MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 13 Power and speed

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Seeing Qin Ge willing to accept the test, Colonel Diff nodded with satisfaction. Although the test has not yet begun, Qin Ge's so frank move has actually revealed some information.

Soon after, Colonel Diff personally took Qin Ge to the training square in the base. At this time in the daytime, naturally, there were many naval soldiers training.

Although curious about the appearance of Colonel Diff with a teenager, no one dares to step forward under the strict military regulations and can only aim at it secretly during training.

"My test of you is actually not that complicated, just to determine your strength, mainly strength and speed, of course, if you have any special ability, then you can show it!" Colonel Diff came After a place where many training equipments were placed, he turned around and stared at Qin Ge who followed him.

Wu Qinge stopped and knew what the other person said. The strength of this world is not limited to physical strength, but also the existence of devil fruits.

The special ability that Colonel Sundiver refers to is probably the devil fruit ability. After all, Qin Ge looks too young. If he has strong strength, the most likely result is the incredible devil fruit.

However, Colonel Diff obviously thinks more. Qin Ge has no demon fruit ability and naturally will not show any special ability.

"How does this power and speed test work!" Qin Ge looked directly at the other party.

"If you have strength, just use this barbell to test it. Use your maximum strength to lift the maximum weight you can bear!" Colonel Diff explained.

Wu Qinge nodded, and it was straightforward to go forward and take a thick bare-armed barbell rod, and then began to load thick barbell pieces towards both sides.

Colonel Jiffy Duff was still very calm at first, but when he saw the barbells Qin Ge chose, he was somewhat calm.

"Alan, don't take it wrong. The barbells are made specially. Although they are about the same size, each one can weigh 100 kilograms. You have two on each side, plus the barbell rod. Weight, but it's over four hundred kilos! "Colonel Diff couldn't help but say.

Qin Ge calmly glanced at the other side and said casually, "Don't you let me lift the maximum weight I can bear, I just do it!"

During the conversation, Qin Ge added two barbells with a weight of 50 kilograms to both sides of the barbell bar, which also caused the entire barbell to exceed a thousand pounds at once.

Seeing that Qin Ge didn't care, Colonel Didi continued to add a hundred kilograms, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was a little stunned.

It's not a joke to weigh more than a thousand pounds. I'm afraid he can only lift the barbell in the entire Navy Division. It can even be said that even if he wants to lift the heavy barbell, he will never relax.

Qin Ge's move not only shocked Colonel Diff, but also made the navy soldiers sneaking on the square look shocked.

"What is this boy doing, shouldn't he want to lift the barbell!"

"Don't look at the joke, I just saw that he put a 500-kilogram barbell on the barbell. Do you think a child can lift such a weight!"

"I think so, I guess this child should be a relative of Colonel Diff, and it should be Colonel Diff who wants to show off his power in front of this child!"


The puppet soldiers talked one after another, but even the veterans in charge of training at this time had no thoughts, and they looked at the situation not far away with curiosity.

秦 After the barbell exceeded a thousand pounds, Qin Ge also stopped. He didn't hesitate, just in front of Colonel Diff, reaching out to the center of the barbell with his immature right hand.

Seeing this, Colonel Diff's eyes widened suddenly. This is what he wanted to do. The other party would not just lift a barbell with a weight of more than one hand.

Facts proved that Colonel Diff was right. After grabbing the barbell with one hand, Qin Ge bent his knees slightly, and began to exert force with a low drink in his mouth.

The seemingly thin young body instantly burst into horror power. Qin Ge's body hidden inside the clothes quickly bulged up tight muscles, and she lifted the weight-bearing barbell slowly off the ground with only one hand. .

Because the barbells on both sides are too load-bearing, even if the barbell bar is made of special materials, it is pressed to bend out a clear arc.

However, it is precisely because of this that it shows the sense of power that has a great impact on the picture. The soldiers who saw this scene not far away have unconsciously grown their mouths ~ ~ a pair Stunned.

It took only a second or two from the heavy barbell to being raised high by Qin Ge with one hand, and at the same time he looked at Colonel Diff, who was stunned.

"Is that okay!" Qin Ge shouted at the other party.

"It's okay!" Colonel Diff woke up and nodded quickly after reacting.

Wu Qinge nodded, still relying on the strength of one arm to put the heavy barbell back to the ground, even when he touched the ground, there was no loud sound. It can be seen that he is very skilled in controlling power.

"Allen, it seems that I have a glimpse of you, you are better than I imagined, and with the power you show, you are already qualified to let me recommend to this department!" Colonel Diff exclaimed.

Qin Ge waved his hand, indicating that the other side praised himself too much, and immediately said: "Then how to test the next speed!"

Colonel Cardiff expects something: "It's very simple, it's limited to 100 meters, you can sprint with the fastest speed!"

Although mere demonstration of strength has made Diff decide to recommend Qin Ge, but he also looks forward to Qin Ge's performance in other aspects.

After knowing the test method, Qin Ge came to the runway in the training square, and Colonel Diff also found a stopwatch to measure the time for Qin Ge.

Oh ~!

When the test was announced, the violent sound was from Qin Ge's feet to the upload. I saw that the cement-filled runway was broken by a dense crack.

Qin Ge is like a healthy cheetah, blinking away from the starting point in the place, under the galloping sprint, each step easily crossed a distance of several meters, as if the black lightning quickly passed the 100-meter end.