MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 56 3-body summon

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Li Yi and Dashan came into play, and both felt a little helpless.

Da Shan pointed at the ground with an orange stick, and the Swamp King appeared at his feet.

Dashan nodded. "It's time to start."

Li Yi nodded, and the duel officially began.

Slap 1 slap 1

Li Yi shook his hands with three arrows and went straight to Damen's face door.

Only you die on the duel, and the loser is out, so Li Yi has no mercy when he takes a shot.

Dashan rolled on the spot, and, three arrows shot.

Goo Goo Goo Goo ...

The size of the King of the Swamps has spread, and the King of the Swamps at level 200 has reached its peak state in terms of both blood volume and volume.

Da Shan waved a stick: "Soul Stick Method

Pop L

Li Yi's white hurt words floated on his head.

The soul stick method is called the most garbage skill in the king of the gods. There is no one. Its low damage is the best of all professions, but this skill also has an advantage. As long as the target is within the attack range, it cannot be avoided.

"Come out, imitate the tree

Another beast was called out by Dashan.

This guy really is a pervert. You must know that under normal circumstances, only one summon beast can be summoned to assist the battle at one time, but this guy can summon two at the same time.

"Dark wing, your orange bow can be upgraded, my orange stick can also be, watch my three-body summon

"Come out, Dark King

Another dark summoned beast was called out by Dashan. Three summoned beasts appeared at the same time.

Li Yi waved his hand to summon the baby.

The King of the Swamp is spreading, imitating the tree to spread the ‘explode tree species’, and ’the dark king, releasing a black mist with a wide range of damage, the three summoned beasts combined together, the power is very shocking

It can be seen that Dashan is also serious this time. .

"God-Man Mode

"True King Arrow

哧哧 哧 ——

Li Yi shot three consecutive shots of ‘True King Arrow’, which smashed the attack of the King of the Swamp imitating the tree and the Dark King.

The King of the Swamps stopped spreading, and the imitation tree crackled and burned, while the dark king's strange noises began to decrease rapidly.

"True King Arrow

The attack distance of Real King Arrow is 90 degrees directly in front. This skill can also generate a strong thrust. If the opponent does not understand the defense, it is easy to play the opponent alive.

Although Dashan has only played against Li Yi once, his research on Li Yi has been countless.

The word “master” is not blown out. Dashan can be called ‘the legendary summoner. Naturally, he has an extraordinary ability.

As soon as he saw it, he shook his body and turned into a thumb villain. He digged into the swamp king with his buttocks and disappeared ...

Li Yi's arrows of true overlords hit three summoned beasts, but they did not hit the mountains.

"Meteor Arrow Rain

Seeing the black mist, swamps, seeds, spread over again. Li Yi took the initiative and released the ‘Meteor Arrow Rain’, ready to kill the three summoned beasts in one fell swoop.

Li Yi's "Meteor Arrow Rain", the stunt has the horror ability to kill SS. Although Dashan's three summoned beasts have good health, they can face such a powerful skill, but they are also irresistible. Two "Meteor Arrow Rain." All three summoned beasts died.

The king of the swamps was stunned, and the dark king fell into a pool of black oil, mimicking a tree burnt to death by the fire of the phoenix.

Just looking around, Dashan is gone 1

Li Yi's brow frowned suddenly.

"Domain Expansion

The golden-yellow field of time unfolded, covering half of the temple.

All areas have ‘Perception, Ability, and Time. It ’s no exception to cooperate with‘ God-Man Mode ’.

But the situation in front of me seems a little bad ...

The time field completely covered the entire duel field, but where is Dashan hidden? Still unable to perceive it.

One minute and thirty seconds have passed, and half of the duel has ended ...


Poppy poppy ...

Arrows fluttered in the sky and could not perceive the position of the mountain. Li Yi used ‘random shooting to force him to appear.

Flip-flops Flip-flops 1

The arrows fired fell to the ground one after another, without hitting the target, Dashan still did not show up.

One minute and 54 seconds elapsed, and Li Yi's hiding in the mountain was amused.

This old boy is too shady. With the ‘soul stick method, he pumped himself up, and flinched and hid. Seeing what he meant, he wanted to repeat the process of playing 'BB East, Yin’ Amber Sword Master.

Off stage, BB East nodded slightly with emotion: "The boss's style is still worth learning."

Li Yi has seen a lot of wretched play, but like this shameless, kill a guy who hides after a drop of blood, he really saw him for the first time ...

"Shameless, shameless, I protested that Chen Yang held up the orange stick and banged his throat.

After the **** Kajura pointed with a full moon scepter: "The mortal below shuts me up, otherwise I will immediately deprive you of the qualification to participate."

"Fuck, ... you cow." The fat man glanced at Carrula with a resentment and stopped.

"It's so shameless, how can this man be like this?"

Qian'er was also very dissatisfied, but instead of cursing, she stared at those **** eyes and searched Dashan's hiding place carefully.

"True King Arrow

哧 ——

哧 ——

哧 ——

On the field, Li Yi kept pulling the orange bow, back and forth, up and down, his attack hit all sides

Weapon fighters shouted, "Twenty seconds left, this round is over."

"Chen Yang under the stage couldn't help but cursed again.

At this moment Li Yi jumped up and released ‘random shot’ in the air.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa……

Thousands of arrows shot in all directions, covering the entire duel.

However, Dashan, the wretched summoner, seemed to have completely evaporated. Even if Li Yi kept firing, he didn't move.

Dashan has been hiding very well. It seems that if the game time is not over, he will not come out.

"No way……"

"My God, this ... Is this the biggest upset in the First World Divine War?"

"My mother, Darkwing is about to lose?"

"... I'm speechless ~ ~ All other warriors have been shocked. This is the first time they have seen such a trick, and such a wretched summoner has exceeded their imagination.

Who would have thought beforehand that the guy would hide if he killed a drop of blood?

What's even more outrageous is that Li Yi's attack completely covered the entire duel, but such an attack couldn't let Dashan show up. This is really beyond everyone's surprise.

"10Vq, 87654, 2 ..."

When the countdown stopped, Li Yi's hand holding the bow also dropped.

At this moment, a thumb-sized gold beast jumped out of the ground, and with a bang, it became

Dashan grinned at Li Yi and said, "Variation of the pangolin possession, I just said wrong, my orange stick skills are not three-body summons, but four-body summons."

"Shhhhhhh ..." There was a hiss.
