want to choose a gift from the eldest lady! 】

[↑Don't bet, isn't it obvious? Everyone looked at the blue and white gifts. 】

【Why blue and white? 】

[Because only these two elements fit the characteristics of the eldest lady. And the cherry blossom fans can tell that it is Lilith, red... Wait, do you think the red color was picked by the eldest lady for Phoenix? 】

[Choose one of three, I bet on blue, Miss Testai likes this color, and the proof is the dress on her! 】

The sentries pondered for a moment, Tang and Sean moved the fastest, picking up white and blue respectively.

Arnold paused for a moment between red and pink before picking up red.

Phoenix didn't fight them either, and calmly picked up the last cherry blossom powder.

Tang glanced at the red-haired man's movements and frowned suspiciously, because Bi Ming had never shown a love for pink.

"Phoenix really chose pink." Lilith looked at Bi Ming with incredible eyes, "Did you tell him?"

"No." Bi Ming shook his head, "It should be a coincidence."

"No," Nina said suddenly, "I guess it's a way of bundling gifts."

When they choose and package gifts on the star network, they can perform virtual packaging operations.

And this step reflects the characteristics of different people.

Lilith used lace ribbons and bows on the white wrapping paper, Nina adorned her Klein blue gift with blue vanilla, and Cecia's fiery red gift paper with sparkling water droplets …

In Phoenix's perspective, color is just a trap, and the details on the gift speak for themselves.

When he saw the way of wrapping the ribbon on the pink gift, he thought of Bi Ming's headband, which was almost the same no matter how it was tied or how tight it was.

Soon, the program team announced the results:

[Congratulations to the male guest No. 4 and the female guest No. 4 for successfully matching in the gift exchange session! The program team will provide two guests with a candlelight dinner specially made by a senior celebrity chef, and the pick-up location will be a villa in the ancient blue star tourist town. 】

[Also invite all the guests to go to the town now and explore the mysterious level together! 】

Bi Ming heard Sean's dissatisfied snort, and Tang's complaint - "How can it be pink?"

Phoenix curled the corner of his lips lightly, without giving Tang next to him a look.

While packing, Christian stopped Bi Ming in a secluded place.

"Although the event is over..." The handsome sentinel with blond hair and blue eyes was tall and leaned over to approach the eldest lady and chuckled, "But the mission of this gift has not been completed."

"Only in your hands can it be considered complete."

In his hand was the golden gift box that no one chose.

"But I already have—"

"Shh, Testai." Christian interrupted her softly, her eyebrows lowered with a hint of regret, "I've been picking for a long time, can you take a look?"

Seeing him, Bi Ming started to pretend to be wronged, and his tone sounded quite decent, so he couldn't help shaking his head: "Chris, we should abide by the rules and gameplay of the show."

Christian smiled calmly: "The event is over, and now I just don't want this gift to be a permanent regret."

"Also, tomorrow is Love God's Day, I wish you a happy day."

"Eros Day..." Bi Ming was stunned for a moment, wondering why the other party would mention this, "Is it the original festival here?"

"Well, it inherits the tradition of the Blue Star era. People will spend time with the people they like on festival days." The blond man's tone was soft, and his light blue eyes had deep meaning, "so he is also called a lover. Festival."

"Therefore, I also want to give myself a chance." He said briskly, "I know that the Eggbert family is currently exploring the transportation lines of remote galaxies..."

"What do you mean?" The eldest lady stared at him vigilantly, her fingers curled into fists slightly. This information was just told to her by her family. She didn't expect the man in front of her to get the information so quickly.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions," Christian paused, his thin lips curled up, "just ask you, do you want to join forces?"

"?" Bi Ming looked at the man who leaned over to him, and took a shallow breath.

"Egbert's family, and Noah's Chamber of Commerce, there is a lot of space for cooperation, isn't it?"

"If you're with me, you can go from Egbert's heir to a de facto controller, expanding your business beyond the galaxy."

"Think about it, what can Phoenix give you? You can only be his lord's wife at most, after all, he won't be married. And I can give you more freedom..."

The man's breath was like the letter of a poisonous snake in her ears, warm and ambiguous, with a seductive taste.

Bi Ming admitted that if he was really the original owner, as long as he did not combine with the sentinel, he would definitely be moved by these words.

Anyone who is not in love will be shaken by the prospect of Christian's portrayal.


"Stop joking, Chris." She raised her eyes and tentatively said, "I heard that you are one of the most powerful businessmen in the Federation, and you never do business at a loss."

"What exactly do you want from me?"

The blond sentinel smiled. "That's a good question, Testie."

"I'm a man, what do you think I want?"

When he said this, the blue eyes under the eyelashes showed a faint green under the refraction of the light, instead of the usual blue.

Bi Ming's heart skipped a beat, something flashed in her mind, but she didn't catch it.

Seeing that she was out of her mind, Christian seemed to be frightened by herself, so she had to wake her up with a smile: "Tesla?"

"..." The girl frowned, "Chris, are you serious?"

"You will see my sincerity," the blond sentinel was not in a hurry, and even maintained a decent demeanor, and retreated to a safe distance, "it will take some time."

"Don't be so troublesome," the eldest lady looked at him quietly, "you are a little sudden today, I can't believe you."

Not to mention whether Christian is really interested in himself, this practice of skipping "love" and directly and implicitly proposing "marriage" is tantamount to tying interests with love.

But without the foundation of trust, no matter how simple the "eldest lady" is, it is impossible to have no worries.

Christian frowned as he looked at the girl who seemed to be questioning his bad intentions, and the interest in his heart grew stronger.

In fact, Bi Ming has not fully understood the thinking mode of these sentinels—

They choose their guides because their intuition is more important than everything else. Due to the development of their five senses and spiritual power, they can clearly judge what they like and dislike.

The smell on the guide is the best evidence for them.

If they have a crush on a guide, they can't help but want to get close to each other, feel her breath, and fantasize about kissing and sucking the back of each other's neck and marking activities.

Although Christian came to this island to pursue a career, it was rare to meet a guide who moved him, and the other party seemed to be very popular, which invisibly fostered a man's desire to compete.

Noble, beautiful, yet unconquerable—

Christian's eyes sank slightly, and his eyes stayed on the white jade-like neck of the girl.

The experienced Bi Ming also quickly felt the sense of aggression emanating from the other side silently.

"I'm going back to pack my things." She took a few steps back cautiously, and glanced around, only to find that Lilith and Cecia next to her passed by as if they didn't see them, "Well, what's going on?"

"A little ability to avoid being disturbed by others." The blond man immediately snapped his fingers when he saw her surprised expression, and now he could detect them around again.

Nina, who was at the door of the tent, finally found her friend and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Tesla, why are you here? Come on, we're leaving!"

"Okay, I'll be right there!" The eldest lady quickly raised her hand to respond, then turned her head and glared at Christian, "When did you block the surrounding area?"

The blond sentry replied in a low voice: "Probably start with the first word of our conversation just now."

Good guy, no wonder no one ever found them.

Before the two parted, Christian shoved the gift box into her hand.

"Tsdai, there's a high-energy spar in it, so let's take it as a little sincerity before our cooperation."

Bi Ming knew that this expensive energy reserve spar seemed to be used in mechas, starships, airships and other places as a drive.

A few days ago, Star Network reported an auction where someone bought three spar stones at a five-times premium.

Could it be this guy did it?

This time, Bi Ming did not refuse. After all, it is a strategic material that cannot be bought with money.

"I accept your 'sincerity', but... Didn't you worry that others would choose this gift?"

Christian spread his hand, and an ordinary gem appeared in the palm of his hand: "If someone else chooses to go, I will use this to exchange the spar."

Bi Ming coughed lightly, she actually forgot this guy's ability to transfer: "You are amazing."

What a scheming man.

In the afternoon, everyone who walked out of the well-restored passageway in 1998 looked at the western town with green vines and moss crawling around in front of them.

Bi Ming's live broadcast ball has finally returned, and it is flying around her excitedly, like an abandoned puppy that has finally found its owner.

"This is... a tourist area?" Cecia frowned in disgust as she looked at the spiders and insects crawling on the street, "Is it necessary to do a good job of hygiene and safety before it can be opened?"

"That's a 'scavenger'." Nina couldn't stand Cecilia's nonsense. After all, it was still live broadcast, she simply made a science, "The Class III intelligent service robots developed by the Ministry of Science have a large number and can be handled cleanly. Most of the poisonous gas, exhaust gas and fast-dissolving garbage.”

Bi Ming felt that the street had changed a lot from when he came in the morning.

Abandoned buses looked much cleaner and were fenced off, turning them into ancient objects that were visited.

In 1998, the supermarket that did not let you enter seems to have been cleaned, and the glass inside is not gray, and the windows look clean.

You know, it's only been a few hours.

When Bi Ming was amazed at the efficiency of the government, Nina also looked a little confused: "The scale of the 'scavengers' here is too large. If you count the density, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of them. How did they get them from outside? ?"

"It should be..." Bi Ming thought it was 1998's space ability.

But the silver-haired man behind also spoke up:

"The wormhole breaks the wall, and it is enough to send the produced robot directly."

Arnold looked casually at several nearby street shops, and one bookstore caught his eye. Soon, he pushed the door and walked in.

Bi Ming saw that the glass of the bookstore had been sucked away by the "scavenger", showing the original clean and tidy, and the movie poster attached to it was still clear-

"Robotandme..." She said silently in her heart, feeling familiar and funny.

Isn't this the common science fiction comedy of artificial intelligence and human beings on earth?

When she looked up at the poster on the glass, a sneer suddenly came from behind:

"Agebert, so you like this kind of movie?"

Bi Ming turned back and saw the black-haired and black-eyed boy in his pockets, with a camouflage vest covering his body, which made his facial features a bit more heroic and sharp.

He approached her, staring at the picture above where a man and a woman were almost kissing each other, the teasing on the corners of his lips deepened.

Bi Ming knew that he was deliberately trying to make herself shy, so she raised her head and scolded him directly: "Don't you like it? Still staring at it."

Sean is very tall, and in order to meet the blond girl's eyes, he can only lean over, and the arc of the waistline is beautiful and sexy.

"It's not because of you..." He originally wanted to tease her, but looking at the pair of blue pupils, his words turned into another taste of death, "Standing here all the time, like a fool, I Just curious."

This guy can even flirt with a gun and a stick, and he is also a genius.

Bi Ming gave him a straight look: "Go away, I don't talk to idiots."

"Oh, who is the fool talking about?"


The boys and girls smelled of gunpowder unconsciously under a poster.

Sean will probably never learn how to please his nemesis. Under the annoyed gaze of the girl, he was secretly annoyed—

How to say it turned into a quarrel?

Fortunately, the glass in front of them was suddenly knocked, and the sound of "dong dong" stopped the two of them from fighting each other.

Across the window and the gap between the posters, Bi Ming saw a pair of light gray eyes, staring at them calmly.

Oh, it's Arnold inside.

The silver-haired man gave her a mouth shape: "Come in."

Sean frowned. He was keenly aware that this iceberg, who was bent on pursuing scientific truth, had a slightly different attitude towards his nemesis.

"Okay." Before Bi Ming left, he "accidentally" stepped on the unsuspecting black-haired boy, "Hey, why is there a fool who keeps blocking the way?"

"Aegbert—" Sean looked at the back of the girl who pushed the door into the bookstore, angry and funny.

At this time, the main force on the street that was going to rush to the villa was already a little loose.

Nina was immersed in the ancient plants around, and Lilith was holding the communicator to activate the selfie function, and took pictures with various ancient buildings.

Cecia was gushing about the "bank" here and the "restaurant" there, as if she couldn't be more familiar with the whole street.

Don and Christian watched her perform from behind, whispering something from time to time.

Phoenix wanted to go when he saw Beaming and Sean arguing, but soon his attention was interrupted by his Phoenix.

The spirit beast's perception is particularly keen. It told Phoenix that dozens of aliens appeared a few hundred meters away, and a silver-haired sentinel exuding double S-level mental fluctuations was chasing them.

And Sean sensed the warning of his own scorpion the moment his finger covered the bookstore door.

He closed his eyes, restrained all impetuous thoughts, and let his perception continue to spread.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters…

The sound of wind, the screams of monsters, and the sound of torn flesh—

And the footsteps of an android machine.

Sean moved his wrist and walked in the direction of Phoenix, who was also on alert.

In the small bookstore, because Arnold's body is too tall, the surrounding bookshelves seem to be particularly crowded.

"Sorry." At the corner, the man gave up a seat to allow Bi Ming to pass, "Look at this book."

"The Eye of Horus?" Bi Ming saw the big eyeball on the cover at a glance, and coughed lowly, "Uh, Doctor, you should know a little bit of ancient script, right?"

"There is no universal language in the mother star era, only regional languages, and some characters with too complicated fonts have not been passed down." Arnold shook his head gently, "So, I don't know this language."

Bi Ming appreciates this attitude of knowing what you know, but not knowing what you don't know, but she can only say regretfully: "It's a pity."

What was in front of her was Egyptian, of course she knew, but she couldn't speak it.

"I'm going to take it back." Arnold opened the page, and there was a little yellowed paper inside, and the black font printed on it was still clear.

"But the government—"

"Testen, you were the first to discover this place." Arnold looked at her with a smile in her gray eyes, "I don't think you can't even detect whether this place is true or false."

This is the real Blue Star ruins. No matter what excuses the program team makes, it is impossible to completely eliminate these remaining historical traces.

Suddenly, Bi Ming turned back vigilantly and looked at the surrounding live balls.

The sentries knew that this was a real ancient ruin, but the audience thought it was the "Ancient Blue Star Tourist Town".

"Don't worry." Arnold patted her on the shoulder to stop her from looking around. "I can't hear it."

"Why?" Bi Ming looked at him suspiciously.

The light blue eyes are moist and bright, and in a space with poor lighting, they are still so beautiful that it is difficult to look away.

Arnold was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked away.

However, the disorderly and chaotic hotness was surging in his body.

"Because I used my abilities." He frowned.

In the place where Bi Ming couldn't see, a thin layer of water mist had blocked the sound hole of the live broadcast ball, and also covered the lens with a layer of fog, making the audience in the live broadcast room feel as if the characters in the picture had become blurred Not clear, the sound quality is also rustling.

The barrage suddenly screamed.

It can be said that after so many days of the show, the live broadcast will not have a day without problems.

From actively donating money to make the program team re-order a batch of live balls, to calling the production department of the program team, they have thought of various methods, but they still can't solve this unpleasant little problem.

There is nothing the show team can do. They can't control the group of sentinels. They are not here to participate in variety shows, nor do they care about audience traffic. What is the failure of the live broadcast ball?

The most terrifying thing about them is that they can be repaired if they are broken.

After confirming with Bi Ming that the "Eye of Horus" was indeed recorded in the book, Arnold put it in his backpack.

"It's time to go, there seem to be some uninvited guests outside."

"Huh?" Bi Ming followed him out of the door of the bookstore and heard the screams of Cecia and Lilith.

Then came the familiar roar of the alien.

Arnold looked at the two lizard-headed and stout-limbed crawling monsters rushing towards him, and the corners of his lips moved slightly.

In the next second, the two lively aliens seemed to have suddenly lost their mobility, and their bodies shrank and tightened rapidly, turning into dry skin as thin as paper.

Then, the two dry skin monsters automatically shattered into gray-black powder, and flew away as soon as the wind blew.

The whole process took less than five seconds.

The eldest lady looked at the scene in front of her that was comparable to a horror movie, and was a little afraid to move, her eyes staring blankly at Arnold in front of her.

Is this the most powerful scientist in the federation?

Weird ability...

Arnold noticed Bi Ming who had stopped walking, and glanced back at her: "Why don't you leave?"

"No, it's just... It's strange, why are there so many monsters here?" The eldest took a deep breath, picked up the skirt, carefully bypassed the pool of black ashes on the ground, and slowly walked to Arnold's side.

"Maybe there is an incubation base." The silver-haired man didn't feel that he said anything terrible, "I'll look for it later."

Bi Ming was speechless.

The S-class sentry really didn't have much effort to fight these aliens, and the matter was quickly resolved.

But after this little episode, everyone hurry up and stop wandering around, but followed the map instructions sent by the program team to the core of the town—the private manor, which is a huge old-style villa.

At the same time, in another block, a sentry with short silver hair and an alloy mask was opening the space channel, sending some valuable ancient books discovered by the scavengers back to the capital star.

At the same time, another scout insect, smaller than the "scavenger", appeared on the road.

[It has been confirmed that this is a superimposed space, in a semi-closed state, and the time flow rate, gravitational field and various observation data are consistent with the Valentine star. 】

[The boundary has been confirmed, this space only contains the town labeled 'A1', not the complete parent star. 】

[All guests have been confirmed to arrive. 】

When Zhinao sent the third communication signal, 1998 turned to look at the villa in the center of the whole town.

The place is now very clean, the aliens that were originally gathered have been emptied by him, and several housework robots have been cleaned in all directions.

However, the only hidden danger is that it is too close to the high-tech industrial park.

[No. 1998, the government has passed the application of the No. 1 male guest Tang, asking the two of you to enter the park tonight as a team to investigate the abnormal energy fluctuations inside, and search for ancient genetic stock solutions and materials. 】

[The entire operation is kept secret. 】

"Received." The robot lowered his eyes, and there was no emotion in his gray-green pupils.

Soon, he was connected to Tang's communication.

He knew that this was the government's most promising genius sentinel with both strength and brains, a future star who was different from himself and had a bright future.

The other party sent him: "After twelve o'clock in the evening, see you on the first floor of Canterlot Corporation~"

Canterlot is a biopharmaceutical company located in the core area of ​​the high-tech park. Its advertisements can be seen everywhere in the whole town, and it seems to be very rich.

It was also a key suspect in 1998.

If 1998 had human emotions, I'm afraid I couldn't help but marvel at Tang's intelligence gathering ability.

In just a few minutes, the key area has been locked.

Tang, on the other side, was looking at the luxurious villa in front of him and whistled happily: "As expected of the place where those gentlemen live."

Bi Ming felt that Tang's tone was a little sarcastic.

"Testen, what have you been looking at me for?" The flax-haired boy turned his head, the dimples on the corners of his lips looked cute, "Do you want to ask me to take you to see the stars tonight..."

Before the young lady's sneer was out, she felt that her ears were covered by warm palms.

"Ignore him."

"?" She raised her head, her pupils looking at the person who came in shock.

The blond girl raised her neck and the red-haired man bowed his head. Their eyes and breaths were almost intertwined.

This position was maintained for less than a second before the shameful eldest lady broke free.

"Fei, Fini... What's the matter with you?" There were too many people, and she couldn't accept Zhuma sticking like this.

Phoenix glanced at Don, his eyes full of warning.

Tang rolled his eyes, shrugged and sneered: "Yo, what's the madness of the big lord?"

Phoenix pulled the blushing blonde girl behind him, blocking his sight.

"What kind of thing are you worthy of dating her?" The red-haired man's voice was as indifferent as polar ice.

The mouths of Lilith and Cecia in the back have become O-shaped.

No one expected that Phoenix would attack another male guest at the door of the villa.

Jealous? But not like it.

However, Bi Ming saw Zhuma's tense arm muscles, which contained silent anger.

This was the first time she had glimpsed the true emotions of this near-perfect man.

In the dead silence, Tang pulled his lips: "Whether I am worthy or not, it seems that it has nothing to do with you?"

"Don't talk about it." Bi Ming coughed lightly and gave Tang an apologetic look, then grabbed Zhuma's wrist and tugged, "Fini, come with me."

Feeling the girl's gentle grip, Phoenix restrained the surging emotions a little and let the girl pull him away.

Tang, who stayed where he was, took out a small piece of chocolate from his pocket, put it in his mouth the same as the one handed to Bi Ming that day.

The sweet taste didn't dispel the haze in his eyes this time.

Phoenix... Did this get any information?

Or - does he know his true identity?

If so, he would understand that the other party suddenly went crazy, because he was afraid that he would abduct the bird in.

Don chewed the melted chocolate in his mouth, the sweetness of the syrup and the bitterness of the cocoa almost blending together.

He has heard others say that chocolate tastes like love, that sweetness and bitterness are intertwined all the time.

Maybe so, after seeing his little bird pulling other men away, Tang discovered once again that his favorite chocolate wasn't so sweet.

The author has something to say: Zhuma's physical aversion to Tang will be understood in the next chapter~

ps: Let me tell you a little easter egg, the blond puppet doll that Sean sent is actually to be used in combination with his abilities. The doll can sing and dance to make people happy, but it is not used now (Yunbei.jpg)

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

a few seconds ago

Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read My Space-Time System