MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 7 not give a **** about

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After a while, someone finally came over.

This person looks like a manager. He does not greet them when he comes in. He raises his hand and several people come up to lift the stretcher.

Hui Niang hurriedly asked: "What are you doing? Where do you want to lift my wife?"

The manager looked at her coldly and said: "Why, is your wife not going to be mourned?"

Waiting for Hui Niang to answer, the group raised the body of Lu Qingyi and went out.

Hui Niang was busy calling Asheng, pulling Lu Mingshu and following up.

The Jiu Yao Palace is at its peak, and it is very cold outside. There are snow in some places and it is not good to go. These people have long been used to walking fast. Lu Mingshu three people, a child, a woman, a wounded, chasing hard work behind.

The palaces are connected, one after another, and finally stopped in a remote small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, a coffin has been placed. Those people put down the body of Lu Qingyi and went out. After a while, another group moved to the white stork, shroud, linen, brazier, yellow paper and so on.

Standing in front of them, the tone is cold: "The lady of the head is kind, and you are here to keep the spirit. After three days, you are going to help you to return home, or to be cremated, it’s up to you."

When he said the head of the house, Lu Mingshu stood in front of Lu Qingyi, clenched his fists and looked expressionless.

After talking about it, he went out.

The servants also walked clean.

No one helps, they are self-reliant.

Asheng arbitrarily arranged the mourning hall, Lu Mingshu helped Hui Niang to rub the body and replace the shroud.

After the arrangement was completed, the three were replaced with linen, and the ingots were stacked around the fire basin.

Although no one will come to mourn, but all the funeral, they are done meticulously.

At this time, a slight footstep sounded outside, and someone stepped into the hall.

Hui Niang stood up and said in angrily: "What are you doing?"

The person who came is Fu Shangqing.

He still wears the unbreakable mask and whispers: "A good couple, I will send her a ride."

"No need!"

Fu Shangqing ignored her and looked to Lu Mingshu: "You come over."

"Miss." Hui Niang nervously held Lu Mingshu's shoulder.

"Hui, nothing." Lu Mingshu whispered, "This is me."

Hui Niang’s heart hurts: “Miss...”

Lu Mingshu took a deep breath and took a steady step.

After paying for Shang Shangqing, Lu Mingshu entered the hall that should have been used for hospitality.

Fu Shangqing sat down in the main position and habitually wanted to hold the tea, but unfortunately he took it.

He touched his nose and looked at his eldest daughter, whom he had never seen before.

Her five senses are beautiful, like Lu Qingyi, which is a typical graceful appearance of the Dongyue women. However, the bridge of the nose is very tall and looks like him. It seems to be a bit cold.

His heart was indifferent and his tone was calm: "When you have finished your funeral, move to Bixi Valley. I have found a Master for you."

Lu Mingshu looked up.

In this remote courtyard, the father and the daughter met for the first time in their lives. The gorgeous palace over there, a pair of sisters were chatting.

"What about your brother-in-law?" Zhou Yinru entered the Qiongyu Palace and did not see Fu Shangqing's figure. He asked.

On the warm side of the window, sitting on a beautiful young woman with a similar appearance to her, while flying the needle, she replied: "If you want to see there, you don't need help."

She did not specify, Zhou Yinru immediately understood, and said: "Sister, your heart is really big, brother-in-law to see old love, you still can sit."

The beautiful young woman, Zhou Furu, Fu Shangqing’s wife, looked up and gave her a look and said, “Don’t say, this is the right thing.”

Zhou Yinru snorted: "You are used to him!" She is a young girl at home. She was originally arrogant and arrogant. She was slightly agitated outside. She faced her own sister and lost a bit of scruples, revealing her arrogant nature.

"I also said that if you didn't do things cleanly, would he use it like this?" Zhou Miaoru was not slow. "At the beginning, you volunteered to go to Dongyue. I thought you were doing things. I didn't expect to do things." Sending and leaving the book back, this is to fill the loopholes, so as not to let Yu Wenshi grab the handle one day. You are good, go to Dongyue, suffocate one, and leave a clue to find them. ”

"Sister!" was counted by her, Zhou Yinru was dissatisfied. "I haven't tried to make up for it? Besides, it's not that I deliberately angered them. Ruixiang didn't say a few more words, but they knew they were mad."

"What kind of master, what kind of scorpion. If it is not your heart's dissatisfaction, does Ruixiang have that courage? You don't want to be wrong, this time, it is just fooling the past, to say that it has a little influence on Shangqing. No, that is impossible." Zhou Miaoru sighed. After running the reputation of seven years, it was awkward.

"What effect can it have?" Zhou Yinru did not care. "The brother-in-law is the head of the Jiu Yao Palace, and he is a master of the glory. He will be a master of the day, how many people will be married, and he will write a book to him. Who cares about this!"

Zhou Miaoru shook her head and did not compete with the younger sister for this topic.

But she did not say, Zhou Yinru also asked: "Sister, that little nephew, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Miaoru looked up at her: "What little sister-in-law? The girl's family doesn't talk so hard."

Zhou Yinru licks her mouth. Sometimes she really can't understand her sister. Is it necessary to be so careful?

"Of course, the wild girl who was born by the woman, Yu Wenshi made up his mind to get the **** into the disgusting, it is really annoying."

Zhou Miaoru looked at her like a smile: "Did you not find a way out for her?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yinru is somewhat proud: "Sister, my idea is good? Yu Wenshi wants to leave her, OK, then stay. I want to find a good master for her, no problem, Liu Jizhen is famous enough." Right? Sister, you didn’t see the Yu Wenshi being blocked by me and I couldn’t speak, it’s so happy!”

She smiled twice, but she saw Zhou Miaoru still like that. It didn't seem to care. She couldn't help but ask: "Sister, don't you care?"

"Do you think I should care?"

Zhou Yinru wrinkled his nose: "If it is me, it will definitely not be happy. This wild donkey reminds me that my man used to be someone else."

"So you are not me." Zhou Miaoru put down the needle thread and pinched his eyebrows. "You, from an early age, just greedy yourself."

"Hey!" was again trained, Zhou Yinru is not happy. I thought about it, she went over and asked, "Sister, you really don't want to move your hands and feet? It's easy to clean up her now..."

Zhou Miaoru took a look at the past: "You don't have much trouble."

Zhou Yinru pouted: "You are not afraid of your brother-in-law angry? Brother-in-law does not care about her."

"I don't do anything, he certainly doesn't care. If I do it, one day it will become my sin sooner or later." Zhou Miaoru began to smile and smiled. "What's more, you are not planning for her? Go to Bi What is the future of the valley?"