MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 79 double hit

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Xie Zhuxing transferred 30,000 yuan to Yan Jiajia in the afternoon, and he thought about it at the time, if Wang Chao found out, he wouldn't be able to run away and make a fuss. When he saw Wang Chao's face, he said that he was really afraid of what to do, and he didn't talk nonsense. Explain directly: "Just yesterday when you went surfing, she called me to borrow money. I heard that the amount she borrowed was not large, so I agreed and transferred the money to her. I didn't contact her normally."

Wang Chao's complexion did not improve at all, and he said, "Didn't you say that you paid it back early last time?"

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

Wang Chao threw the coconut aside and said in a tantrum, "You're going to make up **** and lie to me again!"

The two of them were still in the hotel restaurant, and the two nearby guests looked over here and quickly turned their heads to spy on other people's private affairs.

The coconut rolled to Xie Zhuxing's feet, he picked it up, and said in a low voice, "Don't be ashamed here, go back to the room and talk about it."

He was about to pull Wang Chao up, but Wang Chao shook off his hand, with a blank face, without looking at him, holding the phone tightly in his hand.

Xie Zhuxing was inexplicable: "Why are you making a fuss? She didn't pay me back that time. She has always been poor, and she didn't tell you the truth because I was afraid that you wouldn't like it? What a big deal?"

He was standing at the table, Wang Chao was still sitting, he jumped up suddenly, raised his hand without warning and slapped him.

Xie Zhuxing didn't think that he would do this, but he didn't expect to avoid it, and he was slapped in the face, and his voice was clear and loud.

The guests in the restaurant were all attracted by the sound this time, and they all looked over.

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

Wang Chao was about to start, but Xie Zhuxing grabbed his hand. He couldn't move, so he kicked his foot. After kicking several times, Xie Zhuxing was also anxious and twisted his arm. It was very painful. Red, but didn't scream pain.

The two fought countless times, and this time it was the real fight.

There were already customers taking pictures with their mobile phones, and Xie Zhuxing hurriedly pushed him to leave the restaurant quickly.

All the way back to the room like a prisoner, Xie Zhuxing let go of his hand after entering the door, and said, "Don't make trouble..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Chao slapped his backhand again.

Xie Zhuxing dodged this time, and said angrily: "Is it itchy! If I come again, I will fight back!"

Wang Chao stood there with red eyes, gasping for breath, obviously he was slapped and kicked, but he looked a hundred times more wronged than Xie Zhuxing.

Xie Zhuxing saw that he was miserable, his heart softened, and he didn't want to care about the slap, and said, "I really didn't lie to you, I didn't contact her, so I lent her money twice, and I didn't say anything because I was afraid of you. Not happy."

Wang Chao raised his hand, shoved the phone in his hand, and said, "Take a good look at what you and Duan Yikun talked about, and then think carefully about how to continue to fool me."

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

At noon on the first day of recording the program in Haikou, Duan Yikun, the former manager of ID, called him. Because there would be contacts from time to time, Xie Zhuxing didn't think much about it at first, and politely asked Duan Yikun about the current situation. After a few words , Duan Yikun cut to the chase and asked him what plans he had for his contract next summer.

When ID debuted, the six people signed a two-year contract, which is also due to Wang Chao's light, otherwise the newcomer's contract will start in five years.

As soon as Xie Zhuxing heard Duan Yikun ask this, he knew what he was thinking about. His studio signed a few idol group artists that he had brought before, such as the former captain of NEX, which is considered a development in terms of newcomers and new studios. Not bad, but Duan Yikun resigned from Huixing abnormally. He wanted to be a blockbuster and raise his eyebrows when he went out on his own. It's been more than half a year, and he still hasn't come up with a newcomer who can give him such an air.

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to work with him in the past, and he didn't want to offend him, so he used the group as a shield: "ID is developing well now, and everyone should renew their contracts when the time comes."

Duan Yikun said, "All? How did I hear that you have a lot of internal conflicts?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "If there is nothing, it's all rumored from outside."

Duan Yikun laughed over there: "I picked all of you out. I know what kind of things you can do. It's okay to talk to others with your official rhetoric. It doesn't work for me."

Xie Zhuxing had to say: "It's a little friction, it's really not as serious as rumored."

Duan Yikun said, "I've told you that you sold your body to your face, isn't that serious?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Where did he hear about this? This is not reported outside.

Duan Yikun said: "Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, you are better than others, and you are normal in everything. A smart person like you probably thought of this day early in the morning. In fact, with your current popularity and ability , Continuing to stay in this group will only delay you, and it will not be good for you to be envied by others. What's more, the singers of the male group are all eating youth food. After a few years of popularity, the fresh meat has passed the preservation period, and it has no effect on the market. It’s true that Huixing is a big company, but now these high-level executives place too much importance on immediate interests and won’t provide you with the best career plan at all.”

What he said was not too exaggerated, not only Huixing, but also domestic entertainment companies. The market is getting more and more impetuous, and people's hearts are naturally unsteady. From companies to artists, they want to make quick money, who cares about the future? What?

If it was someone else, maybe they would have listened to it.

But Xie Zhuxing knew Duan Yikun too well, and he was a well-known expert in the industry to make quick money, so he was not afraid to flash his tongue when he said this? Who will you draw the pie for?

He was recording a show at the time, he didn't talk too much with Duan Yikun, he hung up after saying these few words.

He didn't want to tear his face, Duan Yikun thought it was possible, knowing that it was not so convenient for him to work in Hainan to answer the phone, he persevered and persevered to persuade him through WeChat, promising that if he was willing to go there, he would be praised as a brother. , all the resources of the studio are given priority to let him pick and so on.

Xie Zhuxing thought at first whether Duan Yikun was a little too hard. Although he is popular now, he is at best just a person with fresh flesh. His foundation is not stable. His popularity without works is like a floating cloud, and it will dissipate when the wind blows. Where is it worth Duan Yikun's effort to dig him?

After being lobbied by Duan Yikun for two days, he suddenly reacted.

Where does Duan Yikun want to dig him? What people want to dig is Wang Chao.

After he and Wang Chao made their relationship public with the people around them, although they were fighting all day, their relationship was getting better day by day. I won't talk about the couple's hair color in the couple's clothes. He said that he bought a house on the front foot, and Wang Chao posted "my new home" in the circle of friends on the back foot.

He came to Hainan to work for a few days, and Wang Chao followed him. If he left Huixing and went to Duan Yikun's studio, would Wang Chao not follow?

Wanting to understand this, Xie Zhuxing simply said to Duan Yikun in WeChat: "I understand what you mean, but this is not what you think. Except for the Lunar New Year drama last year, Leo did not ask his elder brother to help me get resources, and he did not. You're as smart as you think."

What he meant was to tell Duan Yikun to stop using this effort.

Duan Yikun, however, misinterpreted his meaning and sent a message: "Is he capable of looking at you? You don't want anything, even if he has the ability, he won't use it. Everyone knows that his eldest young master is a fool, but Are you not? At that time, I advised you not to play his crooked ideas, because I was afraid that it would be difficult for you to get out in the end. You didn’t listen at that time, so you insisted on taking shortcuts, and finally coaxed him to be obedient and believe you in everything. It's stupid, and now you have to be self-respecting again? You listen to what your brother said, brother will not hurt you, no matter if you want to be a good person or a bad person, the most fearful thing is to only do half of it. "

Xie Zhuxing was almost numb after being misunderstood by him. After thinking about it, he sent the last message: "Brother Kun, I can't help you if you think so. I think it's good now, I don't want to change for the time being, I hope everything goes well with you too. ,good luck."

Duan Yikun later sent three or four more messages, all of which were voice messages, and he didn't even click on it.

It was because he didn't click on it that Wang Chao thought it was new news. After receiving Yan Jiajia's call, he was a little depressed, so he clicked on it and listened.

What can Duan Yikun say? Understand it in context.

It's not that Wang Chao thinks too much.

Xie Zhuxing himself felt that this was simply a large-scale scam to expose the scene.

He wanted to explain the whole thing from beginning to end. It was a misunderstanding of wool, and he could explain it.

Before he found the head of the wool, he heard Wang Chao say: "You are right, I am a fool, thinking you are different from others."

Xie Zhuxing was stunned and said, "I was originally different."

Wang Chao said: "What's different? He looks more handsome? Haha."

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

Wang Chao spread his hands: "Give me back my cell phone."

Xie Zhuxing gave him the phone.

He held it in his hand and said, "You're really no different. If I knew I was going to meet you, I might as well be fooled by my classmate in college. At least I can beat him."

These words stabbed Xie Zhuxing with a knife and asked, "Do you think I am the same as your classmate?"

Wang Chao looked down at his cell phone, rubbed his thumb back and forth along the edge of the cell phone, and said, "He's a little bit later than you can pretend, maybe I'll get along with him, that's fine, if you want At that time, I suffered this loss, and now I don't need to do it again."

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

Wang Chao was touching the phone like a baby, but it suddenly exploded and fell to the ground. He jumped up and stomped on the phone several times. The last kick flew out, and the phone slid to the balcony. It hit the door frame and bounced back.

The screen shattered like a cobweb.

Wang Chao turned his back and said, "Go away."

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