MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 829 Grab the use

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In the eyes of the public, a middle-aged scribe entered the main hall and gestured to everyone: "Ancient Xia Diyu, I have seen you."

"Hey!" Mingzhen was very angry and didn't want to give him a good look.

Di Yu did not care, and nodded to Ye Huan.

Ye Huan also nodded to return to the ceremony, and said nothing on his behalf: "Mr. Di came to my Zhouliuzong, what is it?"

Di Yu smiled: "Nature is to clean up the mess."

The atmosphere in the temple suddenly became subtle.

Things have happened to the present, but in a daylight scene, Zhou Liuzong has another strict control. I am afraid that the news has not been passed out. How did Di Yu come just right?

Ye Huan said faintly: "Oh? Is there anything that needs Mr. Di to clean up the mess?"

Di Yu's face is unchanged: "Below the Xie Xing Shen."

This time, Mingzhen couldn't help himself, and got up and pointed at him and shouted: "How do you know what he did? Could it be your premeditated?"

Di Yu was not in a hurry, and said: "Respect, Xie Xing Shen, what kind of temper, I think you have some understanding. What he wants to do, there is only one person in the world, but this person has disappeared. I If you know in advance, you will try your best to stop it. Can you tell him to hang up the ancient summer?"

Mingzhen sneered: "You are quite awake. How do you know about this?"

"It is his own talk to me."

Ming Town is furious: "Do you still say that you don't know beforehand?"

Di Yu continued to fill the second sentence: "He has a thing to stay in the ancient summer, after the incident, he passed the news and the news came. The younger generation learned that they immediately came to Kyushu, so it was so fast."

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "He passed the message with you? What do you want to do?"

Di Yu smiled: "He told us to leave evidence. If Gu Xia was destroyed by Zhou Liuzong, he will definitely come back to avenge us."

"A big courage!" Mingzhen was so angry that he smoked seven cigarettes. "What is his circumstance in the week? But the district is empty!"

Yan Zining, who is still lying on the ground, has a faint smile on his lowered face.

This is not very clear? It is a matter of time before Xie Xing Shen stepped into the dead. He himself can practice cultivation indiscriminately. Now that there is no hidden danger, and he gets the skywheel, how can he not reach no loss? Scorpion would rather never think that he would stop the hole.

Xie Xing Shen dared to do this, not because he does not care about ancient summer, but is very confident about himself.

"So, what do you want to do?" asked Guangling, "Isn't it just to convey his words?"

Guangling layman seems to be peaceful, but in the deepest eyes, Di Yu is a long-haired man: "It’s only one thing to go down in the Zhou Dynasty." He said one word at a time, "cooperating with Zhou Liuzong."

"Ha!" Ming Town ridiculed, "Xie Xingshen has just snatched away the most important treasure of this door, you talk about cooperation? What's more, what qualification do you have to cooperate with Zhou Liuzong?"

Di Yu took out a stone with a faint glow: "Because of this."


Ancient summer.

The remaining four masters got together, but no one spoke.

The halal real people looked at the outside and flew over the geese, muttering: "I don't know if Di's predecessors can return safely."

Xiang Zongshi said: "Don't think too much, the boat will be straight to the bridge, and you won't know soon."

Said, he turned his eyes to the light of the case. Di Yu said that if he died, the lights will extinguish. At that time, don't talk about anything else, go to each other.

Blame the **** kid...

"How do you teach the seven true views? Even teach such a disciple, lawless, more than the devil!" Xiang Zongshi could not help but complain.

The moon is really bitter and laughs: "Hey!"

Just one day ago, the Queen Mother suddenly came. It turned out that before Xie Xing Shen left, he had left the Queen Mother a piece of Tianshi Stone to comfort her heart.

Xie Xing Shen went to the world and contacted the Queen Mother in this way, letting her come to Xuan Meng.

Thinking of what this kid said, Xiang Zongshi hated it.

How dare he do this first! He also knows that his mother also stayed in ancient summer!

The Queen Mother is also the same, the son is so troubled, and she does not see her reprimand. It’s a lot of misery!

Xiang Zongshi sighed.

When Xie Xing Shen Yi contacted them, they opened the door: "You seniors, please go to Zhou Liuzong quickly, I grabbed their skywheel, I am afraid they will anger the ancient summer."

The five masters were paralyzed as soon as they heard it. When he said the cause and effect, Xiang Zongshi suddenly became angry: "How dare you do this kind of thing? What is the use of Zhou Liuzong now? The anger has already angered!"

Xie Xing Shen laughed: "Predecessors only care about the past, then tell them to cooperate with them and catch me back."

Xiang Zongshi heard a glimpse, but Di Yu was quick to respond and asked him: "Are you behind?"

Xie Xing Shen Dao: "This time Ming Shu disappeared, I have been thinking for a long time, so that this matter has a lot to do with the Tianlun. Fu Shangqing has a strange origin, it is very likely to be related to the pursuer. Ming Shu in his ancient jade space Lost contact, it was saved by the skywheel. I was forced to **** the skywheel. If I don't know the secret of the skywheel, how can I find her? But with me alone, the power is too thin, so I can borrow Zhou Liuzong. the power of."

"..." So, he not only grabbed the skywheel, but also wanted to use them.

"You talk about, how to use?" Di Yu is very interested in his statement.

"You will hand over this piece of Tianshi to Zhou Liuzong and tell them that you can trace my behavior by this object. Then tell the secret of the skywheel, one by one. Is Mingshu not leaving the smell of Ruomu? They were handed over to Zhou Liuzong. In the hands of Zhai Zining, there is a sky wheel. Zhou Liuzong will do his best to help him solve the secret of the skywheel, set traps and capture the chasers."

"I will use the sky wheel to find Mingshu in one world and one world. And you, combined with the power of Zhou Liuzong, can find a way to solve the function of the sky wheel transmission, starting from the killer." Xie Xing Shen paused, "I hope." We will one day be able to meet in a certain world."


In the hall of Zhou Liuzong, after Du Yu finished speaking, it was quiet.

"So, Gu Xia is willing to help us to take Xie Xing Shen, just ask us not to be absent?" Guangling layman asked softly.

"Yes." Di Yu squatted down. "The ancient summer is only five holes in the district, and the difference between Zhou and Liu Cong. The difference between Xie Xing and Shen is not what we want. I can't tell him that I have lost the lives of millions of people in ancient times." As long as your party is willing to let go of this matter, I am willing to listen to the ancient summer!"

Guangling Ju Shi’s eyes are cold: “You also know that you have five holes in the ancient summer district. What can you do with you?”

Di Yu opened his hand again, and a green light dissipated from his palm and quickly filled the entire hall.

Yan Zining felt this breath and shouted: "The Skywheel!"

"Just rely on this." Di Yu said slowly, "The things we know are much more than those who imagined!"