MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 11 coma

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The Piaoxue Alliance actually reached an alliance with the Wing clan. This incident surprised many players. When Bai Xiaoya led Wing into the war of aggression, it goes without saying that it naturally caused a strong resentment from the majority of players. .Qi Shu Wu without pop-up windows

Bai Xiaoya's reputation has not been very good. The entrances she has pitted are by no means one or two. It is better now. This chick actually took a group of birds into the place to look for the old enemies. The disgusting mouth entered and let a lot of entrance. All angry.

Bai Xiaoya's most hated entry is undoubtedly Li Yi. Without Li Yi, the Piaoxue League would have completed the situation of unification, and she would also become the first division of the king of the gods.

It was Li Yi's appearance that disrupted all the plans of Piaoxuemeng.

The grievances of the two sides have already been exhausted and difficult to resolve. When Li Yi saw Bai Xiaoya, she would never let her go, and Bai Xiao also did the same. As long as she had a chance, she would definitely calculate Li Yi fiercely.

Bai Xiaoya led the wing into aggression. When she tested the wing's combat effectiveness, she immediately pointed her target at Li Yi's "City of Starting Point".

Hundreds of thousands of wings flew into the nest and flew to the Arctic continent, leaking water around the starting city.

Wing-in will not destroy the player city, but Bai Xiaoya can!

The former imperial ghost ghost guard turned into a display in front of Wing Ruan. It took only ten minutes for the hundreds of thousands of Wing Ruan to wipe out all the city in the starting point.

Bai Xiaoya ordered the city to be set on fire, and the sparks suddenly burst. The city that Li Yi had worked hard for months to build was destroyed in no time.

Jiao Jiao, Demon Pixie, Huo Binger, cats who love to sing, and even Xu Man Xu Yue, Sister Indus, all returned to the city to rescue, but under the joint attack of Wing In and Piao Xue League elites, they could only block it, Suspend the speed at which the main city is being destroyed.

After the news, Chen Yang heard the news and immediately sent troops to the rescue. Unfortunately, when they arrived, they only saw the smoke and the city of the starting point.

At this point Bai Xiaoya had already left with wings.

"Bai Xiaoya, this revenge will not be reported, and the vow is not worthy of entry!"

Chen Yang also yelled: "Bai Xiaoya, Lao Tzu, you mouth! Lao Tzu, you mouth!"

"What about the dark wing? What about the dark wing?"

After scolding Bai Xiaoya, they reacted without seeing the dark wings.

Of all the participants, only Jiao Jiao knew Li Yi's whereabouts, but this time she chose to remain silent.

Li Yi was in nothingness. This was how Jiao Jiao defended the city for more than a dozen times. She ran to his room and saw it, but when she saw Li Yi's state, she closed her mouth obediently and never said anything this matter. ^ / Very literature / ^

The scene that Jiao Jiao saw was that Li Yi was unconscious in the void. She tried to shake him several times, but failed to wake him up.

This is a deep game state, let alone Jiao Jiao shakes Li Yi, even if Jiao Jiao puts super decibel music by his side, Li Yi is not aware of it.

There are two ways to enter the deep game state, one is to choose by yourself, and the other is to trigger a certain task. In order not to be disturbed during the game, you will automatically enter this state.

Li Yi belongs to the latter, and Jiao Jiao can see it at a glance.

What's the use of saying no now? Li Yi hasn't woken up in the state of in-depth games, but now it's useless.

"Darkwing counseled ..."

"Sure enough, once a few years, I'll talk about it."

"Well, even the main city was ruined, and even dared not to risk it."

On the World Channel, there are already many players ridiculing Li Yi.

"Nine continent nationals listen, at 8 o'clock tonight, attack the suspended island!"

"Listen to the mainland nationals. At 8 o'clock tonight, let's kill the Ninth Continent of the Alliance on the suspended island, every day!"

Fengyun Jiujiu and Chen Yang were all angry. The end of the city of the starting point gave them a wake-up call. If no action was taken against Bai Xiaoya at this time, the next loss was probably their own.


Fengyun Jiugu and Chen Yang kept sending messages to Li Yi, but they were surprised that all the information was sinking into the sea, and Li Yi's head in the friends bar was always gray.

"No matter, if there is a Darkwing brother this time, let's get this face for him!"

"That's right, mother, Bai Xiaoya's little **** is too fucking. She doesn't know how high and thick the uncle is without giving her a lesson. Chen Yang's mood is even more exciting than that of Feng Yunjiu.

The two kings were all very acute. They talked about everything, and they hit each other. Bai Yan issued a national assembly announcement, and when he died on the suspended island at night.

The suspended island had just encountered a fire, and smoke was everywhere. Only the wing-entering tree in the center of the island was restored and renewed. The fire did not cause any permanent damage to it.

In the process of burning the suspended island, the winged clan's death rate was at least more than half, and this also gave Fengyun Jiuge and Chen Yang an excellent opportunity to just let them in.

This is the first time that players have confronted the Wing clan. The number of players participating in the battle has exceeded 10 million. From night to morning, and from morning to night ... Wing's death and injuries are numerous, and the players' losses are not small. It is very brilliant. In addition to the three leaders of the wing family, in addition to the whereabouts of 'Wing In King' is unknown, the remaining two players were killed tragically, and they also dropped a very good god-level equipment.

The artifact is called ‘Soul Guardian’. It has a top-level dual defense attribute. The special effect is that it immediately resurrects in full blood on death (cannot be selected, mandatory). At the same time, its attribute is doubled, and it is allowed to be used every two hours.

Chen Yang was lucky enough to get this artifact. Originally, Jiuyun Jiu decided to buy it at a large price. Unfortunately, during the trial, he found that he could not equip this god-level hand guard at all.

His profession is a punishment knight, and he can only wear equipment within the scope allowed by his profession.

At noon, the Nori tribe and the Ninth Continental Army merged in the wing entry mother tree. All visible wing entry was killed, and the suspended island was completely reduced to the player's hands.

Hanging islands, like other maps, players can choose to occupy or give up.

The coalition forces of the two countries should not be vague about the distribution of the suspended island, but the fat man was very moral and said that he dare not manage the power and directly gave the suspended island to Jiu Ge.

This attack on the suspended island, the situation of Jiuyun Jiu's credit is great, three consecutive scrolls of God's summons were released, directly reverse the situation.

Chen Yang didn't show anything, and he got an artifact in vain. Is he still necessary to grab the empty island with Jiu Ge?

The suspended island was under the control of Fengyun Jiuge, and he immediately ordered to confess ‘Flower Pants’ as the island owner, and confused the fox as the deputy island owner.

Managing a dangling island is not just a sham name, but money to get it.

As soon as the management fee is 10,000 gold coins, as long as the occupied island is occupied, the management fee collection will continue.

However, no one knows how long it can be occupied. The winged king, who claims to be the ultimate ss, never shows up, which makes Fengyun Jiuge and Chen Yang unhappy.

I know when the bird's eldest brother will return, and then what will happen then, no one expected.

Bai Xiaoya's group died once and went offline, and for a night and one night, they did not see them again.

This battle made Feng Yun Jiu Ge and Chen Yang even more famous, while Li Yi ... still did not show up.

He's still in a coma in the void of death.

... Moss Tower, Nothingness.

Li Yi's body floated in the void, at this time he was deeply asleep.

Death did nothing to him, but just taught him a way to absorb the core of the thunder god, and he did so, but he heard a lullaby-like sound and let him go to sleep ... a moment ... Two, three, ... until the third one, Li Yi woke up from an unconscious state.

Opening his hand, Li Yi was surprised to find that the core of Thor, which was originally in his palm, was gone.

"Congratulations on your success. Becoming a class. I should call you a demigod now."

Grim Reaper Diablo appeared out of nowhere and congratulated Li Yi.

"Demi god?"

"You have absorbed the core of Thor, and you are now able to use divine power and some Thunder magic."

Li Yi experimented, and couldn't help but ask, "How to use it?"

There is no display on the property panel, and there is no response to intentional control. Li Yi is a little confused.

"Choose by the evil god. If you can't call out the power of the thunder **** in your body, then it proves that you are not qualified to become a demigod. I help you become a god. I have lost too much power, and my help to you, There is only so much. Whether you can be promoted to God next is up to you. "


A black gas envelops Li Yi, tumbling up and down, until the black gas dissipates, Li Yi's body has disappeared from the void.

Li Yi was forcibly passed away by the **** of death and appeared randomly on a mountain peak in the western mainland.

"Summon Thor!"

Li Yi tried to yell, but nothing happened ... "No, right?"

"Thunder possessed!"

"Thunder fit!"

Li Yi tried to shout for a while, and still didn't feel the power at all ... Ding Ding Ding Ding ... It was just a moment when his mailbox received tens of thousands of letters at once, all these recent three people, he Sent by friends.

Li Yi opened an e-mail at will, and immediately hesitated again: "Three passes?"

Unconsciously in the past for a full three days, this has not happened in all the gaming careers of Li Yi's past and present.

It's weird!

"No, I'm unconscious for three weeks?"

Li Yi couldn't believe that he checked his body ~ ~ and found that everything was normal, he didn't feel sleepy, didn't feel hungry, and was full of energy.

"What's going on? Death says I'm a demigod now, but why can't I feel a little divine power?"

Li Yi thought for a while, but couldn't find the answer.


Inexplicably, in the past three days, Li Yi had exceeded his imagination, and now he was eager to know if the three unconsciousness in the game was real.

Ask Jiao Jiao to ask them.

Li Yi took off the glasses controller and opened his eyes. When he saw the room clearly, he was shocked again.

Jiao Jiao, Huo Binger, Elf, Qianer, Sister Xu's family, all crooked or sit or lie beside him. As can be seen from their deep dark circles, they must have been short of sleep recently.

(To be continued)