MTL - Plan to Trap the Golden Thigh-Chapter 54 You are the perfect match

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Yu Yanbai persuaded, Ji Naiqi took a deep breath, picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, and then listened to the words and asked: "What else have you dreamed of besides these? For example, why did you have a car accident at the time?"

Ji Naiqi shook his head. His dream last night was very messy. He jumped here and jumped there all at once, but all of them were painful memories. For example, when he dreamed of being in the hospital, he was the first to live in a state of death. Did not see the envy.

"Don't worry, we are coming slowly. You are slowly recovering your memories now, but you have to be mentally prepared. Maybe those memories will make you more painful."

"Speaking doctor, I have been preparing for so many years. No matter what, I will not be defeated. There are so many people in the world who have brought me pain, but I also have people who really care about me, so I don’t. Will be as serious as ever."

"That's good."

"Ji Nai?"

Ji Naijun heard someone calling him behind him. He turned his head and looked at it. He found that even if he was wearing a hat and wearing a pair of sunglasses, he seemed to dress up a little bit strange.

The man ran over a few steps, then took off his sunglasses and said, "It’s me, how come so smart, I met you here!"

It was only after seeing that it was Zhuo Xiaotong. It was a long time since I came back from the resort, so he forgot some of this person.

"Hey, sit in and give me some seats."

Zhuo Xiaotong completely squeezed Ji Naiqi into the seat, and then sat in the seat where the original Ji Nai was sitting. After doing all this, he looked up and looked at the opposite words.

"Who is this handsome guy? Ji Naiqi, don't you tell me that you have changed someone else? Why don't you find me if you change someone? Even if you are waiting for the number plate with love, it is the first turn to me! ”

Words are speechless for a while, and then seeing Ji Naiqi seems to be more speechless. Zhuo Xiaoyu took the arm of Ji Naiqi and said something close to him: "Why don't you talk?"

In order to prevent Zhuo Xiaoyu from speaking more shocking words, he had to open his mouth: "Are we familiar?"

"It's not very familiar right now, but this kind of thing can be solved with a sleep. When are you willing to sleep with me?"

The opposite side of the drinking water was not accidentally smashed, and Ji Naifu said: "Zhu Xiaolan, why are you so owed?"

"I can't do anything for everyone. I like you, but I have sent them to the door for two times and I haven't seen you doing it. Are you not good at that?"

"So you are because I refused to do you, I was white all night?" Ji Naiqi was joking and joking, Zhuo Xiaoyu raised his hand and touched his hair, muttered: "This is what I just dyed yesterday. Grandma ash, isn’t it good? I look in the mirror and think it’s good to die. I’m still looking for a chance to kill you.”

Ji Naijun pointed out the words and said: "You are a grandmother, he is a grandfather, you two are perfect, so you should not look for me."

Zhuo Xiaolan looked at his white hair carefully and wondered: "Where is his hair white? It is black, you are color blind."

"I mean his name."

"Name?" Zhuo Xiaoyu looked at him with amazement. "You call Grandpa White? What a strange name, what do you think when your father named you? I know, he must be hopeful." Everyone else calls your grandfather and gives you a cheaper!"

Yan Bai: "..." He is who recruits who! He was so angry that he was too lazy to speak. As a result, Zhuo Xiao’s eyes were still eager to ask. He had to hand a business card in the past. Zhuo Xiaotong knew that his name was a confession.

Yan Bai looked down at the watch on his left hand and said: "I have a patient in the afternoon, I will go back to the clinic first. Nai, you have something to look for at any time."

Ji Naiqi nodded. After the words went away, he pointed to the opposite position and asked Zhuo Xiaoyu: "Can you sit away from me?"


“The perfume smells a little nose.”

Zhuo Xiaolan looked down and smelled himself. He said, "The perfume I use is expensive. How can I lick my nose? Do you have a problem with your nose?" He said as he sat across the opposite side and said, "I Haven't eaten yet, starved to death, you invited me to dinner."

Ji Naiqi recruited the waiter to let Zhuo Xiaoyu order it, and then he sat and drank coffee. It was necessary to change the usual time. He must have left, but now he has something to ask for.

About the matter of fostering and being taken care of.