MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 9 I am not straight

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At 6:10 in the morning, Xie Zhuxing got up and went out for a run. When he returned before 7:00, he took a shower and changed his clothes. He warmed himself up with milk and bread, and boiled six more eggs.

After breakfast, the teammates also got up one after another, crowded into the two bathrooms to solve personal hygiene problems like a war.

He went over and said, "Quickly wash up and have something to eat. There are boiled eggs on the table and plate, one for each person."

Several boys responded in a mess: "I see, thank you brother!"

He returned to the room, and Wang Chao actually got up, naked and wearing only a pair of underwear, and stood in front of the closet looking for clothes.

"It's really the sun coming out of the west," he asked, closing the door. "How did it get up so neatly today?"

Wang Chao turned his head, his hair was in a mess, his eyes were covered in mucus and he couldn't open his eyes. He looked a little funny. He had a nasal sound when he woke up, and said, "Where are my pants? Why can't I find my pants?"

Xie Zhuxing glanced at the wardrobe he had rummaged through and said, "Your clothes are on the left, and the right is mine."

Wang Chao turned around again, and said strangely, "Where are my pants? Are they running with long legs?"

Of course the pants won't run.

His mini suitcase had only brought him three pairs of trousers when he came, and now they are all waiting to be washed.

In the end, Xie Zhuxing lent him a pair of clothes.

He is 1.82 meters tall, Xie Zhuxing is only one centimeter taller than him, and his waist size is about the same.

He took a picture in the long mirror on the closet door and was very satisfied. He said, "I look good in it. I'll buy you a new one later, and this one will be given to me."

Xie Zhuxing said: "A pair of old pants, you can wear them if you like."

Wang Chao said with a smile on his face, "Xiao Xie, you are so kind."

Before Xie Zhuxing said anything, he added, "When you come back at night, remember to wash my dirty pants for me."

Xie Zhuxing: "...No matter. Do you really take me as your nanny?"

Wang Chao looked at him in the mirror and said, "Then I can't use a washing machine, what should I do?"

Xie Zhuxing asked him: "What do you know?"

Wang Chao snorted: "Thank you so much, you see me getting up so early today, you can reward me as a reward and wash me."

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Also rewarding you? Who will reward me?

Wang Chao went to wash up, and met Ji Jie in the living room across from each other.

Ji Jie looked surprised: "Yo, it's so early today."

Wang Chao didn't like him, and said, "Is it okay with you?"

Ji Jie didn't have any malicious intentions. Seeing him like this, he said in a strange tone: "Really, who dares to care about you? Brother Kun has to beg you to sign a contract. To be honest, what's your background?"

Wang Chao said unhappily, "It's none of your business?"

Ji Jie immediately blocked back and said: "Yes, don't say it, don't scare me to sleep, I'm different from you, I don't like to sleep in late, if I'm too scared to fall asleep, early in the morning You have to wait here for you to get up, you don’t say it, you feel very sorry, don’t you think?”

Wang Chao: "...Are you from Tianjin?"

Ji Jie blinked, "Yes."

Wang Chao looked at him out of the corner of his eye and said, "Do you know why you get hurt when you dance?"

Ji Jie: "???"

Wang Chao said with contempt: "Hurry up and go back to play allegro and talk about cross talk. What dance should you learn? Live-it!"

Like two little roosters with a grudge, they rolled their eyes at each other and went about their own business.

In today's class, Xie Zhuxing clearly felt that Wang Chao was much more serious, even though he was still scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, at least he was more focused than before.

During the dance class break, Teacher Li went out, and the two sat face to face on the floor drinking water.

Wang Chao said triumphantly, "Am I doing well today?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "It's okay."

Wang Chao was dissatisfied and said: "Is it okay? Teacher Li has praised me just now, so you can't praise me?"

Xie Zhuxing put it another way: "Today is pretty good."

Wang Chao laughed and said, "Actually, I thought about it, you were right yesterday, the other four are still working hard, and I can't be too lazy to practice nothing. Then I will pull my back and lose my brother's. face, he has to beat me again."

Unexpectedly, he could listen to what he said. Xie Zhuxing comforted him: "It's best if you think so, just don't get hot for three minutes, you still have to persevere. Your brother needs to know, don't say beat you, it's too late to be happy."

Wang Chao rubbed his buttocks and moved forward, put his hands on Xie Zhuxing's knees and pressed them, and said in a low voice, "I know that you, like my brother, are really looking forward to my well-being. Don't worry, in the future If there is anything good, I will take you with me."

Xie Zhuxing didn't take his words to heart, and said, "We'll talk about it later. When you go back in the evening, I'll teach you how to use the washing machine first."

Wang Chao said with a sullen face: "Anyway, with you, I won't learn."

Xie Zhuxing said in disgust, "I won't serve you."

At night, he threw him and Wang Chao's pile of dirty clothes into the washing machine, pressed the switch, and went back to the room.

Wang Chao stood loosely against the wall, and when he saw him coming in, he hurriedly put his back against the wall.

"Just be lazy," he said. "You can't last for fifteen minutes."

Wang Chao said with a bitter face: "It's so **** tired, you can just help me open my shoulders and save time."

Xie Zhuxing went over to correct his posture by pressing his shoulders and said, "Inhale and use your stomach. This is different from opening your shoulders. It's because you are not used to it, and your shoulders are always tucked in. Every day, you stand for more than ten minutes, half an hour. It works in a month. You forgot what Sister Feng said to you?"

Sister Feng is their body teacher, a man, especially a mother, who likes to put one hand on her hips and point with an orchid in the other. She criticizes people with a particularly vicious tongue. If you have rickets, don't expect me to teach you how to stand, I'm not a pediatrician."

Wang Chao got angry when he thought of this teacher, and said, "Why does he think I'm not good at standing? It was the last time I secretly learned his **** speech, and when he saw it, he always hated me, and it was hard to hear about me all day long. ."

Wang Chao has a good point. He bullies other people all day long and says whatever he wants, but he respects his teachers.

Xie Zhuxing pressed his belly with his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense, take a breath."

Wang Chao looked unwilling, exhaled and inhaled obediently.

Finally, after fifteen minutes passed, he fell headlong on the bed.

Xie Zhuxing sat next to him, patted him on the back, and praised: "It's a good day, will you call me tomorrow morning?"

Wang Chao said: "Come on, in case I don't wake up. Are you still going for a run?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Go, do you want to go too?"

Wang Chao said: "Quickly pull it down. Come back and buy me a breakfast. I want to eat fried liver and bean juice."

Xie Zhuxing agreed and said, "You're quite a mouthful."

Wang Chao smiled and said, "Try it tomorrow, it's delicious."

Xie Zhuxing said, "I'm not used to drinking bean juice."

Wang Chao sat up, his shoulders and waist were a little sore, he leaned against Xie Zhuxing lazily, and said, "I haven't asked you yet, what did Sister Feng whisper to you today?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Just a few words, he is also from Beiwu, and he is my university principal."

Wang Chao didn't believe it and said, "Did he mean that to you?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "What nonsense."

Wang Chaodao: "I'm not talking nonsense, he must like men, just like you, this kind of second chair is the best choice."

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

Wang Chao added: "Let's talk about it first, I'm not discriminating against homosexuals. I'm afraid you won't even know if you're an idiot. I found something wrong today. If you don't believe me, you'll be able to touch you in class. ."

Xie Zhuxing also saw that the body teacher's orientation was different, but he didn't remember anyone touching him at all, and said, "Just be silly, go take a shower, and I'll dry the clothes."

There was no bodybuilding class the next day.

On the third day of the physique class, Sister Feng scoffed at Wang Chao and corrected him alone.

Xie Zhuxing watched while drinking water. The more he looked, the more awkward he felt.

Sister Feng asked Wang Chao to tighten his waist. There was a problem with his waist. Why did he keep patting his butt?

Wang Chao squeezed his waist with bitterness and hatred, and muttered, "Don't beat me all the time, didn't I do it well?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Which idiot was wiped out and he didn't know yet?

He went over and pulled Wang Chao to the side, and said, "Mr. Feng, I think I bend my knees a little unconsciously when I walk. Please correct me."

Sister Feng glanced at him and smiled dryly: "Okay."

He has been learning dance for so many years, and there is basically no problem with his body, let alone the problem of bending his knees and shaking his body when walking.

Everyone knows that.

Wang Chao asked as if he was mentally retarded: "What does it look like to walk with your knees bent? Isn't your knee straight? Am I straight?"

Xie Zhuxing looked at Sister Feng and said, "We are both straight."