MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v18 Chapter 33 Mirror of Ill Light

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Volume 18 Chapter 33 Mirror of False Light

Among the Kings of Gods, the rarest and most precious scroll is the Scroll of Gods. (Baidu search m, Rainbow Literature Network)

This thing is the key to becoming a god. As long as you know how to use it, promotion to God is no longer a dream.

The cat who loves to sing doesn't know ‘Book of God’ at all. Can Li Yi not know? So when she saw it thrown away, she reached out and caught it.

All the things found out of the silver treasure chest can be avoided by Li Yi, but this volume of the Book of God cannot be abandoned.

Being a god, when Li Yi was humiliated in the previous life, I do n’t know how many times he has thought about becoming a god. This regret has made him long for a long time.

"Do you understand the words above? What do you mean by reading to your sister?"

Li Yi thought it out with a stern look: "The cat that loves to sing is very white."


The cat who loves to sing again picks up the last item, a palm-sized black mirror called ‘Powerful Mirror of Twilight’. When Li Yi saw the conditions of use, he froze suddenly.

Powerful Mirror of False Light: It can temporarily weaken 99% of the monster's ability. Note: (Can only be used on some specific monsters).

Actually restrict the use of objects, this thing is a task product!

"Quest item? How could the treasure chest find out the task item?" The singing cat also choked.

In most cases, the task items can only be received when receiving tasks, but Li Yi and the cat who loves singing have never borrowed any tasks. The treasure box can actually find the task items, which is really weird.

A ridiculous thought suddenly rose in Li Yi's mind: "Is the scorpion in that cave all other people's blame?"

"It's impossible. Even if there are all other strange quests there, how can we get quest items if we don't take the quest?"

Li Yi shook his head: "There is a task to ..."

"What task? Fuck, you're talking about it, my sister is the most annoying for you to stop at half the time. If you have the ability, you'll keep straight!"

"God mission!"


47th, 48th, 49th ...

Ziling Piaoxue wore a light black light armor, her figure fluttered, and she ran on the Moss Tower like a ghost ...

She passed the tower incredibly fast, and no level was left alone. From the first floor to the 50th floor, it took her only two hours to pass.

She can pass the tower so fast, it is not her strength against the sky, but the task she received.

God mission!

After the **** Kajura released the task of becoming a **** to 'Drifting Snow', unfortunately, Drifting Snow's luck was too bad, but the operation consciousness was too bad. .

After the **** Kajura died, the next **** refreshed it. The memory of drifting snow will not be there anymore. The task of becoming a **** can only be accomplished by himself. The drifting snow knows that it is hopeless and will His goddess props were transferred to Ziling Piaoxue.

Whoever received the goddess props inherited the goddess mission, and Ziling Piaoxue deserved the title of the third strongest player in the previous Gods battle list. The first mission monster that Piao Liuxue could not solve was easily destroyed by her Already.

The second mission monster that Ziling Piaoxue wants to play is the hidden mission on the 58th floor of the Tower of Moss. The name of the mission monster is ‘Nine-tailed Scorpion King’!

If it wasn't for Ziling Piaoxue to get the monster killing task, Li Yi and the cat who loves singing would not have fallen into the underground cave, and because everyone can grab it as a **** task, they can open the reward in the silver treasure chest. article.


"Three scrolls of summoning gods, 15 stones of transference, books of gods, powerful mirror of false light ..."

Li Yi squinted his eyes and carefully calculated in his heart, and soon he wanted to understand.

The mission reward is far beyond the glorious mission. This is not a second idea except for the mission of becoming a god.

Li Yi played with the black mirror in his hand, and a radian evoked in the corners of his mouth: "A cat, it seems that we accidentally hit and accidentally grabbed the props of gods."

"This small mirror is a props for gods?"

"Well, it should be."

The singing cat extended his hand: "Bring it."


"Sister wants to be a god."

"Become your face, no." Li Yi put away the mirror.

"Fuck, this time, my sister told you to touch and yell, even the innocent body told you to see it, and you would n’t give you a broken mirror, too jb stingy?"

"I want to go, I don't die."

"Blast kills!"

哧哧 哧哧 ——

In the temple, the cat who loved singing angered at Li Yi. For a while, the wind and the storm surged, Li Yi was fine, but the temple couldn't resist, and it was about to collapse.

In the temple, the default peace mode is set. Players of any influence cannot attack each other.

"Your dad, give it to you."

Li Yi took out the small mirror and threw it to the singing cat.

"Sister doesn't need it anymore, sister will do you today!"


The temple collapsed, dozens of emperor guards rushed over, caught the singing cat and escorted them to jail.

Destroyed the temple and imprisoned for seven days.

"Dark wing, I x, you dare to catch me, my sister and you are indifferent ..."

The singing cat was screamed and taken away.

"Heaven and earth conscience, this is really not my grasp."

Li Yi wiped his sweat and gave a reconstruction order to the temple ruins.

Warehouse resources were automatically reduced, and countless artisans walked into the temple ruins for repair and reconstruction.


After 10 minutes, Li Yi was ordered to release the cat who loved singing.

"Stop the small mirror. Give me your orange bow." The singing cat stretched out his hand at Li Yi.

"What are you doing?"

"My mother is going to ruin your big girl bow!"

Unreasonably, Cat's donkey had a bad temper again.

Li Yi was even more simple. He released the time field, set the cat sister inside, and then sat aside to admire the nearby scenery.

"Fuck, you play with me again!"

The singing cat scolded a few words, her body faded and she went offline.

It's no surprise that Li Yi had met her cat's donkey temper.

On the one hand, Li Yi can only be used for certain gods, but Yi Yi is not very interested, but without this thing, he cannot understand the mystery of the gods task, and he does not May transfer this thing to anyone.

If this prop is given to the cat sister, then it is wasted.

Li Yi returned to his new home in 'City', took out the 'Core of Thunder God' and the Book of God, and put together a powerful mirror of false light.

These three rare items are all related to Chengshen!

But, how can we open their secrets?

Li Yi tried to place the core of the thunder **** on the book of the god, and then took a powerful virtual light to shine through it. After fiddling for a long time, nothing happened ...


Li Yi received a private chat from the cat sister who went offline and came up again.

"Are you not angry? Sister joked with you just now, Xiaobailian. If you are really angry, the other day sister will let you touch Mimi to compensate you.

Li Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but he answered sincerely: "Okay!"

哧哧 哧 ——

A ray of moonlight shone on the Book of God and the Core of Thunder God ~ ~ Two goddess props suddenly flashed strongly ...



Sweat, because a lot of writers and friends played me in QQ. Let me help them get a chapter.

Fantastic fantasy masterpiece "Sword Star", I like the attention of mysterious fantasy friends.

Elegant, proud, sincere as a sword!

Use the rules of the sword to transform the natal star, and the sword breaks through all the ways.

Jing Ze, white clothes like snow, smiling by the sword, angry, the sword broke the sky, blood stained blue sky.

Sword holder, with a sword in hand, the bright eternal starry sky is for the sword star!

This article is reproduced from the Internet original literature portal —: / k / 2400373.aspx

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