MTL - Pirates: The Revenge of the Family, Kill All the Tianlong People!-Chapter 132

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"Teacher Zefa..."

As if seeing the future of the teacher's death, Ain and Binz, who were kneeling on one knee, burst into tears at this moment!

"Die, Zefa!"

Rono shouted angrily and strengthened his strength!

crucial moment!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several figures in a row suddenly approached, surrounding Rono and Zefa!

next moment!


The figures who came here burst out with powerful domineering arrogance at the same time, colliding with the swordsmanship that Rono broke out!

It combined the domineering outbursts of several strong men, and after a stalemate for nearly 1 minute, finally completely bounced Rono's swordsmanship!


The swordsmanship was bounced into the sky and submerged between the clouds!


A dull sound rang out, and a shocking big hole appeared in the clouds above!

Looking up, you can even see through it at a glance!

It feels as if the sky has been split into a big hole, and the visual impact is full!

The dazzling sunlight fell from the vacuum of the clouds without hesitation!

Shine on everyone's body!

Soon, Ain, Binz, and Zefa saw the people who came to block Rono's slash!

It is the World ZF reinforcements led by the current General Marshal of the Three Armies Gang Gu Kong!

Except for the general marshal of the three armed forces, Konggu Kong!

There are also Air Force Generals and Army Generals, two general-level powerhouses!

There are also nearly ten elite members of CP0!

Among the ten CP0 members who came!

Two of them even possess the aura of a general-level powerhouse!

After all, almost 40 years have passed since the Battle of the Valley of the Gods!

In the past 40 years, the world government has not waited to die, but has continuously recruited talents worthy of cultivation from all over the world!

These geniuses lived up to the expectations of the Five Old Stars. After so many years of continuous training, they have grown into general-level powerhouses!

PS: Three more offers!

Something went wrong yesterday, obviously every day at 7 o'clock, the three shifts are put together at the same time.

As a result, yesterday one chapter was at 7:00, one chapter at 7:30, and another at 8:00, and the order was still chaotic.

I don't know what's going on with the site, I hope this doesn't happen again.

Chapter 137 Surrounding tactics! 1V5

"Nice job... Steel Skeleton!"

"Finally caught up!"

"Five generals-level powerhouses are besieging, whether it's Rox or the [Extremely Evil Ones], they're not enough!"

"Just kill him here, it seems that you don't need to disturb Lord Yimu!"

At this moment, Holy Land, Mary Joa!

The Five Old Stars sat in the hall of power, looking at the live broadcast of Marin Fando.

Wait until Cyborg Kong leads the Air Force, Army Generals, and reinforcements from CP0 to arrive.

The five people were also greatly relieved!

The siege of five general-level powerhouses, even the [extremely evil ones], cannot escape!

It seems that there is no need to bother Mr. Yim anymore.


"Fortunately in time!"

"Zefa, are you alright!"

The five general-level powerhouses joined forces and finally resisted Rono's swordsmanship that did not use his full strength.

Cyborg Kong hurriedly looked at his old comrade-in-arms Zefa.

At this time, Zefa was seriously injured, panting, his chest kept rising and falling, and he took a deep breath.

But looking at his appearance, it should not be fatally injured!

"Marshal are here..."

Zefa gasped heavily.

If it were even a few seconds later, I would not be able to hold on to it, and I would have become a corpse!

Touch Rono's terrifying slash with flesh at close range!

Zefa has a feeling!

The strength of [The Evil One] seems to be stronger than 36 years ago!

"Be careful, Marshal Kong!"

"This guy is stronger than he was 36 years ago!"

Zefa hurriedly reminded.

"I know, Zefa... Don't forget, I was also a witness to the battle of the Valley of the Gods 36 years ago."

Steel Gukong's face was solemn.

In the battle of the Valley of the Gods 36 years ago, although Konggu Kong did not personally fight Rono.

But in the end, Rono single-handedly held back more than 20 general-level powerhouses in front of Gang Gukong!

Not only is this guy not dead, but he has been dormant for 36 years!

With the extremely powerful talent of [The Evil One] that cannot be found in eight hundred years of history.

It is only natural that he will become stronger in these 36 years!

"Steel Skeleton Kong, is it finally your turn to play?"

Rono raised the first-generation ghost in his hand with a playful expression.

Rono remembered the things that Cyborg Kong and the former Five Old Stars didn't like each other very well.

Originally thought that the steel bone will be different from the original, but now it seems that there is not much change!

Being able to achieve the position of the general marshal of the three armies is enough to prove that the steel bone has been a dog for the world ZF in these years!

After all, how could the Five Old Stars allow a disobedient guy to take the position of the General Marshal of the Three Armies?

"[Extremely Evil One]! Don't be too complacent!"

"We were able to kill you in the Valley of God 36 years ago! We can still kill you again here in Marin Vando!"

Cyborg Kong understood the sarcasm in Rono's words and said angrily.

"The rumored [Serious]! The most wicked person who killed thousands of Tianlong people!"

"It is also the existence that Tianlong people fear the most!"

"Such a wicked man must be wiped out of existence!"

The two general-level powerhouses in CP0 also stared at Rono with murderous intent in their eyes!

Although these two people have not experienced the battle of the Valley of the Gods 36 years ago.

But in terms of the degree of brainwashing by the Tianlong people, these CP0s are no lighter than the CP0s 36 years ago!

Killing Tianlong people is like killing their parents!

Therefore, even if these people have not witnessed the scene of Rono slaughtering the Tianlong people like killing chickens.

But just thinking about it can make them grit their teeth and burn with anger!

I can't wait to tear Rono into eight pieces on the spot!

"It's up to you, let's try it out."

Rono's eyes are disdainful!

If it weren't for the awakening of the 19 [Kings] back then!

In the battle of the Valley of the Gods, it is uncertain who wins and who loses!

The bones of the 19 kings have been wiped out with the turbulence of time and space!

It is impossible to rescue their descendants again!

With the five people in front of him, even five general-level powerhouses!

Want to join forces to kill yourself?

Almost impossible!

After all, Rono now has a three-color god-level domineering, plus superpowers such as killing by seeing and hearing, and foreseeing the future!

With the blessing of the power of the four major fruits, the super fusion technology is close by, and the destructive power is unparalleled in the world!

Plus steel balloons, six-style profound meanings and other super defensive powers!

Want to kill Rono?

easier said than done!

Five more, there may still be a chance!

"Aren't you Zefa's students?"

"Take Zefa away first...! A war is about to break out here!"

Immediately, Cyborg Kong faced Ain, who had just been intimidated by Rono's aura, Binz said.

Next, it's a head-to-head showdown!

The siege of several general-level powerhouses is too dangerous!

Take Zefa away first, so that you can display your strength without any scruples!

"Oh.... well.... yes! yes!"

Ain and Binz, who had never experienced such a scene, were stunned for a moment.

Only then did he react, and quickly jumped onto the execution platform, trying to take Zefa away.

"Do you think I'll just watch you do nothing?"

Rono sneered, and then swung the knife!

The whistling sword qi, like a fierce tiger coming out of its cage, burst out of the air with a sense of oppression that shatters everything!

The target of this sword qi is the seriously injured Zefa!

"Damn! Despicable fellow!"

Gang Gukong shouted angrily, and his whole body burst into a burst of armed color!

Although it is more than 70 years old, the strength of the steel bone is stronger than that in the prime of life 36 years ago!

With the continuous refinement in the past 36 years, the strength of the steel frame is also growing steadily!

So much so that he is more than 70 years old, but he still sits firmly in the position of General Marshal of the Three Armies!

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