MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 118 Fanwai, Auspicious Three Treasures (full)

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In the winter of 1992, Wang Jin went to Harbin to spend the winter vacation with his family.

The biggest difference between this year and previous years is that he has a younger brother.

The new brother is three months old.

Wang Jin had never seen such a big baby before, he was very fresh, and kept looking at him by lying beside the bed.

The younger brother is chubby, white and tender, and his small arms and calves are like lotus roots. There are a few fat pits on the back of his little hands, and his little feet are pale pink. He lay there obediently, his big eyes rolled. Gulu Gulu, pupils are black and bright.

Wang Jin, a primary school student in the sixth grade, thought to himself, how can my brother be so cute.

He has lived in Beijing with his grandparents since he was a child. He only comes to the Northeast during winter and summer vacations. He feels alienated from his parents. He has no friends or classmates here. Nothing fun.

It's good this time, he has a younger brother who can play.

After playing for a few days, his brother Wang Qi, who was in middle school, also took a vacation.

The two brothers are about the same age, and their relationship is okay, but their hobbies are a little far apart. Wang Jinxijing loves to read books, and Wang Qi is like their father. He is still a big brother in his teens, and when he sees him in summer, his hair is still pretty Chang, surreptitiously told Wang Jin that his ideal was to be Chen Haonan in Harbin.

When we met this time, Wang Jin almost didn't recognize it, and Harbin Chen Haonan shaved his head.

Wang Qi started to learn Sanda last month, and the coach thought his hair was too long.

He said to Wang Jin: "Idols can't be good, they still have to be powerful."

Originally we met, and he was very harmonious, but after a while, there was a conflict.

The two were rushing to change their brother's diaper, and they were in a hurry. One grabbed the wet side and refused to let go.

Just kidding, such a cute brother, you want to play, I don't want to play?

The younger brother, who was lying on the bed waiting for a diaper change, couldn't wait, frowned, pursed his lips, and began to exert force.

Wang Qi and Wang Jin, who were still arguing about the piece of diaper, didn't notice it.

It's also that God is not beautiful. Father Wang happened to be at home this day, and he just wanted to come in and see how happy his sons were. If he didn't watch it, he didn't know, but he was angry at first sight. Ha ha.

Wang Qi and Wang Jin were beaten, and they were both disheartened.

A few years later, when my younger brother reached the age of elementary school, he transferred to Beijing with Wang Qi, who was in high school.

The younger brother's real name is Wang Chao, and Wang Jin didn't like it very much, so he secretly asked his younger brother, "Do you want to change your name? What an ugly name."

The younger brother said, "Yours sounds good? Why don't you change yours?"

Wang Jin was not happy. Good brother, if you are not cute, you are not cute at all.

And the younger brother didn't kiss him either, he kissed Wang Qi. Wang Qi is no longer the second-year middle school boy he used to be. He is an adult, tall and tall. He has made some progress in practicing Sanda, and Wang Jin can't beat him.

This is very annoying.

Wang Chao has a sugar bowl with a lot of sugar in it. Wang Qi was afraid that he would have cavities, so he did not let him eat casually, only one a day.

But the sugar in the sugar bowl is still dwindling at a rate much higher than one a day.

Wang Jin secretly dismantled a few, dipped them in chili oil, and wrapped them up.

So that night, Wang Chao, who was hiding under the bed before going to bed and secretly eating candy, was so hot that he cried. Got beat up.

Wang Jin, who made fun of him, didn't end well, and was forced to feed two spoons of chili oil by Wang Qi. Be honest since then.

On this day, Wang Chao didn't finish his homework and was sued by the teacher, who was Wang Qi.

He was beaten, and went back to his room to lie on the cot and cried for a long time. He got up and packed his things and stuffed them into a small schoolbag. He wanted to run away from home and return to the northeast. He and his new classmates can't play together. He doesn't like Beijing, and he has long wanted to go back to Harbin.

The schoolbag was small, and there were so many things he wanted to take with him, that Transformers alone couldn't hold it.

After pretending for a long time, he cried even more, why did he run away from home? Let alone.

She cried and took out the stuff she had packed.

Wang Qi and Wang Jin peeked around the door for a long time, laughing until they fell.

In the year of Wang Chao's high school entrance examination, Wang Qi got married and Wang Jin came out of the closet.

Father Wang was furious and beat and scolded Wang Jin.

Wang Qi persuaded him: "Actually, it doesn't hurt the world. If he likes it, let him do it."

He was also kicked in both feet.

Dad Wang did what he said, and really cut off living expenses and tuition for Wang Jin.

Wang Jin is a scholar, with a first-class scholarship every year, and also works part-time, so there is no major problem with his studies and life.

Wang's mother didn't dare to give him money, for fear that the angry father Wang would find out that it would add fuel to the fire, so she often secretly made some delicious food and asked Wang Chao to send it to Wang Jin school.

So Wang Chao saw Wang Jin's first love.

He didn't think it was too good-looking, and he couldn't see what was outstanding, not worthy of the second brother.

And the married life of the eldest brother is also so-so. The eldest sister-in-law is sweet and sweet, and she is also very good to him, but she has never felt close to her family. The eldest brother treats her with respect. To put it bluntly, he is indifferent. It is better to be with her brother and be more like himself.

It was the elder brother who kept talking about this brother-in-law all day long, and when he scolded him, he was always like, "You look at others, study well and be obedient, you will look at you again", which is annoying. This uncle is the most annoying.

Not long after, the annoying brother-in-law went abroad to study.

It didn't take long for Wang Jin to be dumped by his first love. On weekdays, Liss was elegant, but that day she was so drunk that she lost her image, hugging Wang Chao and crying.

Wang Chao said to him: "You will regret it when you wake up. Are you stupid for that kind of person?"

Wang Jin said, "You know what I regret most? I've never slept with him."

sleep? Wang Chao is very interested in this verb.

He was in a prosperous and dazed adolescence, and he didn't understand whether he didn't understand, but once he started to understand, he was out of control.

At first, Wang Qi didn't realize it, and he still regarded him as a child in his heart. By the time I found out, it was too late.

Not doing homework, stealing candy, eating a few meals, and then changing it. No matter how many times I try, I can't change it. Wang Qi himself is numb. .

Later, Wang Chao really did not harm a good girl, but a good boy.

On the day Wang Qi and Xie Zhuxing met, they took him to boxing.

Talked a lot.

Finally, he said to him: "You are kind to him, he has been the baby of our family since he was a child."

Read The Duke's Passion