MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 518 Cut 1 more emperor

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Under the killing of Charlotte Lingling, Qin Ge didn't stop at all, and her body rushed up like an arrow. She appeared in the scattered flesh and blood, and the 'God's Soul Lock' flew out of her hand. · Lingling's soul seized and sucked into the prisoner of the dead.

"It's your turn next time!" Smoothly set foot in the void, Qin Ge turned to look coldly at Kaiduo, sharp eyes also awakened Kaiduo in shock.

"Abominable, I don't believe you can still kill me!" As a person who often commits suicide to temper the flesh, Kaiduo will naturally not be feared by death. Instead, he will have fierce hair and strong legs that will bend slightly It was a violent cricket shot at Qin Ge.

多 Hard and stubborn fist was hit by Kai Duo towards Qin Ge, and Qin Ge responded immediately. His body slammed away like a shock, and his cold face was also punched.

Boom! ! ! !

The fists of the two of them met together in an instant, and as if it were a meteorite impact, they made a loud noise that rang through the world and stirred up the roaring air of waves.

The ground where the puppet collided collapsed instantly, forming a huge deep pit. At the same time, cracks of several meters wide spread wildly in the distance, making the large surface a broken mirror.

The air impacted by the air wave was distorted, and on the opposite side, Kaduo's face that collided with Qin Ge's fist showed pain, and saw that his fist and arm were crushed by terror, the flesh and blood burst, and the whole arm was finally It was exploded into blood mist.

"Ah ~!" A scream of scream came from Cador's mouth, and he was repelled by unmatched power.

The gigantic body slanted into the ground like a cannonball, and Kaido was crushed into the ground, but instead of stopping, he slid all the way, plowing the ground out of a trench of ten meters wide, and finally rushed out of the port. The square plunged into the seawater that was re-exposed after the magma melted, splashing high water columns.

Boom ~!

The sound of a loud boom was deafening. Qin Ge chased after him like a flash of lightning, and then without a pause, crashed into the sea, causing a water column tens of meters high to explode.

巨 The waves on the sea are rolling, the sea floor seems to be some kind of monster over the river, the waves are getting more and more intense, and finally they are rolled up into the port, and the approaching pirates and the navy are set off.

轰轰 轰轰! ! ! !

Marin Vado also suffered from the aftershocks of the underwater transmission, which made it shake like an earthquake. In the distance, the sea frozen by frozen fruits also appeared dense cracks, which obviously also suffered the impact.

I was still there. The shock lasted for less than a minute and ended, but many people who had already heard the domineering feelings were shocked when they felt the condition of the ocean floor.

The sea surface where the tumbling waves gradually subsided, and the cold look of Qin Ge slowly emerged from the sea, like stepping on the void into the air, and in his left hand he was holding a huge maggot's huge head.

He scratched his head and his feet, and his face showed a deadly expression. The owner of this head was Kaido.

"Did even Kaido have been killed? This monster has the title of the strongest creature in land, sea and air, and it is said that he has an immortal body!"

"The Lieutenant General of the Blood Dragon is so strong that he even smashed the two four emperors. Such a power is unimaginable!"

"The end of the pirates is finally here. As long as there is a blood dragon general in our navy, what other pirates can escape!"


All the way to the top of the port, Qin Ge's indifference was to throw Kato's head to the ground, then he jumped across the square, returned to the execution platform, and sat quietly on the seat. Standing high, overlooking the entire battlefield.

Although he didn't say a word, everyone in the scene, whether it was the navy or the pirates, felt the majesty and intense oppression from Qin Ge.

The navy was awed and admired, the pirates were afraid and nervous, and the situation on the battlefield seemed to fall completely on Qin Ge alone.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, you can open the closed image phone bug. The ultimate winner of this war will only belong to our navy!" On the execution platform, the Warring States, which was also in shock, suddenly heard the quiet voice of Qin Ge. This Let him suddenly wake up.

"Is this the speech of the soul in the domineering, and victory will only belong to our navy? Also, with him in mind, the White-bearded Pirates can no longer turn around!" Warring States took a deep look at Qin Ge below From the beginning of the war, for the first time, a smile and a smile appeared, even if he picked up the phone bug and issued an order.

Because the conspiracy was too intense, the Warring States closed the transmission of the image phone bug in advance, so as not to damage the justice of the navy.

现在 Now, the war has entered a fierce heat, and with the invincible power demonstrated by Qin Ge just now, the Warring States naturally has no previous anxiety and anxiety, so that the interrupted picture transmission appears again .....

Qin Ge slashed the two big four emperors, which naturally put tremendous pressure on the Whitebeard Pirates, and also increased the morale of the Navy.

But the war will not end easily. Many pirates, under the leadership of White Beard, blasted to the execution platform again and again. Even if Qin Ge was sitting in the back of the town, they were temporarily forgotten.

The three generals of the navy, the red ape, the yellow ape, and the green pheasant naturally performed dazzlingly in the war, and one person was a captain-level figure enough to stop the two white-bearded pirates.

At the same time, the elite Lieutenant Generals in the headquarters are also fully open ~ ~ and the captain-level and captain-level pirates fight together, making the battle extremely fierce.

Of course, in the chaotic assassination, Weibull also obeyed Qin Ge's instructions and cleaned the high-ranking generals of the world government faction in the navy. Of course, Hankook and Doflamingo also assisted in secret.

In Qin Ge did not continue to fight, the most fierce battle in the battlefield will undoubtedly be two Zefa and White Beard.

After recovering their youth, these people like Takizawa are dead withered. The strength that was originally trapped in the tragedy has once again entered into the development period. With the powerful ability of the fruit of the vampire devil, today's combat power is long ago.

Although Whitebeard's strength has fallen far short of the peak due to physical injuries and old age, at this time, Zefa and Whitebeard's battle can present a posture of not falling behind, which shows that his strength has now successfully entered the world. Level.

This top battle is a key step in transforming the navy in Qin Ge's plan, and also an opportunity for him and Zefa to reach the top of the navy together.

歌 Qin Ge originally planned to kill White Beard in person to raise his reputation in the navy to the peak, but the appearance of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling obviously changed the plan.

In the slaying of the two four emperors, Qin Ge has reached the peak of prestige in the minds of a group of navies. Even if white beard is slain again, the effect will not be so obvious.


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