MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 8 Red Dragon

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Volume 19 Chapter 8 Red Dragon

The "hanging island" sky cemetery is a forbidden place for Wing Man. It is said that this is the place where the dead Wing Man's soul is buried. Wing Man is different from ordinary living beings. When Wing Man dies, the soul will automatically fly back to 'Sky Wing Cemetery' until the Wing Man mother tree With enough power accumulated, the winged human soul will once again be reborn in the form of eggs. WwW. NgWeNXuE. MWwW. NgWeNXuE. M

On the 'Hanging Island', a total of three winged men ss are the most powerful.

The most powerful wingman is the leader of the wing people, ‘wing king’. It has the special ability to talk directly to the gods, master infinite divine power, and use dozens of overbearing divine skills.

The second strongest wingman is Kalina, the wing sacrifice of the wing people, which is the strongest sacrifice of the wing people, mastering the divine power and using the restoration system divine magic.

The third winged man is called 'Kalian'. It is Karina's younger brother. He was born with a unique ability to master a kind of divine magic that can manipulate the soul.

The Wing Man King is guarding the Wing Man mother tree. The sacrifice of emptiness will appear randomly around the world, and Kalyan has been responsible for guarding the sky cemetery.

Taken by the gray-winged winged man to the suspended island, if you have not chosen to take the initiative to leave, you will be sent to the winged man tree, serving as new food for the winged man. Sky graveyard.

I have to say that Li Yi won the prize again this time!

He was fortunate enough to become a food for Spiritwing Kalyan and was sent to the Sky Graveyard.

Hundreds of arrows shot from all directions, and Li Yi saw that the situation was not good, and immediately opened up the time field in the air to slow down the speed of enemy arrows.


哧哧 哧 ——

Li Yi teleported twice in a row, moving tens of meters across the air, and accurately avoided all the hundreds of arrows shot by the white-winged man.

"God-man mode!"

The goddess of hunt appeared, and opened her arms, hugging Li Yi in her arms.

The goddess of hunt whispered in Li Yi's ear: "This is a suspended island, my hometown ..."

"Moon! Moon! Moon!"

When the nearby wingmen saw the hunting goddess appear, they cried with excitement.

Another name for the goddess of hunting is called the goddess of the moon, which was her name when she was in the wing tribe.

"Kill her!"

"Kill her!"

"Betrayed the moon of the wing king, **** it!"

"Kill the quack!"

At first, Li Yi thought that the emergence of the hunting goddess could reduce the hatred of the Yi people, but the results were good. The emotions of the Yi people were all excited, screaming, and the wings from the distance covered the surrounding sky Living.

Li Yi knew at this time that the goddess of hunting was a betrayal of the Yi clan ...


As soon as Li Yi thought, the goddess of hunting opened her golden wings, quickly lifted off, and broke out.

The island's wingmen were alarmed, and the best way right now is to get out of combat.

Death once did not matter to Li Yi, but the place he didn't want to die was the 'hanging island'.

Because death on a suspended island is not the same as death elsewhere ...

If you die on the periphery of the suspended island, the player will enter a period of ten to thirty minutes of non-resurrection and release of the soul. Even if Li Yi has a divine stone, he must follow this rule.

If you die near the Wingren Mother Tree, the player will enter a non-resurrection period of up to one to three hours.

It was because of the unique resurrection mechanism of the suspended island that Li Yi did not hesitate to choose to run away.

He didn't want to stupidly lie on the ground for a long time and couldn't move.

The flying speed of the hunting goddess is comparable to that of ordinary winged people, but it moves side to side, turns up and down, a few rises and falls, the hunting goddess throws a group of winged people far behind.

"Good job!"

Li Yi sighed.

The goddess of hunting sighed and was not pleased by Li Yi's praise.

"Goddess, you are actually a traitor to the winged people. This really surprised me."

Already escaped from the suspended island, Li Yi is not afraid even if he is besieged to death by the wingmen.

"When I decided to confront the King of God, I knew it would be like this."

"Let's go to the moon, don't sigh."

As soon as Li Yi thought, the hunting goddess flew down quickly.

Disguise! Fake death!

Out of combat.


"Ga! The moon is gone."

"Moon, traitor, she must die!"

"Traitor, look for it!"

A group of wingmen hovered above Li Yi's head. They did not lose their hatred because they were out of combat, but continued their search.

It is completely different from ordinary monsters. Wing people have strong independent thinking ability!

Had it not been for Li Yi to escape their sight, it would have been impossible to use his skills to escape the battle.

Soon, the wingmen scattered and flew away, and Li Yi also lifted his camouflage.

After looking around, he actually came to the edge of the western continent and walked forward, which is the entrance to the abyss rift "Devil Invasion" expansion.


There were two huge dragon roars in the distance, which caught Li Yi's attention. The god-man mode was not over yet. He felt that a strong breath was approaching here.


After another loud roar, a red dragon that surpassed the black dragon princess Onyxia's flew over to this side.

On the red back, stood a tall female player wearing black armor, carrying a giant sword, stomping her foot, and making a few proud laughs from time to time.


Li Yi froze for a moment, with a smile on his face.

It has been almost two years since he let Jiao Jiao abduct the Red Dragon Queen of Augustus, and now it is finally settled ...

"The field unfolds!"

Li Yi opened the field with all his strength, teleported, flew, and landed firmly on the back of the Red Dragon Queen.

"Roar-go down, humble creature!"

The Red Queen suddenly became furious and kept shaking her body. She wanted to get Li Yi down. She was only subdued by Jiao Jiao. In her eyes, only Jiao Jiao was qualified to ride on her back. As for other creatures, she did not have that qualification!

"Don't mess around, stop!"

No matter how Jiaojiao yelled at, the Red Dragon Queen didn't stop, trying to get Li Yi down.

Li Yi's God-Man mode has not disappeared, and every time the Red Dragon Queen punches him down, he can quickly return to his original position.

"Jiaojiao, when did you get her?"

"Today, just now, wow ha ha ha, I fainted the old man of Augustus." Jiaojiao looked proud.

You know, Augustus has conquered the Red Dragon Queen for more than a thousand years, and has not even succeeded in riding it once ...

The Red Dragon Queen's temper is even more violent than the Black Dragon Princess.

"Go to death, humble creature, you have stained me, you cannot forgive!"

The Queen of the Red Dragon turned her head and opened her mouth, spraying a crimson glowing dragon breath at Li Yi.

Li Yi flew up gently, avoiding all Dragon Breaths.

哧 ——

Li Yi launched the teleportation attached to the Emperor's Sword and returned to the vicinity of the suspended island.


Jiao Jiao's voice message came over immediately: "Little Yizi, who is it?"

"Hanging island."

"Pull me over. I was thinking of doing the task."

"Take away your red dragon first."


Li Yi took out the companion summoner and pulled Jiao Jiao to his side.

Li Yi is to upgrade the evil **** scroll, go to the hanging island and then steal the wingsman's eggs.

Jiaojiao is for the god-level buff task, and also needs a winged egg.

The two have different missions, but the missions are the same.

Li Yi led Jiao Jiao to the grass and said, "If you didn't see me just now, would you like to ride the Red Dragon Queen to the suspended island?"

"That's worth saying, must!"

Li Yi rolled her eyes.

The Red Dragon Queen is an ancient dragon. She is even more powerful than the black dragon princess Onyxia. However, although she is powerful, she has to force the billions of winged people on Pankang Island with her own power.

With Li Yi's current strength, killing hundreds of winged men at once, without any effort, but if there are too many winged men, he can only consider his own survival problem first.

"Not hard? Where are we going?"

"What do you say?"

Li Yi looked at the grass with a smile on his face.

Jiao Jiao suddenly realized: "Here are you here?"

"I slap you, lie down!"

Li Yi pointed at the grass from the edge.

"Here ..." Jiao Jiao glanced nervously and shook her head a bit shyly: "Not so good, what if someone passes by ..."

Li Yi was mad at her: "I told you to lie down, but I didn't tell you to hold you back."

Jiaojiao looked suspicious, but finally lay on her back to the sky.

Li Yi wondered: "Why not lie down?"



Li Yi also lay on the ground.

"Don't mess around, wait for my instructions."

"Uh-huh ..."

About two minutes past, when Jiao Jiao was a little impatient, the unpleasant squeal of the Grey-winged Wings came from the sky.

The gray-winged man has the lowest IQ and the worst language skills, and all his peers communicate with each other with a call.

Two gray-winged men flew down, carried Jiao Jiao and Li Yi on their backs, and fluttered into the air with flapping wings.

Jiaojiao was surprised to send a private chat: "Wow, shall we just enter the island like this?"

"How's it going?"

"Average, so will my sister, wow ha ha ha, this trick is wonderful ..."

Jiaojiao was not proud of her, and suddenly she reached out and patted the gray-winged man's head.

"Quack quack quack quack quack?"

The gray-winged man made five laps in the air, and that dull appearance caused Jiaojiao to laugh again.

"Don't move too much ~ ~ Graywing man is stupid, but there are whitewing man nearby, if it is brought in, we will be miserable."

"Oh oh, uh uh."

Jiaojiao was lying motionless on Wing Man's back.



The two gray-winged men cascaded forward and flew in the direction of the suspended island carrying the two.

After a while in the grass, the **** forgot to crawl out of it with a kitchen knife.

"Hey, pretend to be able to get on the island, this is a good move." The **** forgot to touch his chin and nodded in satisfaction.

The **** forgot to pick up the communicator: "Sister Huahua, come to coordinates 250250 ... I figured out how to get on the island."


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