MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 94 bad relationship

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Wang Chao's face is thicker than the city wall, and he doesn't blush easily. He looks as red as a ripe tomato like today. Xie Zhuxing has only seen it twice. The last time was because he said Wang Chao, "Aren't you my wife?" ?"

This person is very shameless when it is time to have a face, but he wants to be embarrassed suddenly, and he is extremely innocent.

Xie Zhuxing clenched the box tightly, wanted to laugh, but was not sure, and asked, "What does this mean?"

Wang Chao also didn't know that his red face had betrayed his heart, and he stared at him and threatened others: "So much nonsense? Do you wear it? Give it back to me if you don't!"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Hahahahaha.

Is this a **** marriage proposal? If you change to another object of marriage proposal, 100% of those who want to beat someone will be successful.

He took out the ring and put it on the ring finger of his right hand.

An unobtrusive men's ring, the size is right, and the style is beautiful.

Wang Chao smiled happily and stretched out his hand. He had already worn the same style on his hand.

Don't waste time at the door, you have to go in when you come, this is the business.

Xie Zhuxing was about to open the door and go in. Wang Chao stomped nervously behind him and asked in a low voice, "What are you talking about when you go in?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "What do you say when I ask you." He also told him, "Don't talk nonsense, and don't smile."

Wang Chao: "...I have to be able to smile as well."

Xie Zhuxing squeezed his face and said, "Don't be shy, you are very good."

Wang Chao grinned again.

After opening the door, Xie Zhuxing pushed him in, and introduced to his parents who had been waiting for a long time: "This is Wang Chao."

Wang Chao stood up straight and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Xie's parents responded quickly: "Hello."

The two were even more nervous than Wang Chao. Dad Xie tried his best to show an embarrassed smile, and Mom Xie wiped his hands repeatedly on the apron.

The nitpicking and disgust that Wang Chao thought he would encounter for granted did not appear, which was completely different from what he thought.

He didn't bother his elders as much as he thought. He looks clean and beautiful, as long as he doesn't smile, his temperament from elementary school instrumental music is actually very good.

At least Xie Zhuxing's parents had a very good first impression of him. Compared with the character set on TV as "the second-generation **** and stallion bad boy" on TV, the real person is too lovable.

Besides, my son likes people so much.

During the meal, Wang Chao was also very obedient. He sipped the rice in small mouthfuls. Xie Dad and Xie Mama asked him what he said.

Dad Xie asked, "Xiao Wang, are you busy recently?"

Xiao Wang said, "I'm not busy."

Father Xie said, "Xie Zhuxing said you were playing songs?"

Wang Chao sold himself: "It's already over."

Thanks to Dad for looking at his son, Xie Zhuxing could only smile.

Dad Xie said again: "What are you doing these days? Are you also acting?"

Wang Chao said: "If I don't act, I won't. I've been playing games every day these days."

Xie Dad: "...Do you live with your parents?"

Wang Chaodao: "No, my parents bought a house in Hainan to live there. When the weather is hot, they will go back to Harbin. They don't often live in Beijing. I usually live here. It was you two who came, and I went back with my brother. stay for a few days."

Thanks Dad: "…"

Xie Zhuxing hurriedly said, "He was afraid that the two of you would find it inconvenient. The main reason is that the place is small and the four adults can't live there."

Wang Chao wasn't nervous just now, but when he heard this, he got excited and said, "When he bought this house, he didn't tell me, he insisted on buying it himself, he didn't have much money, so he could only buy such a small..."

Xie Zhuxing touched his leg under the table, signaling him to shut up.

He didn't know what Xie Zhuxing meant, but he obediently shut up.

He was unintentional, and Dad Xie felt embarrassed when he heard it, but it was a real person telling the truth: "He wants to buy a house, and we didn't help. We are just an ordinary family. My mother and I have worked all our lives, and we don't have much savings."

Wang Chao knew that he had said something wrong, and felt a little discouraged. After thinking for a long time, he said, "But your son is not ordinary at all. If I want him to be half obedient and motivated, my mother has to be crazy with joy, and my father doesn't have to move around. Hit me up." He looked at Xie Zhuxing and said, "You guys are really good at teaching your son, he is very good."

Xie Zhuxing was quite surprised, how could he suddenly speak human words?

After talking about the family, Mama Xie asked, "I heard that you have a brother?"

Wang Chao said: "There are two."

Mother Xie said, "That's good. With two brothers, you won't have any pressure."

Wang Chao didn't get to the point, and said, "I'm under a lot of pressure. My eldest brother and second brother are both excellent, but I'm just an ignorant and ignorant useless firewood."

Xie Zhuxing said: "My mother didn't tell you this." He said to his mother, "His eldest brother is married, and the second brother is still single."

Wang Chao corrected: "Second brother has a partner."

Xie Zhuxing continued to say to his mother, "Both of them have no children."

Xie's mother smiled and said, "I don't have it now and I'm not afraid. There are two older brothers, so I won't be able to urge him in the future."

Wang Chao thought to himself, it turned out that he was talking about having children, so the two older brothers would be useless?

See parents successfully concluded.

Xie Zhuxing escorted Wang Chao downstairs. As soon as he entered the elevator, Wang Chao screamed: "Your dad changed his face just now! But he scared me to death! You touched my back and I was soaked!"

Xie Zhuxing touched it, it was a little wet, and he said with a smile: "I told you not to be cowardly, I told you not to talk nonsense, you don't have a long memory, who is to blame?"

Wang Chao saw his expression and knew that he was doing well, so he was happy, kicked him and said, "Is this ring I picked good?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "It's okay."

Wang Chao snorted and said, "It's better than your 78,000."

Xie Zhu Xingtou Avenue: "I still mentioned it, didn't I give it to you earlier, where did you get it? If you can't, just give it to me, and I will throw it in your face."

Wang Chao shook his head and said, "I have already hung up the idle fish and sold it second-hand."

Xie Zhuxing knew that he was talking nonsense, so he stopped asking, and said, "I just had dinner, and my mother saw our ring. She looked at it a few times, and she must ask me later."

Wang Chao smiled and said, "Then what do you say?"

When the elevator reached the first floor, Xie Zhuxing pushed him outside and said behind him, "Just say you are crying and insisting on marrying me."

After going out, the two got into Wang Chao's car, kissed in the car, and after a while, Wang Chao went home beaming.

Xie Zhuxing came upstairs, his mother really asked about the ring on his hand, he said, "That's what it means... a wedding ring."

Wang Chao returned home, took a shower and went to bed, lying there playing mobile games, and deliberately placed his right ring finger under the phone where he could see it, and played games for a while to look at the ring on his hand.

No, I'm so happy, what can I do?

He threw his phone aside, ran to sit in front of the piano, and played the wedding march, laughing as he played.

After tossing to the middle of the night, he still didn't sleep, and walked around the room excitedly, not only playing the piano, but also dancing and kicking.

Wang Jin's room was just downstairs from him. He was so noisy that he couldn't sleep. He couldn't bear it, so he came up and beat him.

He finally stopped, went to bed and covered the quilt, stuffed in the quilt, snickered and fell asleep.

Xie Zhuxing's parents came to Beijing to achieve their purpose, and returned to Luoyang within a few days.

As soon as Wang Chao heard about it, he was very happy to move back, and he was full of expectations that he would spend a few days on the wedding day. On the way back, while driving, he couldn't sit still, and he wanted to take off his pants as soon as he walked in. , As a result, Xie Zhuxing dragged his luggage and was about to go out.

"dad? dad! ” ushered in the last recording, which was still two days and two nights.

Wang Chao saw that this was okay. He sat on the ground and hugged Xie Zhuxing's leg, crying and screaming, and he had to shoot first.

The two of them came for a round, and just after the end, the assistant called Xie Zhuxing downstairs to urge Xie Zhuxing to go down, and Xie Zhuxing hurriedly put on his clothes and left.

Wang Chao lay beside the balcony window and waved goodbye to Xie Zhuxing downstairs. The assistant could only see that his upper body was well-dressed. Who knew that his lower body was naked and that what was running down his legs was still hot.

The next day, Xie Zhuxing was about to start recording the show. Wang Chao came to visit the class dressed up and bought a lot of snacks for the four-year-old girl. The little girl was so happy that she didn't need to teach it this time, it was crisp and crisp. called "Daddy Leo!"

Because the show is about to end, it is different from the previous episodes. This time, several pairs of "father and son" were filmed together. Liang Xi and his "son" were also there. Watching Wang Chao and the little girl have a good time , he suggested to the director that Wang Chao be a guest in an episode.

Wang Chao is less popular than Xie Zhuxing, but he is also responsible for traffic. He rarely participates in reality shows, and usually thinks that he may not be able to hit the schedule, but he picked it up for no reason. How can the director disagree. Wang Chao called Liu Congong again and asked. Liu Congming felt that there was no harm. Since ID's solo did not disband, Wang and the two have not appeared together in the same frame, and the last episode of the show together was also very topical, so they agreed. .

Wang Chao recorded this episode with Xie Zhuxing.

This episode was broadcast in mid-April. On the day of the broadcast, Wang Chao happened to go to Shanghai. The Disney live-action movie in which he sang the Chinese theme song was released at the end of the month. He went to help with the promotion.

This episode of "Dad? dad! , is the penultimate episode of the show, and the ratings skyrocketed.

Other "dads" are busy doing housework and coaxing their children, but Wang Chao and "daughter" are paralyzed side by side, playing games for half a day, eating snacks for half a day, and helping "daughter" rob other people's children's toys. It took the "Dads" ten episodes to finally settle down the children. He came to this episode. The whole scene returned to the mess of the first episode. Very apt subtitle: "Five Bear Cubs and a Bear Daddy".

From the effect of the show, it is very interesting and full of laughter.

For the old fans of the ID family, there is a different point of view. It is also full of emotion to see the captain and the little train in the same frame again. In the past, I always felt that these two people were at odds with each other, but in this show, they got along unexpectedly and very harmoniously. The little train went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. The captain came to tie an apron for him, stood directly in front of him, and wrapped his hands around the back to tie it, and the little train naturally raised his hand to let him tie; Playing with the mobile phone, the little train took a piece of potato chips and stuffed it into the captain's mouth, and the captain ate it without lifting his head; when the camera swept the other "father and son", the captain and the little train didn't know what to say in the corner Whispering in a whisper, the captain still put his arms around the waist of the little train. this a bad relationship? ? ?

The old fans of the ID family doubted their lives.

Only Wei Fan doesn’t buy it. Xie Fan and Wang Fan have been pinch each other for more than a year. Recently, they have let go of each other. As soon as this episode aired, the two began to pinch again. They both felt that the other was shameless and wanted to rub The popularity of my idols, passers-by have a bad memory, we can remember clearly, the video of the fight in Sanya can still be found now, who the **** has a good relationship with your idols!

Xie Wang CP station "Kao", gongs and drums and firecrackers blared in unison, eating sugar together, didn't you hear the little girl's name? Train Dad! Papa Leo! It's all dad! what are you saying? Do not listen to Wang Ba Chanting! Anyway, they are the best! match! !

Leo's father won't be back from the Shanghai event in two days. He called Xie Zhuxing and said, "I went to Disneyland with the filmmaker today, and it's pretty good. When the park opens in June, let's take a moment. play."

Xie Zhuxing joked: "There are so many people, if we want to go, we have to dress up as Africans."

Wang Chao also hahaha: "Go to Hainan for two months before going."

Two days later he returned to Beijing, the evening flight.

In the morning, Xie Zhuxing went to the company to find Liu Congming and said that there was an endorsement to talk to him.

He has been a bit empty recently, the idol drama is over, "Dad? dad! ” will end in one episode, and there is no other new job for the time being. He has not released his own singles or records, and he has no suitable program to perform when he goes to the commercial performance alone. He still wants to work hard in the direction of performance, but up to now Those who came to him were still some domineering presidents who fell in love with my idol drama script, which was not in his mind, and Liu Congming didn't recommend him to play it.

The person who came to him as an endorsement was an advertisement for eye drops. The popularity and endorsement fee were okay, and it was soon finalized. He talked with Liu Congming about the next development. The relationship between the two is also very good. In front of Liu Congming He can also show frustration, Liu Cong enlightened him a few words, saying: "I have something to do now, you can wait for me to have dinner together at noon, and then have a good chat, I just have something I want to tell you. ."

He said goodbye, bought a drink at the cafe downstairs of the company, and found a place to sit and wait for Liu Congming.

A group of people came in from the outside, surrounded by a young man, discussing how to style, how to answer interviews, and whether to reveal new songs. Obviously, they were all assistants.

It's only been a year since he debuted, and he is a rising "superstar of tomorrow" in the folk music industry. He needs so many assistants, and he is a big brand.

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to pay attention to him, and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

The other party saw him, drove the bunch of assistants aside, came over by himself, and said, "Are you alone? Alone."

Xie Zhuxing didn't lift his head, he rummaged through the bag beside him, and took out a box.

Folk singer: "???"

Xie Zhuxing took the ring out of the box and put it on the ring finger of his right hand.

Folk Singer: "…"

Xie Zhuxing said, "Is there anything else?"

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