MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 26

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Full Text No Ads Volume 19 Chapter 26


The light was bright, and what Li Yi saw was Li Yi holding Bai Xiaoya wrapped in a bath towel, walking calmly to the outside.

"Get out, she's hurt."

"Rapist!" Ziling Piaoyu shouted at Li Yi.

"Fuck your mother!"

Li Yi lifted his feet and shivered. Others made it clear that he should hold a **** pot on him. Can he bear it?

Ziling Piaoyu didn't expect Li Yi to hit her, and he fell to the ground.

"You hit a woman! You hit a woman, you hit a woman!" Ziling Piaoyu shouted.

"I only hit sluts."

There were five others who came in with Ziling Piaoyu. Looking at their dresses, they were all the security guards of a rich hotel, all holding the baton, looking fierce.

However, when Li Yi went out holding Bai Xiaoya, the five security guards did not stop at all. Instead, they laughed and nodded to him.

Ziling Piaoyu shouted: "What else do you watch? This person raped in your hotel. If you don't catch him, it is a crime!"

"Yi brother walk slowly."

Five security guards politely waved at Li Yi.

Ziling floated rain dumbfounded.

what happened? How did it happen?

Bai Xiaoya's sore face was distorted, her small face was pale, and she was speechless.

It should be her unlucky, she intentionally fell, but she really wanted to lead Li Yi forward, but unfortunately she could not see her eyes, and there was a very hard corner of the bracket where she fell and hit her.

"What are you doing? Why not stop him? You guys are in a group!"

Ziling Piaoyu screamed in anger, picked up her phone, and wanted to call the police.

A security guard stepped forward and swiped her batons to knock her cellphone to the ground.

"I suspect you are a prostitute, Fairy Jump!"

Ziling Piaoyu was almost fainted into fainting: "I am a prostitute?"

Another security guard shouted with a walkie-talkie. (Full text eBooks for free download)

"Tenant 107 is planning to engage in prostitution. The fairy jumps, please come here."

"Miss, the police will be here in five minutes."

Ziling Piaoyu was completely stupid.

She wanted to frame Li Yi, but where did she think that things had completely reversed.

Li Yi held Bai Xiaoya downstairs, and by the time he got out of the hotel, the security guard had already ordered a car for him.


When Bai Xiaoya was taken into the car by Li Yi, there was a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

The group of people rushed in just now, and it was Li Yi who picked up the bath towel to cover her body, otherwise she would be seen by the group just now.

At the hospital, the test results came out quickly, the ribs were broken, and he needed to be hospitalized.

Li Yi paid the deposit and went to the ward to visit Bai Xiaoya.

Bai Xiaoya was lying on the bed, her face was much better.

Li Yi smiled and looked at her: "You pit me this time."

Bai Xiaoya moved her eyelids and did not answer.

"Let me go to your room at night, and then call someone over and say that I raped you and sent me to the police station. The crime was attempted, and I could be sentenced to two or three years. Then you can let go of the game without obstruction. I ’m right now, right? "

Li Yi picked up a banana and peeled it off slowly.

"You know, why bother asking me?"

"Just want to be sure, come, mouth opened."

Li Yi stretched the peeled banana in front of Bai Xiaoya.

Bai Xiaoya turned her head.

"Actually, you were wrong from the beginning."

"What am I doing wrong?"

"You think I'm a satyr, and I think I will undress and rush in when I see you in the bath, am I right?"

Bai Xiaoya did not answer, it was the default.

Li Yi knows the security of the Fortune Hotel, and even the managers there are his acquaintances. This hotel is the industry of Yang Rong, a fairy genie, and the relationship between Li Yi and Yang Rong is no longer a secret.

On his own ground, what is Li Yi afraid of? He didn't think about it just now. If he really wanted to, he could rush in and **** Bai Xiaoya, and then pollute her for prostitution. There would be a lot of security attendants to testify during the referral. Li Yiqing was innocent.

"Eat bananas!"

Li Yi slammed Bai Xiaoya's head, pinched her face, let her open her mouth, and stuffed a whole banana in.


Bai Xiaoya shook her head in pain.

Li Yi had a big heart.

Bai Xiaoya's mouth is notorious in the King of the Gods, and it is overcast and damaging, unreasonable, but it is long and beautiful, so many evil people in their hearts always dream of one day Take a look at her little mouth.

Li Yi is one of the evil people in his heart.


Li Yi took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Bai Xiaoya painfully eating bananas.

"It turns out that Miss Bai likes eating bananas whole, oh."

When Li Yi pulled the banana out, Bai Xiaoya's drool was taken out, she couldn't stop coughing, staring at a pair of fiery eyes, staring at him fiercely.

"Why look at me like this? If your plan succeeds, I'll go in for three years and think about it in other places. Am I being too kind to you?"

Bai Xiaoya bit her lip without saying a word.

"It's for the game. Your drifting snow league has pitted a lot of people? As far as I know, in the King of the Gods, there are at least more than 50 guilds that you have pitted."

Bai Xiaoya turned her head inside without saying a word.

"Turn around and look at me!"

Li Yi brutally pulled Bai Xiaoya's head over.

"If you ca n’t fight me in the game, you just want to hide me in reality. Have you ever thought about it? This is my hometown. Do n’t say that you choose to be in a rich hotel. You can't take it for a walk! "

Li Yi pressed the cell phone, and a low gasp from Bai Xiaoya came out: "Room 107 of the Fortune Hotel tonight, I wait for you ..."

As early as ‘Heaven on Earth’ ktv, Li Yi already recorded what Bai Xiaoya said to her.

This is all evidence to prevent Bai Xiaoya Yin.

"Prostitution, fairy dancing, white girl, your business is a bit more troublesome."

Ai Xiaoya was pale and bit her lip, she couldn't say a word.

Li Yi picked up the banana again and slid back and forth on her thin lips ...


At 4 am, Li Yi returned home by taxi.

Open the door and walk into his bedroom. By the moonlight, Li Yi saw a woman lying on her bed.

A closer look is Binger ...


From playing during the day to night, and tossing from night to morning, Li Yi was so tired that he fell asleep in bed until 12 noon.

He was awakened by Jiao Jiao's face, ~ ~ Get up, get up, something is happening. "

"what happened again?"

"Well, go out and see for yourself."

Li Yi rubbed his eyes and walked to the living room. He saw a pretty policewoman in uniform standing there.

"Mr. Li Yi, right? I hope you can explain in detail what happened last night."

Li Yi wiped her eyes and stepped forward to look closely at the policewoman.

"Wipe, Satsuki, when did you become a police officer?"

This policewoman is the twin sister of superstar Xu Man, who lives in the downstairs of Li Yi's house ...


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